BIG MONEY IN FÜRS WAR’S BIG NECESSITY SHIP TO NEARtST MARKET ßtTTf-R P R I C E S - QUICK RETURNS We Want Immediately M U SK R AT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES OTTER AN D OTHER FURS. T j REACH G R E A T E S T E F F IC IE N C Y ARMY M U S T BE W E L L FED. Every Farmer Can Ralae More and Better Poultry and More Profit­ ably by Disposing of 8urplus Malea— Keep Yearling Hens. (Iiy K. K. A m erica n R IC H A R D S , P reaidant P ou ltry A s s o cia tio n .) of Wo uro going to win tIt 1 h war. It la going to coat our treasury bill lout of dollar* besIdcM the Uvea of hundrcda of tlioutuind» o f our bright young iiiuii - Prices are hiuher than ever. Send /or Haw Fur price IUI loJau. H. L IE B E S & CO. Dept. K. Raw Fur Dealer* and Fur Manu­ facturer* 14 9 -IS I Broadway, Portland, Or. W e Pay the Highest Market Prices illy C A U L J BEAUTIFUL RUGS NORTHWEST RUG CO. THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. Will guaranty« you top m arket price« at all time« fo r your Veal. Ilo*!«. P oultry, Kirit*. But tar. Hid**«, Kt<-. I f you havu not Rhippod to ua, try u*. ELECTRIC MOTORS MONEY FOR YOU. ThoufuindR o f trainod youmr p eop i« n«M*d«d. Ilehnke W alker H uni ruma ( V>lleirr, Portland, place« KtudrntM in poaitiona. Knroll any tim«*. Eroe Catalog yp*m of Squarti I Ruling*, and bm iMurfd of T O P MARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 5-47 Front Street Portland, Ore see By buying direct from os at wholesale prices and »are the plnmbnr’s profits. Write os to­ day your need*. We will give you our rock- bottom ’’dlrect-te-you" prices, t. a. b. rail or boat. We actually u t e you from 10 to M per I cent. All stood* truer ante». I Northwest hee»l»|uartors fm leader Water Systran* and Fuller A Johnson Engine*. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Third Street. P. N. U. Portlaad. Oregon No. 4, 1918 Latest models in Farm Tractors, Trucks and Automobiles Portland’s M agnificent New Auditorium One Week, Commencinj; Thursday, Feb. 7 A D M IS SIO N 25 C E N T S Reduced Railroad Rates— Certificate Plan A N a tu ra l F o rtific a tio n If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh, if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness, by all means start today to build your strength with HOW EMULSION which is a concentrated medicinal food and building- tonic to put power in the blood, strengthen the life forces and tone up the appetite. No alcohol in SCOTT’S. The imported Norwegian cod liver oil used in Scoff’ » EmaUion U now refined in our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities. Scott & Bowse. Bloomfield. N. J. 17-13 VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW Cuts 2 0 Cords in 10 Hours TH E ORIGINAL. T H E U G H T E S T . T H E STR O N G E ST. H A S M A N Y IM IT AT O R S. B U T N O EQ U A L S. W rite for Information. Young Holstein Calf. ally comes In sticks Hve Inches long Vaughan Motor Works, main and the slxe o f u lead pencil. Now P O R TLAN D . OREGON. d ip the hair off over the pluee where the horn can be felt. Alter this Is j Mulshed, wash with soap and water LOSSES SORELY PREVENTED j and thoroughly dry with a towel. Take j the stick of caustic and wrap some pa- j «I m b frrsh. Itlu. '• ; | M p r e fe rr e d b y ' j per around the end that Is to be held [ ■ tm «■ »«te rè stock- iu the bund. Now moisten the other ! ■ . « * . « ■ men. txriuse they I O U ^M fl prelect »her« other •■nil and rub on each clipped spot n l-! vaccine* tall. r t r Write for booklet * b l-~;rimaaivt*. ternately, two or three times, allowing ; 10 -dot* »ks.B!*ck!*t Pills, $ 1.00 time for It to dry between each nppll- : 504 m pfcf. Black!»< Pills. $4 GO Use any ialector, but Cutter’ s simplest mk ! strongest cation. Don’t get the stick too wet T he superiority of Cutter products ts due to over 15 years o f apectalmng In VACCINKS a n d s e r u m * and rub only where the horn Is to ap-1 OKLY. I x s x s r ON CUTT&K’ S. I i uacbULaabi«. pear, because if it gets on the sur­ order direct. ^ T b ^ B t U r laboratory. »*rt*Uy. C«llf»r*l« rounding skin It will ent the Mesh away and cause pain. After the treat­ When you wake up with backache ment protect the calves from ruin, as water on the head will cause the and dull misery in the kidney region la the result o f using Peta­ caustic to run on the surrounding It generally means you have been eat­ ing too much meat, says a well-known j luma Incubators and Brood­ skin. ers. That’ s the kind you authority. Meat forms uric acid want. W rite for our big which overworks the kidneys in their Free Catalog No. 60. to filter it from the blood and BEST IMPROVEMENT OF SOIL effort PETALUMA INCU8AT0II CO. they become sort of paralyzed and Petaluma. California loggy. When your kidneys get slug­ Much Easier to Maintain Productivity gish and clog you must relieve them, | of Land Than to Rebuild Soil like you relieve your bowels; remov-1 Distemper Can Be Controlled Robbed of Fertility. ing all the body’s urinous waste, else by using Dr. David Roberta’ you have backache, sick headache, FEVER PASTE If the soli Is neglected In any re­ dizzy spells; your stomach sours, and WHITE LINIMENT tongue is coated, and when the wea­ spect In the development of our sys­ ther is bad you have rheumatic Read the Practical Home Veternarian tem of farming, our agricultural struc­ twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of Send for free booklet on Abortion ture will become top-heavy. Soil im­ sediment, channels often get sore, wa­ In Cows. If no dealer in your town, write provement Is the foundation upon ter scalds and you are obliged to seek which our structure of permanent agrl- relief two or three times during the Dr.. David Roberts' Vet. Co.. 100 Grand Aie., Waakeslia.Wis. culture is based. It Is much ensler to : night maintain the productivity of the land j Kither consult a good, reliable phy­ G r a n u la te d E y e lid s , than It is to rebuild a soil robbed of j sician at once or get from your phar- j Sore Eves, Eyes Inflamed by macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; ' Sun, Q u it and W ind quickly Its fertility. take a tablespoonful in a glass of __ , ________ relieved by Murine. Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. I TOUR t l L ^ N o S a u r t i n j , Ju*t EyeComfort TIMOTHY HAY IS VALUABLE This famous salts is made from the Marine Eye Remedy acid of grapes and lemon juice, com ­ Ky« Sslvs, in Tub«*« 25c. For Book o f IA# K y — Fr««. Palatability Is One of Chief Reasons bined with lithia, and has been used Ask M a r i n e E r e R e m e d y C o . . C h i c a g o j for generations to clean and stimulate Why It Is Standard in Most sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize I of Our Market». acids in the urine so it no longer irri-1 Timothy hay Is a palatable hay and tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular this Is one of the chief reasons why meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can­ It Is standard In most markets. In not injure and makes a delightful, ef- ’ addition to this, a horse can be fed u fervescent lithia-water drink.— Adv. » and Dictaphone Operators lurge quantity of It and will suffer no 111 effects when given a hard drive CUTICURA STOPS ITCHING Now in demand by the Railroad Com­ panies. My course will flt you for any Immediately after haring eaten the o f the above poeitions. Course by mail hay. Palutnbllity depends largely on Instantly In Most Cases— Write for s if desired. Free Sample. the time the hay Is cut and on the SHERLOCK BILUNG and method of curing. Cuticura is wonderfully effective. D IC T A P H O N E SC H O O L The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Cause cf Sore Teats. Ointment to soothe and heal all forms Worcester Bldg., Portland. O r. Wet-handed milking Is the enuse of of itching, burning skin and scalp af­ cracked, sore touts which are so com­ fections. Besides these super-creamy V J mon In fall and winter In some dairies. emollients If used daily prevent little Wet-handed milking Is unsanitary and skin troubles becoming serious. Free sample each by mall with cannot be too strongly condemned. Book. Address postcard. Cuticura, N o need t a le t that cough persist. Stop the Dept. L>, Boston. Sold everywhere. Irritation, and remove tickling End hoarse ness, b y relieving the inflamed throat w ith Work of Superior Cow. —Adv. A superior cow cau double her own body weight in the dry matter of her milk within a year. This equals In food value the entire carcass«« of four 1,250-pound steers. SAITS IF BACKACHY BLACK S.ISYSÎ,ue““ mt* AND KIDNEYS HURT BIG, STRONG CHICKS 10 I A u to m o b ile S h o w Stop eating meat for a while if your Bladder is troubling you PO RTLAND, OR. B ought, S old, R «n t« d and R «p a ir«d W A L K E R E LEC T R IC W O R K S Rumnido. cor. th. Portland. Ora. ; T T n Portland’s Ninth Annual Young calves can be painlessly de- j horned If the treatment is applied be­ fore they are one week old. Anyone can do It If they follow directions: Procure from a druggist a stick of caustic soda or caustic potash—It usu- Hotel Rowland f t l - 7 to 13 M K N 7.K . F *rn d a le, W a s h .) | New Houston Hotel S he Feb. Barred Plymouth Rock Hen. N. M. UNGAR CO., No Real Equality. She— At last the time is coming when the sexes will bo on an equal j footing. He— That can never bo. A u to m o b ile Show Ever H e ld in t h e N o rth w est Treatment Is Painless If Applied Be­ fore Animals Are Week Old— Di­ rections to Follow. hood, but we shall win. To win this war the quickest, and with the least loss of lives we must provide the food, for as Napoleon said: “ An army 191 Broadway. P O R TLA N D , O R F. marches on Its stomach." This means that an army must he well provisioned to reach Its greatest elllclency. The greater part of the food supply must come from the United States not only Sltfh ami Kvcrctt St*.. Portland. Ore. for our 1.700.000 and more hoys In the Four blocks from Union |)ciM)t. T w o block* army and navy, hut we shall have to from New I'oatoftlrc. M««l«*rn «m l fireproof. feed our people at home, and must also Over 1 UU ou U ld « rooms. IU I m 7& c to supply the allies who are lighting this CTIAS. C. HOPKINS. Manager. world’s greatest battles. V Dispose of Surplus Males. Kvery farmer can raise more and better poultry and do It fur more On« htmdrrxl nnd Nitty flvn Room*. all1. Motirra protltuhly tty disposing of all surplus irnprovrmcvtil»; free | ih on o on « v e r y floor. males, by keeping only the yearling Kate*: 75c t o $1.50 per day: $2.50 to liens, and the earliest ami licst iiia- $5.00 per week. tured pullets, thus keeping no dead­ Q|>lxjRit«t Courthouse, 2 block* fn»m I'oatofflce. Kir«* I'roof. S 1 * Mini Urcgim K loclric pans tluor. heads or "sluckers" to consume what should go to profitable producers. It Is a crime to dispose of a laying heu or n pullet that Is Just uhout to lay. Keep the hen house neat and clean. Arc made from your OLD CAR- Iti-pulr the roof, the windows, anil stop I’ KTS. K* k R uns woven nil sizca. Mail orders receive prompt and care­ any direct drafts that are possible by ful attention. Send for booklet. knot holes or qrucks. Too much gluss and not enough open front Is had. E. 8th and Taylor Sts. Portland, Or. Write your state experiment station for needed Information. Kvery stute In the Union except Florida and 113 F ron t, L arg est DEHORN CALVES WHEN YOUNG RAW FURS Cuarentee quick return*; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and grt the most for your FURS. help In sending a pound of meat across to the hoys that are lighting your hat- ties. Kvery farm should have a care­ fully culled Hock of not less than two hundred fowls. The larger the farm, the larger the floek, and such a Mock should he maintained largely from eco­ nomical reasons. Poultry will pick up !H) per cent of Its living from scattered and wasted grains. They act as scav­ engers Irt consuming a lurge part of whut would otherwise be lost. Poul­ try will prove valuable In eating ob­ noxious hugs, grasshoppers, worms and Insect pests, that would otherwise de­ stroy food (hut Is valuable. To the dweller In a village, town or city, a well-kept Mock of u dozen or 25 good laying hens will prove profitable. They can be kept from the lawn, garden, kitchen and table offal, all of which makes the choicest kind of poultry feed with hut a small addition of gruln. Increase Food Production. During this next year every effort should he made to raise and consume every pound of jxiultry Mesh possible. It Is one of the easiest and quickest ways of helping to Increase food pro­ duction, and that Is what every red- hloish-d American must do to help his country during the period of the wur Kvery pound o f meat produced will help put u bullet at the kulscr. Do your hit. According to Minnesota College Sheep Industry Is Suffering From Short­ age of Animals. The sheep Industry la suffering from a shortage of purebred rams, accord­ ing to an announcement being sent out hy the animal husbandry department of the Minnesota College of Agricul­ ture. The announcement snys that the demand exceeds the supply, breed­ ers having disposed of practically all of their available stock. Because of the conditions the ani­ mal husbandry department of the col­ lege of agriculture Is offering Its serv­ ices ns a clearing house for those who wish to buy or sell. It nsks thut those who have one or more pure-bred rams of serviceable nge shall notify the dur pnrtment, which will try to put them In touch with buyers. All notices should state the breed, nge nad price of the rains offered. Deal With Hog Cholera. Prompt action Is Imperative in deal- tug with hog cholera. RAILROAD BILUNG and TRAFFIC COURSE STO P YO UR COUGHING Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic. PISO’S