■w-if. Clip Jfitrrat Öürmt? icxjirpaa Published every Thursday at Forest Grove, Oregon. W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. Entere»! as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postofUce at Forest Grove, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879 Subscription Hates On Credit $1.00 One year .............50 Six months .25 Three months THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1918 •*I am sorry that you do not wear a flag every day and I can only ask you if you lose the physical emblem to be sure that you wear it IN YOUR HEART ; the heart of America shall interpret the heart of the world.” President Wilson. Paid in advance One year Six months Three Months N O T E S A N D CO M M E N T S $1.50 . .75 . .40 i MMNIMMMMHI v^ » Portland Gas & Coke Company’s Tualatin Valley Representatives Are as Follows: Company’s Employe’s Office Patterson Furniture Store Hillsboro, Oregon Phone Main 773 Our employes will he glad to attend all matters of service. Pay Stations Hillsboro Pharmacy - Hillsboro, Oregon Littler’s Pharmacy, - Forest Grove, Oregon Oreneo Mercantile Co - Oreneo, Oregon All bills rendered by the Company may be paid at the above stations. THE KAISERS SOLILOQUY mind it would he a heap bettah buy Wah Savin’ Stamps to hep To be or not to be’ That is the ques­ to bury dat Kaisa.” tion. George A. Patterson - - Hillsboro, Oregon Whether I'll make a winning in the The Express hears of several George G. Paterson . . . Forest (»rove, Oregon Kame places in Oregon which have com­ Of sanguinary war that threatens to mittees at work trying to induce The Company’s appliances may be seen anti purchased at these sub-salesrooms. Depopulate my realm of fighting the Masons of the state to locate braves The Company’s Main Office is at 5th and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon. And leave to me but antiquated men. their new home, to be built dur- We will be glad to have you write or call on us at any time. And women and their kiddish offspring, ing the present year, in this, that and or some other town So fur. For­ A bunch of titled guys o’er which to est Grove has not even intimated reign. of fortune’s roulette d wants a home here that Or if by turn will bring thousands of dollars to Saulsbury, stating that of the total in posse-sion of information a s to kees will see some hard lighting next wheel I’ll put it over those who seek to dump the town annually. By the time number of British soldiers in the crop damage from diseases are re­ spring. We have them beaten but cain’t My great imperial person in the soup some of the Rip Van Winkles of expeditionary forces about 7 per quested by Prof. Barss to send a make them believe it just at present. is the hardest part of the job; And beroftHUinees^1* W°rli t0 j this city awake to the importance cent have been killed in action or statement of the same to him at That they are trying to dodge the issue by With heads bowed lowly at one royal home, it will probably ha\e died of wounds up to June 1. 1 Corvallis, care of the Oregon Agri­ hitting Italy, have to come been located elsewhere. Then the 'Improved tactics and the swiftly cultural College. The work is al­ back to France but to will foot. settle it and they The while the other restó upon their sleepers will say: “Oh, MY! Why mounting Allied superiority in ar­ ready under way, and the in­ will get the drubbing of their lives uext necks. we get the home located tillery” are still reducing the j>er- form ition sought has been report­ year. But no, not all. Hell and its fiendish didn’t I am rather surprints! if Deni­ here?” Now, don’t deny it; centage of losses. ed from some part of the state. son “ Weil, powers contains slackers. I can't see Could not compel that cursed Yankee that s just what some of you will British losses in the retreat from All county agricultural agents what they can any tie thinking as u per­ horde Isay and if you’ll be honest, you’ll Mons wi re heavy, though four- ‘of Oregon have been in session all son is as safe in France as of, they are in To bow the suppliant knee even tome, admit it. Didn’t you let the In fifths of them wi re in the “wound­ week at Corvallis, to plan and co­ the city park (at midnight) and that is The chosen one of Gott, placed upon (jian school leave you and aren't ed” a n d “missing” columns. ordinate the work of promoting the truth. I am glad that you realize your son is not one of that breed . earlh . . kultur . „ into . , all „ I you Univer- Many French regiments have the agricultural interests of the that tci To shoot Teutonic . sleeping . . . while Pacific that fears anyone or anything. And it Who dare oppose the will of me und m danger of being closed fared as badly. The fate of the counties they represent, Paul V. is indeed comfort to be aide to look Gott; | for lack of encouragement? ment’ This Princess Patricia Canadians was Maris, state leader, and L. It. into one’s a eyes and say, ”1 have done An ignorant, uncultured legion that is pretty plain talk, but veiled my duty to humanity, have you?” And Believe their star-bespangled Uncle allusions aren’t strong enough for a war tragedy that will long be Simons, agricultura'ist of the U. that is whut those that stay at home remembered, but was an unneces­ S. States Relation Service, are in will be asked for countless Sam years to some of you chaps. “ Business as Of sport attire and white angora beard sary tragedy. We have come to ,conference with the agents, bring­ come, each day and week. A greater man than I--so great I seem usual during the war doesn’t different conditions, when com­ ing the work into the closes' pos­ ” 1 have learned lots of things that In their viewpoint a Hliputian at j mean that if you have been sleep- manders use artillery to save their sible relation with that of Federal those ut home will never know. Before His giant knee. It is to laugh, ha! ha! ¡ne; for tvventy years you shall men—and we went over the top st Ypres they have it to use. Government in increasing food passed And yet -tie not to bugl, hil^o».ly j ¡, b o s t o e s > t o k w | ) on cigars down the line and every For, to my great amazement, when the , e production and saving. The American people, as Secre­ man stood up and lit his cigar. We cards j sleeping. tary Baker says, “are not children went over the top with cigars going Were coming my way in the bloody J ) Q \’T' SPEND and a smile on our faces. If those ut to be frightene I out of the path Same YO UR R ft\ n s home fear to meet their Maker, we do of duty.” Ye' no one need fear And I in triumph led my leading trump not, for we know that we carry the He slipped the joker from his flowing “I hope that the merchants of that the path of duty is the sure arms of those that for right and sleeve j the country, upon a more careful path of death. When at parting E. E. Williams has loaned the justice to all, large light and small, and un­ And with a ghoul-grin commandeered consideration of the subject, will the soldier says, “ Don’t worry. editor a copy of the Denison, til the day comes when people are free from the iron heel ami assured of a Texas, Herald of recent date, and I ’ll get hack all right,” the chunc v Yet - will t !? e I , tric |C ' j -n , it discontinue their efforts to sell not despair, will notallow ... peaceful living and, if need he, will in its columns was found an inter­ es are—un!e>s the war lasts more My royal feet to suffer from a chill, j merchandise and take Liberty i shed our last drop of blood. But with the battle cry, “Onward mit Loan Bonds in payment,” says than three years longer—fourteen est ing letter from one of the | ”1 do not wish you to worry if I have Gott!” ! Secretary McAdoo. to one that he will.—NewY’oik Williams family’s former neigh­ ] to go again for there are so many mure I yet will strive to reach the shining The Secretary states that he World. bors, now on leave in London poor men and women in Belgium and Some parts of the letter are so in- France who are behind the German Of my* ambitions, and if I should fail baS n° doubt * * merchants of- who need some one’s help to free t resting that the Express repro­ ! lines I'll fade into oblivion, on my lips | i°rini? take Liberty Ix>an Bonds them. feel it my duty to go again to A redhot curse upon the meddling head in exchange for merchandise are duces those paragraphs, as fol­ render I what small help I can to bring Of Uncle Sam, the guy who butted in actuated by patriotic motives,but lows: ! them again to and freedom. And knocked my crowing cockerel off such transactions tend to de- Corvallis, Ore., Jan. 15.—An ” 1 hope you will not worry about me Well, I am glad their that home those at home too much at home, but hope it may feel that I am one of the many that ^ PeF—James Barton Adams. ; feat a Primary obJeCt of the bond Oregon man has won a place on give you some pleasura to know that light and bleed for them Hiid all they -------------------- ¡sales, as they discourage thrift the Plant Pathologist War Board, I carried out my duty well while in hold dear.” If you want to^ hear the stor> and increase expenditures. Bonds for twelve months and was one of the trenches from three Can-! so taken in exchange in most a national organization formed to of action four that were recommended by our Cook With Coal increase food production by re­ adian officers who have been cases are immediately sold in the division general for good work in the Forest Grove Planing Mill woun ed, go to the Crescent open market, which tends to sup­ ducing the heavy losses due to fitld, though I do not expect to have has The laid in a supply of good fuel theater, Hillsboro, tomorrow press the market price and ad­ plant disea es. At th e recent any more of it. war seems to lie going from I coal and is prepared to supply night. Speaking b e g in s at 8 versely affects sales of future is national meeting of plant patholo­ had “The to worse every day. Russia has consumers at a reasonable price. gists at Pittsburg, Prof. H. P. o’clock. _____________ sues. sold us out and it looks like the Yan- Order by telephone No 0232. Barss, was named as the western Sales of thrift stamps and war ; The strongest efforts are made member nm xaanm am nr of the Plant Pathologists savings stamps in Oregon must by the Treasury Department to War Board, being (he only repre­ average $50,000 each day of the, have these Government bonds sentative west of the Mississippi year if Oregon is to reach its purchased for permanent invest- valley. quota, and there is no doubt in ment by the people and paid for The board has undertaken a the minds of those promoting the out of saving^, thus not only pro nation-wide campaign to reduce campaign but that this amount viding funds for the Government the enormous looses to the prin­ will be exceeded. At present the but effecting conservation of labor crops by plant diseases Fed­ sales are about $12,000 per day— and material; exchanging them cipal aid will be sought for each of wake up. for merchand se therefore defeats eral the states in pushing the cam­ A colored woman was busily en- tb's PurPose- paign. The annual loss in Oregon gaged in emptying her saving’s WAR DEATHS from plant diseases alone is six to stocking at the War Savings SEVEN PER CENT ten million dollars. Stamp window in the Portland One of the tricks of pro-Ger- Prof. Barss is getting together postoffice. As the pennies, nickels, mans is to whimper it about that information on the crop losses in dimes, quarters and an occasional for a soldier to be sent abroad is Oregon and the other western half-dollar rolled out, the clerk his death warrant. Fighting men states to present to the Govern­ said: “Aunty, this money m ust,sometimes unthinkingly aid the ment, in order that a correct idea be the result of a number of years’ ; deception by repeating inexact of kthe annual damage may im­ hard earned savings?” “Yessah,” , trench gossip that this or that press congress with the need of The Main street replied the old mammy, “Yessah, command is “shot to pieces” with help in this work as part of the ah been a savin’ it to bury masef !an incredible death list, plan to increase food production with, but ah got to thinkin’ it Secretary Baker sets such stor- during the war. ovah, an’ ah just made up mah ies at rest in his letter to Senator All citizens of Oregon who are Salesrooms Portland Gas & Coke Company Says Huns Are Beaten I But Don’t Know It Oregon Man on Plant Disease Control Board WE SELL Lumber Cement Shingles Roofing We Buy for Cash and Sell C-H-E-A-P Lumber Yard Copeland & McCready