WORLD HAPPENINGS OF CURRENT WELK NUGENT IS CHOSEN The Millennial Hope. By Shirley Jacks«*- Cass. The idea that the ill* *-f mudern so­ ciety are to b# righted by a *u.iden de^ lo Late Senator Brad* struct ion of th* w«>rld was labelld as pointed bjr (k n tr a o r llc ia n d c r pessimistic and pernicious by Shirley Cat oat I ho M o » i a | rettpes and Political Carrer Active. Jackson Case. professor of early peat* Ihren m your cook hook to help church history and New Testament In­ you H o o r tt v * . They hav* been terpretation in the University of Chi- Boise The Democratic majority in thoroughly teated by uvatructora and cago. the United States senate gamed an- •peccai lecturers in the department • In principle this idea strike* at the U. S. Army in France Soon to Brief Resume Most Important othre member Wederaday when John o f economics at th* University of very heart of all democratic Ideals,’ ’ Nugent, o f Boise, was appointed by Be 500,000 Men. Washington. «ays Professor Case, writing on the Governor Moses Alexander to succeed Daily News Items. tmlleniai h«.|>e as related to the war the late Senator James H. Brady. N ihe milltnium n«**r? U our world Eggless Rye Muffin* 2 c rye Hour, Nugent has been a prominent Dem­ ocratic leader in this state for years, 4 tsp baking powder, t tip »«It, 4 tap about to be destroyed? Is Christ soon having been chairman o f the State sugar. 1 c milk, 1 tbsp melted fat. Mix to return in glory to set up a new Central committee from 1908 unit! dry ingredients, add milk and melted kingdom u|>on a purified earth'* These were the question* answered hy Pro­ 1912. He will serve until a successor fat and bake in a hot oven. fessor Case. is elected at the coming November "Propagandists have been urging Rye Biscuits — 1 c white flour 1 c elections. Hwrctsn I-ifta Veil of H m t iv i From Event* o f Noted People. Government* Nugent is 49 years old. He became rye flour, 5 tsp baking powder, 2 tl*q> lielief in the S|we«ly end o f the world War Preparation* Inrftinrnrr well known through acting as attorney shortening, 1 c milk, i tsp salt. Mix and the ho|»elessneas of any remedial and Pacific Northwest and Other for the Western Federation of Miner* dry ingredients and sift twice. Work measures for effecting permanent im­ Chargea Fully Answered. Things Worth Knowing. at Silver City, Ida., and when he as­ in shortening with tips of fingers, add provement in present conditions, he declared. “ In the name o f religion, it sociated with Clarence Darrow and gradually the liquid, mixing with a I’at and mil is maintained that human efforts to other attorneys in the defense of offi- knife to soft dough. lightly on a floured board to i inch make the world a safer and (letter Washington, D. C. America will Secretary Baker denies reports that G«xl I* thickness. Cut with biscuit cutter, place are wholly misguided. have an army o f 600,000 In Franc« 200,000 gas masks made in America said to will that condtiona shall grow place on buttered pan and bake in hot had been rejected by General Pershing, constantly worse as the hour of im­ early this year, with l.OOU.OOO more oven. pending doom approaches. Lor one trained and equipped ready to follow After pillaging the Spanish steamer Graham Biscuit 1 c white flour, 1 wh»> hold* consistently to this opinion Giralda Tuesday a Geramn submarine c graham flour, 5 tsp baking powder, 2 it is nonsense to talk of human respon­ as quickly aa ship* can b# provided to sank the vessel, which was o f 4400 tbsp shortening, lc milk, i tsp salt. sibility. This type of teaching, now carry them and the outlook for shipa tons. The crew was saved. Mix dry ingredients and sift twice. being vigorously inculcated in many ] la not unpromising. Part of the big zoological exhibit at Work in shortening with ti|>* of fin­ circles, readily plays into the hand* of Secretary Baker gave this informa­ the Tacoma Point Defiance Park will gers, add gradually the liquid, mixing all enemies of social and (ailitical re­ tion to the world Monday in a state­ tie abolished this winter by the City with knife to soft dough. It is impos­ form. By jierauading men that the ment before the aenate military com­ Park board as a means o f helping in sible to determine exact amount of rapid deterioration and early destruc­ the Hoover conservation program. liquid, owing to difference in flour. tion of the world are determined upon mittee. He bared much that until Fat and roll lightly on floured board to by divine decree, the enemy o f reform now has teen carefully guarded with Appointment o f Mrs. Ellen O'Grady, i inch thickness. Cut with a biscuit has a mighty instrument for strang­ a widow with three daughters, as fifth the army’s military secrets, in answer­ cutter, place on buttered pan and bake ling the citizen’s sense of civic duty. deputy police commissioner o f New ing chargee that the government has in hot oven. This*is equally true whether the call York, was announce«.! Tuesday. She is broken down preparing for war. to serivee is local or national and in­ the first woman ever to hold such an Not only can yeast breads and hot From early m««rning until late after­ ternational. It is a vicious attitude in office in that city. | breads be made with other flours than noon the Secretary addressed the com­ the present hour o f the world’s need, white, but cakes made with rye and Mjaor General Leonard Wood, in graham flour are light, attractive and when the call to duty is nation-wide mittee and a crowd, including many France on an observation tour, was members o f both houses o f congr«-»*, f delicious. Spices mask the strong and international." sightly wounded Monday by an acci­ gathered in a big hearing room of the Discussing this belief in a quick ca­ | taste o f the rye. dental explosion which killed five Boston Favorite Cake- 2-3 c short­ tastrophic termination o f the world, senate office building. French soldiers and hurt two other Ulì&K He spoke extemporaneously, begin­ ening (Cottolene, Kreain Krisp, oleo­ Frofessor Case reviews similar theo­ American officers. John Nugent, Newly Appointed Sen- margarine, drippings), 2 c sugar, 4 ries down through the ages, and con­ ning the details o f the mammoth task An artillery duel that assumed in­ • o f building an army of 1,500,000, an­ ator From Idaho. eggs, 1 c milk, 3i c flour (equal parts cludes . tense violence Tuesday morning, has “ It is sheer nonsense to talk dole­ swering such complaints of inefficiency j graham and rye), } tsp salt, 5 tsp bak- been in progress on the Italian front in powder, J tsp cinnamon, i tsp fully about the gradual deterioration as were cited by Senator Chamberlain since Monday afternoon on the plateau cere o f that organization who were cloves. Cream shortening, add sugar of society. History exhibits one long in his recent speech and declaring that charged with conspiracy in connection o f the Setti Communi, the Berlin army with the murder o f Governor Frank gradually, eggs beaten until light, process of evolving struggle by which such instances were isolated and not headquarters announced. Steunenberg in 1905. Senator Wil­ then milk, and then flour mixed and humanity as a whole rise constantly general. Some questions were asked, and Mr. This re- higher in the scale of civilization and Two thousand Mexican federal cav­ liam E. Borah, senior senator from sifted with baking powder. alry will leave Juarez overland for the Idaho, aided the state in the prosecu­ ! cipe makes two loaves. If flavor of attainment, bettering ita condition Baker, from time to time, hail assist­ graham flour and rye is too prominent, from time to time through its greater ants go to the telephone for reports on state of Sonora to participate in the tion of these men. skill and iixiuatry. Man learns to sur­ ■ |>ecific questions. campaign against the Yaqui Indians, Nugent’s entrance into the senate use a little more spice. Then, toward the close of the «lay, mise that evils are to be eliminated by it was announced at El Paso at the will make Idaho's representation in Mexican general consulate. Coffee Cake Without Shortening.— strenuous effort srxl gradual reform the Secretary delivered a dramatic that body consist o f a former student rather than by the catastrophic intcr- general statement o f the American A Berlin dispatch to the Weser Zei- and pupil, for the newly chosen senator 3 eggs, 1 c sugar, lc molasses, 1 c venion o f Deity. Morting men across the ocean, cons­ agencies for improving undesirable tructing railroads in France anil pre­ Belfast Irish Daily Telegraph. The public schools and was admitted to the newspaper adds it is believed that no bar when he was 30 years old. conditions, is e*|>ecinlly to be deplored paring to strike the enemy with every From Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: at the present tim e.” reacurces at the country’s command. deaths resulted from the explosion. 1895 until 1905 he was prosecuting Frofessor Case has made an exhaus­ When Mr. Baker closed It was sp- Railroads were ordered by Director attorney of Owyhee county, Idaho, the Hard White- Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalua, Martin Amber, $2.05. tive study of the various beliefs in a parent he had created a profound im­ only public office he ever held before General McAdoo Tuesday to dispense In a vol­ pression. Chairman Chamberlain said with the services of legislative and po­ his appointment to the senate. In Soft White Palouse blueatern, forty­ sudden ending of the world. litical agents and all attorneys not en­ 1895 he married Miss Della Ainslee. fold, white valley. Gold Coin, White ume on “ The Millenial Hope; A Phase so before he left the stand. There was White club— Little of War-Time Thinking," issued by the no attempt at cross-examination. gaged in the performance o f necessary They have one child. Lieutenant G. A. Russian, $2.03. club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ University of Chicago Press, he seeks The chairman proposed that the Sec­ Nugent, o f the 318th Infantry, United legal work and to observe strictly the nora, $2, Red Walla - Red to prove that these ideas are no longer retary be given a rest, and it virtually States army. law regulating free passes. He |x;ints out that the an­ was agreed to recall him for further The new senator is in Washington Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop- tenable. Attacks by enemy airmen on London pel, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. cients, Gentiles and Jew, and both the examination later, after theeomimttec now, having gone there immediately and Essex Monday night and early It is 3 grade 6c less. Other grades hanledd early and later Christians, from time has completed it* hearings o f officers Tuesday lasted intermittently for after Senator Brady’ s death. to time, firmly believe«! in a catastro­ of the medical corps, aviation section expected that he will take the oath of by sample. nearly five hours, and for two hours in Flour— Patent*, $10. phe that would en«l the world, and and other branches o f the service. office in a few days. London there was a heavy and almost Millfeed -Net mill prices, car lots: bring a new reign o f the Meaniah. While many things disclosed were continuous gunfire. One of the invad­ Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32 per Specific dates were often set as the impressive, the committee was frankly ing aircraft was brought down in Es­ ton; middlings, $39; mixed cars and day o f the millenium, he suggests, but amazed when told that the men of 32 sex. less than carloads, 60c more; rolled the day never came. In the modern National guard and National army di­ Forty lives were lost through the Statesman FassesjAfter Career o f Many barley, $63«s are ready to go today sinking of the French freight trans­ Butter—( ibea, extras, 60c; prime The Ron*«iorf sect prophesied the mil­ at call. Years in Oregon. port Drome, and the trawler Kerbihan, firsts, 49Jc. Jobbing prices: Prints, lenium for 1730. Hengel predicted When members wanted to know why Portland, Ore.— Charles W. Fulton, extras, 526/.53c; cartons, lc extra; which struck mines January 23, within the end of the world for 1H36. Ed­ such things had not been given pub­ sight of Marseilles. The Drome first former United States senator from butterfat, No. 1, 566i,57c delivered. ward Irving, a Scotch Presbyterian, licity before, Mr. Baker spoke of the Oregon and for many years a prominent came into contact with a mine, and the Eggs Ranch, current receipts, 51c; believed Christ’s re-coming would «w- reluctance o f military men to reveal Kerbihan shortly afterwards struck figure in state politics, died at his candled, 53c; -elects, 55c per dozen. rur in 1864. William Miller, founder their war plan, and quoted German home here Sunday, aged 64. another near the same place. Poultry Hens, 236/,23Jc; springs, of the Adventists, thought he foresaw remarks «Unit America's advertise­ Ex-Senator Fulton’s health had been 26; broilers, 29««/,30c; geese, |r/i(18c; Austria-Hungary is fooling America failing for more than a year past. A turkeys, live, 20««/25c; dressed, choice, that the millenium would arrive in ment o f her preparations. with peace talk inspired from Berlin, 1843, but later moved the date down to month ago complications set in which 33c. in the opinion of Dr. Milenko Vesnitch, October 22, 1844. Charles T. Russell, caused his physicians to pronounce his Veal Far.'-y, ]8/«/|8Jc per pound. head of the Serbian war mission, who writing in 1891, aaid that the millen- condition alarming. Charles William Pf/rk— Fancy, 19(«tl9Jr j*:r pound. is in Chicago. Dr. Vesnitch said that iuni had been “ invisibly inaugurated” Futlon, who served with distinction as Sack vegetable* Carrots, $1.25 |xr any hope America may have of sepa­ a United States senator in 1903-9, won sack; beets, $1.50/«// 1.75; turnips, in 1874, and he expected th«* end of Sensational Appeal Published for Rise rating Austria from Germany is a mis­ the world in 1914. o f Nation Against Kaiser. take, as the control of the kaiser over his way to the front in the early west $1.50; parsnips, $1.50««/1.75. "T h e new features of the modem in a truly pioneer fashion, fighting not Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1««/, propaganda,” Ixmdon A dispatch to the Exchange the central powers is supreme. continues Professor only through the usual obstacles that Amsterdam »sys The resignation of Count Hadik, the beset men dependent on their own re­ 1.25 per hundred; Yakimas, $1.50; Case, "consist chiefly of references to Telegraph from recent events in history, the fore­ Deutsche Tages Zeitung openly calls Hungarian food minister, has been ac­ sources, but, in one case, through bul­ sweet potato. 561,6$ c per pound. Onions er>ple? It is now ‘ Ger­ leading. Workingmen in other sec­ ucation in Ohio and Nebraska and at tions o f the country were warned par­ the age of 22 landed in Portland, Or., Gixxl t«> med. Mtecrs........ 9.35«// 10.35 ments «if prophecy in the stirring man* help yourself and Gixl will help’. ” Com. to g«xxl steers........ 7.75««/, 9.25 events of these times, they insist anew Although Emperor William is not ticularly against going to the North­ unknown and with little money. He Choice cows imd heifers. 7.75««/, 9.00 that the betterment of present condi­ nsimd in the article the expression, west without first ascertaining what settled at Astoria where he reside«! 25 Com. to g«xxl cows and hf 6.6001/ 7.76 tions can be effected only through a ” Gremany's hangman,” is meant for jobs are in sight. years before coming to Portland. Canners............................ 3.00««// 6.00 sudden destruction of the present order the kaiser, says the corres|x>ndent. Bulls.................................. 6.00<«// 7.60 to to be followed by the inauguration "U n cle Joe” Cannon reappeared at Peat Lands in Flames. C alves.............................. 7. 606 $ 1 L 00 of Christ's millenial reign upon earth. the Capitol Friday in a wheel chair laibor Drive is Started. Stockton, Cal. — Levees have been Stockers and fee«Iera..,. 6.00««// 9.00 with a knee disabled and an arm frac­ “ Hut the task o f religion,” Profes­ Washington, D. C.— Reports to the Hogs tured at the shoulder from his recent | cut on Victoria Island, one of the rich­ sor Case contends, "Is to stimulate Unitixl States employment service at est o f the San Joaquin river delta, to Prime light h o g s ............ $ 16.10««//16.25 fall. successive general Iona throughout un­ the end of the flrat day of the drive to let water on peat lands that have been Prime heavy h o g s .......... 16.20««//16.36 numbered centuries to aim at the high- enroll 250,000 shipyard workers, said Guy E. Waite, of East Ottawa, Ont., blazing for the past two days. The Pi i f » .................................. 13.76«///16.00 is an independent man in these days of flames bumew are establishe«! in 42 coal shortage. Some months ago he highway to Oakland at several places. Sheep— discovered a two-foot vein o f high- The land is rich in vegetable matter Western lambs................. $16.00««/15.50 themselves capable. This outlook de­ atates and that 25 statea have com­ grade coal beneath his house. Now he and bums readily. Two thousand acres Valley lambs.................... 14.606615.00 mands much strenuous eiuh'nvor anil pleted reserve organizations. William digs coal and shovels it direct to the have already bene burned and the Yearlings.......................... 13.00&//13.60 may entail many dincouragementn ere K. Hall, National director o f the public furnace, regardless of snow-blocked whole island of 7300 acres is threat­ Wethers............................ 12.6061)13.00 the gigantic tank la accomplished, but service reserve, called a meeting for It leaves no room for pessimism of the Friday of state directors o f all states railroads or heatless days. ened. •.6*6611.00 pre-millenial type.” east and south o f North Dakota. COMPILED W ar Recipes BAKER MAKES REPLY FOR YOU EX-SENATOR FULTON IS DEAD TEUTONS CALLED TO REVOLT