BIG MONEY IN FURS ROUGHAGE FOR SHEEP SHIP TO NEAREST MARKET BETTER PRICES-OUICKRETURNS' -egume Hays Stand at Fore­ front in Feeding Value. IVe I Vant Immediately MUSKRAT SKUNK COYOTE RACCOON MOLE MINK FOXES OTTER AND OTHER FURS. WEIGHING DEVICE IS HANDY Farmer Enabled to Read Record at His Leisure and Comfort— Bur­ den Taken From Hande. Many times farmers weigh henry ar­ ticles hy holding thn scales and their load hy one or both hands, while try- Hooping O u r Soidiors Strong Early in the world w ar experience proved the extraordinary value of cod liver oil for strengthening soldiers against colds, pneumonia and lung troubles. Thousands of Our Soldiers are Taking Sot Only la Timothy Unpalatable to Anlmala, but It Cauaea Serioua Caaee of Constipation— Much Qraln Is Saved. (P rep a red by the United Htntee D epart­ ment o f A g ricu ltu re.) s Svnd tur Haw Fur pries Hi! todau. H. L1EBES & CO. Itapt. K, r n E m ¿ fa high in food valu e and rich in blood-m aking properties. / “f y S coff's will strengthen you against winter sickness. t '' |J/ 1 - B e w a re o f A lc o h o lic S u b stitu te s. T h e Im ported N orw egian cod liv er o il u«ed In S c o f t rs E m u lsion !« n ow refined in tw u Am erican laboratories which guarantee« it f*ee fr^m impurities. Scott & Ik/wne, Bloomfield. N. J. 17-23 VAUGHAN’S PORTABLE DRAG SAW Cots 20 Cords in 10 Hours Kaw Fur Ü n lr r i and Fur Manu. facturera Legume hnya stand ut the forefront ua a roughage for sheep. No other roughages approach them In feeding 149-151 Broadway, Portland, Or. values. The cos rae-atem Died hnya, like timothy, red top and blue grnaa have very few leaves and therefore are poor sheep feeds. Hays huvtng u large amount o f timothy la them ulao are undesirable. Not only Is timo­ thy unpalatable to the sheep, but It causes serious eases of constipation. The dry timothy heads work Into the wool, causing Irritation to the skin, lessening the vnltto of the clip and making shearing difficult. When tim­ othy nr other conrse-stemined hay Is fed to sheep in winter quarters It be­ comes necessary to use some supple­ mentary feed to keep the sheep In con­ dition. I f tiny noitlegume hay Is fed, sup­ plementary protein feed Is needed. Lln- *c«>d meal Is good since In addition to furnishing protein It counteracts the constipating effect o f timothy hay. From one-quarter to one-half pound of linseed rncnl per ewe dally should he used, depending on the sire nnd condition o f the animal and the other feed used. In an experiment conducted at the Missouri station nnd reported In bul­ letin No. 120, the relative values of O n* h u rxlr«! arvl « l i l y five Hoorn«. all Modern clover nnd timothy hnya for wintering Improvement«; free plionee on every flour. ewea were determined. Rate«: 75c ta{$1.50 per day: 92.50 to Fifteen ewes fed 2.0 pounds timothy $5.00 per week. hny and O.itfl pounds grain per head Opposite CourthouM. 2 block« from PoatofTlra. dally lost 7.0 pounds each during the Klre Proof. S. I* and O re*on Electric, p a «« door. same time that unother lot receiving the same weight of grain nnd clover hay gained 0.5 pounds. The 14 ewes fed clover hay dropi»ed 10 atrong Arts made from your OLD CAR­ lambs, while those fed timothy drop­ PETS. Haif Hug» woven alt sizes. ped 11 strong nnd 5 weak lambs. Mail orders receive prompt and care­ The lainhs from the ewes fed clover ful attention.“ Send for booklet. hny gained more rapidly during the N O R T H W E S T RU G CO. lirst :t() days than did those from the E. 8th and Taylor SU. Portland, Or. ewes fen, tlie grnlnloMit ration la to be nd- vlaed. Prices are higher than ever. c T H E .O R IG IN A L . T H E L IG H T E S T . T H E S T K t% G E S T . H A S M A N Y IM IT A T O R S . B U T l»D E Q U A L S . W rila for Information. Vaughan Motor Works, Ing to read the wavering record on the i face— a burden at arms length. Note the easier wuy. As one holds the lever down he reads at leisure, and with comfort, the weight which the scales show. The "bean-and-pea" I scales cun be used In the same way. —Orange Judd Farmer. main P O R T L A N D . OREGON. Weighing Convenience. It An Optimist. was 5 a. m. He was starting furnace fire at this unseemly COMB SAGE TEA IN FADED OR GRAY WR the hour. Without warning a large lump of co«U leaped from Its berth on top of the coni pile nnd landed squarely on the captain of his toe brigade on the i left foot. In other words, the coal BEST PLACE FOR SEED CORN landed squarely on his big toe. He If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark­ ens so Naturally Nobody j warmed up much more quickly than can Tell. Well Ventilated Room With Artificial the fire us he hopped about bit one Heat, If Needed, Should Be Had foot In Imitation of u Itusslan toe for Curing. dancer. Grandmother kept her hair beauti­ He swore, cursed his luck. Increased fully darkened, glossy and attractive Word Is being sent to the farmers the white space on his fuce, and then with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. of Minnesota to take special pains In — then—then he began to smile. And Whenever her hair took on that dull, drying and storing their seed corn this his toe thumped like a stranded uuto faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with won­ fall. C. P. Bull, university farm, St. engine! derful effect. By asking at any drug Paul, secretary o f the state commit­ “ Why, I really am lucky,” he store for "W y eth ’s Sage and Sulphur tee o f food production und conserva­ thought. “ I'm lucky to have a coni 1 Compound," you w ill get a large bot­ pile big enough for a lump o f coal to i tle of this old-time recipe, improved tion, says: “The amount o f moisture to be re­ get a start on. Come on, do It again,” I by the addition of other Ingredients, moved from the corn this fall Is larger j he dared and smilingly cast his grouch all ready to use, for about 60 cents. than usual. A well ventilated room | In the furnace, gave his aching toe This simple mixture can be depended with artificial heut. If needed, should 1 a rub or two and cheerily went to upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. be provided for curing. Care should work. A well-known downtown druggist ■ be taken, however, not to dry the says everybody uses W yeth’s Sage corn too rapid,y. The temperature of A postal card to Garfield Tea Co., j and Sulphur Compound now because the drying room should be kept some­ Brooklyn, N. Y., asking for a sample it darkens so naturally and evenly where between 00 aud 70 degrees. The will repay you.— Adv. that nobody can tell It has been ap­ plied— it’s so easy to use, too. You ears should be hung up by the double The Rear Guard Removed. simply dampen a comb or soft brush string method or should be put on Doris was rather backward in her j and draw It through your hair, taking hangers or trees; It should not be studies. One day when her father was one strand at a time. By morning j dumped In a pile In a btn. j inquiring into her standing at school the gray hair disappears; after an­ "A double allowance. If It can be she admitted that she was lowest in other application or two. It Is restored had, should be saved. In order to ad­ ' her class. to Its natural color and looks glossy, mit of a more rigid selection next “ Why, Doris, I am ashamed o f you !” j soft and beautiful. This preparation her mother exclaimed. “ Why don’t Is a delightful toilet requisite. It is spring. you study harder and try to get away not intended for the cure, mitigation "The present Indications are that from the foot of the class?” or prevention of disease.— Adv. there will be u good demand for seed " It isn’t my fault,” Doris replied in corn.” ! tones of injured innocence. “ The little Of Course. jv a te r s u p p l y f o r p o u l t r y girl who has always been at the foot The Parson— You must remember, Bought, .Hold. R * n («d and Repaired brother, that the rain falls alike on BENEFITS OF CHICK FEEDER has left school.”— New York Times. W A I.K K Il K l.KCTKJC W O R K S In Winter It Will Be Necessary to Re­ the just and the unjust Hu moitié*. cor. 10th. Portland. Ore. new Four or Five Times Daily— The Deacon— N ot much it doesn’t! S H AK E INTO Y O U R SHOES. Advantages Claimed Are That Birds Use Common Utensils. A lla n '» Foot-Ease. the antiseptic powder. Makes Maybe you don’t know that I went M ONEY FOR YOU. Are Prevented From Overfeeding tight or new shoe» feel easy. R elieve« Corn», home from prayer meeting the other ThouftnniU o f train«*! young iirople n***«l*tl. ¡ I Bunions. Hot. Swollen. Tender. A ch in g Feet. Sold and Crowding. lJuhnkt'- Walker Hum no** ( kille*«*. Portland, place« everywhere. 25c. Don’ t accept any substitute. night with your umbrella. The liens need u good supply of student« in poeiliona. Enroll any timo. Ir te Sample FR E E . Address. Alien S. Olmsted. Le clean water, and In winter It will be Catalo*ue. The V-ahaped bottom o f this feed ! Roy. N . Y . necessary to renew.the water four or hopper Is mude of woven wire nnd Generous. Z O R S Thra* shave*'fra* I !S«nl live times a day. There are devices on SAFETY RA . ---------- u« Ih re « dull safety r w i r the murket which the Hellers profess “ Do you tend your own furnace?” Defeat Backache and Kidney bladr*. W r *harp#»n and return lh«*rn fr«*e. Each “ No,” replied Crosslots. “ I ’m not bladr «tarilised. Sani Keen S afety Co., 12SH W . will keep the water from freezing, but Trouble W ith Anurie Third St., L o « An*«*l«n. selfish. If we get in enough fuel to at present poultry men, both lurgo and start a little blaze, I let the whole M a n y p e o p le in th is c it y h a v e s u ffe r e d small, agree that the best way Is to family gather around and enjoy it fr o m r h e u m a tis m a n d k id n e y tr o u b le an d A Cruel Hint. put the water In ordinary utensils and h a v e fo u n d t h a t A n u r ic w a s th e m o s t I with me.”— Exchange. "I wish 1 knew what to do to kill renew the supply with sufficient fra- s u c c e s s fu l r e m e d y to o vercom e th e s e p a in fu l a n d d a n g e ro u s a ilm e n ts . .......” quency to prevent the birds going h e lu c k y p e o p le a r e th o s e w h o h a v e “ Why don't you tako singing lea Constipation, indigestion, slck-head- ; s u T ffe r e d , b u t w h o a r e n o w w e ll b e c a u s e thirsty. Bona ?”— Exchange. ache and bilious conditions are over- t h e y h e e d e d n a t u r e 's w a r n in g s ig n a l in | come by a course of Garfield Tea. tim e t o c o r r e c t t h e ir tr o u b le w it h th a t w o n d e r fu l n e w d is c o v e r y o f D r. P ie r c e 's Too Probable. j Drink on retiring.— Adv. TIME FOR MAKING REPAIRS c a lle d " A n - u - r i c ” (d o u b le s t r e n g t h ). Y o u "W h o is going to score the new s h o u ld p r o m p t ly h e e d th e s e w a r n in g s , s o m e o f w h ic h a r e d iz z y sp ells, b a c k a c h e . opera you are going to produce?” The Trouble. List cf Jobs Required Should Be Made Ir r e g u la r it y o f th e u rin e o r th e p a in fu l “ I am afraid It Is going to bo the , t w in g e s o f rh e u m a tis m , s c ia tic a o r lu m - “ Has Bliggins an ear for music?” and Work Completed Before Cold critics."— Haltimoro American. ! bago. d e la y m a y m a k e p o s s ib le th e “ Yes. The trouble is that he won’t d a n g e ro T u o s fo Weather Bets In. r m s o f k id n e y d ise a s e, such limit himself to his ears, but insists as B r ig h t 's d is e a s e , d ia b e t e s o r s to n e In Chick Feeder. th e b la d d e r. I f y o u w a n t q u ic k r e lie f on trying to use his voice.”— Washing­ Are there repairs that ought to he ! : b u y it n o w — o r sen d D r. P ie r c e 10c. f o r ton Star. the trny beneath Is shallow. The ad­ tr ia l p k g . T h is w ill p r o v e th a t “ A n u r ic ” | made in tho r. David Roberts' to tho Old RaHahla Eventing I i o u m with a • speclnl pains this fall and winter Vanity. COW CLEANER $ £ record o f 46 yearn of Sonar* Dealings. and Water should be available In ample g iv e » quick relief. Keep it on hand J to protect their machines. Prices baaaaurod o f -------- TO P M AR iR K K E E T T PRICES. “ I have never met,” he said, “ more quantities for the stock in winter ns and prevent the ruin o f your cow. j • have advanced greatly, nnd enr* F. M. CRONKHITL Read the Practical Home Veternanui well ns In summer. It Is one o f the than two really lovely women.” Seud for frae booklet on Abortion i • of farm machinery will pny dou- “ A h !” she said, looking up Inno­ S-47 Front Strani Portland, O ra eea best physical regulators thnt the ani­ in Cows. I f no dealer in your town cently, “ who was the other?”— Ex­ | e bly well this year. So the word w rite mals can have nnd It goes Into the change. • Is going out— Or. David Roberts' Vet. Co. 100 Grand Ave..'Wiukesha, Wis. building o f blood and flesh just ns j e To put mnchlnes under cover much ns does the feed which you give No Sign o f It. J ns soon as the season’s work is no more necessary the animals. than S m a l l p o x , Army “ Our new washerwoman, dear, is | e with them Is over, experience has demonstrated It Is well to have the water ns warm rather timid.” m t J To go over every mnchlne the almost miraculous effi­ ns possible In winter ns the stock will “ W ell, judging by the condition of cacy. and tumlessness, of Antityphoid VscclnaUoo.' e carefully ns soon ns opportunity Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and drink more freely of It than they will my best collars, I should think her ; * will permit, tighten bolts, replac- your family. It Is more vital than house Insurance. of cold water. This does not menn thnt brave enough to be ready for the Ask your physician, druggist, or send for “ Hava [D o Your Own Plum bing | • Ing broken parts, nnd oiling you had Typhoid?" telling of T y p h o id Vaccina, It Is necessary to Install a tank heatef* fray.”— Exchange. « carefully to prevent rusting. results from us , and dao^-e from Typhoid Carriers, By buying direct from ua at wholeaala prirea for all kinds of stock. For most of T IK CUTTEI LABOtATOtY, UIKOJEY, CAL and «a rc the plumber’a proAta. W rite ua to­ J J To paint mnchlnes, ns painting Natural Result. the live stock nil that Is necessary Is ra w w v m a in v u n s s m « n a s i »• m day your nead*. Wa will ( i n you our rock- « lengthens the life of n machine. “ You appear to eat well, Johnny," to pack hot manure arouud the tank bottom "diract-to-you” price*, f. o. b. rail or J Bridge pnlnt Is suggested as best boat. W c actually u n you from 10 to 46 pur several Inches deep nnd to break the said his aunt, whom ho was visititng. • for Iron parts. cent. A ll ro o d , guaranteed. Granulated Eyelids, “ Yearn,” said Johnny; “ I've been Northwaat headquarter, fot le a d e r W ater a Ico several times a duy In older that practicing all my life."— Exchange. Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by the animals may drink. System* and Fullar 4 Johnnon Englnaa. Sa n , D ust and W in J quickly Hotel Rowland B E A U T IF U L R U G S ELECTRIC MOTORS SELF DEFENSE THE VOGEL PRODUCE CO. SH IP: BUY DIRECT Æ * - ^ *1 $ STARK-DAV1S CO. 212 T hird k r w t P. N. U. Partlaod. O r a r e " Na. X, IB IS J TYPHOID relieved by Murine. T ry it in Facetioua Calculation. your Eyes and in Baby’ s Eyes. Expect Lot of Suckers. Horcaa for Heavy Work. "Can you tell me If you take a bone NeSmartinf, Jast EyaCaaiart Like begets like, nnd If wa select Tha greater the uses o f farm horses M a rin e E y e R em edy «M d corn from plants that have grown are magnified in the choice o f breed­ from a dog, what remains?” “ I f you try it on my bulldog, it’s By* Salva, la Tuhaa 36 For ifsok #/ (6s t'vs — PVoa. a lot of sack art this year, tvs 0M|r ing-stock. the less adapted arq the your remains."— Exchange. C o.. ! A »k I expoet i hot o f oackeio aeon paar. boreee for heavy work.