M ID HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WEEK A LLIE S ' LIN ES STRONG Dominate Western Fron K r n n l l n u o f G erm any’* W ithdrawal of Troopa From Eastern liât tie Line. STARVE 30.000 SERBS W ar R ecipes C u t o u t t h e follow ing recipe* «»»*! p a s t e t h e m in y o u r coo k b o o k to help y o u H o o v e r ia e . T h e y h e r e b een t h o r o u g h l y t e s t e d by instructor* en d s p e c i a l le c t u r e r * in th e d e p a r t m e n t of h o m e eco n o m ic * el th e University of W ash in g to n . Storica of Barbarous Cruelly Reach Italy Front Austrian Concentra­ tion Camp* Many Dying. AMERICAN SECTOR 13551187 Ex- Italian Army lloadquartcra W ashington, D. C.— All reports to priaoner*. who bave changed Italian the W ar departm ent indicate th at the Entire U. S. Front in Brief Resume Most Important allies still hold very appreciable nu­ juat arrive»! front Atistrian concentra­ tion cant|ie, tell of almoet unbellevable First Real Battle. m erical superiority both in men and Daily News Items. cruelticH practice»! agalnat priaonera, guns on the W estern front, despite the Hooveri/.ed Kecipcs for ShrlUlah. particularly Serbiano, who are rep*>rle»l heavy German concentration there Créant of Clam Soup l c mince»! confine»! in cage* and fe»l through bars since the defection of Russia. S ecretary B aker's weekly w ar re­ clams, 1 c atraincd clam broth, 3 c like animals. An authoritative sum- view Tuesday made this announcement, ntilk, 3 tb oil or chickcn fat, I t!> flour, [ mary of the statem ents of these re- pepper, paprika. If fresh dam s sr«- i turned prisoners says: and in com m enting later Mr. Baker used, no aalt is reijuired. If canned “ The treatm ent of the Serbians is Thunder of Yankee Guns Unerasing represented the best judgm ent clams are used, add A ts salt. Melt Events of Noted People. Governments said even worse than that of the Italians, fat, stirrin g in flour, and blend thor­ of the departm ent based upon advices Day and N ight Huns Get S h ell and Pacific Northwest and Other oughly. A»ld milk, slowly, stirring indicating that Austria intends to de­ from all sources. for Shell Honor Red Cross. constantly until m ixture thickens. Add Things Worth Knowing. stroy the Serbians as a race. The review this week gives first the clams, reheat. Serve at once. “ As n result of these conditions place to the statem ent th at “ American there are up to now not loss than 30,* troops which have completed th eir Escallopod Clams. I can minced W ith the Am erican Army in Francs Belgium was granted another loan training are now occupying a portion clams or 1 c chopped fresh clams, i c 000 to 40,000 dead from starvation. of $3,500,000 by the treasury Wednes­ of the actual b attlefront. ” clam liquor, A c milk, 2 tb cooking oil American troo|ia are now occupying “ They are perm itted to receive no day, m aking her total loans from the or chicken fnt, 2 tb flour, 1 tb minced parcels and are unable t*> work because a Hector of the Isirrain e front in It w arns the country th at " th e United S tates $98,900,000. onions, A ts celery salt, 1-3 ts salt of weakness. They are put like ani- world has been flooded” w ith reports France. This announcem ent is jht - wooden bars. Wyles B. Bradley, of Mount Vernon, of internal unrest in Germany which (om it if fresh clams are used), pepper, | mals in cages with m itted by the m ilitary censor. N. Y., flying cadet at Ellington Field, m ust not be allowed “ to affect the paprika, J c bread or cracker crumbs, Through these bars the kee|»ent throw A c buttered crumbs. Cook the onion The whole Am erican aector is ro- them s»-rai»s of uneatable bread, car- was burned to death when his plane effectiveness or speed of our own in the fa t for two minutes. Add flour i rots and turni|»a as th eir solo suste | sounding w ith the bomb guns. fell 30 feet Wednesday, the gasoline p rep aratio n s.” and blend. S tir in the clam liijuor and nance. The m ortality, already great. ; tank exploding. Airm en enemy snifters wounded two Com menting on the m eeting of the milk. When sauce thickens, add the ; is increased, as they are given no care Zeebrugge was violently bombed suprem e w ar council a t Versailles, the clams and seasonings. Fill ramekins j and Uiere are no doctors and no sanila- j Am ericans slightly early Sunday morn­ Tuesday afternoon by a num ber of a ir­ review says it “ promises to show posi­ with altern ate layers of fish and crack­ ing. > tion. “ planes which hovered over the coast, tive re su lts” in the way of unity of er crumbs. Cover with buttered A German barrag e Are a t sundown Concerning the Italians, the state- | according to a dispatch from the fron­ action on all fronts. crumbs and let brown in the oven. ment says, they returned in rags after opened the heaviest bombardment of S ecretary B aker's statem ent says, tier. Bombs fell in Bruges harbor. May be covered with crust, ami baked suffering ill treatm en t ami ex|s*sure t«> in p a rt: many days along th e Am erican sector, as a pie. 1 cold while cornjielled to work on enemy A m utiny which involved a large “ The inter-allied suprem e w ar coun- trenches under the guard of Hungar- j the American artillery replying shell proportion of the Greek arm y infantry ciljm et at Versailles, attended by Gen­ Deviled C rab —1 c crab meat, 2 tb inns, who are declared to be [larticu- j for shell, as the flring of the heavy regim ents stationed at Lamia, about eral Bliss, Chief of S tatff of the Army, 90 miles northw est of Athens, and a and General Pershing, as well as the Wesson oil. 3 tb floor, fl-fl e milk, 1 larly hostile to the Italians. guns spread along aeveral kilometers They received a small loaf of bread of front. few artillery men in the town, occurred representatives of France, G reat B rit­ egg yolk, A ts »alt. A ts celery salt, 2 last Friday evening. It was promptly ain and Italy. Complete and close co­ tb tom ato catsup. 1 tb grated onion, daily fur division among them. Two Am ericans were killed and nine paprika, cayenne, A c buttered crumbs. “ Conditions are so terrible, the re ­ suppressed. operation beween the allies and our­ Make w hite sauce of fat, flour and wounded during the bom bardm ent and Orders th at Kansas City clean up al­ selves, and a harmonious understand­ milk. Add crab meat and seasonings. port says, th at they will result in not more than one-third of the Italian one suffered shell shock. ing between the supreme commands of leged immoral conditions, which the When cool add slightly beaten yolk. It was ascertained th at the Ameri­ W ar deparm ent has had under investi­ all the forces engaged, prom ises to Place m ixture in ramekins or in bak­ prisoners coming back aliv e.“ can gunners wrecked several of the en­ gation for several months, were con­ show positive results. U nity of pur­ ing shells. Cover with crumbs and dugouts and so baiily darnsged the veyed to city officials Wednesday by pose on all fronts will thus be attained. brown in oven. JOHN L S U L L I V A N P A S S E S j emy “ In the B ritish th e a te r numerous first line [staitiona th at at one point Lieutenant E. R. Beckwith, of the raids took place. B ritish forces sound­ the Germ ans were unable to occupy sanitary corps, central division. Escalloped C rab- 1 c crab meat, 2 ed the enemy line, identifying new tb oil or chicken fat, 3 tb cornstarch, Celebrated Pugilist Surrum tia to Heart them Sunday. The French commander of a sausage units arriv in g in the west from other Failure in Eastern Home. When the bom bardm ent had reached 2-3 c milk, A ts salt, pepper, 1 tb balloon squadron, who was an artillery theaters. its g re atest in ten sity , th e Germsns minced onion, paprika. Place alter­ Abington, Mass. John L. Sullivan, suddenly concentrated th eir fire at two officer at Verdun during the heaviest “ The French also raided the enemy fighting and also participated in the and kept a careful lookout along their nate layers of crab meat and white one of the most interesting lighters o f [Hunts, throw ing about 250 shells into sauce in baking dish. Cover with but­ prize ring renown, died suddenly of Somme offensive, declared Wednesday front. Opposite the Frepch the Ger­ a town in which the head<|uartera of a th a t the work of certain American mans confined operations to minor tered crumba and brown in oven. heart disease at his farm in West Ab- certain regim ent are located and which ington_S»turday. As was his wish ho batteries at the front is “ almost per­ raids north of the Aisne and Upper heretofore bad been immune to enemy Crab S alad— 1 c crab meat, A e cel­ died with his shoes on. fe c t.” Although Alsace. ery finely cut, 1 pimiento finely chop­ stricken w ith heart trouble three fire. “ Profiting by the favorable atm os­ ped, 1-3 c mayonnaise, lettuce leaves. Emperor W illiam created a special A fter the bom bardm ent a woundad decoration for U-boat crews on the an­ phere condions, the B ritish success­ Mix flaked crab meat and celery to­ weeks ago. he had quickly improved American soldier was discover»*! in s and was in no sense an invalid. He niversary of the inauguration of ru th ­ fully bombed railway centers in F lan­ gether, and moisten with mayonnaise. position where it was necessary to less subm arine w arfare as “ recogni­ ders and a ir squadrons undertook a t­ Serve on crisp lettuce leaves. The was about to leave his house to pay a carry him over a trench top to a field visit to Boston to see his old friend tion for m eritorious work during the tacks upon munition plants and other crab may be molded in small cu|>s be­ dressing station. A m«*Jieal corps Captain Jam es P. Sullivan, of the Bos­ w a r.’’ The Vossische Zeitung says the m ilitary objectives in the Rhine area. fore turning out on plates. man displayed the Ke»i Gross and the ton police departm ent, when he re ­ decoration is available for officers and London and Paris, as well as Dunkirk, German* ceas«d firing until the man | *v«*»i his final knockout. : Calais and Boulogne were visited by | crews a fte r three voyages. was removed. Iiis friend and companion, George hostile aircraft. Whale m eat will be the principal a r­ M. Bush, rushed to his side as the old Early in the day an Am erican was “ In Italy a further im provem ent in wound'd by a sniper. ticle of food at a luncheon to be ten­ the combat situation is noted. l l V n i l i n L J I IT lH n n L I m r u m I gladiator sank to the floor unconscious The A sh ift of the wind cleared awsy dered 30 members of the American Italians w ere successful in following I II,,, i ........... iin .i ant* revived him w ith cold w ater a|>- the m ist which had hindered aerial Museum of N atural H istory in New up th eir plans to regain points of par­ W heat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: plirations to the head. “ John I York Friday, planned as a dem onstra­ ticular strateg ic im portance along Hard W hite--B luestem . Early Bart, responding quickly to this treatm ent, »iterations and other ac tiv ities for sev­ tion of the possibilities of whale meat their b attlefront. As a counterpart of Allen, Galgalus, M artin Amber, $2.05. as in his palmy days in the prize ring, eral days. A num ber of engagem ents consumption as an offset for scarcity the French assault in the region of Soft W hite Palouse bluestem , forty ’ struggled to his feet and refused to in the air were fought by patrolling of other meats th at m ight be caused Monte Tomba, the Italians launched a fold, w hite valley. Gold Coin, W hite take th e decision of “ time. ” He re ­ planes early in the afternoon. In one instance the French aviators »lefeat«*! by the war. powerful offensive along the Asiago Russian, $2.03. W hite club— L ittle luctantly consented to have a physician an attem p t of German fliera to crosa club, Jenkins club, w hite hybrids, So- r a ^ e afte r receiving me»lical behind the Am erican trenchea. A 50 per cent reduction in the vol­ plateau. $2,01. Red Walla — Red ' tri‘atm en t. a,>n<»unced th at he would “ The Italian s captured the hostile nora, ume of imports is one of the measures The artillery and ani[tors also have under consideration by the adm inistra­ strongholds of the im portant peaks of Russian, re»l hybrids, Jones fife. Cop- < have a bath and keep his appointment. bitoniec increasingly active. Am eri­ tion for m aking available ships for Col del Rosso and the Monte di Val pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. 1 Even as he expresse«! his determ ina- can 75 m are harraaaing traffic behind transporting troops to France. Over­ Bella, which resulted in an appreciable 3 grade 6c less, O th er grades hanledd 1 tion he became unconscious and die»i the enemy trenchea. The Germ ans ar«» apparently w ithout fu rth er pain. seas transportation is recognized as advance of the Italian line in this by sample. Hardly had the newa of the passing ; confining th e ir fire largely to the Flour—Patents, $10. the real problem facing the govern­ area, the capture of 100 officers, 2500 American trenchea. Millfeed—N et mill prices, car lots: j of one of A m erica’s g reatest fistic m ent in its effort to put on the firing men and a large quantity of munitions. Throughout Friday n ight machine “ In Palestine the B ritish are push­ Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per : champions been flashed broadcast than guns rattle«i ceaselessly from German line a big fighting force and keep it in ing slowly but steadily forward, en­ ton; middlings, $39; mixe»J cars and mesaages of sym pathy Ix-gan [touring positions. supplies. larging th e ir sphere of operations and less than carloads, 50c m ore; roller! j into town from men in all walks of The capital of Ohio took delight consolidating the ground w on.” I life. Sullivan, in his prime, was a barley, $63(365 rolled oats, $66. Tuesday in “ sw attin g ” the Kaiser, B u tter—Cubes, ex tras, 50c; prim e 1 popular idol and he never entirely lost I N S U R A N C E LIM I T N E A R L Y UP the Crown Prince and Von Hinden- i firsts, 49Jc. Jobbing prices: P rints, his hold on the public. This was due burg. Large billboards containing the T E U T O N S O C IA L I S T IN PRISON extras, 526/53c; cartons, lc e x tra ; not only to the success of hia prize­ pictures of the K aiser and his associ­ fighting dayH, but to hia rugged battle Date for T aking O ut Soldier Protec­ b u tterfa t, No. 1, 56Tensation, but the [lensions of acre. quakes were fe lt here Tuesday, each I Med. " ¿ ’choice steers .$10.35(^11.00 the Civil W ar will not be paid. T hat An increaae in Britaih shipping shock lasting for atx>ut 30 seconds, Good to med. s te e rs......... 9.36(310.35 Amsterdam — Prem ier Radoslavoff, is the reason th a t cheap insurance is losses is shown in the official summary trem ors caused many to rush to Com. to good s te e rs......... 7.76<3 9.25 of Bulgaria, has arrived a t B rest-L it- issued Wednesday night, which reports ^ e i r doors in the belief th at the re ­ Choice cows and h eifers. 8.00(310.00 ovsk for the continuation of the peace provided by the government. If your boy ia still under 30, his th e ’destruction of nine vessels of more cent heavy showfall was about to crush Com. to good cows and hf 6.506/) 8.00 conference, according to a dispacth premium on $4500 will bo less than than 1600 tons and six of lesser ton­ in the roofs. The shocks were felt in C a n n e rs.................. 4.00(3 6.00 from Vienna. $3.50 a month. He can let tho prem ­ the more substantial buildings, includ- Bulls........................ 6.00(3 7.50 nage. ium bo deducted from his monthly pay. A . . .. . , . inf? the courthouse, where it was Concrete Ships Ordered. If ho is already paying on L iberty An aerial attack of unusual severity feare(j the building would fall. The C a lv e s .................... 7.50(311.00 Stockers and f e e d e r s .... 6.00(3 9.50 W ashington, D. C.—C ontracts for Bonds, he can g et precedence for tho was made Tuesday afternoon on Zee , 0 , . . . 'movement was so marked th a t many Hogs— ten 3600-ton concrete ships were let insurance in case he cannot manage brugge, the German subm arine base in people experienced a feeling of nausea. Prim e light h o g s .$16.20(316.36 Monday by the Shipping Board to the the two. N orthern Belgium, according to t h e 1 Prim e heavy h o g s 16.35(316.50 Ferror Concrete Shipbuilding Corpora­ fro n tier correspondent of the Amster- W rite your boy now and urge him to Bank Robbers Secure $5000. P ig s ........................ 13.75(316.00 tion of Redondo Beach, Cal. The first go to the authorized officer in his camp dam Telegraaf. Kansas City — The Quindaro S tate Bulk ................................... 16.00(316.35 vessel is to be delivered within six and tak e out insurance. If you do not Controller of the Currency, Williams bank, Kansas City, Kan., was robbed Sheep- months and the other nine within h understand the insurance law or are in estim ates the whole banking power of | of about $5000 Tuesday afternoon by W estern lam bs..... $15.00(315.50 year. The building company will use any difficulty concerning it, go to the the nation a t $37,529,000,000, an in- three men, two of whom stood guard Valley lam bs......... 14.50T3l5.00 a new plan of construction recently home service section of your county cerase of more than $14,000,000,000 outside while the third entered w ith a Y earlings............... 13.00(313.50 patented by which it claim s it can build Red Cross and put your question* to It. since the beginning of President Wil- revolver and forced the cashier to W ethers................. 12.60(313.00 the vessels more rapidly than under Rut rem em ber th a t the governm ent son’s adm inistration. hand out the money. The men escaped. B w e a ...................... 9.00(311.00 the old method of working concrete. gives a many only 120 day* to decide. 2 K ILLED ; 9 INJURED FOR YOU ! . COMPILED Ablaze