ÎTJtr ifumü (fürmre txjirpßH T U R N IN G CASH INTO Published every Thursday at Furent Grove, Oregon. , G U N -F IR E W. C. Benfer, Editor and Pubiiaher. Entered an second-elans matter Jan. 12. 1816, at the noatuffice at Forest Grove, We fought ami won the Spanish Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 war with 150,(XX) soldiers and a H» KR ( N K A V A M K K I II* Subscription Rates WE SELL Lumber Cement Shingles Roofing 3 $200,000,000 bond issue In men On Credit Paid in advance under arms we now have ten $1.00 One year $1.50 times that number. We issued One year . .50 Six months . .75 ten times that amount of bonds Six months .25 Three months . . .40 Three Months in the first Liberty loan. We are THURSDAY. FEB. 7. 1918 proposing to spend and loan to the allies in the first ti-cal year of "1 am sorry that you do not wear a flag every day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical the war $19,000,000.000. From emblem to be sure that you wear it in voir now until the end of this fiscal h ea r t ; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world.” President Wilson. year the treasury anticipates need­ ing $300,000,000 a week—that is, N O T K S A N D CO M M E N T S the treasury has got to tight finan­ cially a Spanish war every four If the groundhog saw his he pre ends to believe they are idays. indicates a money shadow Saturday he had sharper not worthy foes l.et his soldiers measure That of the size of this work, eyes than most of us. trY the Kamnrad” stunt with but that is not the real measure. .. I Uncle Sam’s nephews and see We have just seen that one might , „ , happens. It would seem to -. the writer. . j what have plenty of money, but an .x v m v v v v v .iv i.'n that publishing a testimon A R. Talbot, head consul of the empty coal bin In just the same GENERAL PERSHING written by a man now ‘deceased is Why Not Potatoes? Modern Woodmen of America, way the government can have mighty poor advertising for a PRAISES SOLDIERS Potatoes are a splendid food; has issued an appeal to the 14,792 plenty of money, h u t an un- In a recent communication to patent medicine. 10 " ' ¡excellent for , >n good , . . camps of the order to pledge equipped army This army can- Secretary of War Baker, the com- wh,.„ m.M the body ; delicious (A „.III to supply at ,east not be equipped as modern war- mander of the American Kxpedi- Potato« are a fuel food. The» that «OC $36.50 will keep o a French or $36.50 per year each toward the fare demands if the man power of tionary forces said: Belgian orphan for one year. Let support of the orphaned the country is at the same time "There has never been a similar furnish starch which burns in your us spend a little less for clothing of Belgium and France. children Some of called upon to produce all of our body of men to h ad as clean lives muscles to let you work, much as and help save the chi'dren. gasoline burns in an automobile the larger camps are supporting ordinary comforts and luxuries, our American soldiers in engine to make the car go. One “Ladies’ skirts, one-third off” several orphans and Consul Tal- It is as plain as two and two that as France. They have entered this is the sign in a Hillsboro store bot thinks every camp should all of us must make personal sac war with the highest devotion to , medium sized potato gives you as window. Some of the ladies in support at least one of these un- rifiees, must give up comforts and duty and with no other idea than , much starch as two slices of bread, this town have gone farther than fortunate children, i he Modern luxuries, even necessary expendi- to perform these duties in most i When you have potatoes for a that in the conservation of cloth. Woodmen of America take a back tures that can be postponed, if eificient manner possible. They meal you need less bread, there­ It is rumored that Judge Goodin *eat f°r no of men on earth as there is to be labor and material fully realize their obligation to fore potatoes can save wheat. of North Plains, fo mer county patriots.____ : enough to equip the army in time their own people, their friends, They give you salts like other You need the salts to judge, has decided he would like C. C. Chapman, editor of the for it to fight while it will do and the country. A rigid program vegetables. buTld and renew the parts of Judge Reasoner’s place, and there Oregon Voter, says that, while; some good to have it fight, of instructions is carried out daily your body and to all keep in order. are a lot of people who believe it everyone with whom he has talked i— In war the only effort that is of with traditional American enthus­ is time for a change recently, predicts the nomination any value is that which is ulti- iasm. Engaged in healthy, inter Much depends upon the cook­ Ben Olcott for governor, he mately translated into gun fire on esting exercises in the open air, ing of the potato. Even the best Since Director MeAdoo has in­ of fChapman) is almost certain that the field of battle. The gun fire with simple diets, officers and potatoes can I k * spoiled by a poor structed the railroads to get rid of Gov. will be re-nom- that will win this war cannot be men, like trained athletes, are cook. They can be used in many a lot of their lesser attorneys and inated. Wifhyeombe merely one manV delivered until a'l America recog- ready for their tasks. Forbidden ways in ('(Hiking. They are good paid lobbyists, lots of people have opinion, That’s in bread and can be substituted against the nizes individual responsibility, un- the use of strong drink anti pro for become converted to the govern- many with Charley, ID to 15 percent of the wheat ment control plan for railroads, Around whom you have talked. ti! the whole people join in the ef-( tecte(1 by 8trin^.nt regulations Houf. They are also good in cake but they are not attorneys 0r *‘' ruiJMU this neck of the woods fort by giving up things that they against sexual evils, and support- and keep it from drvimr out You those who talk on the subject are can do without, so that the labor j ^ by th(,ir own mora) courat?e> an 1 K‘ P 11 [ro,n Drying out. lobbyists. may use your usual recipe, sub­ pretty much in fivor of promot- that would have been employed tbeir good behavior is the subject Boy Scouts a'l over the nation ing Mr. Olcott for the good he in making these thing- can do rnost favorable comments, es- stituting one cup of mashed po­ tato for one half cup of milk and last week did a splendid service has as secretary of th-state, work that will ultimately result in pecially by our allies. American one-hall cup of of flour. for their country by distributing Don’t done allow your prejudices in gun fire. The government has of- mothers may rest assured that from house to house President favor of the present governor fered the opportunity to translate »heir sons art. a credit to them Potatoes, left over or fresh, may be combined with cheese, Wilson’s Flag Day address and make a a. once every one', personal pat ‘„d to The NatiuV^and they may nuts, meat or oth*r material to other information concerning the ment. monkey of your jud* | riotism into the sort of help that | ^ look forwar(1 the prjm,t make the main dish of a meal. war. Forest Grove Scouts did their Running a newspaper is not all will win the war. Forego buying day when on the battle field these “ bit” along with other Scouts. “honey and jam,” for sometimes something that is unnecessary; -plend.d men will shed a new Try these Potato - Cornmeal According to information re* when the editor thinks he is going loan th • money you wou’d have luster on American manhood.” Mullins: 2 tablespoons fat ceived in Washington, butter is to please people by publishing used to the government by buy- Possible Jurors tablespoon corn syrup selling in Berlin at $2 25 a pound, their names as having accom-! ‘nK $5 war savinKs certificates, In the list from which the cir- 1 1 egg, well beaten sugar at 56 cents a pound, ham plished something in the world, ^ ou will thus have released labor, 1 cup milk and bacon at $2.11 a pound, and he 'the editor) gets a reprimand y°u have R'V(“n credit to the C. J . ' . ,. J.^ «-.mill I cup mashed potato Ivory soap at five bars for $1 12. for his pains. A few weeks ago government, you will havp ac‘! from this ci(y. K corn meal The burden falls heaviest on the the Express made a slight mistake fluired the best security in the A. V. Brown, J. W. Baldwin, 4 1 cup teaspoons baking powder civilians, who must support the in spelling a local lady’s name world, a l ’nited States govern- H. T. Buxton, James Devlin. W 1 teaspoon salt soldiers and go hungry themselves. and inside of six hours the lady men* bond, H. French, C. F. I’eterson, J. It Mix in order given. Bake 40 American soldiers have been had called the editor’s attention Warranty deed and mortgage Loving, John A. Panes, John E minutes in modern oven. This under fire in the trenches and a to the mistake. In dozens of blanks for sale at this office. Woell, Wm. E. Parkin, Calvin makes 12 muffins. French general, who watched previous issues of the paper this Wylder, Alonzo W. Wilson, Geo. EDNA L. MILLS, them from a balloon, says they woman’s name had been speller! Mann, Ora Smith, Chas. E. Potts, | Emergency Home Demonstra­ returned shot for shot and their properly, but she gave no sign Earnest Olson, John McClaran, tion Agent. marksmanship is “almost perfect” that she was pleased. And that’s Joseph W. Me Roberts, Chas Ad­ The Good Investment company We knew all along these things the way it goes. Your good deeds ams, Chas. W. Blair, John E .1 put over a big deal last week, would be so. Americans a re go unnoticed, but when you make Bailey, S. L. Carlyle, Brady when they sold the big Bis bee marksmen by inheritance and no a mistake, even unintentionally,: Chowning, I). Frank Fleck, Her­ place of 196 acres, located in the race is braver or mo e resourceful. you get called to account. But in bert Glaisyer, John F. Haynie, Watts district, to Geo. and Will Kaiser Bill is camouflaging when spite of these little bitter-coated John P. Ireland, Robert Alex­ Bagley for $17,500. Will Bagley pills, there is lots of fun in running ander, John I). Bellinger, H. It. will farm the place and is figuring a newspaper; it gives you such a I Bernard, A B. Caples, M. It. on running a dairy of 40 cows in good chance to study human na­ Johnson, Francis Kirby, B. E. connection. ture, doncherknow? I. aMont, E E. Lyons, I. H. The liquor interests oppose the Smith. Job printing—phone 821. submission of national prohibition NOW on the ground that they fear it will prevent a united sup­ port of the government during the war. And yet »his is the same Under the new management, this market has been crowd that would, if it could, stocked up with a tempting line of make a drunkard of every soldier and leave the nation defenseless before a foreign foe. — Bryan’s Commoner. Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc. John Adkins of The Dalles, who Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices, has been away from this section Fruits and Vegetables. for seven years, was in the city ! COME AND SEE OUR GOODS. last Saturday, enroute up Gales HARVEY i.. .STARKWEATHER Free Deliveries We pay Cash for V’eal, O. P. H O F F Creek to visit his father, J. W. H. 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. of Clackamas County Pork, Hides, Poultry Phone 03 01 Candidate for Republican Nomination Adkins, who was operated on sev­ candidate for Democratic nomination and Eggs eral months ago. for Governor of Oregon. for State Treasurer. We Buy for Cash and Sell C-H-E-A-P The Main street Lumber Yard Copeland & McCready J The Pacific Market Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Mutton and Poultry. . .