re|airt on Manual ami Vocational edu cation. The discussion brought up the Editor Express: question there is a way to As the National Womans Chris­ eliminate whether the loss of having the school tian Tempt rance Cnion has asked plant idle so much of the Dewey -Ref her that we observe Jan. 24, as a day Mr. Frost's re|a»rt on time. schools James F. Dewey, an artillery­ of prayer, for National Constitu­ , waa somewhat scrappy. It rural touches) on man from Fort Stevens, and Miss tional Prohibition, we would rt- time WHstetl in idleness m school, use Julia Heeher of (his city were quest your readers, in the home, of Oregon state library ami res|>onsi- uniud in marriage by Rev R. L. the shop, on the farm, wherever bdity of schools for the fact that in ex­ Putnam, at his residence at 3:30 they happen to be to make this amination for war service the city hoys last Saturday afternoon in the tiuíy a day of prayer. physical superiority to country W. C. T. U. of Forest (¡rove. show presence of a few f ¡ends and rel­ hoys. atives. Prof. M. S. Pittm an gave an inter­ Demonstration The bride is the daughter of All of Food next esting and helpful talk on war teaching week, beginning in the school. His idea is to teach the Mr and Mrs James Reeher and has lived in this city for several Monday morning, a domestic facts, inspire patriotism and loyalty years, where she has a host of science instructor from Portland hut avoid bitterness and hatred. Mr. friends who will wish her well in will be at our store to show patri­ Pittm an’s afternoon talks emphasized her marital venture. After a short otic people how to conserve on the opportunity of the school directors honeymoon, the groom will return lead public sentim ent in favor of im­ and improve their h«alth to proving to his work at Fort Stevensand wheat conditions and equip- by the use of Roman meal. Ev­ ment and physical that the school improvements the bride will return to her mother erybody in this city, where she will remain Company. welcome. Schultz Food I ought to keep f>ace with improvements until the war is over. in private property, barns, pig pens, You can get the Portland Ore­ hen rooats and houaes. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Williams gonian six days a week, by mail, Supt. Frost outlinedjthe war work of Monday evening gave a dinner to and the Forest (¡rove Express, the schools, troth teachers and children Dr. C E. Walker, in honor of the for only $6.00 per year, if paid in under four diviaions: doctor’s birthday, entertaining advance. For Oregonian seven 1. Educational ami teach Dr. and Mrs. Walker, Dr. and days a week, add $2.00. i something about the war daily. 2. Giving Give something to every Mrs. Brookbank, Mr. and Mrs. 1 legitimate cell. Myron Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A j Debate Postponed J. Demorest, Mrs. Emma Stoecker, The debate between teams from 3. Saving Buy T hrift Stamps amt Mrs Reba Secour and Mrs Ray the local and Tillamook high | W ar Savings Certificates. S tart now. it up regularly. T Williams. Cards followed the school-, scheduled for tomorrow Keep 4 . Conservation and Production dinner and Dr. Walker was given a beautiful bouquet of carnations evening in this city, has been post­ Raise some fo o d . Make clothing or and narcissus. poned for one week, because a useful articles. Take up an Industrial land-slide on the railroad keeps Club Project. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Caples last the visiting debaters from reach­ This is not a spasmodic effort but a program for the whole year. evening gave a three-cour>e duck ing the city The last hour of the Association was dinner to Mr. and Mrs. C T. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Public sale bills printed at the devoted to departm ent meetings. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Express office. The beautiful choruses, solos and in­ Walker, Mrs. Ray Williams and i strum ental music furnished by the For- Miss Manche Langley. The re­ Washington County School Notes is t Grove teachers and schmtl children past is described as having been The Washington County Teachers’ contributed much to the pleasure of the very tasty and was followed by Association met in the Forest Grove occasion and the dandy lunch served by cards, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wil­ high school auditorium, Saturday, Jan ­ the domestic science i lass w as an es­ liams carrying away the honor uary 12. Quite a good representation sential feature of the program. of teachers was present. The school The people of Oregon are not getting prizes. boards had a special invitation to be as much for their money as they might. Out of consideration for her present at this session and it is only Any resident of Oregon can get any efficiency and faithfulness the ap­ fair to say that they were very widely book th at he wanta by writing to the preciative members of the Con­ represented. There were hoard mem­ Oregon State Library, Salem. If they gregational church have preserved bers from as far west as Sooggin Val­ don’t have it they will j^et it for you. Mrs. E E. Williams with a beau­ ley and W atts and as far east as Oren- If you don’t know the title of a book you require, tell them the kind of a tiful cameo brooch. Mrs. Williams co and Tualatin. has been leader of the church Reports were made on various de­ book you want and they will select one- choir for a number of years and partm ents of the State Teachers’ As­ suited to your needs. You can get a home library for the whole family to has given her set vices entirely sociation. without pay. That fact being ap­ Miss Amy Pechin reported on music, keep three months. All it costs is |K>st- preciated by a large number of emphasizing its importance and sug­ age or express. attendsnts of the Congregational gesting plans for musical direction in Have you ENLISTED in the ARMY of savers’’ Ht J Y W A R SAVINGS church, lead by Mrs. Pringle, a country schools. purse was raised and this re­ Mr. Harries reported on certification STAMPS. membrance bought and present­ of teachers. The decision of the As­ Quite a supply of seeds have been re­ ed to Mrs. Williams Sunday even­ sociation Heemed to he that, while qual­ ceived at the County School Superin­ ing after the church service. ifications of teachers must not be al­ tendent’s office for free distribution to the present scarcity renders a school children. If teachers will send For Sale—Pure bred R. C R. lowed raise in qualifications impracticable at I in applications giving the names and I. Red cockerel, a beautiful bi:d the present A resolution was addresses of children who will make of good size. W. C. Benfer, at passed favoring time. a law to extend the good use of them we will mail them Express office. tf life of a one-year certificate for one direct. Please state in each case whether they want garden seeds or year more for attendance at a Fresh fish for Tuesdays (meat­ training school for a term of normal flower seeds. nine less day) and Friday*. The Pi J weeks. N. A. FROST, cific Market; phone 0301. Co. School Superintendent. Mr. Ascher made a very interesting A Day of Prayer '