E U’ h (i rand mol Iter’s Recipe Rest ore Color, (»loss und Attractiveness. to “ There mustn't be any more, talk, and speut, her powers of contention "You're u good man," she said bro­ or even any thought, o f unythlng like all vitiated by the losing »druggie. kenly. Almost evoryono knows that Hag« that. I understand too well to usk the Whitaker was trembling with nervous He knew himself too well to he able Tea ami Sulphur, properly compound­ T o u n * H ugh W h i t a k e r '» d octo r» tell But there Is one fatigue. to reply. ed, brings back the natural color and him he has hut a f e w month* to live, ami impossible of you. hi» sweetheart Jilt* him. I lls friend, t’ cter way out— a perfectly right way— If "You mustn't worry about me, now. lustre to the hair when failed, streak­ "W ell?” he demanded. Stark, flints him disconsolate ami p r o p o » » » "Oh. have your own way," she suld You've made things easy for ms. I ed or gray. Years ago the only way a sea voyage. W h ita k e r runs a w a y to a you're willing und brave enough to str an ge town and flmla youn g Mary I-ad- take a chance— a long chance.” cun tukc care of myself, und . . . 1 to get this mixture was to make It at drearily. " I f it must be . . ." lalas. deserted by the man with wh om home, which la mussy and trouble­ Somehow she seemed to gain hope “ It's for the best," he Inatsted ob­ shan't forget whose name I hear.* she eloped, about to commit suicide. some. Nowadays, by asking at any He muttered something to the etfset drug store for "W yeth ’s Huge and Hul­ of his tone. She snt up, following him stinately. "You ’ll never regret it." with eyes that sought Incredulously to "Oue of us w ill—either you or I," that he was sure of that. phur Compound.” you will get a large One about to die surely must She releu ted his shoulders and sti»od bottle of this famous old recipe, tin believe. she suld quietly. "It's tin» one-sided. feel more at ease about his “ Have I any choice?" she asked. You want to give ull and ask nothing back, searching Ills fuee with torment proved by the addition of other In­ future if he Is conscious of hav­ e«l eyes. Abruptly she offered him bar gredients, for about 60 conta. " I ’m desperate enough . . ," In return. It's a fool’s bargain.” ing really done some good In the Don't stay gray! Try It! No one "God knows," he said, “you’ll have He hesltuted. stammering with sur­ hand. can possibly tell that you darkened world. And In the scheme of “ Good by," she siltd, her Ups quiver­ to b e !" prise. She hud u habit of suylng the your hair, as It does It so naturally things beyond our understand­ "T ry me.” unexpected. “ A fool's bargain"— the ing "Good by, good friend 1" an with Nelly to wutt until I The gain had ceased, leaving r her and took a seat a little dls- and n littk‘ money, neither of any con- Shall wn say that w o m e n eonlrlhiitn bring you home, n well man, befort ance away, with a keen glance ap- Ceivable use to me. Will you take them, ragged sky of clouds and sturs In we get married; and If you refuse It on ly the hnlnlii«r» , th* UK kn and the "k its" No, limy con tribute the f la b te rs ! patches. The air was warm and heavy employ them to make your life what ■ruising the change In her coudltion. be uiy best mall— well, there won't hi W h a t sort o f soldiers will the women o f ^hc seemed measurably more com- i It was meant to he? It's u little thing, with wetness. Sidewalks glistened like the present day con tribute to the notion any party. You can muke up yotti and the world ? Can they h i p » to lie iu - posed and mistress of her emotions, 1 hut It will make me feel a lot more black watered silk ; street lights mlr puhln moth ers or e f fic ie n t w iv e s If they mind to thut." hough he had to judge mostly by her fit to go out of this world— to know rored themselves In fugitive puddles ure enfeelded und broken down by tbs diseases und we ak nesses o f the sex? I've left at least one decent act to In the roadways; limbs o f trees over­ voice and manner, so dark was the A n a ffe c t io n con fined to women must C H APTE R IV. mark my memory. There's only this hanging the sidewalks shivered now room. h a ve Its cause In ttie w o m an ly nature. T h e r e Is no doubt that a diseased c on d i­ and again lu a half hearted breeze far-fetched chance— I may live. It's a "Don’t I” she cried sharply. “ Please tion of the delh-ute wo manly organs, la In W illful Missing. mllllon-to-one shot, but you’ve got to pelting the wayfarers with miniature ion’t look at me so— " g en e ral responsible for feminine nervoue- It wns one o'clock In the mornln; neae and an undermined constitution T h e showers o f lukewarm, scented drops. bear It In mind. But really you can’t " I beg your pardon. I didn't mean uae o f I>r P ie rc e 's F a v o r ite Pre scription t ^ W lose— " Whitaker, taking his heurt and his before Whitaker allowed himself to In mjOtea wom en h appy by m ak ing them persuader!; fatigue re-enforced evsrj healthy T h e r a are no mors c rying apalla fate In his hands, accosted u venerable “ Oh, stop, stop!” she Implored him, " It ’s only—only that you make me " F a v o r i t e P r e s c r ip tio n " la f o r I n f l a m m a ­ stubborn argument of Peter Stark's t< tion and fe m a le weakness. It m akes hink of what you must be thinking half hysterical. “T o think of marrying gentleman whom they encountered us to benefit by the death of a man like he wns on the point of turning off the overcome his resistance. "Oh, hev» w e ak women str ong ■ bout me— " l»r. M e rc e 's F a v o r i t e P rescrip tion la your own way," he said at length, un and sidewalk to private grounds. baa been fo r near ly 10 years Just the "You’ve had a narrow but a won- you— 1” consciously I tern ting (he words that medicine. It la not a secret prescription, "I beg your pardon,” he begnn. “ You’ve no right to look at It that ■lerfully lucky escape.” Ingre dients are printed on the had won him a bride. " I f It must f w o r r a p Its The man paused and turned upon way.” He had a wry, secret smile for p er : It's a te m perance medicine, a “ Oh! , . . But I ’m not glad . . . »,„ M g l y c e r i c e x tr a c t fro m roota — Adv. his specious sophistry. “ You’re being them a saintly countenance frurned la 1 " » » » I was desperate— ” “ I mean,” he Interrupted coolly, asked to confer, not to accept, a favor hair like snow. Tha Usual One. “ There Is something I can do for "from Mr. Morton. The silver lining Manager— Has this play o f youra Whitaker has consents«! to go you?” he Inquired with punctilious s, you’re not married to a black- j any plot? seafaring. But hla mind la on courtesy. ,'uard.” Aspiring Author— Oh, yee. It’s a the girl he haa Juat married. “ I f you will he kind enough to di­ “ Oh, yes, y es!” she agreed passion­ scheme of mine to make money quick." What do you think he will do rect me to a minister . . ately. now? " I am one.” “ And you have youth, health, years j “ I thought so," said Whitaker. "W e f life before you !” wish to get married.” He sighed lnaudibly . . , It Cutlcura for Purifying and Beauti­ I TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) fying the Skin— Trial Free. The gentleman looked from his face "You wouldn’t say that. If you under­ to the girl's, then moved aside from stood.” For cleansing, purifying and beauti­ the gate. "This is my home,” he ex “ Have you thought of going home? fying tho complexion, hnnds and hair, plained. “ Will you be good enough .lave you written to your father— ex­ Experiments Have Amply Demon­ Cutlcura Soap with touches o f Cuti- to come In?" plained?” eura Ointment now and then arford strated That Employment of Pre­ Conducting them to his private the most effective preparations at tho “ I sent him a special delivery three clout Metal le Advisable. minimum of cost. No massaging, study, lie subjected them to n kindly lays ago, and— and yesterday a tele­ steaming, creaming, or waste o f time. catechism. The girl said little, Whit gram. I knew It wouldn't do any good. By Rome pretty experiment» with or­ Freo »ample each by mall with aker taking upon himself the brunt of gan pipes o f different materials Dr ut I . . . 1 told him everything. He | Book. Address postenrd, Cutlcura, the examination. Absolutely straight Dayton Clan-nee Miller, professor ol didn’t answer. He won’t, ever.” Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. forward and intensely sincere, he came She bent forward, elbows on knees, I physics In th e Case S c h o o l of Applied — Adv. through the ordeul well, without being Science, Cleveland, O., has proved that head and shoulders cringing. obliged to di-close what he (»referred the quality o f tone In a wind Instru­ The Advantages. “ It hurts so!” she wailed . . . j to keep secret. The minister, satis­ ment depends upon Its inater'ul far “ what people will think . . . the ' "Smith told mo ho had Just installed fied, at length called In the town clerk more than Is generally believed. W rit­ a dumb waiter In his house.” shame, the bitter, bitter shame of : "That's a good Idea. Now he can by telephone; w ho Issued the license, ing of flutes In his book, “ The Sci­ this! I ’ve earned my punishment.” eat at table without having all hi» pocketed his fee, and In company with ence o f Musical Sounds," ho says: “Oh, I say— ” futnily affairs and quarrels repeated the minister's wife, acted ns wit­ “ But I have, because— because I j “The traditional Influence of dif­ to tho neighbors’ servants." — Louis­ ness. . . . didn’t love him. I didn’t love hlin at ! ferent metals on the flute tone ure ville Courier-Journal. Whltuker found himself on his feet consistent with the experimental re­ all. and I knew It, even though I meant j beside Mary l.udlslas. They were be­ sults o’ talned from the orgun pipe. to marry him. . . A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., ing married. He seemed to hear the Brass und German silver are usually Brooklyn, N. Y „ unking for a sample “ But, why— In Heaven’s name?” droning of the loom of the Fates. . . . hurd, stiff and thick, nnd have but lit­ will repay you.— Adv. "Because I was so lonely and . . . Ami they were man nnd wife. The tle Influence upon the air column, und misunderstood and unhappy ut home. A Sad Case. door hud dosed, the gate-latch clicked the tone Is said to be hard and trum­ No mother, never daring to see my “ I was always unfortunate In love." behind them. They were wulklng pet-like. Sliver Is dense and softer, sister (she ran away, too) . , . my "H ow so?” quietly side by side through the scent­ and adds to mellowness o f the tone. friendships at school discouraged "W henever I wanted to marry for ed night, they whom God hail Joined The much greater softness nnd density love the girl turned out to bo too nothing In life but my father to bully together. Neither found anything to o f gold adds still more to tho soft poor.” — Boston Transcript. me and make cruel fun of me because say. At the station, Whltuker bought massiveness o f tho walls, giving an ef­ I’m not pretty. , , , That’s why I “ It’s a Bargain.” ran away with a man I didn’t love— his wife a ticket to New York and se­ fect like the organ pip« surrounded by because I wanted freedom and a little It’s Just an act of kindness to a hope­ cured for her solitary use a drawing­ wuter. elaborate analyses o f tho tones less man. I ’d go mad If I didn't know room In the sleeper. Whitaker pos­ from flutes of wood, glass, sliver and happiness.” “ Good L ord !” he murmured beneath you were safe from a recurrence of sessed himself of his w ife’s hnnrl-bag gold prove that tho tone from the gold long enough to furnish It with u sum flute Is mellower and rleher, having his breath, awed by the pitiful, childish the follv of this afternoon.” “ Don't 1” she cried— “ don’t tempt of money und an old envelope beurlng n longer and louder series o f purtluls simplicity of her confession and the You’ve no right. . . . You the name and address of his law part­ than flutes of other materials." deep damnation that hud waited upon me. don’t know how frnntlc I am. . . her. ner. He explained that Drummond Try this yourself then pass “ I do,” he countered frankly. “ I'm would Issue her un adequate monthly “ So It’s o ver!” she cried— “ over, and Unforeseen. It along to others. I’ ve learned my lesson, nnd I ’m dis­ depending on Just that to swing you allowance und ndvlse her when she Helen was attending her first party. It worksl graced forever, and friendless and— ” to my point of view. You’ve got to should have become her own mistress When refreshments were served she “ Stop right there!” he checked her come to It. I mean you shall marry once more; In a word, a widow. refused u second helping to Ice cream Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! This kind of rough roughly. “ You’re not friendless yet, me.” She thanked hltn briefly, quietly, with u polite “ No, thank you,” al­ talk will be heard loss hero In town If She stared up at him, spellbound. with a constraint he understood too though her look was wistful. und that nullifies all the rest. Be people troubled with corns will follow glad you've had your romunce and Insensibly yielding to the domination well to resent. ‘Oh, do have some more ice cream, tho simple advlco of this Cincinnati learned your lesson— ’’ of hl.s will. It was Inevitable. He was Both, perhaps, were sensible o f some dear," the hostess urged. authority, who claims that a few drops “ Please don’t think I ’m not grateful scarcely less desperate than she— and relief when at length the train thun­ ‘Mother told me I must say, ‘No, o f a drug called freezono when applied for your kindness,” she Interrupted. no less overwrought nnd unstrung; dered In from the Fast, breathing smoke thunk you,’ ” explained tho little girl, to a tender, aching corn or hardened “ But the disgrace—that can’t be blot­ and he was the stronger; In the na­ and flame. Wlgtnkcr helped Ills wife hut I don’t believe she knew the callous stops soreness at once, and soon tho corn or callous dries up and ted out I” tural course of things his will could ubourd and Interviewed the porter In dishes were going to be so small." lifts right off without pain. "Oh, yes, It can,” he Insisted bluntly. not but prevail. her behalf. Then they had u moment Ho says freezono dries immediately “ There’s a way I know— ” The last trace of evening light had or two alone in the drawing-room, In , Excess of 8peed. and never Inflames or oven Irritates A glimmering of that way had only faded out of the world before they what wus meant to be their first and The motor car shot down the hill at tho surrounding skin. A small bottle that Instant let a little light In upon were agreed. Darkness wrapped them last parting. the speed o f an express train, and of freezone will cost very little at. any the darkness o f his solicitous distress In Its folds; they were but us voices She cuught him suddenly by the then overturned, pinning the driver be­ drug store, but will positively remove for her. He rose and began to walk warring lu a black and boundless void. shoulders with both her hands. Ile r neath it. The village policeman ap­ every hard or soft corn or callous and think, hands clasped behind him, Whitaker struck a match and ap­ eyes sought his with a wistful courage proached pompously. "It’s no woe from one's feet. Millions of America’s trying to make what he had In mind plied It to the solitary gas-jet. A thin, he could not but admire. your hiding under there," he aaid stern­ women will welcome this announce­ seem right and reasonable. blue, sputtering tongue of flame re­ ly, to the half-smothered driver. “ J v m ment since the inauguration of the "You know I’m grateful . . high heels. If your druggist doesn’t “ Ton mean beg my father to take vealed them to one another. The girl “ Don’t think of It that way—though were exceeding the speed limit, and 1 have freeeone tell him to order a email me back. Pll die first I” still crouched In her armchair, weary I'm glad you are." must lure your asm* and bottle for you.—Adv. SYNOPSIS. THE REST IJEAUTY DOCTOR BEST TONE FROM GOLD FLUTE Laugh When People Step On Your Feet