The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 31, 1918, Image 5

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A son w as born Sunday morn­ sehede, Joseph R. McCready,
ing to Prof. and Mr» R. F. Clark Edward Stocker, ('has Burling-
Money to loan Valley Realty ham, Eleanor Fitch, Winnifred
Co., Forest (»row, Oregon. 19-tf Ramsey, Elmer Littlehalcs, I>-on
H . Bmck.
Bring your prescriptions hero to
District No 22 Herschel Tail-
have them correctly compounded.
Littler'a Pharmacy.
District No. 2!) Wa'ter Chow-
Just received, the right size
Trench Mirrors for Soldier Boys.
I »¡strict No. 22 A’vin Johnson.
A. G. Hoffman & Co.
No. 2K M artha l/*'le.
An execeptionally gootl line of
District No. 40 Heh-n Maly,
sweaters for men, women and
Fred I’lieth, Herbert Eisner.
children at John Anderson's.
District N o.17 K« nneth Mills.
Those nifty cloth novelty hats
District No. 70 Emma Blake.
you see the ladies wearing Came
N o. 0 1
from John Anderson’», where you
can get the pick of a fine assort­ Schneider.
ment of colors.
Di'irict No. 106 Fidelia Steele,
fi you are looking for an un­ I .eon Spada, .lames A. Sharp,
usual value in wool and Wool W ndell Bwlsiger.
mixed shirts a* $1.25 to $.‘{00,
District No. 107 Clifford York.
take one of ours home. Their
A Junior Red Cro-s has been
fabric and w»*ar will urpri e you. organized at ( ’¡pole, Di-trict No.
C. E. Roy Co.
45; Lottie Cole, teacher; 100 p e r ­
Having sold my Furniture bus­ cent membership
iness to Sir. Claude Smith, I have
The Thrift campaign in the
several slightly u s e d sewing scho Is is well under way. School
machines that will be old cheap. child «n aie investing freely in
You will have to get a move on if War Savings certificates and Thrift
you want a bargain. Chas. O. Stamps. I hen* is no better place
to put small savings.
A daughter was born Monday
While we are saving and con­
morning at the loc d ho-pi al to serving let us not neglect to
Lieutenant and Mrs. Kay T "give.” It will be a great mistake
Williams and the lieutenant ar­ if we do not plan to let. the child­
rived form (’amp Lewis Monday 1 ren have a part in the great re-
night to spend ten day' with his la f program which America is
wife and daugh'er, who ar doing «•all«-«) upon to shoulder up. We
a e calling upon the schools to
A. (». Carruth, editoi and pro­ contribute to the Armenian Re­
prietor of the Carlton Sen tin« I, lief Fund an amount equal to 2c
was an interested listener at ih ¡.piece for the number enrolled in
Non Partisan debate Tuesday the school. No pupil i- u.'k«d to
n ght Hr- was acquainted with coritrii ute more than 5c. This
st uni« like a very modest contri­
Prof. < 'lark of I ac 1 Uni i
in the grasshopper state arid visit- j bution, hut our idea i-. to respond
to every legitimate call rather
ed Mr. Clark while here.
than give so much to on« that we
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Durst on of no not feel able to give to o h< rs.
Alberta. Canada, are paying a
The Wa-hington County Teach­
vi.-it to the former’s brother. J. I. ers’
Association meets at Beaver­
\V., and family, at Stringlowr. ton high
school building Saturday,
After spending a f*-w w e e k s here,
at 10:45 a. m The
the Canadian I)ur-*tons will g • to
planned to be
Utah, California a n d South of iritere't to been
boards and
Dakota for visita with fiiends.
They enjoy the balmy weather
now prevailing here very much.
Frexh (Inh for Tuesdays (meat­
less day) and Fridays. Pacific
Market; phone 0201.
( »eorye G. Hancock, real es­
tate, farm loans and fire Insur­
ance, new Anderson block. 50
We will move into our new
s ore, on P.icific avenue, and will
how a lo* of new
A (I Hoffman & Co.
Joe A. Wiles would like to
write your insurance. Will give
you service that will be to your
advantage. West side Main St„
north of Tucker's garage
A regular meeting of the W ( ’.
T. 1 1 will be hi Id Fri lay, Feb. I ,
at 2:20 p rn with Mrs Marsilliot,
North A s t r e e t . Bu-úne».- followed
by a short program will be the or­
der the day. K B. P«-n field.
Aland Kd Alhgren «if this city
and ( has. Foil -it of Hillsboro at­
tended a m< el:ng of lit ■ Portland
lodge of Elk« Thursday night and
witnessed a class of ten tide the
Elk goat.
There have been a great, many
people greatly benefit ted by the
use of Vinol, the system tonic,
sold by I,it tier’s Pharmacy. Kx-
elusive agents (Jeta bottle to­
day, it will do you good.
Mrs Norris L. Rogers of Mc­
Minnville visited her parent-, Mr
and Mrs. H. It. Bernard, Sunday
and Monday and when she re­
turned home Monday night, M iss
Jessie Buxton accompanied her for
a visit.
Lietenant Haskell Kerrin. for­
mer cashier at the Forest (»rove
National lank, is probably 'on
foreign soil by this lime, as Itufus
Cheney Saturday receiver) a letter
from him, «fated New York, Jan.
20th, saying "Pm off; goodbye.”
Mrs. Ferrin and the haby are v is ­
iting Haskell's parents, in New
York city.
The W R. C , which meets tin*
second and fourth Thursdays of
each month, held a very interest­
ing meeting last Thursday, initial
ing one candidate and balloting
on the application of two others.
10:45 a. m. Music.
Now is the right time o join the Unde
11:00 a. m. B usiness M eeting.
Reli. f Corps and engage in patri­
11:15 u. m. P rospects for Ameri«-a to
otic work.
Become a T h rifty N ation, John H.
Ensign ('ceil McKay, son of
S tevenson, P ortland.
In addition to what the soldier 12:00 M Lunch.
Mrs A. McKay of this city, who
enlisted in the navy right after, sends home out of his salary here 1:00 p. m. Music and R«-adings.
war was declared, writes Mrs John is what ihe government sends to j 1:15 p. m .- How can a person not a
Anderson that he received one of the family of the soldier of democ­ professional know a good school when
th‘* Christmas poxes of candy ¡ racy :
he sees it? E. F. C arleton, Salem .
sent out by the W. R C. ladies
If there is a wife but no child. l:4.r> p. M. P hysical te s ts for school
of this city and app eciated the $15 per month.
children, Dr. Mason, B eaverton
gift very much Hois aboard the j If there is a child and one child, 2:10 p. m. E xhibition o f educational
U. á. S. Florida, cruising in for­ $25 per month.
m«>vies, P rof. Phillips, B eaverton.
p. m. -D ep artm en ts
eign waters.
If there is a wife and two child­
P rim ary Mrs. Ball. C hairm an.
Dilley Man Invents (¡as Engine
N um ber W ork - B erth a Penning­
per month additional for each ad
C. W. Comstock of Dilley has ditionai child
ton, B eaverton.
Maximum pay­
recently secured a patent on a new ment, $50.
H ygiene To be selected.
type of rotary valv for gasoline |
R ural Does the P a re n t T e a c h e rs’
If there is no wife, hut one child,
engines. The • ngines equipped
A ssociation add to th e w ork o f
with this divice are almost noise $5 per month.
th e teacher? C lara M. W alker,
If there is no wife, hut two
less and free from vibration The
W iteh Hazel.
device also eliminates 10 to 50 children, $12.50 per month.
H igh School— Mr. Phillips. C hair­
parts of the ordinary four-cylinder j If there if no wife, but three
m an.
engine and gas engine experts children, $20 per month.
S upervised S tu d y — P ro f.
claim the new device will bees-! If there is no wife but four
F o rest G rove..
p cially adaptable to engines to children, $20, with $5 per month
Wo are trying to make the As­
be used on autos, motorcycles and additional for e a c h additional sociation meetings interesting and
airoplanes. Uncle Sam will bel child. Maximum payment, $50. useful to school boards an i are
given the first chance to purchase
“ Family allowance” will aid de­ sending a special invitation to
the Comstock devic , according to pendent parents, sisters or broth­ meet with us.
the inventor.
A P. Pa*ton, Sec.
ers, as well as wife or child. The
amounts the government contrib­
N otice o f F in al S e ttle m e n t
In th e C ounty C o u rt fo r th e S ta te o f utes are.
O regon for W ashington County.
If there is one parent, $10 per
In th e m a tte r of th e e s ta te o f H er­ month.
b e rt (!. Ila/.litt, D eceased.
If there are two parents, $20
N otice is hereb y given th a t B erth a
A gnes Ila/.litt, ex ecu trix of th e e s ta te
For each additional grandpar­
of H e rb e rt <1. H a z litt, deceased, has
rendered and presen ted for se ttle m e n t ent, grandchild, brother or sister,
h er first and final account o f h e r adm in­
istra tio n of th e e s ta te o f said deceased,
and p rays for allow ance o f said account j To secure an allowance for a \
and for the d istrib u tio n of th e residue parent, sister or brother the sol­
o f said e s ta te to th e persons e n title d ] dier must have h e n contributing
th e re to ; th a t th e County C ourt has
fixed Monday, th e 4th day of M arch, ! at least $15 per month during the
A. I)., HUH, a t the hour o f eleven past year to the dependent
to Soldiers’ Families
o'clock in th e forenoon as th e tim e,
and th e co u rt room o f th e county ju d g e
County School News
in th e co u rt house at Hillsboro, O re­
The following named pupils I
gon, as th e place for h earin g thereo n ;
th a t all persons in te re ste d in said e s - , wi re successful in the January
la te a re notified then and th e re to ap- : eighth grade examination and
¡rear and show cause, if any they have, have been
awarded common
why said first an<l final account should
n o t he approved and allowed and s e t­ school diplomas:
tled, and th e residue o f said e s ta te dis- ! District No. 3 Ida A. Kleier,
tribute«!, as prayed for in said petition, 1 Leonard Crawford.
and th e e s ta te d o se d o f record.
District No. 7—John Simpson,
D ated J a n u a ry .'{1st, 11M8.
Stewart, Edith Campbell,
E x ecu trix . Ruby Sewell«
District No. l l J t —Dale Abra­
L. M. G R A H A M ,
A ttorney for E x ecu trix ,
F o re st C«r«>ve, Oregon.
District No. 15—Martin En*!
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
P H O N E 701
South Main Street
Forest Grove, Ore
Milan to give wide publicity to
By Eugene Blake
notice of government recog­
In fern al Palace, H ades.
My D«-ar Wilhelm B efore we s ta rt- I
ed this w ar, any a rticle would sell
Grain t h a t h a s been put
fa s te r in alm ost any co u ntry if “ Made through the
scouring process
in G e rm a n y " w as stam ped on it. C on-j
says Prof.
fidence in the product and good will for
G erm any put the sale across dead easy, j H. P. Barrs, O. A. C. Scouring
B ut now, my d e a r K aiser, look w hat scratches the seed coat and often
you’ve done. You have:
injures the germ.
* Plans for world conquest— "M ade in
Mrs. L C. Misz has received
G e rm a n y ."
Scrapped Belgian tre a tie s "M ade in word that her husband is ill at
G erm an y .”
Great Falls, M o n t, and if his
Poison g ases “ Made in G erm an y ."
doesn’t improve she
Plans fo r A rm enian
holy w ars - j
“ Made in G e rm a n y ."
L u sitania m u rders “ Made in Ger- 1 For Sale—Pure bred R. C R.
m a n y ."
I. Red cockerel, a beautiful bird
Broken pledges “ M adein G e rm a n y ." of good size. W. C. Benfer, at
H y m n s o fh a te "M ade in G e rm a n y ." j Express officp.
Zeppelin haby-hrainings
"M ade in
G erm an y .”
B arb arities ag a in st p riso n ers—"M ade
in G e rm a n y ."
B etrayals o f N eu trals
"M ade in
G erm an y .”
S in k -w ith o u t-a-trace notes "M ade in
G erm an y .”
and a com plete a sso rtm e n t of
I t ’s good w ork all rig h t, W ilhelm,
o th e r F ru it and N u t T rees, Shade
b u t if you don’t w atch o u t you never
T rees, Shrubbery, Roses, e tc .,
can use "M ad e in G erm an y ” a f te r th e
fo r im m ediate or S p rin g delivery.
w ar. You g o tta think about th a t, you
P runes and o th e r fru it crops have
know. An article m arked "M ad e in j
paid gro w ers good re tu rn s this
H ades” would sell f»etter.
y ear and e x istin g conditions in­
I ’m afraid w e’ve overdone th is th in g .
su re good prices fo r all food pro­
W hat do you think?
ducts for m any y ears to come.
^Faithfully your friend and ally,
T here is practically no u n d e rta k ­
ing m ore prom ising a t this tim e
Prir.ce o f Devils and K aiser o f H ades.
th an a good orchard on su itab le
land, properly cared for.
deal d irectly w ith our custom ers,
grow our own tre e s and th u s in­
sure you good stock a t co rrect
prices. L et us know yo u r needs.
First-Class Italian
Prune Trees
Home Economic Work
Vital in War Measures
Corvallis. Ore , J m. 29.—Will­
ing and effective ervice by women
trained to solve the intricate prob­
Orenco, Ore.
lems concerned with food and the
home, are counted on by Herbert
Hoover, from the women trained
in college home economics. In a
letter just received by Dean Ava
Successor to
B. Milan, of O. A C., he says:
"Gra iuates of these depart­
ments will find themselves called to
In F irst N ational Bank Building
plac- s of usefulness far surpass;ng
in number and responsibility any­ Residence 332
Office .333
thing heretofore thought possible.
Interests that demand the rarest
D. D. & M. B. BUMP
talent and the highest scientific
Attorneys at Law
training await their attention.
Loans and Real Estate
Thousands of young women are
M. B. BUM P,
being trained to grapple with the D. D. BU M P.
R esidence
R esidence Hillsboro
problems concerned with food and F o re st Grove.
Offices -H IL L S B O R O
the home through the excellent Phone 444
work done by u e departments of
home economics in the colleges J N. HOFFMAN
and universities.”
Attorney At Law-
Because of the great and press­
ing need for these trained women.. Patent Office Business Solicited
Mr. Hoover requeued Mi s s Forest Grove,
Oregon Nursery Co.