The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 07, 1918, Image 6

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    fashioned high collur and black silk
New Servant Qlrl Story.
stock, beneath which his liii|sirtunt
Tho wlfo of u successful young lit­
chest was protected hy mi elaborately erary man had hired a buxom Dutch
frilled shirt decorated with black pearl girl to do tho houaework.
studa. Ills waist was strapped In hy weeks passed and from seeing her
a pique waistcoat edged with black. master constantly about tho house,
tho girl received uu erroneous linprea-
aml (here was n distinctly perceptible >lo||*
“ Invisible" si ripe In the material of bis
“ Ogscueo me, Mrs. Illank,” she said
evening coat uml trousers.
to her mistress one duy, “ but 1 like to
"Dressed like a fool," Mu* summed nuy soinodlngs."
up the ensemble before his guest could ( “ Well, IteuaT"
"Would you believe that de-
The girl blushed, fumbled with her could guata Ul the vítala o f any- “ I » " » , '»ml then replied. "V eil. y„u pay
C H A P T E R V.
me four tollixra a veek— "
one us wonderfully arrayed?
"Yes. and I really can't pay you any
"1 would ont,” Whltuker nsserted. more."
Nothing would satisfy Mux hut that
“ Yet, I'm down In ttie mouth, he-
"It's not dot," responded thn girl;
Whltuker should dine with him. lie cntiso this Is Kura's lust appearance” "hut I he vllllng to take tree toilers
consented to drop him ut the ItltzC a rl­ Max motioned the waiter to remove till till your husband gets vork.“—
ton, tn order (tint he might (truss, only the debris o f u course. "I'v e got II In Boston Transcript.
on the condition that Whltuker would my knob that she's my mascot. If she
meet him at seven. In the white room leaves me, my luck goes with her. I
To keen dean and heiilthv take Dr.
ut the Knickerbocker.
....... tint
made ................„
her. all right,
she made me, . Pierce's I'lcasant Pellets. They regu-
“ Just mention my name to the head ¡V m iY n d V sprains my sense of g.sxi
Uvcr. tx.weU and stomach '
waiter," he said with magnificence; “ or business to break up a paying coiubl-
if I'm there first, you can’t help see- nation like th a t"
A Real Curloalty.
! Ing me. Everybody knows my table—
| the little one In the southeust corner. wunuly. ' I f I ui not mistaken, you
plw.„ or lho
0 „ VMr ( *rotn
! wan sold out it month ago. Even the
speculator* arc rlm n ol «>ut.M
"Tut r tho in«muter ropr«v«Ht him
; loftily. "Hutch 1« ttolnit to MM Sara U w
! not for tho liiat tlmo .......... personal
ho*—aren't you, Hugh?"
“ You bat I uml" Whitaker asserted
with ronvlotlon.
“Then come along." Max «’aught hilt,
hy the uriii ami aliirtxjd for tho door.
I “ So lout;, Drummond , .
M IN E N T surgeons tell Hugh Whitaker that at* months Is his
life limit. Deter Stark. Intimate friend, tlnds him atunned hy
the news and arranges to take Whitaker on a long South sea
yacht trip. The sick man sneaks off to u country hotel. Intending to kill
himself, but surprises a young girl In the act o f drinking poison. Stie
Is Mary Lndlslus, love-starred daughter o f a New York plutocrat, de­
serted by the man with whom she plunned clandestine marriage. To
save her good name, Whltuker marries the girl (knowing that si*
months is tils limit), gives her money and puls her on a train for home.
He runs plump Into Stark, hunting him. Months later, the yacht hums
at sou. All hands die hut Whltuker. who Is reported lost. A delleute
operation restores his health, and after five prosperous years In Aus­
tralia. he returns to New York—one hack from the dead! W e find him
—In this Installment— talking with his old law partner. Drummond,
about the prospect* of finding that little girl wife. A beautiful actress
enters the story.
I V — C o n t in u e d .
“ Would you know her I f you s a w
"I don't know." Whltuker frowned
'She's si* years
with annoyance,
older— ”
“ Well, hut what was she like?”
Drummond pursued curiously.
Whitaker shook his head. "It's not
easy to remember. Matter of fact. I
don't believe I ever got one good
square look at her. It was twilight
In the hotel, when I found her; we
.-at talking in absolute darkies*, to­
ward the end; even in the minister's
study there was only a green-shaded
lamp on the table; and on the train—
well, we were both too much worked
tip. I fancy, to pay much attention to
"Blonde or brune?"
“ 1 swear I dou’t know. She wore
one of those funny knitted caps, tight
down over her hair, nil the time.”
Drummond laughed quietly.
"I don't feel In a joking humor,”
Whitaker said roughly. “ It’s a serious
matter and wants serious treat­
ment . . . What else have we got
to mn!l over?"
"There's enough to keep us busy for
several hours.” he said. “ For instance,
there’s my stewardship.”
"Your which?”
"My care of your property. You left
a good deal of money and securities
lying round loose, you know; naturally
I felt obliged to look after ’em. There
was no telling when Widow Whitaker
might walk in and demand an account­
ing. I presume we might as well run
over the account— though It Is getting
“ Half-past four,” Whitaker Informed
him, consulting his watch. “Take too
long for to-duy. Some other time.”
Drummond's reply was postponed by
the office boy. who popped in on the
heels of a light knock.
"Mr. Mux’s outside,” he announced.
“ O the deuce!”
The exclamation
seemed to escape Drummond’s lips In­
He tightened them an­
grily, us though regretting the lapse
of self-control, and glanced hurriedly
askance to see If Whitaker hnd no­
ticed. " I ’m busy,” he added, a truce
sullenly. “ Tell him I've gone out.”
“ But he's got ’nappolntrr.ent,” the
hoy rotested. "And besides, I told
him you was In.”
“ You needn’t fob him off on my ac­
count.” Whltuker Interposed. “ We can
finish our confab later— Monday— any
time. It’s time for me to he getting
up-town, anyway.”
“ It isn t that,” Drummond explained
doggedly. "Only— the mun's a bore,
“ It isn't Jules Max?” Whitaker ex­
citedly. "N ot little Jules Max, who
used to stage manage our umateur
"That’s the man,” Drummond ad­
mitted with plain reluctance.
“ Then huve him In, by all means. I
wnnt to say howdy to him. If nothing
more. And then I II clear out and leave
you to his troubles.”
Drummond laughed a trifle sourly.
“ Max has developed Into a heavy­
weight entrepreneur, you know."
“ Meaning theatrical manager? Then
why not say so?
But I might’ve
guessed he'd drift Into something of
the sort.”
A moment later Whitaker was vig­
orously pumping the unresisting— In­
deed the apparently boneless— hand of
Jules Max. The hat that bad made
Hammerstein famous Max had appro­
priated—straight crown, flat brim and
Immaculate glosa— bodily. Beneath It
hi* face was small of feature, and fa t
Shoot. Janies!“
The latter phruse was Max's way of
| ordering the driver to move on. The
car snorted resentfully, then pulled
| smoothly and swiftly away. Max
; waved a Jaunty farewell with u lemon-
I colored hand, over the buck of the tou-
Whitaker went up to Ids room In a
reflective mood In which (he theatrical
man had little place. Since Ids arrival
In New Y’ ork he had fallen Into (lie
Imtdt o f seeking the view from his
window when In meditative humor. A j
view o f ten thousand roofs. Inexpressi­
bly enchanting.
. . . Somewhere i
— perhaps— In that welter of steel amt
stone, us eternal and as restless us the
sen, was the woman Whitaker tiad
married, working out her lonely des­
tiny. A haphazard biscuit tossed from
Ids window might fall U|s>n the very
roof ttiat sheltered her; he might
search for a liundrol years uml never
crosa her path.
He wondered.
The possibility that she might have
married a second time did not disturb
his pulse tiy the least fraction of u
beat. He even contemplated the chance
that she might he dead with nortnnl
Fortunate, that he didn't
love tier. More fortunate still, that he
loved no one else.
Incontinently he wrote and dis­
patched a h eg extravagant cutdegram
to Mrs. Pettit In cure of the American
embassy, little doubting that she would
Immediately unswur.
, rr;i **2?
were telling me tills afternoon that Widl.
"This skull Is much too small to be
the skull of a man," said one patron,
' Indignantly. “ It can only be the skull
; of tx little hoy. You're a frau d )"
The showman did not lose his nerve
at this, hut replied with dignity;
“ You are right - It Is not tho skull
of ix man, but that of Cromwell when
he was a small l a d — New York Globe.
W o m en
h a t t l k f ie l d
W # hear much tb rsa i l i y i o f what the
w o m e n e r e doing on the h a tlle - lln e
te w A m e r b an w o m e n are etrurig enough
to g o to the front and endure the hard*
■hips of the ment
Help le offered , and Is f re e ly g iv e n to
e v e r y nervuue, d eli ca te wom en, hy l>r.
I ’le rc e 's F a v o r i t e prase tip 11 on
llrm rni-
her Ingre dients on label.
In tablet or
ll(l<ild form.
N o alcohol
In " f e m a l e c om p la int,” Irregularity, or
weakness, and In e v e r y e ih a u a ta d c on d i­
tion o f tha fe m a le eyetein, the " I ' r e s i O p ­
t i o n " seldom falls to baneflt or curs.
H earing d ow n peine. In te rnal I n f l a m m a ­
tion and ulceration, we ak back, end k in ­
dred ailm ents are cured by It, ask your
It's a m arv elous rem e d y for
n r i v o t i « slid g e n e r a l debility. Insomnia,
or Inab ility to sleep
W r i t e l»r I ’terrs, P resid ent o f the I n ­
v a lid s ’ Hotel, lluffalo, N T , fo r c o n fid e n ­
tial ad v ic e and you will rei e lv s the m e d i ­
cal atten tion of a spe. lallst. wholly w i t h ­
out few— no c harge w h a te v er
Hand l o r for trial pkg. " F a v o r i t e P r e ­
scriptio n T a b l e t s ."
A pince-nez sheltered his near-sighted
eyes. Ills short, round little body wus
luvurtably by »lay dressed in n dark
gray morning-coat, white-edged waist­
coat, assertively-striped trousers, and
(Hitent-leuther shoes with white spats.
He had a passion for lemon-colored
gloves o f thinnest kid uml slender
niulncca walking sticks.
Ills dignity
was an awful thing, us Ingrained us
his strut.
He reasserted the dignity now with
a Jerk of his maltreated hand, read­
justed hts glasses, and resumed his
“ Either." he observed, "you’re Hugh
\\ bitaker come to life or u deuced out­
Only One Can Ores* Well.
“ Both If you like.”
*‘ ll<>r husband must have a b'g
“ You sound like both." complained
the little man. “ Anyway, you were
"W hat makes you think *o?"
drowned lu the Philippines or some­
"T h e way she dresses."
*He'» Going to Get Married."
where long ugo, and I never waste
"W ell, go now ami take a look at the
When eventually lie strode Into ttie
time on a dead one. . . . Drummond
you stand next to Iteluseo ns u produc* way Iter husband dresses, and you'll
- ” He turned to the lawyer with u I whl,e Toom■ Ma*
nlrcn,!y c* ,ab- lug manager. The loss of one star Isn’t change your mind."— Brooklyn Citizen.
vnstly business-ilka air.
' " , ' 1'' fa,," ,ua
" a,lu 1,1 ,h*‘ going to rub yi>u o f that prestige, lx
it corner. Whitaker a a ■ coo* i t r
Cutlcura la So Soothing
“ No. you don 't!" Whitaker Insisted. |
......................... ............. .
T o Itching, burning sklna. It not only
putting himself between the two men. •clous o f turning heads and guarded
Yon m vo can tell, the I t « man
|pith w|th Cutf.
” ! admit that you're a greut man; comment us he took his pluce opposite contended d a rk ly; 1 wouldut he cura 8,mp
hol wat„
dry Kcntly
you might nt leust admit thut I'm u
thirty cents uiv Beit production would anj apply Cutlcura Ointment.
live one.”
turn oul a hit. I’ve had several closs free „ample* address, "Cutlcura. I>epi.
A mollified smile moderated the
calis with Sara— she's threatened to X. Boston.” At druggists and by mall,
small man's manner. “That's a bar­ pen to need any notoriety, do you?"
chuck the stage often before this; but Hoap 25, Ointment 20 and 60.— Adv.
"No, thanks.”
gain,” he said, extending u pale yel­
every time something happened to (
, . .
low p a w ; “ I ’m glad to see you again,
muke her rhunge her mind. I've got a
Quits Sa.
hand-running and they'll let you Into
Hugh. When did you recrudesce?"
hunch maybe aotnethlug will happen
"W e may live to sec the airplane In
"An hour ago,” Drummond unswered the Syndicate by the back door with­ this time. too. If It does, I won't want common, every day use like the auto-
for him ; “ blew In here ns large us out even asking your name. P. T. A'a a n j partners "
"Sure! But our chance* of living to
life und twice as Important. He's J ,,nc * rand ,,,t,e m o,,°« ruy ,,oy'
P. T. A ?
seo that will be better If we leavo the
been running n iff,Id furtn out In New
"Pity« to advertise. Paste that In !
experimenting to other people."— Ex­
What do you know about
How much information do you
your hat. Look me over," he requested
wager that Max Is in a position
“ It’s very Interesting," Max con­ abruptly, leaning bnrk. "I guess I'm
to give Whitaker If he were of a
Inspired Respect.
ceded. "You've asked him, of course?" some glibly young buck, what?”
mind to do ao?
"H ow did Mrs. flrabcoln succeed in
he demanded o f Drummond, nodding
getting Mr (Irabcoln to attend church
fect Max hnd created by encasing bis
toward Whitaker.
Drummond flushed slightly. “ No
"She persuaded tho new rector to
chnnce,” he said. " I wns on the point
play Mr. Gruhcolu a game of golf. The
o f doing It when von hutted In.”
the Czar
rector heat Mr. Orahcoln so badly the
"W hat’s this?” Inquired Whltnker.
tr u e Scot there Is no p in e **r?VM
womUrful properties. For
Max delivered himself o f a startling
' _
ike hi. '■ »«! and no people like hi. plBy Rol(
, hat ou ' ht tw ,m „ , le t0
bit o f Information: “He's going to get Wal,er Pater** Idea of Succex* Wax
nR „ermon. so he went
Hardly That Held by the Mod-
from Is,Hi ns soon ns he cnn. But the to church."— Brooklyn Oltlxen.
Whltnker stared. "Drummond? Not
ern Business Man.
pride Is still there.
When the ICoyul Scot Greys were
Drummond acknowledged his guilt
Tlu service of philosophy, of specu­ honored by having the c/.nr appointed
brazenly: “ Next week, Iri fact.”
lative culture, toward the human spir­ as llielr honorary colonel, nn officer In
"But why didn’t you say anything it Is to rouse, to startle It to a life th»- regiment told the news to Ids serv­
about it?"
of constant and eager observation. ant.
Y’ ou didn’t give me an opening. Be- Every moment some form grows per
lonnld,” he Sabi, "tho rznr of Itus-
sides, to welcome a deserter from the feet In hand or face; some tone on N|(, |,„ k
appointed colonel of our
great beyond la enough to drive all the hills or the s«-u Is choicer than regiment."
other thoughts from n man's mind.”
the rest; some mood o f passion or
"Indeed, sir, nn’ Is thut so?" ex-1
"There’s to be a supper In honor of Insight or Intellectual excitement Is i claimed Donald. "It's a verro fine uk,. m ix e d S t iln h iir w it h it tn
the circumstances, at the Beaux Arts Irresistibly real und attractive to us thing fur him."
Then n puzzled «■*-! " *
° H |P ,,u r W illi U 10
Kestore Color, Closs,
tonight,” supplemented Max. “ You’ll — for thut moment only.
Not the piesslon stole ov««r his face, and he
come, o f course.”
fruit of experience but experience It­ scratched Ills head thoughtfully. "B«*gj
“ I'll
ther««— and furthermore. I ’ll self, Is the end. A counted number par-rdon, sir,” he added, "hut wullj
be waiting at the church u week hence of pulses only Is given to us of a lie he uble to k«»cp bultli Jobs?”
t Common gnrden sago brewed Into a
—or whenever It’s to come off. And variegated, dramatic life. IIow muy
------—--------------- -
heavy tea with sulphur added, will
now I want to congratulate you.” Whit­ we see In them ull that Is to he seen
Cow’s Variable Thlrat.
j turn K''“ ?« «freaked and faded balr
aker held Drummond’s hand In one of In them by the finest sens««*? How
Somebody rls.-s to ln«|iilre how mnch ,H!autiful|Jr (,* rk »»«* luxuriant. Just
those long, hard grips that mean much shall w«‘ pass most sw iftly from point water n cow will drink during warm r , „ „ V . ? p,,C£U.on,-
prov® a « « t l a -
between men. “ But mostly I wnnt to to point und he present always at the wenther Well that denen.l» r,., ii
t,on ,f y,,ur ha,r '■
streaked or
Tea and Sul-
congratulate her. Who Is she?”
focus where the greut««st number of
h. I off yvlllo Journal
Where a phur recipe at home, though. Is trou-
“ Kara Law,” suld Drummond, with vital forces unite In their purest en­ liydrnnt Is handy, a tubful u duy Is hlesome. An easier way Is to get a 60-
Pride In Ids quick color and the lift o f ergy?
plenty for her. I f her owner la cent bottle of Wyeth's Sago and Sul­
his chin.
To burn always with this hard gera- obliged to draw It from a well with n phur C o m p o u n d at any drug store all
“ The gr««afost living actress on the like flume, to muintaln this ecstasy, Is j bucket and rope, she will drink from ready for use. This Is the old time
Max an­ success In life. . . . Greut pus- j half a barrel to a barrel. I f the water recipe improved by the addition of
nounced, preening himself Importantly. slons may give us this quickened must be hauled her thirst Increnses other Ingredients.
“ My own discovery.”
While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not
sense of life ecstasy und sorrow o f according to the distance traveled to
“ ° f course I ’ve heard—but I have love, the vurious forms o f enthusiastic get It. Water brought from two mll<«a sinful, we all desire to retain our
been out o f touch with such things,” activity, disinterested or otherwise, ! away will be consumed nt the rate of youthful appearance and attractive­
Whitaker apologized. "When shall I whlch come naturally to many o f us. three barrels n day, three miles flve ness. By darkening your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,
see her?”
Only be pure It Is passion—that It barrels, and nhove that distance no no one can tell, because It does It s«
"In honor o f her retirement," Mnx does yield you this fruit of a quick­ practical test has ever been made, as naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen
answered, fussing with a gardenia on ened,
consciousness.— no means has ever been provided to a sponge or soft brush with It and
his lapel. “ She retires from the stage Walter 1‘uter.
get the water fast enough.— Kansas draw this through your hair, taking
finally, and forever—she says— when
City 8tar.
one small atrand at a time; by morn­
the curtain falls tonight."
ing all gray halra have disappeared,
Had No Gift for I t
and, after another application or two,
I h«-n I vo got to he In the theater
Usual Thing.
"Did yez say yer health Is bad, Mr.
tonight— If that's the case,” said Whit­ Donovnn?”
"W hy didn’t you Interfere when th* your hair becomes beautifully dark,
glossy, aoft and luxnrlanL
cook chased the waiter with a cleaver
"Yis, ol’ve bln walkin' In me slape.”
This preparation la a delightful toil­
“ ’Frald you won’t get In, though,"
"Och, begorra. If Ol cu’d only have and the waitress yelled murder?"
et requisite and la not Intended for
Drummond doubted darkly. "Every­ done that same, Ol wouldnt be off the
" I thought It was an ordinary
the cure, mitigation or prevention of
thing In the house for this flnnl week force now.”
ret featur«.”
dlaeaae.— Adv.