The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 07, 1918, Image 1

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3 bm t (&vaw xpms
Voi. 3
American Transport
Railway Agent
Sunk by Hun U-Boat si*mr a pp“^
Have You Enrolled?
Many Soldiers
Not Insured
The Department of I.abor has
created a department of its or­
ganization known as the “ Public
Service Reserve” for the purpose
This morning’s Oregonian contained a dispatch from Washing- i OV‘ r^*d a rad'° P*a,lt * half mile of enrolling all workmen who de­ Portland, February 6.—Because
ton reporting the sinking of the transi*ort Tuscania, carrying 2179 ^'om
u,r. 'irV pon*i-S(at‘fl the sire to serve their counify in any the government war risk insur­
j ,r ., apparatus. It belonged to J. E. way that will help win the war ance, which is designed to make
American so Idlers and engineers. 1 he tragedy occurred off the j acobsen, the operator and ticket All mechanics, tradesmen and the future safe for all Oregon sol­
Irish coast and at 11 o’clock Wednesday night 1912 survivors had agent for the Southern Pacific at skilled workmen of any kind, es­ diers should they be incapacitat­
landed ut Larne and Buncrara, two widely separated ports.
Timber station on the Tillamook pecial y those whose experience ed, and their families safe shou'd
The majority of the troops enlisted from Michigan and Wis- hne. The radio from apprearances and training are useful to ship- they be killed or wounded, may
consul and there is a strong possibility that two Forest Grove troys is capable of receiving and send­ building and its alied industries, not be taken out after next Tues-
(Taylor Graham and Jimmy Norton) were aboard the Tuscania, as ing a radius of 000 or 700 miles should immediately enroll in the day, February 12, the Portland
their regiment the 107th Michigan Engineers—is mentioned as and is practically new. It is un­ public service reserve as a patri-«Chapter of the American Red
being among the troops aboard. Under date of Jan. 27th, Taylor derstood that the government otic expression of their desire to Cross is bendfng every effort to
wrote his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Graham, from Camp Mer- radio stations h«.ve l>een complain­ help win the war. Enrollment inthe get into communication with rel-
rett (New Jersey) that he expected to be “sent over” soon. The ing about interruptions from radio reserve will not interfere in any atives of soldiers,
Soldiers who were in the service
fact that no further news has come might mean that his company currents and, as nearly as possible way with a man’s present occu-
has not sailed, as the boys generally send a farewell message on to locate it, it w;«s decided that it pation or bind him in any way. prior to October 15 cannot take
the eve of embarking. And even if the boys were on the Tuscania came from the Nehalem. Jacob­ The purpose is simply to secure advantage of this insurance after
sen had the plant in his own an enrollment of workmen, who in February 12. A $10.000 policy
the chances as 19 to 2 that they are alive.
house and his aero wires were dif­ case of emeigency can be offered costs a soldier only $6 50 a month,
ficult to locate. He says that he positions in government service, j which may be deducted from his
N O T E S A N D P E R S O N A L S install« d the p ant for his own , either in their own line of work or pay or paid for him by someone
¡satisfaction. The radio outfit was some other line which they may i else.
I)r. Talbott of Kimball School of brought to Hillsboro and further desire to take up.
Such a policy would pay the
I Theology at Salem preached from action is awaiting orders from the I B. J. Simpson has been ap­ soldier, or his family, in case of
the local M. E. church pulpit last United Stat s marshal. Jacobsen pointed government enrollment death or total and permanent dis­
Aged Woman Called
ha< a wife and two children living agent for Forest Grove and com­ ablement, the sum of $57.50 a
Elizabeth Hudson Thompson,
in the home from which the ap­ munity and all men who desire to month for 20 years.
the beloved wife of Jonathan S.
will attend services at the Con­ paratus was operated.
; enroll in the public service reserve
If a soldier were wounded, it
Thompson, passed away at her gregational church next Sunday
may do so by applying at his of­ might be impossible for him to se­
home on First avenue north at an morning.
fice in the Southern Pacific sta- cure other insurance after the
early hour Monday morning, Feb.
U .
ition. Enrollment must be com war. The government policy may
Ray Jackson and Jesse Sage of
4th, after a prolonged illness, aged this city have passed the prelimi- |
KClUrnS H o m e pkted within the next ten days. be converted.
82 years ami six months.
in ship- ,
The Portland Chapter of the
nary medical examination for the; tp
LaHe Wa dro„, son , Mr. and , While
t)UjIding men
and experienced
¡ £ ani(Ki ¡„dustr£
American Red Cross, 204 Corbett
Elizabeth Hudson was born in selective draft.
Park county, Ind., on Aug. Gth,
The W. R. C. ladies are pre­ Mrs. K A. Waldron of the Kan- are ch;efly desired, all other men, [ Building, is arranging to send
1835, and was married to Jona­ paring for a patriotic program at sas City district, is probably the regardless of trade or profession, cablegrams a t its own expense to
than S. Thompson in 1856. The their hall on Feb. 22d, in honor first Washington county boy to are eligible to become members of the Oregon boys in France, (in
family came to Washington coun­ of Washington, Lincoln and Me-1 secure an honorable discharge on the reserve and their enrollment case the relatives are not able to
account of injuries received dur­ is also desired.
, meet this expense) signed by rel-
ty in 1895 and f«>r the past twelve Kinley.
asking for authorization to
years Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
Postmaster Wirtz is trying to
Local Boys Like Marine Corps ^ take out t his war insurance.
have made Forest Grove their locate a man named Danker, first the home of his parents, after hav­
Front- word received from the
Owing to the few days left,if
home. In addition to the be­ name unknown, who had a broth­ ing done his * bit” for democracy.
reaved husband, decedent leaves er, William, at Prineville. The Earle was injured in September, many r orest Grove boys, who any mother, wife, father, child,
to mourn her demise two sons and latter is dead and relatives are last, when a gun exploded aboard are serving with the U. S- M a-; sister or brother believes their
the cruiser Huntington, and sus­ rines all seem to be well pleased , soldier man has omitted taking
two daughters—James Thompson trying to locate his brother.
tained a broken wri>t and injuries with the treatment and (duties. I out war insurance, they should
of Seattle,Elmer of Shelton, Wash.,
one of his knees After three Among those now serving in this j c^ij on, or telephone the Red
M rs. Florence Hollinger of Van­
in a New York hospital, branch of the service are: Floyd t Cross immediately asking that a
couver, Wash., and Mrs William
Weitzel of this city. Early in lodge that they want to offer a he was offered his d i-charge, but Tucker, a last year’s high school cable be sent in tfieir name.
life Mrs. Thompson embraced site for the proposed Masonic; bevged for another chance and graduate, now serving in France; j Cablegrams may be sent by rel­
Christianity and lived so good and Home when t h e committee is made a trip across in the cruiser Glenn Thomas, for a number of atives themselves, if they would
to talk site. The Home Arizona, which went as a convoy, months a salesman for King &
useful a life that she had no fears ready
a tract of ten acres, but his injuries were so serious Company, last heard from at save time, at the rate of nine
for the future. She has been an
per word, a special rate for
within walking distance of the that he was given his discharge.
Quantico, Virginia, from which cents
invalid for years
soldiers and sailors. They
place he intended to sail for should be
Funeral services were held at
a crowd of local Knights
France within a few hours; Ed­ soldiers: addressed this way for
the family home at 2 o'clock yes­ of Quite
In response to the call sent out ward Burns, son of Rev. and
terday afternoon, A. Baldwin of­
Secretary McAdoo thru Sup- Mrs F. L. Burns, now attached
ficiating. Interment was in For­ land, traveling in a special car, to erint
est View cemetery.
assist in and witness the confer­ sistance and co-operation of the now attached to the Recruiting followed by name, company and
ring of the third rank on a class school children in the sale of Station at Portland; and John | regiment of the soldier.
Grace Parsons Dead
Navy men should be addressed:
Word reached this city the first °f a
candidates The Thrift Stamps, a number of boys Zenor, until recently a member of
, ,
, ,
«Knights from this city looked ......
and r gi Is are now taking up this Forest Grove high school.
of the week of the death of Mrs. ra^ e r tired today, so it is fair to work
It would be of interest to a
Grace Newton Par-ons at a hos presume they had a good time.
Each of these boys and girls number of young men of Forest followed by name of man and his
pital in Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
are trying to earn a membership Grove who have registered for ship.
A Helpful Lecture
on Feb. 2d. Deceased is a daugh­
in the Junior Rainbow Regiment military service, to know’ that
Cablegrams may be dispatched
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B New­ The inclement weather kept by being among the first thous­ they can still voluntarily enlist in
ton of this city and was married many women away from the open and to sell $50.00 worth of Thrift this branch of the service anytime from any telegraph office. In­
formation may be secured at any
to Joseph Parsons in this city on meeting of the Conservation com­ Stamps.
prior to receiving notice to appear Red Cross Branch or at the of­
March (5th of last year. Compli­ mittee of the Woman’s club last
Those who are taking up this at an army cantonment. It has
cations following chihl birth were Monday, but those who attended work are Florence Christensen, recently been rumored that vol­ fices of the Portland Chapter.
the cause of death. Mr and Mrs. were given some valuable lessons Katherine Buchanan, M e l v i n untary enlistments in the Marines Any cablegrams dispatched must
Newton were at their daughter’s by Miss Edna Mills, state and Emerson, S a m u e l Magruder, has closed, but to w’hich state­ leave Portland not later than Sat­
bedside when the end came, hav­ federal emergency home demon­ Billy Bockman, Harold Ogilvie, ment there is no foundation, en- urday morning to secure a reply
ing gone to Canada two weeks stration agent for Washington and Ralph Lyons and Charles Mey- i listment being open at the local by Tuesday. Here is a suggested
cable that the Red Cross is send­
ago, when they learned of her ser­ Yamhill counties. The speaker’s ers.
po-toffice or at Third and Alder ing. the cost being inserted, as it
ious illness. The body was in­ subject was “Household Manage'
These young people are exceed- Stree s, Portland, Oregon,
varies from $6.40 to $7.00 a
terred at Calgary. Deceased is ment” and she advocated the
month, according to age of soldier.
survived by her husband and in­ adoption of systematic work in
If cost is not known the word
fant son, her father and mother, the home, in place of the chaotic ship and in so doing assist the 1116 M a t e H ig h w a y
nation in its war work. In sub­
should be inserted in
one sister and one brother.
condition under which many scribing thru this phase of war re­
the soldier can obtain
Deceased was a very likeable housekeepers struggle.
lief, citizens of Forest Grove
from his command-
When the speaker visited the should not fail to give one of
young woman and had hundreds
of friends in this county who were farm homes in her territory she these boys and girls their name
“Cable me rush authorization
shocked and grieved at the news was at once impressed by the and in this way help some Forest day and. over the objections of a
application ten thousand
of her death.
Grove child to win.
that the Beaverton-Bert ha route,1 war insurance for you. Will make
chinery to speed up the farmer’s
Walter Vandehey, son of Mr. ' paralleling the Southern Pacific future safe. Most important.
After an illness of live months, work, but when she saw the lack
Mrs. Otto Hensky, aged 25, passed of conveniences and system in and Mrs. George Vandehey, living railroad racks between Hillsboro Cost o n ly ---------- — per month,
away at her home in Dilley Mon-j many of the farm homes, it re­ on the Greenville road, near this and Portland, should not be See commanding officer. Cable
day evening last, pneumonia be- minded her of stories she had read city, was united in marriage at changed. The commission also immediate answer. Time expires
ing the cause of dissolution, De- of pioneer life. The housekeepers the Y’erboort Catholic church promised that i f Multnomah February Twelve, ” (Must sign
ceased, whose maiden name was of today owe it to their daughters Tuesday morning to Miss Marie county would pave its share of full name.)
I/juise Borgen, was born in Min­ to start the latter out with a set of Elizabeth Horschem of this city, the highway to the county line,
nesota and came to Washington modern housekeeping plans. Miss Father VanClarenbeck saying the the commission would pave to
county when five years of age. Mills intimated that the lack of nuptial mass. After the ceremony, Beaverton and rock so much of
She is survived by her husband, i proper housekeeping methods and the bridal party went to the home the Washington county roads as
but no children. Funeral services i facilities might be responsible for of the groom’s parents, where a the funds would permit. A sur-
Miss Willard, head of the
were held at the Buxton chapel at many of the domestic tragedies feast was spread for the relatives vey between Forest Grove and Chemistry Department of Pacific
2 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. that found their way into the and most intimate friends. In the Gaston was also ordered, to begin University, has arranged to give
evening there was a big free at once.
Comstock of Dilley officiating, courts.
a lecture course on “ Food and the
The speaker explained a chart dance at the I. O. O. F. hall in I L. M. Graham, president, and W ar” which will be open to the
Interment was in Forest View.
for housekeepers, put out by the this city to celebrate the event, i J. A. Thornburgh, Dr. Hines, S. public without charge. The lec-
Postmaster Wirtz has so far O. A. C., that can be had from Walter is employed at the milk G. Hughes, A. E. Scott and M. tures will follow outlines provided
registered five alien enemies of Mrs. C. P. Richardson for 25c. condenser and is an industrious R. Johnson represented the F o r-«by the government. The first
the United States. Bob is becom­ Many of the ladies gave their or­ and promising yonng man, while est Grove Commercial club at the meeting will be tomorrow at 3
ing quite an expert at printing, as ders at the meeting and many the bride is in everyway qualified meeting. Delegations were also o’clock
and one
lecture each week
he is required to take impressions others signified a determination to make him
a helpful wife and present from Orenco, Beaverton will be
given until the series of
of all the fingers of registrants.
to begin account-keeping at once. companion.
¡and Hillsboro.
isixteen is complete.
Disabled Seaman
“Stay Put.”
Free Emergency Course
At Pacific University