; » T E A BEAUTIFIES HOW THE STORY GOES H ugh W h i t a k e r is told, a ft e r a d ia g n o sis by em in en t surgeons, th at he ca n n o t live longer than s i s month«. H i s sw e e th e a rt Jilts him. T h e double blow stu n s him. Peter S ta r k , his frien d , propo ses a South sea voyage on S t a r k ’s y a c h t W h i t a k e r consents, but r u n s a w a y to a co u n try hotel w it h the intention of committing su lcld s. He s u r p r is e s M ary L a d l s l a s , d a u g h ter of a rich and hard N ew Y o r k e r . In the a ct of drin kin g poison and stops her. She has been deserted by the man w it h whom she had plan n ed a clan d estin e marriage. W h i t a k e r m a r r ie s the girl to sa v e her good name, g iv es her money and Im m ed ia tely pu ts her on a train for home. He tu rn s— and w a l k s into P e t e r S t a r k ' s arm s. "No more fo o lish n e ss.” s a y s S t a r k . " Y o u ’ve got to go s a ilin g wit h me.’’ T h e sic k man shrugged w e i r l l y : " A l l right," he replies. " H a v e y o u r own way." W ha t happen s n sx t Is told In th is Installm en t. Y o u 'll find It mighty Interesting. "Then why did you?* “f»h . . i don't know. f*hte#f because I caught Aline I’resbury' sharp eyes on me III Melbourne a« I «aid a while ago. At tho Voral If vvh/lf you suggest has really happened It's an open and shut case; lin ones going 1« blama the woman; and It ought to tie easy enough In *ocur* 0 separation or illvnrc» "You’d consent to thatt" Inquired Drummond Intently. “ I f * the only decent thing I c*o do.” Iirununond Inuglied quietly. “ If that's huw you feel.” tie said, “ I can only give you one pier« of professional advice.” "\V hat's that f "rind your wife. After n .no,.....I of pn.alad thought. « « • • ‘ r • - !.............. .. ........... right. I here a the rub ’T in afraid you won’t find It an easy joli. I did my liest without uncov­ ering a trace of tier." "Did you try old ThurlowT” "Iter father died within eight weeks from the time you ran away, lie left everything to charity, by the way. Unforgiving blighter.” "W ell, there’s tier slater, Mr* I’rttlt." "Address,” observed Drummond, dryly “ the American Kmhanay, Iter Don’t Stay Dray! It Darken* Ho Naturally that No* hotly ran Tell. You can turn gray, fad ml hair h wu tlfulty dark and lustrous almost . , night tr you'll get * g g .. r,» bottl "W yeth '* Hagn and tlulphur ( n. pound” at any drug atora. Mllllo is of bottles of this old famous Hage Tea Iteclpe, Improved by the addlil I, of 1* *1™ f 00“ ^ ’ sod avenly that no one can tell It has been applied, Thoaa whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van lahee and your locka become luxuriant­ ly dark and beautiful. Thl* la the age of youth Oray- haired, unattractive folks aren't want­ ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Hage and Hulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful ap pearance within a few days. This preparation la a toilet requisite and Is not intended for the cure, m iti­ gation or prevention o f disease Adv. steamer*. I’reshury. with no thought "That's so. And you never heard T” In hi* huniptlou* head of meeting "Merely n rumor ran round, llore Beyond drawing heavily on hi* hank Hugh Whitaker before the day of Judg­ than that nothing until we heard that slid sending Drummond a brief note. ment, looked at and through him with­ tho Adventuress had been lost, half a Whitaker failed to renew eoninumlea out a hint of recognition; but his wife year later.” Mon with hla home, lie sank luto a was another person altogether. Whit­ ’T'tn sorry.” said Whitaker contritely. state of semi apathetic content. 1 he aker could not be blind to the surprise “ It was thoughtless . . .’’ Adventure** «a s tUe month* out of and pcrlcxtty that shone In her eyes. “ Kut that Isn’t nil.” Drummond oh port before he began to be conscious even though he pretended to be blind Jeeted. nourishing another paper. "See that he was truly accursed. There to her uncertain nod; long after bln here Exhibit 11 eatue In a day or so came a gradual thickening of the back alone was visible to her he could later.” shadows that threatened to eclipse his fool her Inquiring stare lx »ring luto “ Yes.” Whitaker recognized the . v.steuoe. And then, one day as they It. document. “ 1 remember Insisting on The Incident made him think ; and writing to you before we turned lu *ir.ed with the lonely trader of an -bated station In the D'Entrecasteaux he remembi red that be was now a that night.” Islands, he fell from his chair as If man of Independent fortune and of lie ran through the following com­ Tough Luck. isdeawd. He regained con- iousncaa Idle hands as well. After prolonged munication : «ibi Man (to crying b o y)— What's «'r.'.y tv' shiver with the chill of the consideration be suddenly doolded, the matter, my little man? Dear t'runimoml I marrie.t her# |«*- » ;*'d that's fanned hy the wings of told Lynch to h*ok out for Ids Inter­ Hoy— I'm lost. liooh oo! ntstit. Mary l^tltalaa I’ll usa took out for death. It was Impossible to move him. ests sud e\|HVt him back when he Old Man - L u i ? Nonsense! We hsr while I'm uwsy M >k* her an allow­ The agotv.es of the damned «e r e hi* should see hue. and booked for London ance mu of tny money live humlte.l a mustn't give up hope so soon. Whcro do you live? I * eoeau, they by a Koval Mall boat all In half a month ought to 1« enough I stolli ilia Hoy Don't know, sir. W e've Just vlay. From l . !. u Mr. Hugh Morten Intestate, anil aha'II yet everythin* then, lifted him to a bed. . . • of course. Stia has >- ir adtlraas ami will moved, and I c can't remember tho ad­ rrnaanl In e* y to New York on communicate with i m aa soon iva sits S k " ’ dress. for«' sundown of the *ar. e day. purpos­ the Olymp. c. binding m the month of gels settled down In o wn faithfully, Old Man W ell, what’s your name? Hugh Morten Whltaksr ing to fetch a surgeon from Tort April nearly > \ years to a day from Hoy D don’t know, sir. M mother the time he had left his native laud. M o r e s b y . Whitaker said a last farewe.l got married again this morning — Ex­ “ If It hadn't been -o much in char­ lie put up at the Kit* Oarlton. pre- change. to h:s friend, know;:..; in bis ~ou'. that acter.” comment.-.I l>rummnnd, “ I'tl've > rvig t •r might he ex- any they would never meet aga.n. Then he thought the thing u forgery ur n |>*>or composed himself to die quit ly. But peeled to dtv. and r »mal , ! 11 :¿h Mur- Joke. Knowing you as well ns I did, A M , M K N A T H O .M K S M O T T I ) the following morning broug t a hap- ten while he pro» «nt around the city however . . . I Just sat back to wait I ’ K K I W R K F O R W A lt . chance trading schooner to t • is!;.nil. and found him*, If. X « and again lu f. r word from Mrs Whitaker.” T h e f i r s t te s t n m a n la put tl and with It, in the estate f sujH'r- the course of h.> v\ tin lerings he en- th ru f**r "And you never heard, except that e i t h e r w a r or tlf e Insu r a n c e Is an e t a i n l - •argo. a crapulous Scotch f -ntleumn countered well-rem o tu I h *re*l faces, hut once!" said Whitaker thoughtfully. n a h m o f h is w a t e r T h l a la m- nt eNHi-ri- >m <-!:cititi i the slightest tlul b e c a u s e t h e k i d n e y s . play . _ m o a t I m ­ w ho had been a famous s;* iahst o f always "Here's tin* sole and only evidence p o r t a n t p a r t 111 * a u s i l i * |j:*-mulU(e . .I.I a** hy the the ?lea:n of recognit on i circumstances London before drink laid him i by I e\« r got to prove that you hud told am , death. T h e m o r e I n j u r i o u s t h e i*ols- tic oper oper- that only went ti pr« *\e hi'w th**r- heels. He performed a heroic O tis p u s s l n * th ru th e k i d n e y s th e s o o n e r the truth.” c o m e s d e c a y an a a y s D r l l e n e o f Mur- t r i e d ie was In the ughly dr and b ation upon Whitaker within an hour, * l * n l I n s t i t u t e , M u f fa lo . N y . w h o f u r t h e r Dri; n r i * , v and generation. announced by nightfall that the pa­ a d v i s e s all p e o p l e a i m a r e p a s t t h i r t y to gle. f led sheet of note pnjver stumped pres* r v e th e v i t a l i t y o f th e k i d n e y s an*, ■d as he re­ Noth g. me tient would recover, and the nest day f l e e th e H o w l fr*tln p o is o n o u s e le m e n t s , with tío- name of the Waldorf-Astoria. P.ut his Ul miate and ut- sailed with his ship to end his days in m em bered such a s u r ic a* Id . lr ln k p l e n t y o f w a t e r - s w e a t s o m e d a l l y a m , t a k e A n u r i e , d o u b le g to the t •uth that his some abandoned Australian boozing- ter a w ak t Dear g - l se herewith a hank- s t r e n * l t i , b efori- m e a ls w t v you will be kind r « ..en—as Whitaker learned in Sydney hom e bod l oU grown him fell upon the T h i s A n - u - r l c Is a la ta d la r * » v e r y o f I»r. r e j i t i (h.- esrate o f your F i e r c e a n d Is put up In tabl.-t f o r m , and ig his return. tern fou r: h -*.*veral months later. c a n b e o b t a i n e d nt a l m o s t un> d m * store. late host.arid. Mr F o r t h a t Im* k m he, lumt*u*n, r t ie u m a t ls m , In the same place, and at the same when a total rten W h ’ aker. " r u s t y " j o i n t e , » w o l l e n f r .-t o r humls, duo Whitaker s Vary truly your». time, he received his tir-t authentic man present* to uri*- a r i l i in th e blood. A m i l i * mil, M y M ir> 1-adi-Ia.s W h ita k e r ill a !" . u i name und d i s s o l v e s th e url>- a d d s s hot w a t e r *|n..» news of the fate of the Adventuress. colisi ti*Thtioa s u g a r. T a k e a li t t l e A n u r i e b e f o r e m e a ls The yacht had struck on an unchurted { a gen uine offer t ly purchase hi m a und llv<- to be a h u m lt e . l H* ml lu , enta “ Dated, i -**♦•. tlie day ufter the j drink. t< and y 1 » en- nttempte*! prom l o I ir M reef. In heavy weather, and had foun- rej-.rt of ur death was published “ W h i t a k a r i " H e G a s p e d . . " M y G o d l " — A d v . ien e fu r t r ia l pa* k .ig c o f A n u r ie . mesh lf' him In u CO]E dence gnnie that lered almost Immediately. Of her han," • ntire company, a solitary sailor man­ : had d*•gene rat**d inito a vsudevll le Joke T h e O nly W ay. "Hut why?” demanded Whitaker, lin. . . . I’ettlt’a g**t some sort of a minor diplomatic berth over there." aged to cling to a life-raft until picked in the day s wh.-n t*Jth uf them had dum founded. “ W hy?" " I have a friend who kept a cook for Whitak er pri- "O tin- devil I . . . Hut. anyway. neurly a year.” up, a week ufter the wreck, by a tramp worn kniclu*-rï.<*. kern "Mrs. Whit, «i-r may have desired to L * “ What jail is ho In charge of.“ — Bos­ •-leamship on whose decks he gasped 1 va tely adz:.;tted t it he w a« out- tely. If I in any I can write." lie moved to a window ami stared ton Transcript. <>ut his news and his life in the same Classed, that it v\ ns time fo r him to J ) »e of hun.rin nature, she argued !*eek th- proti P his t r en«ls- breaths. :t. ’ rep;- o f the loan wlpisl out rudely at the Post Office Kulhllng for Take care of your health and wealth il< ■; Legna with Drummond. The 1st- Whitaker hunted up an account of »very oblige n. I ‘emlnlne logic, per- u time. ’T in going to tlml her Just tbs will take rare of you. Garfield Tea Sinn*- if she still lives,” he announced, promotes health.— Adv. lie disuster in the files of a local new s­ ter. of course, had moved h!» offi/ rtfU. laps, but—” paper. He read that the owner, I ’eter Whi 'iiker found him indepen*lently W h itak er lded In somber abstrae- turning buck. Stark, Esq., and his guest. H. M. Whit­ tnbli shed I d aa . ¡.F •>. TlZ F 'J te la An Unexpected Answ er. aker. Esq., both of New Turk, had Woo 1 worth Bull d.nr— found him hr. "P olly, want a cracker?" You ms not,” continued Drum- bo rn* >ud with "N o ; I am conserving food,” replied gone down with the vessel. There ashenfaced man ol thirty-five , A n d when W h i t a k e r doe* find ght malice, "have been the Intelligent bird.— Louisville Cour­ was also a cable dispatch from New clutched the side ol bis roll-top *k P I ) genero her, w h a t do you suppose h a p ­ so consl ilerate and ier-Journal. York detailing Peter Stark's social as if to save hirnself from fuLirig. p e n s ? — co n sid e r in g th at *he m a y Ch va irle, af r all.” and financial prominence— evidence ha ve r e m a rrie d . “ W hitaker!” he g¡ spe-q. “ My 0'r KAMK POH TIIK TlttKII** •hat the news had been cabled borne. “ Flattered,” sa.d Whitaker. "I'm I never meant to come tpHy. Shslo-n Inin the **h**«*a amt Kprinklial’ tn the ftp,l To all who knew him Whitaker was aure. tiath It Slves reel ami risiifurt. takee the friction ( T O BIC C O N T I N U E D . ) as dead as Peter Stark. ! from th*- eh«*e Mlxl reveille blintere ami SOTS »pote. He derived eoasiderable mischievous Make* walking ,-aey. Accept no Bulatlltule Sold amusement from Drummond * patent every w her*-. Zie. "There is a world outside the one you stupefaction. It v s all so r.gnt and S h in g le Roof a M enace. CEMETERY know The orilltinry shingle roof Is a tra- A M arital H andicap. proper—as It should have been. He "T h e girl Is neither pretty, talented To which for curiousness ’Ell can’t considered L:s a highly satisfactory Murderer {.■ e/ed to Have Hidden tiietidotis fire hazurd which Is not ful­ compare; ly appreciated by most persons. After nor rich. Wlint Is her attraction for resurrection. Seldom doe* a scene Large iifn In Burial Ground a ahlligle has been exposed to the It is the place where wilful missings pass off as one pmna .» ; but Drummond a* Fomona, Cal. 1 great and lasting one. She's go, wen flier for II time It becomes so In tongue played up his part In a most public* tied.”— Exchange. As we can testify, for we are there.” -pirited fashion gratifying, to say 'Mie iri'irr / recently there was flnnimnlilc Hint It will burn ns quick found H ho For a disordered liver, take Garfield the least. n th< ground under a ly ns paper, and they arc so light Hint Kipling's lines buzzed through bis It tvok him sc:.'.* ::.!nutes to recov­ gigs lit '* p-j* ; ore tr*-*- In th«- east end nn ordinary wind will carry these bunt­ Tea, the Herb laxative. A ll druggists. head more than once in the course of er, Whitaker standing by and beaming. of th* Pom* — Adv. (I'.lil.) cemetery. The ing branda from one building to it' • the next few years; for he was oilier some diri a nee away. This wn* lurid* ; ns a mystery which He remarked changes, change* as U nsubstantial Returns. "there.” They were years of su'-h ■ of this community clearly buildings destroyed, over l.ixst more American. tary life led by i he a >*-i:.ge ►-,***> -fu| tooth of poverty. Whitaker lead be­ Perhaps no m o r s ______________________ <•'at ' r discovered that I iik I shingle roofs man o f business in New York had the * *-/>,. - ■ , tween four and five thousand dollars «•«livlielng exnmple of Ho* ilnnger In Coated tongue, vertigo and constipa­ Kumchody »log a hole five fee, marked hi* per >h • •' * :. 0 ;y, Only in traveller's cheeks which he convert­ f*-ct d< * 1 « under a huge III*' lise of linlreiHtsl vv ***** teli slllllgles tion are relieved hy Gnrfleld Tea.— Adv his face sceme' as it had a .■• a>s been long and » ed into cash while in Sydney. Me­ '•«more Win a the In In n clic < |y bulli iip * ■•miuiinlly could hi 1 strong. Whit- limb of i/,* mory of the wreck of the Adventuress —sharply hand.vc rid*-nt #; ■ flgaied It was learned le- follll*! , lui li dilli flirnlsheil hy tlils was already fading from the Australian aker remembered that he had always ! that s ms l ’rucHcnlly thè ho h.id Just finished IntcM, conltiigriiHoii. mind; no one dreamed of challenging somewhat meanly nvlcd Drummond i serving .•'/> only realdeiii'e lu Hie pulii of thè llniiles is lu the penitentiary the signature of a man seven months ills g*/'»'i looks ; he hlmseif had b* *-b I had been , strolling through the whl* h Wlis hllt lid ie dlilllllgeil vviim dead. And as certainly and as quietly •' J iiD* r the new order of ar*hl- ' c/#,cl * i y . days earlier. Ills Iffn roofed wlih In*nnihiiNiihle innlerlnl. In us the memory, Whitaker faded away; UT* •wl’ h a steel frame, tory wan t d and I, was learned Ihe reeonslriP'Hon of thè city die use J f <- discovered that t h e y were both Hugh Morten took his place, and S id ­ that th* • uvl/f hud served lime of Woodcil slllllgles wllliollt lire retimi ney knew him no more, nor did any '■ talking at on* e furiously and, nut foi k. I y n 'ild miner, Dorn uni Irendni'iit ahoiild he nhnolutely other parts wherein he had answered without surprise that he had a g n a t whom |t prohlhlted. < g' d, he had Stolen deal more enlightenment to impart to to his rightful name. You corn pestered men and women V A '/'/') Ih ; Nelson Not to Risme. The money stayed hy him handsome- ^fwnmond than he had fu»< -<*•/, need suffer no Linger. Wear the sh ea The tuce » H O - 'd guai ex ilie O lir« mi ohi Imly whs helng shown that nearly killed you before, s»>s ly. Thanks to u strong constitution In “ You’ ve gut an economical s»#. ak In ment I m i , hi next f* IV weeks the over Nelson’» «hip Vletory. As die this Cincinnati authority, because ¡v a tough body (now that Its malignant > "'J when It « on** * I(, 'einet*// ,, honeycombed with bolus poi • y n|ipr*/*ehed die s|*ot wherw Nel few drops o f freezone applied directly demon was exorcised) he found It easy Drummond * hum,>-i,u-‘ ^ whit Wbl,-b *•/• / by • fessure seeker» pi ili u n i hls deii ih, die nltendnnt polnt on n tender, aching corn or call- is to pick up a living by one means or ,ikt‘r “ »beet of paper he had Juaf e/| ih Ih« Iniiss illudi fixed lu lliu --,. / i. , e r a * h i g* H i n g up, h la Dear D : I'm not fsett,,* w,|| tJ„ In th« righi wny. seemed a forlorn bid for fortune. very llttlo at any drug store, but will ; w ith h i m hy > a i l i n g for a va* ation lb.rite has Just n», „ In moth*-/ ,. “ No womh r I" ah« «ald. ” 1 neurly positively take o ff every hard or soft Thereafter he prospered amazingly. an*, paid |l ,Uh In M'tlament of ,,,, I d s ait*/,i!oi, o, i,,« flowers. trippe', over dm! dilng inynelf." When at length he did make up his I'm snclnsln* herewith my check f.„ corn nr callous. This should bo tried Why lb* ila flowe/s bava bean as It Is Inexpensive and Is said not mind to go home, he was in Melbourn« shars. Yours, a w a k e I 'l i i.i^ .iit '" aba t o l d l/lm, " n n d fiutinas« Is Buslnsta. H M W to Irritate the surrounding skin. with Lynch, his partner. Whitaker I**/*- y *, -/ ../*, « i eigh t o'clock a l i l i 'iueai " I must i« k « III« nuit train, If your druggist hasn't any freezono passed old friends In the street. They "F sr be It from me to cast up," said lh bad ” fi means money lo m «l How noon tell him to get a small bottle for you were Oeorge Presbury and his wife— Drummond; “ but I'd like to know why doe« li go?” Clerk (country Inn) — from hls wholesale drug house. It Is w* w a s I hm i m p l y , Anne Forsythe thst was— self-evident th« deuce you couldn’t let a fellow wfiat awf*, / beds He y bava, s o d 'T d I**»« my Joh If I told ydu I It fine stuff and acts like a charm every toorlaU, looking the town over between know how III you were." U*/w p ii, ei,,; , ;„a /, mina 1*1" maaiia mm,my to us lo keep you Itera I" time.— Adv. CHAPTER IV—Continued. YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS