F t L G h = E DESTROYING A GEL By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE IF BACK HURTS USE Kill lt-sn lum i ir Kidney» ferì like Inni nr Itlnddcr bothrru. lie mixed a weak driiuglil of lira inly unceasingly thè raln drummed thè couldn't hear. He swore softly with long ri di oli thè roof. exasperation, threw Ids hat to u chair and water and returned to the bedside. Moat folka forgot that the kidneys, Yo un g lliiuh W h i t a k e r 's doctor» trll In tinte they Mtoppi-d beforo a and dropped to Ills knees beside the She made all effort to rise. The e f­ like the bowels, got sluggish and clog­ him hr hit- hut « f. » m out h» to Uve, ami structure whose wenlher- woman. It scented as If the high gods fect was quickly apparent In (he color ged and need a flushing occaalonally, I la sweetheart Jllta him. Ilia fr ie n d . I’eter ramhltng htarh. linda him ill-, ondulate « n d proposi-» honrded fucilile, « l i l l e «U h tluklhg were hardly playing fair, to throw u (hilt came Into her cheeks, faint hut elae wo have backache and dull mlaery n tea volane. In the kidney region, severe headaches, piilnt, bore thè legend: "Commercial fainting woman on his hands Just then, warm. After t moment she uskedl rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid "Please— who are you?" llolisc.” Wliltaker carrled bis band bug at a time when be was all preoccupied atoinnch, slocplcaancsa and all aorta "M y name Is \V hi takers" he said— > Can you Imagine a more tragic < up thè stepK and aerosa thè raln-swept with hls own absorbing tragedy. of bladder dtaordora. Eveu while this thought «a s run­ "Hugh Morten Whitaker. "I didn’t You altnply must keep your kidneys | figure than a young girl deserted < veranda luto a dilli, cuvernous hall. > in a ratty hotel by the man with J A ciihlcle feticci! off III oue corner ning through hls mind, he «a s gather­ want to he known, so registered ns active and clean, and the moment you Wliltaker ing the slight young body Into hls Hugh Morten. They mistook urn for feel an ache or pain In the kidney | whom the eloped, and given no- < formeil thè office propor. region, get about four ounces o f Jad • tice that her people have ca»t J wulted by thè desk, u giiiint, weary arms; and he found It really astonish* your husband." Kalis from sny good drug store hero, muti, hagrldileii by fcar. Thero wus tu The girl Mwutig to her feet. Ingty easy to rise and hear her to | her out of their lives and she < lake a tablespoonful In a glass of wa- bis Udini a desolale plcture of thè risiili "I want to tell you something," She the bed. Then turning to hls hand hag, [ must shift for herself? One lit- { ter I**'fore breakfast for a few days up-stalrs «b e li he— Ids soni ; thè liu- faced him bravely, tlmugh ho refused he opened it and produced a small, i tie maiden In such a plight < and your kidneys will then act fine. [ thought there were but two I perlslmhle csseuee of Idinself—sbolliti leal h er I hiuhi I flask of brandy; u little the challenge of her tormented oyea. This funions salts Is made from tho of which would go fur toward shader- "Won't you listen?" s' ld of grapes and lemon Juice, com­ > courses ahead for her. One was < bave llidshed wltll It. . . . Al bis e lis i« lny thè hotel regtster, lug her syncope, he fancied. lie crossed to u window, where lie bined with Itthla, and Is harmless to | dishonorable. So she emptied a 1 open at a page ueutly lieaded «It li a It did, In fa ct; a f e « drops between stood staring out. "I'd rather not,” lie flush clogged kidneys and stimulate > little black bottle into a glass of ' them to normal activity. It also neu­ [ water and—well what happens < date In red ink. Wliltaker reglstered; her half parted lips, and site came to said softly, "but If you prefer— " tralizes the adds In tho urine so It no but two-tldrds of bis nume waa all he « l l h disconcerting rapidity, opening "I do prefer," said the voice behind > is told in this installment with * longer Irritates, thus ending bladder entereil ; « beli It rumo tu "W liltaker," dazed eyes In ||u> middle of a spasm of him. "I —I’m Mary Ladlslas." [ dramatic effect. < disorders. bis peti paliseli and pnssed un to wrlte coughing, lie stepped hack, stoppering "Yes." said Whitaker. » J Jad Halts Is harmless; Inexpensive; "Phtladclphlu" In lite residence col­ the flask. "1 . . . I ran uwuy from home last Miuki h u delightful effervescent I!thin- limi!. "That's better," he said pleasantly. week live days ago to get married water drink which every body should CHAPTER II The thought carne to him thut he "Now lie still while I fetch you a to our chauffeur, Charles Morton . . take now and thon to keep their kid- must ho cu refui lo obliterate all laun- drink of water." Sim stammered. noya clean, thua avoiding serious com­ “ Mrs. Morten." tlry marks on bis clothing. "Please don’t go on, If It hurts,” he plications. As he turned to the washsland hls It was three In tin* morning before A well known local druggist says he In Ids o «u gìmd Ulne thè deck ap- begged without looking around. foot struck the tumbler she had IV lrr Stark, having to the host of his pouroil. Hls welcome iva# un tndlffcr- "I'v e got to— I’ve got to get It over sella lota of Jad Halls to folks who be­ dropped, lie stopped short, frowning endurance and judgment tired Whlt- lieve In overcoming kidney trouble ent nod ami a ghinee at thè regtster down at the greut, staring, wet, yel­ with. . , . We were nt Southampton, while It Is only trouble.— Adr. aker out with talking, took his hat and « I d d i scenici! unuccountably to mod­ low stain on the dingy and threadbare at my father's summer homo — I menu, liis departure from Whitaker's bach­ erate bis aputhy. carpet. Together with this discovery that’s where I ran uwuy from. He— elor rooms. Whitaker shut the hall Author No Asset. "Mr. Mortoti—uh?" he Inqulred. he got a w hiff of an acrid-sweet Charley—drove me over to Greenport door and turned back wearily Into his Wliltaker liodded wlthout «orila. At n I ih ’ u I hazniir they were offering and I took the ferry there and rittne effluvium that spelled “ Oxalic A d d — living-room. It was three In ihe morn­ autographed copies of book* hy In­ The youth shruggcd and scmwlcd l’olson" us unmistakably as did the Imre to wait for him. lie went to New ing; his body ached with fatigue, yet dianapolis authors. a hieroglyph after thè natile. ‘‘Ilere, druggist's label on the empty pneket York In the car. promising to Join me he made no move toward his bedcham­ Sanimy,” he salii to thè boy—"Forty- on the waslistniid. "H ere Is a very delightful h«s>k, suit­ here lis Soon as possible. . , ." ber. able for a gift, und autographed by tlireo." To Whitaker he nddressed thè "And ho didn't come," Whitaker In unoiher moment he was hack at lick in g his way across a floor lit­ further remark: “ Truuks?" the author. Only a dollar and n wound up for her, when stie faltered. the licdsltle with u clean glass of wu- tered with atlases, charts, maps and half," said the smiling manager of "N o." guide-books, he went to the bathroom tcr, which he offered t<> the girl's lips, "H ow much money o f yours did hs the booth. The youth seemed abolii to oxjmis - take with tilin'/” and took a bottle of chloral from the passing hls arm beneath her shoulders "A dollar and u h a lf!" gna|xvj the tuLato. but check od «b en Whitaker There was a brief pause of aston­ medicine closet. and lifting her head so that she might prospective purchaser, a little woman placed oue of bis huudred-dollar notes ishment. "W hat ilo you know about drink. What he took brought him three who held her tempted purse dose to on thè counter. that?” she dcluniuli-d. hours o f oblivion. He rose at eight, She emptied the glass thirstily. her hreuat. "I thluk thut’ll cover tny Uablllty,” " I know a good deal about Hint type ordered his breakfast up by telephone, “ Look here,” he said almost roughly “ Yes, u dollar mid a hulf. The au­ he sub! wlth a significane« ndslnter- o f man," he said grimly. bathed and dressed. When the tray under the lash o f this new feur— “ you tograph. you know, has an especial preteil by thè other. came up, his mall came with It. Among didn't rcully drink any of that stuff, > value." "I uln’t got enough ehange— " others there was one letter in which did you?” I What will Whitaker do with "Why, I can get n c*>py of that "That's all riglit ; I’m In no hurry." he read: Her eyes met hls with n look of > this frail girl on hls hands? > book at n downtown store for a dol­ negation clouded by fear and bew ilder­ I What would you do in such clr- ► lar." Dear Hugh: I can call you that, now. ment. Then she turned her head uwuy. > cumstances? ► "Yea, I know you can. but uot au­ because you’re Peter's dearest friend and ► tographed hy tho author." Dragging u pillow bcucutb It. he let therefore mine, and the proof of that Is , that I ’m telling you first of all of our her down again. (TO BK CO.NTINUKD.» The pros|iectlve purchaser's face great happiness. Peter and I found out | “ Good,” he said In accents meant to suddenly took on a look o f high wis­ that we loved one another only yesterday, be enheartenlng; "you'll be all right M A M M O T H L O A V E S O F B R E A D dom und th'en she blurted: so we’re going to be married the first ot i June and . . .” in u moment or two." “Oh. well, I know who wrote It, any­ Her colorless lips moved in a Those Baked oy French Pennle Are how.” — Indianapolis News. Whitaker read no more. Me could j whisper he hud to bend close to dis­ From Four to Five, or at Times guess the rest, and for the moment j tinguish. Even Six Feet In Length. he felt too sick a man to go through FOR SKIN TROUBLES “ I’ lease . . . " to the end. Indeed, the words were “ Yes?" The biggest loaves of bread baked to blurring and running together beneath " i ’leuse don't . . . cnll anybody. , " be eaten nr« those made In France That Itch, Burn, Torture and Disfigure his gaze. "I won't. Don't worry." Use Cutlcura— Trial Free. und Italy. In the ease of the pipe A fter a long time he put the letter The lids quivered down over her hreud of the latter country, thu loaves aside, absent-mindedly swallowed a eyes, and her mouth wus wrung with are between two und three feet la Tho Soap to cleans« and purify, tho cup of lukewarm coffee and rose from anguish. He stared, perplexed. He length, nnd occaslonully even longer; Ointment to soothe and heal. They an otherwise untasted meal. wanted to go uwuy quickly, hut while the French people make their usually afford Immediate relief In ‘T h at settles that, of course," he I couldn't gain hls own consent to do loaves In the shape of very long rolls Itching, burning eczemas, pimples, said quietly. ‘‘And It means I've got j so. She was In no condition to he of bread, runglug from four to live dandruff and moat baby akin troubles. to hustle to get ahead of l ’eter." left alone, this delicate and fruglle feet, und in u few Instances even to They also tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming great If used dally. Whitaker packed a hand-bag with a child, defenceless and beset. A strange six feet In length. Free sample each by mall with few essentials, not forgetting the bottle girl, to find In n plight like hers, he Hread in Purls Is distributed almost Hook. Address postcard, Uutlcura, of chloral. He was uot yet quite sure thought: not pretty, hut quite un­ exclusively by women. These go to Dept. L, Hoston. Hold everywhere. what he meant to do. after he had de­ usual ; delicate, sensitive, high-strung, the various bakehouses nt 6 :80 a. ui. — Adv. finitely put himself out of Peter Stark's bred to the finer things o f life— tills and spend about nn hour brushing sphere of influence, but he hadn't much No Firebug. Inst wus self-evident In the fine sim­ the long loaves with special brushes. doubt that the drug was destined to Father— I guess that young man of plicity of her severely plain attire. When their loaf is cleaned of grit und play a most Important part in the ulti­ A variety of impressions crowded dust the porteuse du pain goes round yours is all right, daughter, hut he'll never set the world on fire. mate solution, and would as readily upon his perceptions in little more to the customers. Daughter— I should say not; he's In have thought of leaving it behind as than a glance. For suddenly Nature Customers who live In flats have the insurance business.— Hoston Tran­ of going without a toothbrush or rail­ took her in hand; she twisted upon her their loaves propped up against the script. way fare. side, as if to escape hls regard, und door o f their apartment. Shopkeep­ Leaving the bag in the parcels-room covered her face, her palms muffling ers, restaurateurs and other custom­ Constipation can he cured without ttt the Grand Central Station, he went deep tearing sobs while waves o f pent- ers, who have entrances to their prem­ drugs. Nature’s own remedy—selected down-town to his office. Happily his up misery racked her slender little ises in the street, find their portion of herbs— Is Garfield Tea.— Adv. partner, Drummond, was out of town body. the staff o f life leaning ngulnst the for the day. He worked expeditiously, Dropped to His Knees Beside the Whitaker moved softly away. . . . front door when they take down the having no callers until just before he Woman. Once, pausing by the centre-table, shutters. The wages o f these hreud was ready to leave. Then he was he happened to Ik down. He saw a carriers vary from 50 to 00 cents a The eyes o f the lout followed him little heap of the hotel writing-paper, day, their work being generally over obliged to adii.lt one who desired to make a settlement. He took Whitaker's as he ascended the stairs. On the together with envelopes, a pen, a bot­ at ten or twelve o’clock In the morn­ receipt for the payment In cash, leav­ second floor as Whitaker came Into tle o f Ink. Three o f the envelopes ing. ing behind him lifteen one-hundred- view, the hoy thrust open the door, were sealed and superscribed, and two dollar notes. Whitaker drew his per­ disappeared for an instant, and came were stamped. The unstamped letter Tests of Patriotism. sonal check for the right amount and out minus the bag. Whitaker gave was addressed to the Proprietor o f the Tw o million of hoys, averaging hut ! i l r l T t t t t 1 T r » » ■ ■ > > | | « f t-t-l him a coin In passing— an attention left It with a memorandum under the Commercial house. nineteen years of age, went Into the You reckless men and women who paper-weight on Drummond's desk; which he acknowledged by pulling the O f the other-, oue was directed to Civil war to save the Union. And if put a match to u shredded pile o f per­ door to with a bang the moment the a Mr. C. W. Morton In care o f another you hud asked them what the Union aro pestered w'tli coma and who havo sonal correspondence In the fireplace; guest had entered the room. At the person at u mini her on lower Sixth was few could have given n better an­ at least once a week Invited an awful death from lockjaw or blood polnon and caught a train at the Grand Cen­ same time Whitaker became aware of Avenue, New York; and from tills swer than that It was the thing they are now told hy a Cincinnati authority a contretemps. tral at one-three. Whitaker began to understand the sin­ were fighting for, un Idea not to he to use a drug called freezone, which Not until the cars were» in motion did The room was o f fulr size, and It gular manner of hls Introduction to the expressed In words symbolized by a tho moment a few drops aro applied he experience any sense o f security was tenanted by a woman In street wrong room; there’s no great differ­ few stripes nnd stars. to any corn or callous tho soreness Is from Peter Stark. He had been ap­ dress. She stood by the washstand, ence between Morton nnd Morten, lias there ever been a time when relieved and aoon tho entlro corn or callous, root and all, lifts o ff with tho prehensive until that moment of some with her back to the light, her attitude especially when written carelessly. we did not stand the test? The time fingers, unforeseen move on the purt of his one of tense expectancy; hardly more Hut the third letter caused Ills eyes when tli«* American spirit cnino near­ Freezono dries tho moment It la ap­ friend; Peter was capable of wide hut than u silhouette of a figure moderate­ to widen considerably. It bore the est to falling was lf.'t years ago when sure casts o f intuition on occasion, ly tall nnd very slight, almost angular name o f Thurlow Ladlslas, Esq., and New York would not Join In signing plied, and simply shrivels tho corn or callous without Inflaming or even Ir­ especially where his affections were In Its slenderness. She had been hold­ u Wall Street address. the Declaration of Independence and ritating the surrounding tissuo or touched. Hut now Whitaker felt free, ing u tumbler In one hand, but us Whitaker’s mouth shaped a still-born Rhode Island refused for so long to skin. A small bottle of freezono will free to abandon himself to meditative Whitaker appeared this slipped from And when cost very little at any o f tho drug whistle. He wus re-calling with sur­ ratify the Constitution. despair. Cold horror crawled in his her fingers; there followed a thud and prising distinctness the fragment of I read New York or Ithodo Island pa­ stores, but will positively rhl one's feet of every hard or soft corn or brain like n delirium— horror o f him­ a sound o f spilt liquid at her feet. She dialogue he had overheard nt Ills club in rs criticizing norno o f our western hardened callous. If your druggist self, of his morbid flesh, o f that mori­ moved forward a pace or two, her states for lacking spirit because they the previous afternoon. hasn't any freezono he can get It at bund body unlit to sheathe the clean hands fluttering out toward him, then are not yet convinced Hint we need any wholesale drug houso for you.— stopped ns though halted by u force tire o f life. mllltiiry training for our hoys, 1 Just Adv. CH APTER HI. At about four o’clock the train Irnplacuble nnd overpowering. turn back to the old school history stopped to drop the dining-car. Wholly " I thought," she qunvered In a und ask a few disugreuhlu questions Mrs. Whitaker. swayed by blind Impulse, Whitaker got stricken voice— " I thought. , . you He lived through u long, had quarter about the puat.— Franklin K. Lane, up, took his hand-hag and left the car. . . . my husband . . . Mr. Morton hour, hls own tensed nerves twanging Hecretary o f the Interior. la rlskr to neglect. Taka It In hand. and On the station platform he found . . 4 the boy said . . in sympathy with the girl's sobbing— safesuard your health by promptly takios Then her knees buckled under her, himself pelted by a pouring rain. He Qrsat Food Value of Bananas. like telegraph wires singing In u gule Imprisoned himself In the body o f an and she plunged forward nnd fell with —hls mlud busy with ninny thoughts, One acre planted to hunuiuis Is said uged and decrepit four-wheeler, and a thump that shook the walls. strangely new and compelling, wearing to produce as much fcod value na SO " I ’m sorry— I beg pardon," Whlt- a fresh complexion that lacked alto­ acres o f potatoes or Llkl acres of as they rocked and crawled away, the Sil*U windows wept unceasingly, and uker st a in me red stupidly to «ara that gether the coloring o f self-interest. wheat SYNOPSIS. 2 With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain A BAD COUGH iPISO’S