WORLD M IN E S OF CURRENT WEEK TEUTON SPIES ACTIVE TWO WARSHIPS SUNK Try to I’aralytc Tradir and Hinder Movement of t'oal Authorities Alert and tiuarda Doubled. Kx-German CruUcra Owned by Turkey Sent to Bottom in Dardanellea British I,«me Small VcaarU. WOMAN’S BEST ERA CHANGE WROUGHT BY IN D E - P E N D E N C E A8 W A G E E A R N E R . London In a naval action Sunday She A l w a y s W o r k e d , but U n t il R e c en t­ New York — Definite information between British ami Turkish forces at ly the Money A ll W e n t In to F a ­ said to have been obtained by the gov­ Brief Resume Most Important ernment that German agents ha^l been Factories East of Mississippi the entrance to the Dardanelles, the ther's Pocket as H i s La- gal Right. instructed to use all means to paralyze Turkish cm iser Midullu, formerly the Hit by Latest Order. Daily News Items. German Breslau, was sunk and the the effort to move freight and clear It WIIH Just n unit« piece of luwvs- shit« is understood here to be responsi­ Sultan Yawuz Selim, formerly the Ger­ puper published on the editorial ble for the doubling of guards Tuesday man Goeben, was beached. The an­ page. poeiry Doubtless ninny iliouaanila rend w as well phrnseil. Probably COMPILED FOR YOU at all piers, shipyards and terminals. F U E LS H O R T A G E A C U T E nouncement was made by the admi­ It, most for of It tlio men who rend It were Copies of instructions sent to Ger­ ralty. pleased, for It was an appeal to m en's man agents by the headquarters of the The official statem ent says: mid protection, it confeanlon “ The Goeben and Breslau, Turkish chivalry Eventa of Noted "copie, Governments German spy system are reported to riant* Producing Foods May Continue names of fem inine w eakness and self Insuf­ Sultan Selim and Midullu, with ficiency. have been obtained by agents of the Operations Ten Mondny Holi­ and Pacific Northwest and Other destroyers were in action with the United States government. The burden of (lie poem was a faint British forces at the entrance to the wall day* Are Also Included. Thinsrs W orth Knowing. Ibat women w ere fon*ed to leave Orders were received here Monday Dardanelles Sunday morning. The Die Inline It was alleged they night to take all precautions to pre­ Breslau was sunk. The Goeben es- all w anted w to here stay, amt to hccoiuo caped, but has been beached, evidently vent attem pts to do damage. wage earners. Men were to badly tlamagisl, at Nagara Point in the j to treat the unhappy creatu appealed The Philharmonic Society of New Guards of all kinds, m ilitary and Washington, I). ( \ America’s man­ narrows res kindly of the straits. York has announced that no composi­ private, have been doubled at all ufacturing enterprises with but few The Goeben now is being attacked anil m ake up to them by politeness tions of living German composers shall points where shipping and shipping exceptions, in all stateH east of the by “ naval w bat they find lost wfien lliey ceaaed aircraft. be played by the Philharmonic Orches­ interests are concerned. to be dom estic w orkers. “ Our losses reporte«! are the monitor Mississippi river, were ordered by the tra for the duration of the war. It Is a Utile bard on those bravo In addition to extra guards, it was government Wednesday night to sus­ Raglan and a small monitor, the M pioneer women who Hindu It posslblo Letters have been sent by the Treas­ learned that, orders were also issued to pend operations for five days, begin­ 28.” ury to 124,000 m inisters asking them scrutinize with more than usual care 1 ning Friday morning, ns a drastic The monitor Raglan, reportod lost in for the girl of today to g«'t a Job, who the action was mmmandetice on Democratic T he difference betw een then and pose a new basis for an agreement. State Fuel adm inistrators reported | with the approval of President Wilson leaders in the senate that he will use now Is ttiut In tin- old days women did Observance of the Sabbath by all j collect their own wages. T he m on­ office buildings, although per­ prescribing stringent restrictions gov­ all his influence and [lower to beat the not men in m ilitary and naval service was most m itted certain exemptions, were burn­ ey went Into fath er's pocket. II«- had erning the distribution and use of coal. directed by President Wilson in a ing only enough coal to prevent freez­ It was decided upon hurriedly by the bill to create a war council. a l«“gnl right to the services of Ills wife statem ent issued Tuesday at the White ing of pipes. “ The President will fight to the fin­ President and government heads as a ish,” was the word brought to the Cap­ and children, and thought lie tuid also House. All Sunday labor, he asked, Department stores and other estab­ desperate remedy for the fuel crisis itol Monday. a m oral right to w hatever they earned. be reduced to the measure of strict ne­ lishments generally were closed. and the transportation tangle in the has never he«-ii a tim e In his­ Establishment of a war cabinet of tory T here cessity. Eastern states. when women w ere as happily sit­ “ three distinguished citizens of dem­ The Lokal Anzeiger, of Berlin, says Even munitions plants are not ex­ uated ns now. And the change has executive ability,” ia pro­ b«-en that unless Leon Trotzky, the Bolshe- J P O R T L A N D AUTO SHOW SOON cepted from the closing down orders. onstrative w rought chiefly by the fact that vided in the senate m ilitary commit­ vik foreign minister, accepts the de-1 Officials would not discuss the far- tee's bill as introduced by Chairman women are Increasingly hem m ing In­ mand of the central powers when he ; War Emphasizes Economic Importance reaching effects the action would have Chamberlain. dependent wage earners. T hey a re In returns to Brest-Litovsk on January j of Automobiles as Never Before. on the industrial fabric, and questions The war cabinet, the bill provides, a position now to m arry whom they 29,*the central powers will break off Portland — Special rates will be as to how the ordner was to be inter­ shall be appointed by the president, pleas«*, w hether the m an has money or negotiations. preted to meet specific problems went with the consent of the senate, and is not. Th«*y can grow and develop to granted by the railroads to the coming unanswered. For assisting three Germans to pass big Portland Automobile, Truck and The order prescribes a preferential to have the following jurisdiction au­ tin* v«*ry lim it of their eiipnclty. They lire as fr«*e as women have never b«*- from the United States into Canada, Tractor : Show, which will be held in list of consumers in whose interest it thority been fn*«\ Alphonse Bachelder, road manager for the new City “ To consider, devise ami formulate Auditorium from Febru­ was drawn. These users will get coal plans and policies, general and sjiecial, fore T he woman who finds tin* business a New York operatic company, was ary 7 to 13, inclusive. the following order: fined $600 and costs by a Windsor, i The war has emphasized the eco­ in Railroads; for the effectual conduct and vigorous world uncongenial Is fre«* to go Into houshold consumers, hos­ prosecution Ont., m agistrate. Bachelder professed ! nomic importance of the automobile as pitals, charitable of the existing war and to dom estic service, unless sin* Is too institiutons, and direct and procure ignorance of the law. the execution of the nuii'h of a snob. But the chances of never before. One of the main pur­ army and navy cantonments; public same. living a p arasitic life of sentim ental A bill to acquire and maintain a sys­ poses of this automobile show will be utilities, telephone and telegraph “ To supervise, co-ordinate, direct Idleness now ns In the tem of national defense and m ilitary to demonstrate the many ways in plants; strictly government enter­ and control the functions and activities earliest V nre ictorian slim tim es. highways and post roads in Washing­ which the passenger automobile the prises, excepting factories and plants of all executive departments, officials ton, Oregon and California, with later­ truck and the farm tractor can help working on government contracts; and agencies of the government inso­ N o r w a y ’s S h ip p in g To n n a g e . al roads, to protect the Pacific Coast business and industry and thereby add public buildings and necessary govern­ far as, in the judgment of the war cab­ The los-es to N orw ay's shipping aris­ against invasion, was introduced Tues­ to the war resources of the nation. ment, state and municipal require­ it may be necessary or advisable ing from the w ar have been g reater day by Representative Baker, of Cali­ All the latest passenger car models ments; factories producing perishable inet, for the effectual conduct and vigorous than those experienced by any o th er fornia. will be shown, but the truck and the foods and foods for immediate con­ prosecution of the existing war. neutral and stand second to those of sumption. farm tractor particularly will have a The $1,000,000,000 aircraft pro­ place of honor at the show. The farm Inclusion of war industries among “ To consider and determine upon its only G reat B ritain ami France. In gram, presented first to congress in tractor has added tremendously to the those to which fuel will be denied own motion or upon submission to it, spite of this gradual reduction In ton­ the regular estim ates last December, agricutlural efficiency of France and caused some surprise, but fuel officials subject to review by the president, all nage, Norwegian ners have was explained to the house m ilitary Great Britain. In fact, farm tractors explained that war plants have been differences and questions relating to placed orders for a shipow large am ount of committee Tuesday at a confidential have helped so greatly to defeat the producing so much more m aterial than the conduct and prosecution of the war new tonnage In lioim* and foreign session by Major-General Squier, the German submarine campaign by mak­ the transportation systems can handle that may arise between any such de­ yards. T he t«dal am ount Is estim ated chief signal officer. The great sum is ing possible the cultivation of in­ that no serious effects will be felt. partments, officials and agencies of the at about 1,200,mm tons, a large am ount to be included in the army appropria­ creased acreage for food production, It is estim ated the enforcement of governm ent.” of which Is to h«* built In A m erican tion bill. yar«ls. that the French and British govern­ the order will save a total of 30,000,- Government operation of railroads ments have placed huge orders in this 000 tons of bituminous coal, which F I X HOG P R I C E S ON COAST has eliminated 10 fresh meat trains country for still more of them. F illin g a W a n t. probably is about half of the present between Omaha and Chicago and The United States government is shortage. "Do you know th a t fortunes nre where formerly 12 meat trains were encouraging the use of tractors and The indications are that at the end Western Packers Agr«‘e to Figure (Con­ m ade by selling soft drinks at baseball ducive to Large Production. operated every day between Omaha | trucks to offset the growing shortage of the ten weeks of Monday holidays, parks?” and Chicago, but two such trains now of man power and horses and to in­ a permanent policy of restricted con­ San Francisco — A minimum (»rice • “I'm not surprised. The fans appre­ are run. The running time of the crease food production and business sumption will have been determined hogs in the Pacific Coast states ciate and eneoiirage a business like trains has been lengthened from 27 efficiency. Added to this is the fact on. This plan will lim it the use of for was fixed Monday by a voluntary that. F or a nominal stun they not only hours to 42 hours per trip. that they are cheaper to operate than coal to the less essential industries agreem ent between more than 30 get a refreshing drink, hut the em pty packers representing California, Ore­ bottle serves as an Ideal m issile to Transportation on the trunk lines horses doing only a small part of the under a self-rationing basis. Officials who worked out the curtail­ gon and Washington, with the United throw a t th«* umpire.” east and west of Chicago virtually has work. recovered from the effects of the re­ A large attendance from outside ment plan came to the conclusion, they States food adm inistration, according cent blizzard, and all roads are run­ points is expected during Automobile said, that the home must be kept warm to an announcement here by the Feder­ So D o n ’t M ix P la y W it h W o r k . ning their regular number of trains, Show week. Special arrangem ents at all costs. Reports have poured into al Food commissioner for California. Injury to an einployee by falling are being made for the reception of the fuel adm inistration’s offices for sev­ The new miniumm price, fixed at 1 down steps down which In? w as c a rry ­ railroads announce. dealers and other visitors from out­ eral days past telling of intense suffer­ cent under the food adm inistration ing a load In the course of Ills em ­ During 1917, 920 saloons in Chicago side of Portland. ing in many parts of the country. minimum effective on the Chicago ploym ent, beenus«* of the act of ii pass­ went out of business, involving a loss m arket, which now is $15.50 per hun­ ing em ployee In thrusting new spaper of revenue to the city of $920,000. Slays Husband. dred, it was said, was expected to re­ against Ills ribs for the purpose of School for Blind Named, This was announced at a meeting of j Boise, Woman Idaho — George Burke, of Philadelphia — Announcement was sult in pork production in the states tickling him, Is held not to nrls«* out the finance committee of the council t o ' Mountain Home, near here, was shot made at a conference here Thursday affectecl by the agreement. of Ids em ploym ent w ithin the m eaning frame the annual budget. and instantlly killed by his wife, Mon­ by Frederick H. Mills, superintendent ] This is the first time in the history of the w orkm en’s com pensation net, In Oregon carries off first honors for 1 day, as a culmination of a family of the Pennsylvania W orking Home of the Pacific Coast that packers have the C alifornia ease of Coronado Bench performance of patriotic duty under quarrel. Mrs. Burke accused her hus­ for Blind Men, th at the government agreed to stabilize hog prices in the com the selective draft law as evidenced by band of anttem pting to beat her. She has selected the institution to be the | interest of the farm er, it was asid, m ent. pany vs. I’lllshury.—Case arid Com­ an elaborate report submitted by Pro­ says he fired the first shot, which went industrial training school for American and to co-operate in an effort to stim u­ vost Marshal-General Crowder to the wide of the mark. Mrs. Burke fired soldiers made sightless during the late production in the face of a threat­ Tommy's Excuse. Secretary of War. In three particulars two shots, both of which took effect. war. ened shortage on this Coast. Tommy arrived a t the school Into Oregon led all the other states; in all j Mr. Burke was 55 years old. The cor­ Representatives of sim ilar homes and w as questioned by his teach er: particulars its record is far better than oner’s jury late Monday exonerated throughout Spanish Rioters Active, the East and Middle West “Tommy, how Is It th a t you’re Inte this the general average. Mrs. Burke, who pleaded self-defense. attended the conference. Madrid—Disorders occurred Sunday m orning?” ”1 didn’t m ean to, hut— In declaring the regular semi-annual at Alicante, the chief seaport of Va­ but It w as so slippery th a t when 1 took Price-Fixing is Sought. Week’s Sinkings Lower. dividend of 2i per cent on the common lencia. They are reported in an offi­ n step tow ard school 1 alw ays slid stock of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad Washington, D. C.—D raft of a bill London— Another marked decrease cial telegram from Alicante, which hack two, so I turned around and w ent Friday in face of a deficit for the past giving the President broad powers to in the sinkings of British merchant­ states that a mob forced the factories year, directors of the road issued a fix prices of foods and other products men by mines or submarines in the to cease work and attacked shops and home.” statem ent saying they expected that essential to the conduct of the war or past week is noted in the report of the private houses. Women of the middle The A«8urance of Him. any basis of compensation which for domestic consumption was laid be­ admiralty issued Thursday night. In class were compelled by the demon­ Betty—The teller says I am might be determined upon for the Bal­ fore members of the house agriculture thia period only six merchantmen of strators to join them, it is declared. going to m any fortune money. tim ore & Ohio under Federal control committee Tuesday by President Wil­ 1600 tons or over were sunk and in ad­ The civil guard fired on the rioters, Jack—Good I Did she say how I would prove sufficient for the mainte­ son, with the request that it be pressed dition two merchantmen under 1600 killing three persons and seriously was going to make it?—Boston Eve­ nance of the 5 per cent annual rate. wounding four others. for passage. tons and two fishing vessels. ning Transcript. iis ii