Financial Preparedness Bv depositing your money with us. you can help directly in developing the Federal Reserve Sys­ tem. as we are required to keep on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank a portion o f your bal­ ance with us. A t the same time, and without cost, you benefit directly from the protection the system affords. Authorized by Treasury Department Dis­ tributing Station for War Savings and Thrift Stamps. Send for Booklet, “ How I)oen It Benefit Me?” The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore A Strong: Bank in a Good Tow n MEMBER 'F E D E R A L RESERVE SYSTEM Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent Directors M. R. Johnson. President; Chris Peterson, Vice President; A. J. Demurest, Cashier ; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. NOTES AND PERSONALS Sweaters of all kinds, at A. G. Hoffman & Co. Buy one now. Mrs. R. J. Eastwood is very Mrs. John Taylor and her moth­ sick at her home on North A er. who have been quite ill, are street. Mrs. Bayne is caring for now better. her. . M r and Mrs. R B Newton Wanted— A loan of $4,500 for left Tuesday for Calgary. Canada. 5 years on farm property wortn to visit their (Jaughter> Mrs> $13,000. Enquire at Express cf Grace ^ who jg fice. 1° * * Let your next pair of pants he Vera Schiffer, who fell and ser­ a Dutchess. Note the guarantee, iously injured herself last week, is 10c a button: $1.00 a Rip o r a much improved and able to be new pair of Pants A. C». Hoff- about again. man & Co. No. 8 steel range, in good con­ dition, for s a l e cheap. W. R. Mrs. Fred Davidson left Sun- Whitney. n .rth «js..corn er ot 4th d for Cak Rnker county,» here avenue south and 2nd street. . . . , w. , she joins her husband in the man- M ' f Pearl " a l - » >>0 was o , . a(,ement of a branch s,ore for erated on at the local hospital a ¿ ¡ ng ^ Gf) short time ago, is much improved and able to resume her office work. . Mr. , and Mrs. \V. . B. Potwin a The accommodate our patrons, few days ago received their sec- we will resume the custom of onc^ letter from their son, Gilbf rt, keeping our store open Saturday since his arrival in France. He is evenings until 9 o ’clock. Schultz well and asksfor lette sand smok- Food Company. ¡ng tobacco. Mrs. A. G. Hoffman very de- . _ lightfully entertained M r,. Chas. ' WI'.1“ ," ,orm.'1 ,h<“ V ' T * Hines, M r3. J. E. Loomis, Mrs. that E. L. Cate sold a carload of M. S. Allen and Mrs. J. H. Me- Chevrolet cars in Columbia county Feeters in honor of Mrs. McFeet- the fir0to$4 Wool and Cotton Underwear $1.50 to $3 00 3 pr for 25c Work Sox, 2 pr for 25c Work Sox, - 25c Lisle Sox 25c to 40c Wool Sox Canvas Gloves 2 pr for 25c 15c Canvas Gloves, pair 65c Boys’ W’aists 50c Boys’ Shirts Sweaters - $2.00 to $7.00 Shoes - $3.50 to $6 50 Hats - $2.00 to $3.50 Mackinaw Mitts, (water proof) - 60c Leather-faced Mitts - 65c Leather Gloves, - - 65c, 75c, $1.35 C. E. ROY & CO. Forest Grove JEWELER and OPTICIAN John Anderson, clerk of the local camp of Woodmen of the World, the first of the week turned over to Fred and Frank Watrous checks for $1 000 each, being th** amount o insurance carried in tie W. O. W. by their father, the la e J. A Watrous. How Women fan Help i of Methodist Church Services H IG H SCHOOL NOTES Sunday School next Sunday at Hilft. followed by the preaehlnK «or vice at II . . . ... ... o'clock. Junior Lcanuc at ¡I and Inter- ...... « :t" There ......... no m.otm* of the Ej.worth latague hut th“ cUaam.oting will ha held in the «**"'• KnU*«v«.r K,»worth “ l ■ hi in Ho« . him h. W" " mn 14 t,‘*m** M """»'»«ry ■<>- Last Saturday i>¡nht the Furent Grove An important part of the work , i »_ . ■ „ , _ , |. | ,| .I i » . 'r..»utin t.. the Am erican Red Cross in bsaket ball «quad went to l ualatin to . * .1 .. ..¡,i .. I.;.,., ^ ^ h i K h l l o y H w,.r„ M|,le to rtrugeN. M a n y o f these are en- TuM|Mtin by a « of 2s to 11. tirely destitute, and they are look- Tualatin haa a very «.««I team this year ing to the Rtnl Cross for help. and Foreat Grove can he very juatly Among these returning refuceis proud o f its victory. Allwrt Schneider there are a or...,! u,.... h , , » , o | i e n e d the game with a foul and from ranee and Belgium is among the areagreatm any wee b a h u ., on th<> fltU>il intt>a tl, Forest I win Wednswisy after.,..... in dire need of warm clothing. It (;n)Vf, ns winn„ r Th,. ,M>yH hltv„ I with Mr«. W F. Johnson, they are not helped many of them ,,a,n,ling a good deal of time in hard, Tho regular monthly meeting of the Will die. The Red Cross has sent practice and prospect* for a score Sunday school hoard will 1 «. held next an appeal to all Branches and *K»h"»t Newberg are large on the hor Wcdnesday evening in the League room at 7 : 110 . auxiliaries to make simple layettes. ***"• Th*’ *mm* whioh WMH P1*»«1 with ri,u ,, . ,, „ .V , . Franklin two week« ago was most in- Coni* regal ion al Church I he h orest (»rove Red Cross is go­ teresting and exciting an.l gave prorn- At II a. ill. the pastor will complete ing to make a number of these' me of the tine playing which the hoys .. „ ,, „ _ ,t i I I . . . , 1 . the sermon on The rouramiare Life and we ask that many who have have now deve oped. 1 ' and Miss Taylor will aing “ The City Following is the lineup at Tualatin: not yet taken up some kind of Foursquare. ” Tu«latin Furent Grove Red Cross work will be willing to At 7 :.'M> p. m. our congregation will Mnrtinir.zi Hour F join with the Methodist and Christian help make these. The work can Hill F Unrlioiir llumheri; at the Mi-thodi«t church in a Union be done in the homes, under flu* Rcmemtr Pulton G Young Peoples' Service with a varied direction of the Military Relief (>«ib«rger Schneider C and gripping program. G Troutinnn Committee. The garments can Viene A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. Me^innin^ on Tue«d»y ufternoon the also I k * made by girls above the final examinations are to he held. Christian Church eighth grade. Many students were exempted because ,UbU. Sch.«.| 9.45 m. Communion . Most of the . material in . these th*Mr n“ *»‘ hly work had been high and Mrmun U . m. SubJ. “ Chri.tian layettes must be of new and very enough to give them an average o f Education. •• Junior and Intermediate durable cloth: but there will he ninety or over. The second semester of ( * k . f>:3u p. m. In the evening tin« congregation will need of some thing that may be w,,rl‘ w*ll begin next Monday. f >und in most every home; there- , t*'* Hd',rm,*UM d. jt,in in the union young (atopic’« meet- . .. b«tjng team went to lie* verton to meet mtr Mt .u« u y t,'u-pu| . fore we are asking you to save all th,.lr neir. tive team. Although th,« * * lloII)e fc h h' y y half Worn Underwear that has any was the tir«t year Beaverton had ever U. L. PUTNAM . Miniater. wool in it to be used in making debated. they were fortunate enough The bursting of a compressed infant’s shirts. Also, all available lo have “ n • « p r io n « * ! coach and aim. . , f ...... , , , 1 debater* of ability. At the end of a air tank in the Peterson garage, at bits of white or colored yarn for . . , ...... .. , ,. . . . . hanl fought battle boreal Grove rume ILIIshoro, yesterday caused many babies bootCCS and caps, also bits llUt victorious with a decision 2 - 1 . The of the denizens of th .1 burg to o warm material which may be debators were Elizabeth Whitehou«. U ed for the samp. *nd Nellie Walker affirmative and i,na^ 'n<* ,he K oM eviki had at- The Red Cross sewing unit is N'uth..'i Sweet and Wilma Norria neg- tacked the city. Many windows ative. Much of the credit <»f th« vie- in ' l e g rage w er» shattered, but, still in need of the loan of sew - ing machines. If any one has or e .'r.• !^Tvl”i ‘n-T,.,?’sapV' ' i7,1 " ^ which is out of repairs it would I e debate between Tillamook and Foreat acceptable, as Mr. Bud Watson (»rove, which w«« p«>«t|>oned, will t«- has kindly offered to repair them held next Friday night. If Foreat f ee of charge j '* victorious in thia debate there 1« a There is a g eat need of am-i *'**' , W e .for thp ph"'npfm.hip. pillows, which are filled Mrs. Kmma Arn dhtiout of Ida- ho is .......‘ visiting 1 her mot 11 he Mrs. M with clippings and feathers. Clip A Armentrout of this ci'y. pings from clean w hite or v e r y . light colored cotton rags, (which I e \ are not good for any thing else)' will be acceptible Also there is „ , r , . „ , ... need of old sheets, towels, linen, j and flour sacks for dish towels. Save all your old rubbers for the Red Cross instead of selling | it to the junk man for almost nothing— Chairman of Military Rel ef Commift“ “ . ' 1 Tfiatsoi/r watchword M. W. A. Adoption J. W. Simmons of Portland, Bring in your eggs and fra e state def u y. will be in attend- th- m for merchandise, at A. G! ance ar d assist in the adoption | HoTman & Co. cererm ny Every friend of the hL-h school should turn out tomorrow night and hear the debate between teams from the Forest Grove and Tillamook high schools. The sub­ ject is "Government Ownership” and the hour is 7:30, at the high school. Patriotic League Meeting Th “ executive coum-il of the Patriotic League met at Hillsboro Monday afternoon a n d made plans for a more complete organ­ ization of th“ county. President. Simpson appointed N. A. Frost, J. Li. Reeves, W H. H ollis B. Don’t let the children get a W. Barnes anrl J. W V tnderv I- cold. Keep their feet dry with a I den a committee to look after he pair of our boots, A G. Hoff- ; organization w o r k a n d C E. m in & Co W. l's R F. Clark and M. Me- Donald to draft a constitution The Altar Guild of St. A n ­ aim bylaws, other minor matters thony’s church met with M ri, kept the nxeMng in sessson until Louis Mayea last Wednesday and dark. elected officers for 1918, as fo - ,, ■ . . .... . . . . 1 x/f » #« 0 • l tv - . Public sale bills printed a t the lows; Mrs. J. C. Smith, President; r, tr M r .. Chas. Hallovoet. V k » W B lp f” _______ . dent; Mrs Claude Smith, Secre- Ur. Hawke wish*« t« announce hi« tary and Treasurer. The next r*uirn from the Ka«t. While there, meeting will be at the home of he waM attenHi"K lh«* Ma>ro- <:h'caK" M r». Arthur Shearer, Wednesday T ' N~ V7 k2 “ "b* > January 30th. ,,hone m i. M. J. Abbott Abbott building Forest Grove appe“ r' no,)(Kjy " " Quite a number of the Shi iners from th s city attended a big g.thering of that branch of the Masonic order in Portland Mon- day night More than one hun- dred candidates took the Shun“ deg . e ^ F irst ! Quality Tomorrow night th“ Forest I Grove and Bank- Morbrn Wood- ' men will m* et in this city and j a If pt several n embers into each j of the two camps, the Banks For- 1 e-t» rs h ving < harge of th initia- tio 1 ceremonies A weiner feed j will fo low th“ cer mony of adop- tinn and all mem! ers are urged In attend. ”*** . ™j7nc/as toprices- look at ilicse MEAT SPECIALS Shoulder I.amb Chops 20c lb — Breast o f Mutton 12 « -.c II) Grocery Specials Speaking of Cheese Well, our Cheese sjieaks for itself. But we have M ILD. N E W C H EESE now. direct from Tillamook soft and creamy at 30c lb. Sharp, nippy cheese at 2Hc lb., just the right dope for Macaroni, etc. WHILE THEY LAST-- Washington Crisps (corn flakes) A REAL SPECIAL 9c per pkg Hershey’ s Cocoa, 1 2-lb. cans, 22c; pound cans, 43c USE K K E A M K R IS P IN S T E A D OF B U T T E R You can make one cake or pudding with Kream Krisp and another with but­ ter, and nobody can tell them apart. But you will make a sav­ ing o f 60 to 75 per cent, or even more, in the cost o f shorten* ing. We sell it in hulk at 32c a pound. FOOD DEMONSTRATION Every day this week a Domestic Science Instructress will be at ourestore to show housekeepers how they can, by using Roman Meal, conserve wheat flour and promote the health o f their families. Everybody welcome. LOST A N D FOUND in our Store brellas and a pair o f Ladies’ Gloves, Ladies’ and Gents’ Urn- Gall and inspect. Did you get one o f our 1918 C A L E N D A R S ? Only a few left. Hurry! To accommodate our patrons, we will resume the custom of r e m a i n i n g open Saturday evenings un­ til 9 o’clock. SCHULTZ’S Phone 06 1