BIO MONEY IN FURS S H IP T O N E A R E S T M A R K E T B E T T E R P R I C E S - Q U I C K RETURNS We Want Immediately M USKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON M OLE M IN K FOXES OTTER A N D O T H E R FURS. 8afety First. I wuh returning home the other ' « veiling about 6:30 o’clock when I hu w Tommy, my neighbor's boy, "lag- King for lino” wlt^i pennies, with a crowd of other boys. 1 know that his family always bad supper at 6 o'clock Mhurp, so 1 said: "I'll bet you 6 cents you’ll inlss your supper, Tommy.” Ho grinned up at mo saucily and | replied: "Then you lose your bet, ] ’cause 1 got tho chops right hero with me. Ma sent mo for ’em at 6 o’clock." — Everybody’S Magazine. l l t K t K. 149-151 Broadway, Portland, Or. W e Pay the Nalvs Inquiry. "T h e cook burned the steak again,” exclaimed the experienced housewife. "D ear me," exclaimed young Mrs. Torkins; ‘‘wouldn't ordinary coal have been a little cheaper?"— Exchange, ¿OO R oom « PORTLAND, ORE. N ear Both Depots loo Hal».. Veal, Pork, B ctf, Poultry, Butler, Eggs end F irm Produce. to the Old Nullable K vn n lln i houaa with a rwrord o f 46 yoara of Hquarti DoaJirigs, and ba aaaunxl of T O P M A R K E T PRICES P. M. CRONKH1TE M T F ro e l S lrM t M O N E Y FOR Y O U . Absolu tely F irep roof BIG, STRONG CHICKS la the result o f uninff P eta­ luma Incubators and Brood- era. T h at's the kind you want. W rite for our big Free Catalog No. 60. C o rn *. S iith and l l o , t SU., Portland. Ora. l.O U HIM IS . Manager. • 75c to U . H I'KC TA L ..... 1 Week or Month ................._ Hi* Merits. "On the face of things, a shoemaker Is u man to he trusted." "W h y more than others?" “ Because he Is a whole-soled man and generally well heeled."— Exchange. PETALUMA INCUIATOR CO. Petaluink. California Cuticura Heals Skin Troubles Soap 25c. § f r O in tm e n t 2 5 an d 5 0 c . No. 5. 1918 P. N. U. m ■ PurtUnd. O reecn Thmiaanda o f trained younir people needed. Hahnko Walker Hustneai I C a lli«», Portland, pli • ludenta in puaitiona. Enroll any timo. F rea Catalogua. I Hotel Hoyt RATES; ml— >■ 7 f\ e Cow’s H ealth - First W r . »U a.1 a l a i ............. I . . . . , To think r>l tli- inilk yield f.r*t ami the c o w ’ , lir .iltb jftc r w a r 1 i> putting in * rart helorc the h '* rv . M any "p o o r m ilk e r »" on lyA ie ay»tcm » w orking properly to become good producer*. )» r- K O W K U R F , the great row medicine, make» cow » healthy and h ttp s them nralinv. W o rk in g on th*» dig« stive and genital organs, it is a prompt, s u re ' remedy f o r Abortion. Barrenness, Ketaine«! Afterbirth, .Scouring, I^ost Ap p e­ tite and Bunrhes. t ry K O W - K U R E ; drugg?«*« .'I Tli) i e ,. 1 1 rle 1 I era aa II . * ---- ye r i t e tor "Tho Homo Cow Doctor,” troc. ■- Granulated Eyelids, __ — TOUR L i S o rt Eye*, Eye» Inflamed by Sun, O u »t and W in d quickly relieved by Murine. T ry it In C y,'ur tyeianJin baby’s Eye*. L J N o S m a r t i n f , Jutt EjeComlort M a r in e E y e R e m e d y Bye Salve» in Tubes 2S*. P r /.'«*/* of O t E j * Free. A»k Murine Eye Kemrdy Co.. Chico*o 4 The K i l l i n g . Tw o wayfarers were resting by the roadside. “ This !s a tough life we are leadin’,” mused one of them. ’Tidin’ car trucks at the risk of our lives, gittln' chased by brakemen an’ cops an' dogs, sleep- in’ in barns and haystacks, an’ eatin’ j the leavin'» from other people's meals. Honest, Hill, sometimes I think it's w e n t than wOfktn’ for a livin’.” ‘‘Hey, w ots the matter with you?” exclaimed his companion. “ Wodd’ye mean by takin’ all de Joy out of life?” — Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. His Excuse. I.ady— W hy do you use such terrible ' language, my man? Profane Workman— Fact Is, mum. I'm a bit deaf an' don't hear what I say.— Poston Transcript. For a disordered liver, take Garfield Tea, the Herb laxative. A ll druggists. — Adv. Self Evident. “ Talking about age, Miss Nancy seems to be holding her own.” “ You bet she does. Nobody else 1 lias ever succeeded in getting hold of It.” — Baltimore American. Take care of your health and wealth w ill take care of you. Garfield Tea promotes health.— Adv. A Perfect Husband. "Subster is a perfect husband.” “ I never heard he was so wonder- ! ful.” "W ell, every time he sees a mail box he feels In his pockets.”— Exchange. 55c and | I.1U package». D A IR Y The Norwegian rod Herr oil In Sc^rtt"a Emulsion u now refined In our own American la bora torie* w h 'c h m ake« it purr and palatable. Scott Ik Bowne. Bloomfield,N J. 17*14 ___ RAW FURS SHIP 191 Broadway, and makes rich blood to avert rheumatic tendencies. Send a bottle of S C O T T ’S to a relative or friend in the service. \Z For N. M. UNGAR CO., EMULSION Electrification. "Is llllgglns what you would call a live w ire?" "Yes. Every time ho takes on a current of thought it shocks some­ body.” — Washington Star. Highest Market Prices Cuarantee quick returns; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and get the must for your FURS. scorn j A Sure Composer. "John," said the professor to the because it fortifies the lungs young graduato, “ can you namn me the and throat, creates strength to greatest composer of our time?” “Chloroform Is about as good as avoid grippe and pneumonia any,” was tho reply.— Exchange. Send lor Haw Fur price IUI today. Raw Fur Dealers and Fur Manu­ facturers Every enlisted man would stand up stronger during the first year’s service if he could have the benefits of Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa­ tion are relieved by Oarfleld Tea.— Adv /’rices are higher than ever. H. LIEBES & CO. 1 Soldier s Strength is BEST OF ASSETS ffil LESS AND .TAKE A S S O C IA T IO N CO., L yn d o n v illa , V t. V- Watch Your Calves! A t the first indication o f scours or cholerm gfive them Dr. David RsWrts’ Calf Cholera Remedy, Price $1 For scours in cattle, horses and hogs- Used and recommended by thousands o f dairymen and stock I owners. Read the Practical Home Veter - narias Scud hr free booklet on Abortion ■ Cowi. If so étaler is voor tows, write. P oktlan D S eed C ompany ^ W rite / o r Cot /<* for/ r t n r i / u t t i n / o r n t d t i o n ^ -aOlÜÎtrw o* striati ( ino Aûfkrs iRTlANn.OÄC . Dr. DirM Roberts’ Vet Ca, 100 Grud lie., Waukesha. Wls. Fir»t Showing at Portland Auto Truck Tractor Show, SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Character Enables One to Win Great Battles of Life. Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers. The Quitter Fails Because He Lacks Strength of W ill That Regarda Oiacouragementa as Incentives. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trou­ ble, because we eat too much and all “ God Almighty hates u quitter 1” said i our food is rich. Our blood Is filled Tom Heed of Maine. The nation ! with uric acid which the kidneys roared upplnuse from the Atlantic to j strive to filter out, they weaken from the Pacifie and from the lakes to the overwork, become sluggish; the elim­ gulf for the virile vigor of this rough j inative tissues clog and the result is expression of manhood. The sentiment , kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. Is one of perennial value. When your kidneys feel like lumps But what m a k e s the man who «!<*»» o f lead; your back hurt!, or the urine not know when he In defeated and Is cloudy, full of sediment or you are fights to the finish, be the finish his obliged to seek relief two or three or his opponents’ ? asks the Spokane times during the night; If you suffer (Wash.) Review. Is It not character; with sick headache or dizzy, nervous and Is not character at bottom only i spells, acid stomach, or you have rheu­ the moral eqlvaleut of stalwart j matism when the weather is bad, get from your pharmacist about four backbone? ounces of Jad Salts; take a table­ The quitter fails and fulls because ! spoonful in a glass o f water before be lack* the force of character, the j breakfast for a few days and your kid­ strength <>t will, which sees possibili­ neys will then act fine. This famous ties beyond capacities and regards j salts is made from the acid of grapes obstacles as opportunities, discourage­ and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, ment ns Incentives. The fight whieli i and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidney»; Is worth attempting at all Is the fight to neutralize the acids In the urine so which deserves to be fought through. ; it no longer is a source of Irritation, “ It’s dogged us does It,” as when I thus ending bladder disorders. Hoenan said to Sayers: “ Now, Turn- j Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In­ my, lad, 'tis thou or I !” and won the j jure, makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water beverage, and belongs In lust round and match. every home, because nobody can make There was character. It may not j a mistake by having a good kidney have been Ideal character. It cer­ flushing any time.— Adv. tainly was not character In its high­ est expression. But it was the surn Profiteering. o f the man’s whole personality. All “ W e don't want prices to go up here the power o f him, all the pith and as they have gone up in Europe,” said punch o f Invincible determination I Senator Jones of Washington. went Into the winning o f his fight. ‘‘I heard the other day about a The bulldog shows the same strength French wine merchant who said to an o f will when he lets himself be j old patron: choked or cut to pieces rather than { ” ’Look here, sir; if you won’t pay let go his grlj» on the other dog's me for that wlr.e you Just bought be­ fore the war, at least send me back Jugular. the empty bottles.’ It Is tills readiness to be killed. If i “ ‘Humph,’ said the form er patron, need be, If one ennnot best one’s ad­ ‘glass has gone up a lot, you know. versary, which wins the battle of life What cash allowance do I get per bot­ for men and the wars o f nations fo r j tle?’ ”— Washington Star. their existence. Such a readiness Is a form of character and the product, 1 whether awares or unawures, of a fight to achieve character. It Is the reaction o f the spirit to the long working life and circumstances upon ; ! Cincinnati authority says corns the raw mid plustic ore of human dry up and lift out nature. with fingers. Make money, then, and do so hon­ « orably. Get understanding— for the sake o f social service as well as your duclT?"? V ? ! ' * This kind o f rough own gr«>wth. Win power over men talk w ill be heard less here In town if through right methods o f approach people troubled with corns will follow and appeal. Rut with all your get­ the simple advice of this Cincinnati ting and gnlns achieve character authority, who claims that a few drops of a drug called freezone when applied above all. to a tender, aching corn or hardened Nothing can take the place o f char- | callous stops soreness at once, and acter. It knows no substitute. Clever­ soon the corn or callous dries up and ness, cunning and shrewdness are lifts right o ff without pain. He says freezone dries immediately paper money. Character Is the gold which alone gives them value. Pier- and never inflames or even irritates pont Morgan rated character above the surrounding skin. A small bottle collateral as security for loans and of freezone w ill cost very little at any drug store, but w ill positively remove credit. Character is the best of all every hard or soft corn or callous assets. from one’s fe e t Millions of America's women w ill welcome this announce­ Chinese Bean Eaters. ment since the inauguration of the The chief reason why people can live high heels. I f your druggist doesn’t so cheaply In China and yet produce have freezone tell him to order a small for that nation a tremendous man bottle for you.— Adv. power, is that they eat beans instead An Unsolved Riddle. of meat; but nothing like the navy Perhaps tho world w ill some day bean, which by many people who do learn the reasons for the idleness of not get much exorcise Is considered a that army at Salonica.— Boston Ad­ rather heavy food. Furthermore, pork vertiser. and beans as fed to the men In the United States army and navy becomes monotonous after a while, even though the addition of the carbon contained in the shape of pork fat makes such a meal possess every element necessary M O T O R C A R R E P A IR IN G to sustain life.— Exchange. Hurrah ! How’s This FRED DUNDEE Auditorium, Feb. 7 to 13 MACHINE WORK M A G N E T O SERVIC E S T A T IO N Question of Authority. “ You can’t tell ’bout n display of authority." said Uncle Ebon. "Many a man thinks he’s doin’ a fine job o’ mule drtvln’ when tie mule Is Jes' hurryln’ to git home on his own account." WELDING A L L K IN D S O F CYLINDER GRINDING P R O M P T A T T E N T IO N T O A L L ORDERS By Special Appointment bethishem A fte r going over the whole truck field wa have «ecured the agency for what, in our judgm ent is the greatest value in motor trucks from the view- point of the farmer who considers Dependability, Service and First Cost. ,- itopmrUbUD o B+ k j We are now Factory Distributors for BETHLEHEM MOTOR TRUCKS for the Pacific Northwest. $1245 F. O . B. Factory . I t Ton * 4 Chassis Kindly send detailed information on Bethlehem Trucks (a g e n c y )----------- (for my own inform ation)-------------- T o __________________________________ Address ------------------------------------ $1775 2\ To" Chassis NORTHWEST AUTO CO., F. W . V ogler. Pres. Broadway at Couch St., PORTLAND, OREGON I f rou corns to Portland prsssnt this coupon in person at our salesrooms and sseurs admission tickets to the A u to Show with our personal complimenta. Negroes With Irish Accent Broadway at Flander», Portland,Or. Southward and westward from our newly acquired Virgin Islands lies the Rrltlsh possession of Montserrat— a bit o f tropic land set In n blue sea. Mont­ D O N ’ T C U T O U T serrat Is remarkable for possessing a negro population that speaks with a A Shoe B o il,C a p p e d marked Irish accent, the result of de­ portations o f Irishmen to this remote j FOR Islet more thnn a century ago. Al- ' though you can see nothing remotely A B S O R B I N E resembling a son of the Emerald Isle * * T#A0t WG.J S.*4T err In Montserrat today, your ear can will reduce them xnd leave no blemishes. still catch a touch of the brogue In Stop* lameness promptly. D oes not blis­ the peculiar dialect o f the place, and ter or remove the hair, and horse can be many o f the names are Irish pure and ' worked. $2.50 a Botle U ra d Book 6 M free. simple— such as O’Hara and Hogan A B S O R B I N E . J R .. lor m«nkind. tbc »ntiurti« and R ynn; there Is even a village of ttaitneni for Boll». Brultr». Sore». Swelljn*». Voieoee Vein*. Aller« P*ia »od IndiMUfioo. $1.25 and Ì2.50 » bottle a* Klnsale. < l t ( ( l n or delivered. WIU cell rou move if t o o write. Hock or Bursitis J V. F. I0UNG, P.D.F. 401 T»mpl» St., Springfield, Met*. Would Be Harrowing. 'T wonder why we seldom see a woman running a department store?" “ A woman could never bear to part with all those bargains.” Advantage of Practice. “ Your tipsy neighbor used to be a bundle boy In our establishment” “ Do you know, I wondered how be managed t * tarry a package the way ba a «— ” B R O N C H IA L T R O U B L E S Sooth« the Irritation and you relieve the J litre u . Do both qaickly and effectively —by promptly ueinc a dependable remedy— PISO’S