The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 31, 1918, Image 7

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    Friendship of America O ne of the
Greatest N eeds of Russia
H e s d ol the A m c ik e a Kmi ( i o u Special Conmistión
lo R usas
R ui* la’s greatcMt need today ih aiticcre friendship from the outside,
in her »triij^lo for n constitutional and democratic form of government,
America can he of iminetuie service, not so much in the way of gifts of
money, but by letting the people of Russia know what is going on in this
country, and what the United Ktutes is doing in the war. Russia is abso­
lutely without any American news that is worth while. Most of what
they hear aliout the United States in the war comes to them through pro-
(Jerman propaganda, and is to the effect that this country is fighting for
pecuniary gain; thut the United States is a vassal of England, and that
England wants to rule the world. They havo not heard a word of Presi­
dent Wilson’s reasons why wo are in this war.
However, America is looked to by tho Russians as their bent friend
'I ho further cementing of friendly relations will aid Russia in its war
operations, and tho Red Cross, through its relief work already done and
that which will l*e carried on, will do much to bring this about. The Red
Cross commission to Russia has established a well-organized office, with
an efficient personnel in Petrograd and on the road as transportation
Russia turns to America as her best friend, and if America will
recognize the great power of the people of Russia, their inherent good­
ness of character and stability, their desire for order, their desire for
democracy, by tho help which America can give she will cement that
friendship for all time.
With tho American Red Cross firmly established in Russia, it is to
he the policy to furnish such material as may be needed in the care of
tho sick and injured soldiers, and some degree for the civilian popu­
lation. The members of the cabinet of the Russian provisional govern­
ment, tho sanitary department of tho army, the Russian Red Cross, all
the relief organizations, and tho “ All Union of Zenstvos” have expressed
their gratitude for the aid which the American Red Cross has already
afforded. A continuation of this good work by the American Red Cross
will bo one of the most potent factors in cementing that friendship which
is so much desired.
bodies bent forw urd to represent
rippling w avelets, the tiniest waves
being represen ted Ity children.
Q uicker nnd quicker they come on
now advancing, now retreating, yet.
like tru e wuves, steadily progressing
and grudiiully closing on every side of
the Im aginary Islet round which they
play o r b a ttle a f te r the m anner of
b reakers, springing high In mld ulr
ami flinging th eir arm s far above th eir
heads to rep resen t th e action of spray.
As they leap and toss th eir heuds
the soft w hite musl or native cloth
—which, fo r g re a te r effect, they
w ear as a tu rb an with long stream ­
ers nnd also w ear round the waist,
w hence It flouts In long scnrf-llke
en d s—trem bles und flutters In the
T he whole effect Is most artistic,
and th e o rc h e stra does Its purt by Im­
ita tin g the ro a r of th e su rf on the reef
—a sound which to them has been a
never-ceasing lullaby from the hour
of th e ir birth .
a r .1
• J
Families in England That
Have Long Records in the
Service of Their Country
T he town clerk of Henley-on-Thnmes
hns had th e nam e of Cooper since
Henry Hacher, a painter who has 1777. W hether It has alw ays been a
lived at Grants Pass for many years, ease of son follow ing fa th e r Is not
was arrested this week by Sheriff clear, but the law firm of Cooper has
I>;wis, accused of seditious utterances. alw ays d u ring th a t period supplied the
Tum-a-Lum Lumber company mana­ tow n clerk, I» n d o n T lt-B lta rem arks.
gers and their wives from different
E verybody know s th a t th e nam e of
points in Central Oregon are attending B uller Is one to co n ju re w ith In Devon,
the annual meet of the company, at but not everybody know s th a t a Buller
Walla Walla.
has been a “governor"—w h atev er th a t
he—of C redlton cath ed ral church
The Hood River city council has ap­
pointed Mrs. Edna C. Henderson, city for upw ard of 20 y ears w ithout a
treasurer, to succeed her husband. Cap­ break.
Everybody at H ltchlns know s the
tain I.. A. Henderson, Engineers’ Re­
fam ily. T hey are the perennial
serve corps, now at Camp Lewis.
postm en of the place. T h eir g re a t­
Car shortage on the lines of the g ra n d fa th e r carried the le tte rs long be­
Southern Pacific company in Oregon fore penny (sjstage w as dream ed of
Thursday totaled 679, a shortage of and th e la tter-carry in g business has
289 closed and 290 open cars. The S. been done by a Hobbs ever since.
P. & S. reported a shortage of 190
P urllum ent can supply a few such
••••••••••••••ee eeee eeee
records. W hen th e son of Lord Derby
Within two years from now, high­ put up for a division of Liverpool It
Around the World.
way commission officials predict, it w as said th a t It seem ed to be tuken for
will be possible for a man to mount his g ran ted thut when the h»-Ir of Knows-
Many of th e ostriches of
flivver in Salem and ride to Walla ley becam e of age Liverpool should
A frica
a re Incubator
Walla without getting off of a paved send him to p arliam en t—and It did.
It w as said th a t the Newdlgntes,
M ost o f th e Inhabitants of
B agdad live In th e cellars during
John Paul William Schwinger, a w ith but slight b reaks, huve sat for a
th e day.
German enemy alien, was arrested Fri­ division of W arw ickshire since 1360.
T he p o tato es of Greenland
day at Astoria, by Federal officers, Q uite recently F. A. N ew digute re­
seldom grow la rg e r than the
and is being held in the county jail on signed his seat to becom e governor of
m arbles used by th e small boy.
two charges. Schwinger has beer, in T asm ania. H e is th e eighteenth New­
Ila h h lt h a ir Is supplanting
this county since 1912, but has never d lg ate of one fam ily—and th e re nre
o th e r s !— who has been an M. P.
wool In th e fe lt h a t making In­
secured citizenship papers.
d u stry of A u stralia.
Assisted by Baker school teachers,
El F aso ’s Jail hns steel "sun *
20 of Baker’s prominent business men
p a rlo rs” In which prisoners may |
Lave formed a knitting class and ex­
get fresh a ir nnd sunshine with- J
M other’s Cook Book.
pect to receive their first instructions
out possibility of escape.
this week. The first knitfest will be • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • a a
T h e w reck record of the J held in the city hall, Mayor Palmer
tic sea Is g re a te r than th a t of « having offered the use o f one of the
One thing thut m ade the bread th a t
any o th e r body of w uter in the J | council chambers for that purpose.
m other used to m ake so good, w as th e
world. T he av erag e Is one a day «
Roy Campbell aged 16, was shot and a p p e tite the Doys had.
th ro u g h o u t th e year.
killed by his companion, Roy Norris, 1
Good T hings for the Boys.
Friday near Mount Scott, 25 miles east
es a good deal of food to fill
of Roseburg. The two tK>ys had been 1
Grinding Wheels Must Do
; in the woods hunting and while it has nn onllnury grow ing boy, and he needs
a fram ew ork, a t
The Very Finest of Work. been learned that the shooting was ac­ It the for sam he e Is tim building
e using food to supply
cidental, no particulars could be ob­
heat and energy fo r his dally activ ­
G rinding w heels have fine work to tained concerning how the accident oc-
ities. An active boy will digest h earty
do, w rites Ellwood H endrick In the
food fo r he bu rn s up a larg e am ount
Scientific A m erican. Lim its of lrregu-1
The town of Halfway is lighted with in play and work.
la rlty as low as 0.0003 Inches and 0.- new electric street lights, the first
00024 Inches are o ften given. And It having been turned on Saturday even­
Spiced Beef.
should be rem em bered that when 0.- ing. The power is supplied by the
T ake five pounds o r more, depending
00023 of an Inch Is being ground, the Payette Power company from its Ox-
heavy slide th a t c a rrie s the wheel and Bow power plant on the Snake river. upon th e size of th e fam ily, of beef
wheel spindles m oves forw ard only A power line runs on from Halfway from th e rum p. T rim aw ay th e m eat
and cut slits several Inches from th e
h alf th a t distance.
to Cornucopia to furnish power to the edge In which to pack th e stuffing,
If a piece of tissu e pnper w ere sp ilt mines.
m ade by using suet, crum bs and v ari­
ground glass or a p late or film Is neces­
sary. A p late la a piece of plain glass
which ac ts ns n support fo r an em ul­
sion. T h is em ulsion decom poses when
By E dgar Rica B urroughs.
• struck by light, nnd th e decom position
Is m ade visible hy a process called de­
velopm ent. W ith an ord in ary photo-
You have laid down your k n ittin g to grnphlc p late only one such Im pres­
r«>nd th e puper. T ho chan ces a ro sion, o r Image, can be obtained. W ith
flfty-flvo o r b e tte r th a t you a re k n it­ ttie m otion-picture film, how ever, a
tin g n aw enter th a t won’t fit or a sc a rf fresh piece of film ts continually ex ­
th a t la too narrow or too wide, for posed to the lens.
J u s t such an arrn n g etn en t ex ists In
som e soldier or sailor, and the o th er
end of th e b e t—and It m ay be the the hum an eye. An em ulsion called
s a fe r en d —la th a t you a re k n ittin g a visual purple ucta ns a film of g reat
m ustard -co lored aw enter fo r yourself. latitu d e, renew ing Itself as soon ns tt
T ho boys need sw eaters an d acorfa, Is stru ck hy the light am t discolored.
tw elve tim es consecutively. It would
an d m ore still they newt som ething It udapta Itself to various Intensities have th e th ickness under which these
Advertisements for bids on $500,000
th a t you can give th em —an d not In­
worth of the $6,000,000 State road
m achines have constantly to work.
te rfe re w ith your kn ittin g . T hey need
And yet, w hen we consider the bond issue were sent to Eastern bond
asso ciatio n w ith the so rt of girl you
forces p resen t In a wheel w eighing 200 papers Tuesday by G. Ed Ross, auditor
a re —th e good girl, th e hom e g irl—th e Gayly Decked Fijians Do
The commission
pounds r o u tin g a t a speed of 1.200 of the commission.
so rt of girl they w ent to see on "beau
revolutions per m inute, we are not re­ may sell $2,000,000 worth of bonds
n ig h t” back In Hyrnrtise, o r Kscannba.
year under the act, but whether
a Tide Rising on a Reef m inded of a w atchm aker’s lathe, de­ this
o r N am pa, o r H ertnosa.
spite th e exquisite precision of the op­ the balance of the bonds will be sold
T h e re a re soldiers pnsslng through
or not remains to be seen.
The F ijia n s are perh ap s the best eration.
y our home tow n, or, tnny he, th e re Is n
According to permits on file in the
g re n t can lo n m en t n ear you. W hat a re d sn eers In th e world. One of the
Steel Glasses for Soldiers.
office of the county clerk at Dallas, a
you doing for these boys th a t a k n it­ m ost curious dances th a t they p rac­
total of 225 gallons of alcohol was used
ting m nchlne couldn’t do? T hey a re tice Is one rep resen tin g a tid e rising
Steel spectncles are the la te st addi­ in Polk county during 1917.
th e snine kind of boys th a t you have on a reef. T he Idea to be conveyed
nlw nys know n—they a re th e best boys, Is th n t of a tide g rad u ally rising on tion to th e equipm ent of th e N ether­ amount is distributed among drug
th e clean est boys th a t th e co u n try has a reef till a t length th ere rem ains lands arm y fo r m odern w arfare. T he stores, hospitals and other users as fol­
Drug stores, 201 j gallons;
only a little corn I Isle, round which com m ander In chief hns ordered th a t low’s:
You can give them som ething In­ the angry break ers rage, flinging they shnll be supplied to all th e m a­ physicians, 6J gallons; hospitals, 15
finitely liner th a n a sw e a te r—som e­ th e ir w hite foam on every side. At chine-gun sections of both Infantry, gallons. Ten gallons of wine was used
th in g th a t will w arm them m ore than first th e dnneers form In long lines h u ssars and fo rtress artillery , as a for sacramental purposes.
a scarf. You can give them a m em ­ nnd approach silently, to rep resen t protection ag ain st sp lin ters of pro jec­
Attorney General Brown has advised
tiles, flying chips of stone and th e like.
o ry of virtu e, and c h a ra c te r, nnd p a­ the quiet ndvnnee of th e waves.
i Secretary of State Olcott, not to pay a
trio tism to tnke to F ran ce w ith them
A fter a while th e lines break up Stocks of th e glasses will be kep t In
j claim of $791.92 submitted by the
th a t will re p re se n t nn Ideal to th em — Into sm aller com panies, which ad ­ readiness to serve out to In fau try Is Warren Construction compnay. for
an IdenI of home, m other, siste r, and vance w ith o u tsp read hands and case of w ar.
payment of premiums on a surety bond
sw e e th e a rt, of all th a t personifies
for faithful performance of a contract
co u n try , of nil of which th e flag Is
and also for premiums on accident in­
th e em blem —nn Ideal to fight for. to
surance policies taken out by the com- j
d ie for.
You can give them th is If
pany to protect men working for the
you will open your hom e to them . If
concern on force account highway
you will place In your window some
sign th a t will say to them th a t any
m an In th e uniform of o u r country Is
School children in Benton and Polk
w elcom e th ere.
! county districts will hold a rural life
M any of th ese hoys have n ever be­
week February 17-23, in which they j
fo re been aw ay from home. T hey are
will feature George Washington as a
; farmer.
hom esick. T hey aro w orked hnrd five
M utual C om plaints.
an d a h alf d a y s a week nnd then they
L ady—I like the
"My husband accuses me of e x tra v a ­
The Umpqua river is expected to
go to tow n on leave.
Ity th a t tim e
house very much, gance. I spent $10,000 Inst yenr.”
they a re read y for n nythlng th a t will
b u t I h e a r th a t it
"I w ouldn’t tnlnd being scolded on become one of the industrial centers of
h elp them fo rg et th e ir hom esiekness.
Is h aunted.
th a t basis. I have to sta n d fo r the the state, and the first of three new
sawmills now under construction will
H ero Is w here you can help.
L andlord — My sam e accusation on $20 a w eek."
be ready for operation in two weeks, j
T h e re a re g irls who m eet them on
probably, and in three certainly.
tend to th n t per­
th o s tre e t c o rn ers—little fools who
The Q uicker the B etter.
m ean no harm nnd do n lot of It—
H ack—I suppose you alw ays let your
Parole Officer Keller has received '
ghosts only ap p ear w ife have th e last word.
nnd th ero n re o th e r girls, w ho live u n ­
letters from three men now out on
to te n n n ts who do
d e r th e red light, nnd serve, unw it­
P eck—Yes, nnd I’m tickled to d eath parole tendering their services to go to
not pny th e ir re n t w hen she gets to It.
tingly, th e k aiser.
France in event a company of prison­
nnd r e f u s e to
F rom these tw o classes you can
ers is selected from the state peniten­
move out.
p ro te c t tho boy who hns gono aw ay
D isappointed.
tiary, along the line of Keller’s sug­
"W h at did you
from his homo to learn to fight for
gestion of a few days ago.
She W as T roubled.
get o u t of thnt
you nnd y our home. If n bnd woman
The United States government is
Mrs. A.—A re you troubled m uch In wilt ense?” asked
m ay h an g n sign In h e r w indow to lure
making an investigation of the ship­
th e first law yer.
m en to d estru ctio n , It Is y our d u ty to y our neighborhood w ith borrow ing?
building possibilities of the Siuslaw
Mrs. T .—Y es; a good deni. My neigh­
“A h u ndred amt
d isp lay an em blem upon y our home
river. A. A. Eichler, of Oakland,
th a t will offer th ese m en th e hom e life b ors n ev er seem to have a th ing I fifty th o u san d dol­
Cal., special investigator for the
lars,” replied the
w hich Is th e only n ntldoto fo r the w a n t
Emergency Fleet Corporation, has ar­
hom esickness which d rives them to
second law yer.
rived at Glenada, and will check up
A dvantageous M arriage.
p u rc h a se evil com panionship.
“G o o d r o u nd
reports on the river now on file in
Mrs. Jlg g s— So your d a u g h te r m a r­ sum , eh?”
ried a surgeon?
Photographic Lens and the
Mrs. N oggess— Y es; I’m so glad. At th o u g h t th e old
The dangerous crossing of the Pa­
Human Eye Are Quite Alike. la st I can afford to hnve appendicitis. m an le ft m ore
cific Highway and the Southern Pacific
th a n th a t."
tracks at Divide, just south of Cottage
T h a t tho h um an eye nnd th e photo­
H ered itary In s tin c t
must be eliminated during the
g rap h ic lens n re very m uch alik e In
B oarder—M adam , I am told yo u r fa ­
U p-to-t he- M In ute.
coming year, according to an order of
design nnd o p eratio n In a well-known th e r w as a railro ad official.
“Is M abel still devoted to th a t the Public Service commission.
fa c t. If you look th ro u g h a photo­
L andlady—So he w as. W hat of It?
young m an who ow ns th e 12-cyllnder overhead crossing must be constructed,
g rap h ic lens you will see noth in g c le a r­
B oard er— N othing, only it accounts car?”
the railway bearing 40 per cent of the
ly. T o perceive th e Image, aays th e fo r your tendency to keep c u ttin g
“No. She passed him up fo r an expense, the county 30 per cent and
P o p u la r Selene* M onthly, a piece of down th e fare.
i arm y av ia to r.’
the state 30 per cent.
ous herbs w hich a re enjoyed, pepper,
sa lt and a g ra tin g of nutm eg or a
pinch of m ace. A fter stuffing, rub th e
m eat all over w ith salt, pepper, cloves,
allspice, then w et w ith vinegar. L et
stan d over night. In th e m orning p n t
Into a k ettle w ith a cupful of w ater
and cook slowly (very) fo r several
hours, allow ing a h a lf h o u r fo r every
pound of m eat, tu rn It o ften while
cooking so th a t th e gravy will season
all p a rts of th e m eat. Serve h o t or
sliced cold. T hicken th e gravy and
serve w ith th e m eat.
Apple Pancakes.
Rub to a cream a tablespoonful each
of sw eet fa t and sugar, add tw o beaten
eggs, one and a h a lf cupfuls of flour
sifted w ith a teaspoonful of baking
pow der and a cupful of chopped ap ­
ples. F lav o r w ith nutm eg or cinnam on
and add milk to m ake a m edium b a t­
ter. F ry as o rd in ary griddle cakes and
serve In an overlapping row around
the p la tte r of ro a st pork o r sausage.
Apple Dowdy.
Rub an e a rth e n w a re dish well w ith
sh o rten in g nnd line w ith slices of
bread, also sp read w ith a b u tte r sub­
stitu te, then fill th e dish w ith sliced
apples, sp rin k le w ith brow n sugnr nnd
n little nutm eg, tu rn In h alf n cupful
each of hot w a te r nnd m olasses, then
cover w ith slices of b u tte re d bread,
b u ttered side up. Cover th e dish for
the first hour of baking th en uncover
nnd bake fo r n n other hour. Serve from
the baking dish, w ith pow dered sugar
and cream fo r a sauce.
I k n ead an d I spin, b u t m y life Is low
th e w hile.
Oh. I long to be alo n e, a n d w alk ab ro a d
a mile.
Y et It I w alk alone, a n d th in k o f no u g h t
a t all.
W hy, from m e t h a t 's young should the
w ild te a r s fa ll?
T h# sh o w e r-s tric k e n e a rth , th e e a rth -c o l­
ored stre a m s,
They b re a th e on m e aw ak e, an d m oan to
m e In d ream s.
A nd y o n d er Ivy fo ndling th e b ro k en castle
w all.
It pulls upon my heart till the wild tears
The cabin door looks down a fu n s lighted
And far as Letghlln Cross the fields are
green and still;
But onoe I hear the blackbird in Leigh-
lln’s hedges call.
The foolishness Is on me. and the wild
Uars fall.
—Louise Imogen# Quins*.