Fresh Air in Both Home and Hospital Important Says a Health Official STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. W a r Reci pes Trenti air In the environment In 1 Cut out the following recipe* end which man developed to hi* present paste them in your cook book to help It. Alexander, a prominent merchant \ atate o f perfection. Now that otir newa you Hoorerua. They here been liapera reach to every nook and corner o f Pendleton, is considering becoming thoroughly tested by instructors and a candidate in the Republican primar­ o f the world, hearing the m#»»ag** special lecturers in the department moat men and women appreciate tli* ies fpr state treasurer, according to of economic* at the University of word received in Salem. Irart pure air playa In auatalnlng Washington. health, w rit«* Humuol O. Dixon, M. I The Grant county court at the Jan­ LL. I)., D. Me., commissioner of health uary term placed the sum o f $50,000 j Owing to ttie varlotia demand» of civ­ subject to the order o f the State High- : Rice Yeast Bread— i c milk and wa­ ilization we find It hard to be where way commission for use in construct­ ter, 4 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp fat, 1} tsp we can heat earn a livelihood and at ing the John Day highway in Grant salt, 7 c boiled rice, 8 c flour, } cake the wiin« time dwell In an atmoaphere county. compressed yeast, J c warm water. aiiltlclently pure to maintain perfect The Henryville mine, near Marsh­ Scald liquid, pour over fat, sugar and health. Not only the medical profe* field, leased a year ago by R. M. Jen­ salt. Cool and add yeast moistened in alon, hut now the general public, ap­ Add rice and flour nings, has been turned back to it own­ J c warm water. preciate* that In the cure of tubercu- ers, the Uoos Hay Lumber company, and knead. A fte r second rising bake loala o f the lung* freah air la eaaentlul, with liabilities against it amounting 45 minutes. and, therefore, all our heat hoapitala to nearly $30,000. Potato Yeast Bread— } c milk and are luillt und managed ao that the |>u- Cyrus H. Walker, o f Albany, oldest water, 4 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp fat, 1} tsp tlenta may receive the maximum of living white man bom west o f th e1 salt, 4 c boiled potatoes (mashed), 8 c freah air. Purity o f air la neceaanry for the Rocky Mountains, was struck by an flour, i cake compressed yeast, J c alek. This la often loat eight of by j auto in Albany Friday night, but es­ warm water. The dough is soft at the patient* and thoae to whoae care they caped serious injury. He suffered se­ second handling but after baking pro­ duces a satisfactory loaf. This recipe ure Intmated. During convalescence vere bruises, however. of patlenta from acute dlaeaaea In cold A t a meeting o f the board o f direc- ■ makes three loaves weather, we Mnd In home* und hoapl- tors o f the Multnomah County Fair, a t ! Commeal Yeast Bread— 1J c milk tala where ttiere are tin- Kr***t»»*t lux- Gresham, held Monday, the dates for and water, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp fat, 2 urlea that thoae In attendance on the this year’s exhibit were set— Septem­ alek often neglect maintaining the reg­ ber 17-21. The printing o f the 1918 j tsp salt, 2-3 c commeal (w hite or yel­ low ), 2 1-3 c flour, j cake compressed ulation temperature, i'tiyalcluna. In­ premium list was authorized. yeast, . J c warm water. Add sugar, terne* und nurses, who have to he up Secretary Ix;a, o f the State Fair, fa t and salt to liquid and bring to and down at all time* of the day und board, who left Friday for New West­ boiling point. Add commeal slowly, night, und often fall to drew» them­ minster, B. C., where he will attend a stirring constantly until all is added. selves aufllclently for protection meeting o f the North Pacific Fair asso­ Remove from fire, cool mixture and agulnat the cold sir that th<- patient In ciation, says he believes none o f the add compressed yeast softened in i c bed should receive If thoae In charge fairs on the circuit w ill attempt to warm water. Add 2 1-3 c flour and are to get the heat results. They eliminate racing this year. knead. L et rise until double in bulk, should measure the temperature of the J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist knead again and put in pan. When room by a thermometer and not by o f the Federal bureau o f agriculture, light, bake in moderate oven^ at least their own feelings. says that he expects to have the crop one hour. and labor survey he is making o f the Rats, Pets of Miners, Warn Barley Yeast Bread-—1 cjm ilk and in conjunction with the state la­ Workmen of Unseen Dangers state, bor commissioner and the extension water, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp^fat, 1 tsp salt, 1 1-6 c barley flour, 2 1-3 c wheat This Is a reproduction of a drawing by Howard Chandler Christy, which There Is one place In the world department o f the Agricultural Col­ flour, J cake compressed yea?t. Soften the author contributed to the food administration for use In Ita campaign for where rats are pets. Much Is the case, lege, completed by March 1. yeast in part o f the liquid. Combine food conservation. , says the public health service. In the The Southern Curry County Tele­ ingredients. Mix into dough. Knead d e e p gold mine* o f the mother lode In phone company was granted a reclassi­ and let rise to double original bulk. California. fication o f its rates in an order issued Knead again. Put in pan and when Military Organization of Mud Hornet Is More Than In those underground workings there by the Public Service commission Sat­ again double in bulk bake about 45 A Match for the Spider; Romans 2,000 Years Ago are great numbers o f rats, which are urday, to become effective February 1. minutes. Captures Victim by Trick petted and fed by the miners. When Under the present rates $6 a quarter | Was Model of Efficiency the latter assemble at noontime to eat is charged for its various classes of Rye Yeast Bread— 1 c milk and wa­ I once saw, on the porch o f ray their lunch, the hungry rodents like­ business and residence service. ter, 1 tbsp fat, 2 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, When Home Invaded the Gormnnlc residence on Luke llopatcong, a imxi wise gather to receive scraps o f food 1J c rye flour, l i c wheat flour, j cake countries — nhout 11 B. C., or Julius hornet deliberately fall Into und en­ thrown to them. They ure very tame. That Judge W ill R. King, solicitor compressed yeast, 2 tbsp water. Com­ Caesar's time the Homan general staff tangle herself In a spider web, Hud- j The pilners cultivate their good will for the reclamation service, intends to bine as for barley bread and bake 45 wns obliged to send hack to th« rear son Maxim writes In the North Amor-, because they believe thut the rats become a candidate for United States minutes. along the Htilne and the Llppe— Inrge I c u ii Review. The spider, perching, warn them of unseen dangers, and that senator on the Democratic ticket and amounts o f grain and other rations, upon nn outer corn»*r o f the web. In­ the little animals can tell hy Instinct to file his declaration soon, is indicated Oatmeal Yeast Bread— 1 c milk and says the People's Home Journal. The stantly sprang at the hornet, then when the roof o f a tunnel or gallery in a letter from George A. Ward, of water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp fat, 1 tsp su­ veaacls In which these were transport­ stopped, und decided that It did not Is unsafe. In the latter case they Washington, D. C., connected with the gar, 1 c rolled oats, 2J c wheat flour, ed nearly 2,<*>0 year* ago hnvo been want to tackle the hornet, und re-, scurry away. I f poisonous gases are reclamation service, to Secretary 01- J cake compressed yeast, J c warm found In mounds of earth and refuse turned to Its perch. present, they give notice o f the fact cott. water. Scald liquid and pour it over recently excavated. These great earth­ After waiting a while for the spider j hy showing symptoms o f distress. Because of a shortage o f labor, ad­ rolled oats, sugar, salt and fat. Let en vessel* ure marked with many to come to the attack, the hornet,' verse weather conditions and difficulty it stand until lukewarm, add yeast Inscriptions regarding their con­ freed herself very easily from the i in obtaining a piledriver, Hood River softened in warm water, add flour and tents. showing how carefully the Ko- w eb ; and I watched her fly several ! county has been delayed in replacing a knead. L et rise until double in bulk, mun general staff did It* work. As time* in circles nnd then deliberately', 100-foot span of the high trestlework knead again and place in pan. When an example of efficiency tin* Homan alight In another nearby web nnd en-' < > at approach to a bridge across Hood River light bake in moderate oven 45 to 60 military organization lins been the tangle herself In It. I I « >*♦♦♦♦ ♦< ♦»♦■ 1 Instantly the j ♦ | connecting the city with the East Side minutes. wonder of th** world. From the In­ alert spider, evidently either more j Variety In Put-Up Lunches. orchard district. The bridge was scriptions on these vessels one dls- hungry or less cautious than the oth- j The problem of sehatol lunches for washed out the week before Christmas. covers how the Homan soldier was er, sprang upon tin* hornet, when, the mother who has this dally routine fed. Ills rations evidently consisted with an alacrity that would shame the i Henry Hooker, said to have declared Is one which needs study und plan­ of bread, the staff o f life, for the lightning, amt with a precision devcl- j ning. The sandwich, however good, to his fellow workers in the Silver preparation o f which tin* grain wns oped beyond the contingency of error, j attractive and In what variety. Is not Falls Lumber company’s camp, near ground In small hand mills. that hornet seized the spider, Jabbed tho whole Idea of food for the lunch Silverton, that he is an alien enemy Wrheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: Fish, snails, mussels and oysters, us her sting into It und purulyzed It. j hnsket. The usual hard-boiled egg and would return to Germany and fight Hard white: Bluestem, Early Bart, well ns many kinds o f fruit, especially Then she did It up nicely und carried which Is so frequent in the lunch, fo r the Kaiser i f given the oppor­ Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05. peaches, were Included In the bill of It away. might be replaced by u cooked egg, tunity, was taken to ja il at Salem by Soft white — Palouse bluestem, forty­ fare. Of metal vessels tin* common I learned afterward, In the study of. finely chop|>ed and well seusoned, put Deputy Sheriff Bowers. Hooker says fold, White valley, Gold Coin W hite mnn of thnt day knew very little; he Insects, that this is the regular habit he was born in Prussia and has lived Russian, $2.03. White club — L ittle Into a small Jar with a screw cover. ate from earthen unglnzed dishes nnd of the mud hornet— that she catches,! in America for years. He w ill be club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, So­ cooked his food in |s»ts of the same spiders in this manner, paralyzing j Other edible* o f soft nature might be turned over to the Federal authorities. nora, $2.01. Red Walla W alla— Red ware. A curious document has been them with her sting. She places them served In the same manner, such ns Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop- potato or other salads, a little fresh George Sheridan, o f the Sunrise found In the caves of tin* 1.01M) Hudd one after another la a mud p o ck e t j fruit In season, canned fruit, apple pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. Condensery, owned by the Armour has In India, written about 900 A. I>.. that she has constructed for the pur- i 3 grade, 6c less. Other grades handled and In a good state o f preservation. pose, until she hns enough canned snuce cranberry or various custards. Packing company, who returned to by sample. Coffee or lemon Jelly Is a great fn- North Bend from Seattle Sunday, said The author, a military officer by the spiders to feed her young when they Flour— Patents, $10. yorlte and Individual cakes are more the plant w ill be expanded so as to in­ name o f Itngatur Ohlgsll, pronounces hatch out In the spring. The spiders | M illfeed— N et mill prices, car lots: Inviting nnd dainty than sliced from crease the output during 1918 not less In angry terms Ills dissatisfaction with do not die, but remain alive in their i Bran, $30 per ton; shorts, $32; mid­ a loaf. When possible In school, espe­ than 75 per cent over that o f last year. the food supplied by the commissary de­ prison until attacked by the larvae of I dlings, $39; mixed cars and less than partment, v iz : One sheep and two the hornet and eaten nt the proper 1 cially In cool weather, a hot drink like By increasing its price for butterfat carloads, 50c more; rolled barley, $60 cocoa, hot milk or a steaming hot soup to 73 cents per pound two months ago, butts of water for the commanding ofll- time. Hather hard on the spiders— this condensery now handlesjpracti- @62; rolled oats, $62. cer und 30 adjutants, all of whose but the habits o f the spiders them­ Is most satisfying. Butter — Cubes, extras, 50c per cally the entire output o f milk_^of ^the names are recorded. “ Ragul, the selves are not such us to elicit much pound; prime firsts, 49 Jc. Jobbing Barley Sponge Cake. Coos Bay territory. commissary. Is a wretched, good-for- sympathy. prices: Prints, extras, 52@.53c; car­ Separate the whites from the yolks nothing slave," declared Hngatur. This W. B. Wing has become the owner tons, lc extra; butterfat, No. 1, 56@ of four eggs. Rent th f yolks and a complaint recorded over 1.00») years o f the Deerhom ranch of 1100 acres 57c, delivered. tablespoonful o f lemon Juice nnd a ago, Is the “ touch o f nature which Eggs— Ranch, current receipts, 45Jc cupful o f sugar, a pinch o f salt and a on the McKenzie river as the result of makes the whole world kin." Wise and Otherwise. per dozen; candled, 47@l47Jc; se­ a trade in which he exchanged his gro­ cupful o f barley flour. Fold In the lects, 50c. cery, meat market andj| butchering whites o f the eggs and hake In a slow Love makes the world go Poultry— Hens, heavy, 24@25c per plant in Eugene. Guard Little Expenses and o en. round nnd men go broke. pound; light, 23c; springs, 24@25c; The Great Northern Pacific Steam­ stags, 18@.20c; ducks, 20@25c; geese, Big Ones Give No Trouble Some people are proud of Spice Barley Cake. ship company has notified Corporation 15@17c; turkeys, live, 24c; dressed, their past— because It Is past. Tnke n half cupful o f shortening, a Commissioner Schulderman that its What women say causes more choice, 35c. It Is not "mean" to keep an account cupful of sugar, a cupful o f sour tnllk. capital stock o f $5,000,000 is being re­ trouble than what men think. Veal— 17@18c per pound. of little expenses, observes an ex- a tenspoonful each o f cloves, cinna­ duced to $352,000, owing to the com­ To the woman who carries Pork— 19c per pound. change. The United Stntes govern­ mon, nutmeg and allspice, one egg, a mandeering o f the Steamships Great her age well life Isn’t much of ment requires all postmasters to col­ fourth of a cupful o f sliced citron, 2»^ Northern and Northern Pacific by the a burden. January 22, 1918. lect and sell waste paper and string, cupfuls o f bnrloy flour, three teaspoon­ government. It doesn’t pay to ndvertlse un­ Cattle— nnd render an account of the money fuls of baking powder, a half tenspoon­ less you are able to deliver the realized from the sale; army officers State Labor Commissioner O. P. | Med. to choice steers... . $10.35@11.00 ful o f soda, dissolved In the sour milk, goods, Good to med. steers....... 9.35@10.35 are required to necount for every linm- a cupful of raisins and two tnblespoon- Hoff, in addressing the session o f the Ono way to make people be- ! Com. to good steers........ 7.75@ 9.25 mor, every bit of harness, ynrd of State Federation o f Labor at Astoria ful* o f molasses. Mix all together and llevo In you Is to pretend thnt cloth or gilt button; nnd tin» weather announced that he would not be a can­ j Choice cows and heifers. 7.75@) 8.50 bnke In n moderate oven. you believe In them. bureau requires Its observers to re­ didate for re-election to that office at ' Com. to good cows and hf 6.50@ 7.75 Gossips have no use for peo­ 3.00@ 6.00 port the disposition o f every postage the coming election. He said he had Canners.......................... Barley Doughnut*. ple who refuse to supply them Bulls................................ 5.00@! 7.50 devoted many years to public work and stamp. Take n cupful o f milk, a cupful of with raw material. C a lv e s ............................ 7.50@11.00 So It Is In every great mercantile or sugar, two eggs, four tnhlespoonfuls now intends to retire to private life. Stockers and fe e d e r s .... 6.00@ 9.00 manufacturing establishment, the lit­ of melted shortening, a hnlf tenspoon­ Fifty-one Klamath county men have Hogs— tle expenses nro rigidly looked after, ful o f salt, a fourth o f a tenspoonful failed to file their questionnaires with Prime light h o g s ............ $15.75@16.00 Sincerity Necessary. because experience has shown thnt of various spices, three tenspoonfuls I should say sincerity, a deep, greats of baking powder nddod to two cupfuls the local exemption board within the Prime heavy h o g s ......... 15.75@16.10 In the aggregate they amount to large genuine sincerity. Is the Hrst chnrnc- of barley flour, using moro to mix and required time and their names have P i g s ................................ 13.75@14.50 sums. been referred to the police authorities Bulk .............................. 15.75@16.00 Take care o f the pennies hy nottng teristlc o f nil inen In any wny heroic.— roll out, about five cupfuls In all. Fry at Klamath Falls, according to Chief Sheep— Carlyle. where they go, nnd yon will be sur­ In deep fat ns usual. Sprinkle with Clerk Glenn Callen, o f the local board. Western lambs................$14.50@15.00 prised to find how the practice will act powdered sugar and serve. I f their whereabouts are not ascer­ Valley lamb*................... 14.00(<£l4.60 When Dwarf Sees Farther. as a check on useless expenditure, tained within five days the names of Yearlings........................ 12.50@|13.00 The dw arf see* fnrther than the lfryp a gnsrd on the little expenses all w ill be certified to the adjutant- Wethers.......................... 12.006312.60 Slant when he hns the giant's ah on Id ora jpytl w ill have no trouhl* ^tth fTia general as delinquent. Bwaa $.60*31 *^ to maaift eg. « vflerMg*. M l M o th e r’s Cook B oo k;; j NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT