¥ ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Saturday Next- One Day Only STAR (Ô )l< ----------->OL jlf ë = ------- 1Q| ----- r j X s - lO L - ..... j lfc ï i r z i O j. ^5 ]^ lO L >l f S l fÔ1|C = 3 | |c . " J O L — 13>t i c i _ - J O C Z I Z 3 l f C = Z Z ] 0 I z ;:z i J | | r ---------- IQ E = -— ->1|(± l J j Ô I ______ > |f 5 j January 19th THE OFFICIAL Italian Battlefront Pictures Matinee and Night THEATRE The Ileilig* Theatre Company Presents, by Permission of the Italian Government, —----- ----- m * W • w • Fighting - - See - - in the Alps! - - See - - The Great Submarine FIGHT ! 15,000 P R ISO N E R S The Marvelous MILITARY AIRSHIPS Descriptive Lecture by War Correspondent Prices Same as at Heilig Theatre Portland TROOPS IN ACTION ! Remarkable Scenes in BOMBARDED CITIES Prices Same as at Il El PIG THEATRE Portland Doors Open 2:30 and 7 p. m. HOC m 301 DU HOE M £ non Endorsed by Press and Public Everywhere 3(ô][ç=5][ç NOTES AND PERSONALS 1». H. Laughlin of Boise, M l ho, who built the hotel of his name in this city, was visiting old friends here today. No 8 steel range, in good con­ dition, for salt* cheap. W. R. Whitney, northwest corner of 4th Campbell's Tom ato Soup avenue south and 2nd street. Miss Ruby Schroll of Halsey, A lw a ys good. A lw ays acceptable. Our Ore is visiting her sister, Mrs. J guarantee goes with every can. A n d note these H. Sturgis, in this city. Their brother, G. W. Schroll, a member items, too: of the avaition corps, came from Vancouver, Wash., and spent sev­ ^Filavo you Lost Your Umbrella? Forest Grove, Ore eral «lays hi re, leaving yesterday Call and see; we have found several for San Antonia. T*xas. in the Store. WILES & SOHLER Chevrolet Distributors for Washington and Columbia counties, carry a full line of CHEVROLET PARTS Phone 503 Congregational Church Confidence in the Federal Reserve Banking System This system, with its immense resources; is a tower of strength to the banks whick are mem­ bers of it, and will assist them in any financial requirements which they may be called upon to meet. By depositing your money with us, you receive the protection and the facilities which our membership in the system enables us to ofier you. Save and have. Save more and buy War Savings and Thrift Stamps. Help your Government when it needs your help. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Ore A Strong Bank in a Good Town MEMBER ' federal r eser ve ^ SYSTEM Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Directors—M. R. Johnson, President; Chris Peterson, Vice President; A. J. Demorest, Cashier; Allan Rice and J. E. Loomis. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Mr. Patten will preach Sunday morn­ ing on “ The Foursquare L ife,” contin­ uing the sermon begun last Sunday. In the evening he will give a atere- opticon lecture on Mt-xico. our nearest and least understood neighbor. A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. Christian Church Next Lord’s Day the pastor will he at Kansas City for the morning service and B. J. Simpson will fill the pulpithere and give a brief talk on church feder­ ation which is the talk of the churches now. Remember the K. m eeting at 6:30 p. m. Song service and sermon at 7:30. The subject: “ Redemption in C hrist.” Everybody welcome. R. L. PUTNAM. Minister. Methodist Church Services Prof. Hall of Willamette University will preach next Sunday, both morning and evening. All other services as i usual. The Ladies Aid society will meet next W'edne day afternoon in the Red l Cross rooms. Dr. Hawke wishes t<* announce his return from the East. While there, he was attending the Mayo, Chicago and New York Clinics, specializing in diseases of Women and Children. Phone 803. M I A KK a H Abbott building lu. J. AUUUIL Forest Grove Fai More Onions! They are healthful. We give If lbs. large ones for 25c and 11 lbs. small ones for 25c, Uncle Sam TOMATO k sp lfjg . wants us to urge the people to buy Potatoes in sack lots. We sell ’em fast at $1.25 per cwl., or 25 lbs. for 25c - all A No. 1 Spuds. Special Apple Sale J. F. Forbis’ Yellow Newtown Pippins—Choice, $1.29 a I ox; fancy, $1.55 per box; Baldwins and Spit/.enburgs at same price, while they last. Use KKKAM KRISP, not only for dainty results, but for economy. It will enable you to do away entirely with lard and cut down your butter Dill. Kream Krisp, with a little salt, is better than any cooking butter. For pastry, fol­ low directions carefully and remember that you will need from 'i to 1 less of Kream Krisp than if you were using butter We sell it in bulk also, at 32c a pound. “War Service in the Home” is the name of a little book we have. Free for the asking. To accommodate our patrons, we will resume the custom of remaining open Saturday evening's un­ til 9 o’clock. SCHULTZ’S Phone 06 1 0 o 0