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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1918)
W 'jvzst <&rmi? an Voi. a in d e p e n d e n t w eekly n ew spaper FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 2i. PJ18 Canadian Fighters Tell of Battlefront No. 3 Food Administration Finds Selfishness Mote than 100 residents of For- Portland, Jan. 22.—The great e t Grove journeyed to Hillsboro est stumbling-block now in the last Friday night to hear Major way of the Food Administration Edwards, Golonel McMillan and is the selfishness and unpatriotic ('upturn (look lell of their exper indifference of the average Oregon iences in tfie fight. against W il family, according to Federal Food lie m’s i luus and Vandals Both Administrator W. B. Ayer, who the Liberty and ('re rent theaters and the auditoiium of the court says that wholesale and retail house were jammed with people] dialers throughout the state are anxious to «et hr .t-hand inform-j co operating splendidly, but that ation fiom the theater of war. the public in general, through in Captain (look said when he left dividual greed and selfishness, is Canada in 1011 for France he proving a serious obstacle in the didn't know what the war was about, but he knew now; it w as1 successful carrying out of the Ad jit keep the most despotic and ministration’s plans. bloodthirsty tyrant on a European ‘ •Many families are splendidly throne from extending his evil in- patriotic” said Mr. Ayer, “ and are lluence. When the first troops loyally observing the conservation left Canada many men who had not enlisted got on the trains and requirements in every detail, but insisted on going along. That is many others are either selfishly or the way Canadians felt about > I AIM*-«! nflWvrw on th<- flrln« Itn« at Lena, M h J. Prince Aind-ashot of Siam being the one In the light coat. 2— j thoughtlessly ignoring the regula German domination of the world. British howitzer* In Kliuelcr* that continually hammer the German lines. 3—Carnp Mill«, Long Island, after being tions, and in addition are making ravaged by u severe wind and snow storm. There were some costly mistakes life miserable for the grocers, who on Doth sides in the beginning of the war, hi. battalion of lOof) must restrict the sales of flour and men having lost all but 280 dur (¡rand Officer Visits Stars sugar. Ill-natured complaints and Installed Officers and Feasted ing the first year. The allies have Mrs. L e n a C. Mendenhall, The members o f Rosewood threats of discontinued patronage learned the trickery and resources worthy grand matron of the Or of th»* enemy now, however, anil Camp No. 3835, Royal Neighbors are made by angry house-wives, der of Eastern Stars for Oregon, these complaints and threats in allied soldiers are being spared 1 The “ Red Letter Day” com of America, saw their newly-elect (Continued on Page Four) many of the dangers they en*, paid her annual official visit to ed officers installed last Friday countered early In the war. Fore t Chapter last Monday night, mittee of the Forest Grove Wo night, Mrs. Carrie Graham, past: Major Edwards, who lost both : witnessed the initiation of two man’s club has arranged an ex oracle, assisted by Mrs. Alice | arms in action, declared no man members and inspected the work cellent moving picture and musi Mar-hall, ceremonial marshal, in -' eould do a greater thing for his 1 ings of the chapter in general cal program for their entertain dur-ting the various officers into i country than to don its uniform ment at the Star Theater next their new positions. The officers Miss Mary Pickarts of Seattle, and throw his might against Prus The worthy matron found much are Mrs. Dora Emerson. Oracle;! sian despotism. He described the • to commend and little to criticise Monday, afternoon and evening Mrs. Mary F. Lepchat, Vice Ora representing the Young Women's < lei man and Austrian troops as in the conduct of the local chap The entertainment is being given cle; Mrs Winifred Aldrich, Re Christian Associations of the being heartless and very expert in ter. Other visitors from Portland for the benefit of the Studen s’ corder; Mrs. Carrie Graham, Re Northwest, was in the city Mon the matter of trickery and the in were Mrs. Young and Mrs. Belle Loan fund and should be well ceiver; Mrs. Alice Marshall. M a r-, day to organize the ladies of this vention of new forms of savage patronized. The prioe* are, gen ishal; Mrs. Rosetta Benfer, Chan city for the drive for fund« for warfare. H e advised those at Richmond, worthy matron and !eral admission 25c: reserved seats cellor; Mrs. Nellie Myers, Inner patriotic war service by the Y . home to keep the boys in Europe secretary, respectively, of Martha Sentinel; Mrs. Rosa Sears, Outer cheered up by cheerful letters. Washington chapter. Refresh 35c and school children 10c. Ful Sentinel; Mrs. Minnie Roswurm, j W. C. A., which has set out to “ Keep your troubles to your-1 ments and fraternal visiting fol lowing is the program: Manager. raise a fund of $4,000,000 to erect selves,” he counseled; “ the boys I lowed the evening’s work. Orchestral Selection - - - After theinsCiellation. the Neigh and maintain Hostess Houses in have plenty of troubles of their > - Walker’s Orchestra bors enjoyed a nice chicken din the cantonments of this coun try,. Mrs. E. E. Williams, grand or PICTURE PROGRAM own.” ner, with hot biscuits, salads, c o f-! Colonel McMillan told how j ganist, and Mrs. Mary Abbott, i ‘ ‘ Snow White" - - Marguerite Clark fee, tea and other good things on places where soldiers may meet their mothers and female relatives troops were taken from this coun- j worthy matron of Forest chapter, Uncle Sam’s Hints to Housewives the menu. . . . try to Europe; how the unmost entertained Mrs Mendenhall,(the Cartoon Characters and find a touch of home; for . . . care was necessary to prevent fhe grand matron); Mrs. Jessie Scott, Educational Scenery Neighbors of Woodcraft Install emergency housing of girls and PART 11— MUSIC associate matron; Mrs. Elizabeth enemy learning the routes to be women engaged in war work; for Neighbors of Woodcraft No. . . . taken. He eulogized the good | Todd, conductor; Mrs. Meta Alg- Orchestral Selection work among the war-worn muni 185 yesterday afternoon installed - - - Walker’s Orchestra work of the Red Cross and Army | gren, as-ociate conductor; and Y. M. C. A. and asked the people i Miss Manche Lanrley, marshal, Vocal Solo "l.a Serenata" - Braga their newly-elected officers as fo l- : tion workers of Europe and the Mrs. Wilbur MoEldowney tp support these movements lib at a 5 o ’clock dinner before the lows: Mrs, Pearl Ramsey, Past heroic nurses in the base hospitals. Vocal Solo—"The Sun Is a Sinkin’ ” ehapter meeting. Guardian Neighbor; Mrs. Anna erally. The work has the endorsement i - - - - G. Jean Bohannan Nicholson, Guardian Neighbor; He saw many of the American of Bragadier General James A. Prof. E. E. Fleischmann engineers in France and never j NOTES AND PERSONALS Mrs. Nancy Giltner, Adviser; j Vocal Solo—"My Own U. S. A . ” saw a better looking lot of men, j Mrs. Belle Roe, Magician: Mrs. Irons and Major General Green, That blamed sewer lawsuit is Mrs. H. E. Inlow even among the Canadians. Lilly Morley, Banker; Mrs Sophia at Camp Lewis; and Colonel still on trial at Portland. MATINEE Smith. Clerk: Mrs. Lilly Buxton, \ Wolf, at Plattsburg, as well as All the speakers made it plain A «laughter was born yesterday Violin and Piano—‘ ‘ LeCalise-de-Bag- 1 Attendant; Mrs. Nettie Bellinger, many prominent civilians. Such that there was but one outcome dad” . . . . Boieldieu Captain of Guard: Mrs. Emily! of the war possible the complete to Mr. and Mrs Nonen McLeod women as Mrs John R. Mott, Arlie and Margaret Marsh of Patton Valley. Anderson, Inner Sentinel; Mrs.; overthrow of Hohenzollernism. I - - Marguerite Clark * Lizzie Wirtz. Outer Sentinel; Mes- Mrs. Henry P. Davidson, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Griffin of Pictures While they did not set a date for Solo . . . Marian Bookman dames Catherine Wirtz, Nettie Robert E. Speer. Mrs. William Blooming are the parents of a new the big victory, they intimated Flute Solo - Miss Aileen Hoffman Hoffman a n d Emma Schultz. McMaster, Mrs. Chester Thorne, daughter, born Sunday. that before another year had Remember, next Monday—af Managers; Miss Jessie Buxton, Mrs. C. D. Stimson, Mrs. E. B. passed Germany would be ready A daughter was born last Thurs Mu'ician; Mrs. Lilly Buxton, Burwell and Mrs. Helen Ladd to accept almost any peace the day to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yan- ternoon and evening Tickets will be on sale tomorrow Press Correspondent. Mrs Belle oudenhagen of Verboort. allies were willing to olIYr them. Corbett are behind the drive, A new son arrived Friday at at Baldwin’s confectionery; doors ftoe was the installing officer. which is being looked after in this the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius open at 3 and 7.30 p. m., with J. D. Stewart, aged 82, died on city by a committee headed by two shows in the evening. Vuylsteke of the Roy district. Tuesday near Hillsboro and funer Mrs. J E. Pogue. This committee W. P. Dyke attended the semi al services were held in Forest These People Need Help will go before the various women’s With B J. Simpson and Rev annual meeting of the trustees of The Armenian and Syrian Re , View cemetery a 1:30 this aft r- j organizations, lodges, etc., and McMinnville College yest* rday. noon, Rev. Putnam officiating. R. E. Putnam taking the affirma Mr. and Mrs. James Devlin re lief drive is on for the last of the Deceased was a native of Tennes ask for contributions and what is tive and E. M. Graham and W. J. see and came to Oregon with an not raised in that manner of the McCready t’other side of the ceived a letter from their son, Roy, week and the first of next. The town has been districted ox train in 1864 and has lived in proposition that “ Oregon Should written aboard .a transport near and the young ladies have been the Willamette valley ever since. $400 asked of Forest Grove will Adopt the National Non-Partisan j ing England. ! He leaves two sons, J. N. of Gales be raised by a canvass of the city. Leage Program,” there is going to ■ You will be helping a worthy assigned their territories. They will ring your door-bell Creek and C. W. of Scoggin’s v a l-! Washington county is asked to be a lively and intensely interest cause if you go to the Star ing debate at the Christian church i Theater next Monday, afternoon Saturday or Sunday, and ask you 'f ley, and a daughter, Mrs Louis raise $900. next Tuesday evening, Jan. 29th. or evening. Good ¡musical and , to make a monthly pledge for the Thompson of Lyle, Wash. Church Boards to Confer year 1918 or a lump sum to be The debate is staged by the For picture program. Byron La Mont was 51 years paid at your convenience. est Grove Brotherhood and is free The official boards of the Con A daughter was born at the ! “ young” yesterday and la-t night to the public, following a dinner home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew The young ladies are author- a number of his friends and neigh gregational, Christian and Meth by the members of the Brother-1 Kelley Saturday t o Mrs. H. ! ized by the Central committee to bors came to the LaMont home to odist churches will meet at the hood and others who care to pur I. Dickson, of Eastern Oregon, receive cash and credit the amount help Byron celebrate the event. M. E. church at 2:30 next Sunday chase tickets (35c). These tickets sister to Mrs. Kelley. on the cards you sign. M r . and- Mrs. LaMont warmly j afternoon to talk over the pro are on sale by a committee of These cards when signed by | welcomed their self-invited guests The remains of Mrs. Belle W. which A. E. Scott is chairman, Cook, aged 83, who died at New- you will be fumed in to O. L. and the evening was pleasantly posed church federation scheme. 'fhe dinner will be in the base berg, arrived at 2:30 this after Hutchens at Russell’s Shoe Store, spent at cards, music and refresh At 7:45 this coming Saturday ment of the church at 6:30 and noon and was interred in the where you can make further pay- ments. the debate in the Auditorium im Mountain View cemetery. evening, the members of the high i ments. mediately after the dinner. Bet Cook W ith C oal school basketball team are going He will turn the money over to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rice re ter plan to attend. The Forest Grove Planing Mill to try to take the scalps of their turned last night from a two our treasurer, M . R. Johnson, at See Marguerite Clark in “ Snow months’ visit in California. Mr. the First National Bank, who will has laid in a supply of good fuel long time rivals, from Newberg. White” at the Star Monday, a f - : and Mrs. R. McCracken, who andit his accounts. coal and is prepared to supply, The game takes place at P. U. ternoon and evening. Benefit of j went with them, are still in Cali Please bear in mind the people consumers at a reasonable price. gym and the admisssion is only 25c. Go get your money’s worth. fornia. Students’ Loan fund. are starving and need help at once. ' Order by telephone No. 0232. Fine Program for “ Red Letter Day” Y. W. C. A. Drive Is Started Here Brotherhood Debate Next Tuesday Night