The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 24, 1918, Image 4

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    public scold, but there are times will use. Many prisons are using to registrants, and other necessary
much less. France is now on a forms will he furnished by the
when silence is a crime.
of thirteen pounds per per­ Postmaster.
Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon.
g k o . F. A l e x a n d e r ,
W. C. Henfer. Editor ami I*ubliaher.
son per year ”
United States Marshal, District
"Meatless” days and meals in
Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the ooatotfiee at Forest Grove,
Oregon, under the Act of March 3, lS7i*
Oregon, until March Id, need la1 of Oregon.
R. P. WlKTZ,
only “ porkless, ’ but there must
( Continued from Pane One)
Subscription Kates
Postmaster and Assistant Reg­
he two “ porkless” days per week
On Credit
Paid in advance
One year
$1.50 many cases, being ‘backed up' by
One year
Six months
Six months
• husbands or brothers who make each day.
Three months
Three Months
was made a
•'*" special visits to the grocer to voice
by di-
their displeasure. These unpatri­
otic citizens will go to almost any reet order of U. S. Food Adminis­
•‘ 1 am sorry that you do not wear a flag every
Corvallis, Ore., Jan. 22.— An­
Hoover, who
* 'length to evade the regulations trator Herbert
day and I can only ask vou if you lose the physical
emblem to b e sure that you wear it ts YO l'K
5^ and to recure more than their al- telegraphed that this regulation other step in insuring ample stocks
H E A R T ; the heart of America shall interpret the
heart o f the world.” President Wilson.
lowance. although assured that would apply throughout Oregon, of seed for the increased food pro­
this is the surest way of creating Washington. I d a h o , ( ’ alifornia, duction called for by the U. S .
N O T E S A N I ) CO M M E N T S
a shortage
and raising prices, Nevada ami Arizona until March Goveimmmt is the request by Sec­
whereas, if they will support the Id. on account of the accumula­ retary Houston fora congressional
The Russian embassy at Wash American, but he hasn’t the bal- Food Administration in its care- tion in those states of eattle ami appneiation of six million dollars
ington says the presidents ad ance to be a war president.
fully worked out plans, there will sheep m«*at which cannot be to buy seed, test it, ami distribute
dress in Congre-s w i l l deeply
be plenty for all at reasonable mov«*d eastward until after that it to farmers at a reasonable price.
touch the Russian people
We ARE WE A NATION ............... . prices, with a surplus for the dale because of traffic congestion. In a letter to Director Center,
I chairman o f t h e Oregon s«*ed
hope it will more than touch them
OF GLUTTONS? steady stream of food staples that
stocks committee, the secretary
wo hope it will touch them off
On page one of this issue ap- we must keep moving toward the
i says:
pears a letter f r o m Portland,. fIOnt if we are to win this war.
After the complaisant city com- wherein \y. R Ayer, Oregon’s
In view of theselfi h disposition
“ The seed situation still presents
mission of Portland had put he epresentative of the Food Ad- manifested, the administration has
difficulties. Under a form­
By proclamation of the I’resi
jitneys out of business, the street ministration, complains that the made the following restrictions on
dent of 'he United States, all er appropriation large stocks of
railways raised the price of rides people of Oregon are so selfish or dea'ers and consumer-:
German aliens are hereby notified 'corn, cotton and sorghum seed
to six cents and now th ejeop .e thoughtless that they are hoard-
“ FLOUR— No dealer is per- that all natives, citizen-, denizens were provided to farmers in the
have raised such a clamor for the ing flour an(J SUgar> thus bringing mitted to have on hand more than
or subjects of the German Empire drouth-stricken di Diets of the
return of the jitneys that at least on an artifical shortage and pre- u thirty days’ supply; n o d aler or Imperial German Government, S«>uth, and now. if the money is
one commissioner says ^ tth em eluding the possibility of accumu can sell to city or town customers being males of the age of fourteen provided, like action is to he taken
come back.
I hat s generally the^ ]ating a surplus for the boys who more than one-fourth of a barrel
y»*ars and upwards on registration for other portions of the country.
way of a monopoly.
have gone “ over there.” The ed- at a time and no consumer should
day, who are within the Uniterl Farmers must have help in meet­
If you were traveling on the 1 *tor of *he Express hea- tily wishe>
Slates and not actually natural ing the s««*«l situation if prcxluc-
prairie and were attacked by In- he could say (truthfully) that none quantity. Rural consumers living ized as American citizens, are re- tion is to be maintained "
Director Center says that when
diansyou could get along ¡n a of the gluttons lue and have their, at a distance from their nearest (juin d lo register as alien enemies.
are provided the Federal
siege without cookies, fudge, selhsh b e i n K i n Washington aruj natural trading points may
The dates of registration, with n
doughnuts and a lot of fancy coun,ty’ but hf can 1 sa-v 11 an(l purchase not to exceed one-half a the state of Oregon, have been department, thru th«* Oregon seed
feed if you could only get a sup-:speak truthfu,ly'
° ni e e^ ht barrel!. Sales of large, -quantities fixed by the Attorney General of stock committer* will loeat«*, test,
ply of bullets and bread. The weeks a8° a representative of the j to distant farmers, ranchers, etc., the United States to commence at ! buy and -tor«* seed of the most
boys in the trenches want bul- food aflminis^ation (Miss Millsi can be made only on a permit se- fi:0<) A M. on February 4th ami important crops as needed, ami
lets and bread. It is up to you to made a ? peech in this city and cured from the County Chairm .n to cont inue on each day success­ sell .-aim* to farmers at cost wh«*r«*
do anything to supply them so cautioned the people against using 0f the United States Food Admin- ive! v thereafter between the hours the need is g*eutest. A gr«*at deal
you don’t have to go yoursi self. so much sugar. saying a shortage ¡stration. Dealers, in making sales of <5:00 A. M. and 8:00 I*. M. up of seed was distributed last year
This war is not a dress parade af- was imminent. A local grocer,'to bakeries, hotels, restaurants, to and including the 9th day of ' by this method with the exception
| that no lumls were available to
fair. It means' counties! funerals, wl™ is n° l ? jven to exaggeration. ,-tc.. mu-t exercise due caution, February. 1918, at 8:00 I*. M
maybe in your own family circles. ,nforms the Express that the day ; not to exceec 1 the reasonable re
All German alien- residing or buy surplus stocks and it was not
Do all you can to win as quick as after tbe speech he sold more , quirements of their customers.
being within the city of Forest always possible to handle them
3Ugar than in any one day during j These regulation- aie not made Grove or vicinity are hereby re­ for th s re «son. Another advant­
| the year. 1 he gluttons were go on account of any pre-ent -hort- quired to present themselves for age of the new m thod will be the
Senator Stone of Missouri got ing to get theirs, anyway, whe h-r age of flour, but in order that a registration at the Postofliee in testing of all seeds at the (). A.
after the nation’s official belly- • their neighbors had any or ni t shortage may not occur later, ind said city to the Postmaster who C. and U.S. seed-testing I a bora -
acher, T. Roosevelt, in the senate Nor did they give thought or h-i d thus prevent t hi - nation from do­ ha-* been designated by the A t­ ' tory at the College, so that farm­
the other day and gave Teddy a to the boys who have gone to ing its full duty to its Army in torney General as Assistant Reg ers will know the viable «juality of
bawling out that the writer be- France to risk their lives in order France and to the Allies.
isirar of said city, and to com ­ jail seed bought under the appro-
lieves he deserved. Senator Stone that America might not have a
SUGAR — Wholesale licensees plete their registration on or be i priation.
says Roosevelt’s writings (in the perpetual shortage of things good buying directly from refiners are fore the 9th day of February,
For Sale T w o R o s e Comb
Kansas City Star) are treasonable to eat. Washington county and hereby limited in their sale tocity 1918, at 8:00 P. M.
| Rhode Island Red cockerels; two
and if a man of less prominence Forest Grove people have dope md nearby’ customers to not more
Any German alien, required to ' Blu«* Andelusian cockerels. Price
wrote half what Roosevelt has nobly in the Liberty Loan, Red than ten sacks; to out-of-town register, who fails to complete his $1.50 each. J. I. W Durston.
written against the United States Cross and Y. M. C. A drives and not to exceed twenty-five registration within the time fixed I Route 1.
government he would now be in now some of them have gone and sacks, and in no case to exceed therefor, or who violates, or at­
T o increase France’s crops and
jail. The editor of the Express is spoiled their good records by writ more than a thirty-days’ supply tempts to violate, or of whom
to lighten the burd n of toil on
not a regular reader of the K. C. ing themselves down in Herbert Any larger quantifies, m a d e neces­ there i- reasonable grounds to be­
; her old men, women, and childr«*n
Star, but he has seen several arti- Hoover's hooks as a pack of glut- sary by unusual conditions, must lieve that he is about to violate
1,500 farm tractors will go to that
cles that plainly showed that tons, who care more for some- rrceive the sanction of my office. any regulation duly promulgat«'«!
country from th«? United States.
Roosevelt has not yet forgiven thing palatable to chase down r must be distinctly understood by the President of the United The first hundred are already on
Woodrow Wilson for beating him their gullets than they do for the; that it will not be permissable to Slates, or these Regulations, in the way, and the whole number
in the race to the whitehouse. comfort and health of the boys accept ?-tunding orders with any add tion to all other penalties pre- will be in France by March, in
This is no time for Ame ican ci i- they have sent to fight the Huns conditions attached that will do­ scribed by law, is liable to re­ time for the spring plowing Deck
zens to jeapordize the welfare of and Vandals. But. thank our feat the purpose of t hi - n gulation straint, imprisonment and deten­ space was provided for th«* first
the nation by throwing bricks at lucky stars, the great majority of
Sales to family consumers are tion for the duration of the war, shipment on a naval transport.
of instruction will !>«• or­
the whitehouse or national cap the people of this section art 1 mi ted to $1.00 purchases,
or to give security, or to remove Schools
itol and if Teddy can’ t take a hint, patriots and hundreds of them are
Farmers living at a distance and depart from the United States
Fr«*sh fish for Tuesdays (meat­
he should be treated the same as giving up sugar, pork and wheat from n< arest purchasing poin s in the manner prescribed by law.
Forms of registration affidavits, less day) and Fridays. The P, •
any other traitor, if his remarks flou*, even though ihey have en may be permitted o purchase in
registration cards, and instructions cific Market: phone 01501.
are proven traitorous. Let him joyed these luxuies since chid 25-pound lot-,
..........................................................................- . - . - . r T - - - —
save up his bricks; there will be hood, a n d h a d come to think
Hotels, restaurant* and board­
ing houses are limited to ten-days’
ter Kaiser Bill is whipped and created a scarcity. Let’s make supply.
made harmless And let us thank this conservation a parr of our
In ex'*ep ional c a s e s , where
God that somebody beat the erst- daily business, folks Let u- all parties live at. a long distance
while Bwano to the whitehouse be patriotic con ervers.
The from nearest purchasing points,
Possibly he imagines he is a good writer doesn’t like this role of a arrangements m a y
b e made
'hrough th«* County Chairman of
the United Stab s hood Adminis­
W e Buy
tration for sales in sack lots, when
it. is known sales in lesser
fo r C ash
| y\ ( v l a c i
Under the new management, this market has been
quantities will work hardship on
stocked up with a tempting line of
u lU I l g l c h
account of the distance from the !
an d Sell
source of supply.
We are now entering upon the
C -H -E -A -P
season of full sugar supply, hut if
we are going to play our full part
Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc.
in the war we mu-t continue to
Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spices,
sugar, in order that ship­
Fruits and Vegetables.
| j|
England, France and
Italy shall not be curtailed. Three
Free Deliveries
We pay Cash for Veal,
of sugar per month per
9 a . m . and 3 p. m.
Pork, Hides, Poultry
C o p e la n d & M c C r e a d y
a generous allowance, |
Phone 0 3 0 1
and Eggs
and is all that any patr iotic person
êltp Ifnrrst (imtur Expreaa
Food Administration
Finds Selfishness
Asks Appropriation
to Handle Farm Seeds
Official Notice of
German Registration
The Pacific Market I
Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork
Mutton and Poultry. . .
| The
mher Yard