The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 17, 1918, Image 1

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c jl £ 1
àltr ¿Forest drew iExpress
Vol. 8
No. 2
Hazel Hughes Passes Away
Washington County
to Do Her Share
BE CONSOLIDATED? Jrs L t e Ä Ä X s t z Ä
Miss Hazel Blanche Hughes,
eldest daughter of M r. and Mrs.
Following several weeks of suf-
“ To federate or not to federate
of ( W e (
.V an.l vhakm an^f lh " m" ln« ht > < Monday, following
one on fering from insomnia, Mandius
the Congregational, Christian and Kates from the various churches First
ust Congressional district, met
o ^ T ? ' °P erat»?r?*—
,rum ,nsumma’ iVianu,us
with the Patriotic Council of
¿ ‘ ( h f‘>r appendicitis and an- 0|*en. aged 58 years, last Monday
Attorney Dyke, a Baptist, sard wi
Methodist churches of the city
any vo.ce Washington county at the Hills- • er on dan- <Jth *or complica- locked himself in his upstairs bed-
was the hiK question discussed for he wasn't -uie he had
iwm hours It •» called me. tine of !n
meeting, hut, as he had boro library on Tuesday after-' l,0£ 8’
L room and gashed his legs, wrists
i wonouis a ia .a m s i oi been called on for an an opinion, i noon an(j supervised the organi-
Hazel Hughes ¡was born on the and throat with a razer m an en­
tile Brotherhood, held at the Con- he opined that he could see plenty zation of the County campaign in ^arm where her parents now re- deavor to get some rest and, as a
gregational church lust- Monday of rocks on which the federated i ( he interest of the War Savings 1 side* one m>le south of this city, result, passed away at his home,
evening. There were forty mem­ church might split.
and Thrift Stamp
on Oct. 13th, 1894, and received six mi es south of this city shortly
mp campaign.
bers present ami when the vote
her education in the grade school after midnight this morning. Dr.
E. P. Fruit was afraid the work - 1
This campaign will he handled
was taken on a motion to ask the ,.rs jri the various churches would
of Dilley and the Forest G ro ve' Baker of Gaston and Dr. Kauff-
, ,
, h y t h e following committee of
three church hoards to consider the cease to be workers
after federa-
appointHl by the Patriotic high school, graduating from the man of this city were called"as
proposition, said motion carried
high school in 1917. She was a soon as the attempt at suicide
League: N . A . Frost, County Sup-
hy a vote 27 affirmative to three
President Inlow was directed, ,.rintendent of Schools, Chairman; very intelligent young woman, of was discovered by Mrs. Olsen, his
negative. The question is brought
by motion, to appoint a com- r . p W irt*, W -J M cCready, cheerful and helpful disposition wife, and, in spite of the fact that
up hy the fact that it appears to
mittee to put the question up to Forest Grove; J. C. Lampkin, and was very popular with all the patient had bled profusely,
many people a waste of effort and th .e various church
L boanD
1 and'ap-! M illX .r o '' J * C’ \V ' Vand^veld'en’ I ^ ho, kneW, her> 0,d and young.! they managed to keep him alive
money to maintain three church- point
anted B. J Simpson and H. F |
J.’ e Morhack Sherwood: Farlyi 1?. hfeJ8h® Professed religion until this morning,
w and three ministers when either Wilson
from the Christian
ehurch, () R Hedge Beaverton
‘ ¡an church,
j bu*
with no churchy She
Mr. Olsen came to this section
of the churches will hold all who r A Ijltl,erand Walter
~ *
' 1 m
* ' f .
1 "
*r Chalmers
... was a member of the Fcrest Crove from Portland about a vear dlto
at I end services
1 he campaign organization will j Girls’ Honor Guard, was an active when he purchased and took pos-
from the Methodist and R F
1 K - the
be extended to every school dis- worker in the Red Cross and a S n of the S
W K Newell
The Methodist church is today ( ’ lark and H. E. Inlow ' from
trict of^he county under the plan membe*- of the Dilley Assembly farm,
without a pastor and Rev. Pul* Congregational.
__ ________
_mm TV.V is
of the Patriotic Council and the of the United Artisans.
nam of the Christian chureh ex- j Some of the speakers advocated Thrift and War Savini/^ ~«tamr>s
Funeral services were at the as he never took any of them into
a complete fed.W ion , consolidat 1
* 8tampS
A. work in camp or cantonment. ing the Sunday fcnools and send­ will be placed on sale by every chapel of the Forest Grove Under- his confidence
He is reputed to
Rev. Putnam spoke in favor of ing the juniors to one church, the merchant, bank, bu-iness house, taking company at 2 o’clock yes- be quite well-to-do and it is rum-
the federation during the war and in’ ermediates to another and the post office, and every place where terday afternoon, Rev. Putnam ored that he has recently suffered
Rev. Patten of the Congregational adult« to still another, taking the they can po-sibly he disposed of. of the Christian church conduct- a financial loss through trusting a
The apportionment for Wash-
n-sident of this
c.huich aJ*° LiNored the propoli- best qualified teachers from all the ington county L $555.000 00 and ing the service. Many beautiful friend, not a
iim ii
__ _____ ,
, floral
i i r i i i i g a were
w ire
l laid
u m
e u
iu ih v ,
i however.
iu w c v c i .
x He
t con-
u il-
tion, saying one preacher should churches, and consolidating
tie able to minister to
r t t services.
s(.rvjct.s Others fa v -! Thrift Stamps must be *>ld before casket by loving friend«, a great siderable trading in this city and
. the three , ‘ preaching
flocks and In- did not insist on >e- o m j a consolidated preaching ser- »he close of the oresent vear
many of whom could not gain ad- alw’ays seemed well supplied with
ing that one. He was ready
to viCf only. These things will have tne clos<
the Prt nt >ear-
mission to the overflowing chapel, funds.
step aside for a better man or one to
dec|ded by the church T K p T r i l t h A h itllf
! so stood in the street during the
Deceased is survived by a
m<»re acceptibl«* to the thre»* con­ hoards and if they cannot agree, i 11,c IIU l1 1 rtlJWUL
services. Interment was in For- widow and four or five children,
I he plan was being ^ en tbe scheme of federation
TTm Rirt W n r lr l W n r est View cemetery.
i but the widow is so dazed by the
worked out successfully in Canada must bt. dropped,
I BE M g TTOriU T f E l j
~— .
tragic death of her husband that
and some parts of thi- country.
Tomorrow night, at the Cres-
Very Interesting Exercises
the writer made no effort to ob-
It would be better, he thought, to
Woman’s Club Affairs
; cent Theater, Hillsboro, three thf
ceased*“ 7
hiSt° ry ° f ^
have one big congregation than
three weak ones and the amount
Last Monday’s meeting of the i wounded Canadian officers, home s|ty were hehfin Marsh Hall last
Undertaker Buxton today pre-
Of money that could he saved for \\ Oman’s club was sp reely at- from the big
_ battle in France, will evening, consisting of the follow« pared the body for burial and it
missionary, Red Cross and other I tended, but considerable business tell the public just what con ing program:
goes to Portland this evening for
needed war work was a feature | was transacted, including the pay- jditions were w h en
they left
Prayer by Rev. Patten, college burial.
not to he overlooked.
ing of the state and national per- France
. — r_ and * those
haying the songs, by students and faculty; p-
r i
i •
B. J. Simpson. A. G. Hoffman, <*apata tax on sixty-seven mem- meeting in charge desire to re- reading of charter hy Principal N i l e E n t e r t a i n m e n t
M. R Johnson, I.. M . Graham, Ler?
serve seats (free of charge) for all Hates, senior member of the fac- j
C A Littlor, ( ’ has. Aydelott, H. | The members voted to put on who will come from Forert Grove. uity ; piano solo by Miss Elinor
L. Bates, R. F. ( ’lark, E D. West,an eugenic contest, some time in The meeting will start as soon as Peterson and an address by Rev.
and Orval Hutchens also believed March, for children up to six ft the
The members of the Red Let­
he theater is full, which will Warren Morse, pastor of the*
the A
At t-
pfim i 8
8 o’clock,
n V I n n t - so
e n l kinson
. : _ _ ^ ________________
—______ ____ _______
tile plan should he tried. Mr. years. Mrs. C. E. Walker will probably be before
, y , committee. o f (he
Hoffman said his church (Metho- supervise the contest, which will ( those going from here should go church of Portland, who took for " or^a"is club are closing up the
«list) would, of course, have to be governed by the rules of the as early as possible, after notify- his subject. “ Christian Education detads ( ° r a high-class entertain-
consult its bishop about so im- Mothers’ Congress of Portland. I ing B. J. Simpson, who will tele- and Christian Democracy.” The
at (ha Star
portant a move.
Mrs. A. B. Todd, chairman of phone ahead for seats. (Don t address was f u l l of patriotic
° . ^ on^ay ,eN'
A. R. Kcagy had his doubts
the Red Cross Military Relief neglect this part of thp arrange- thought and was very forcibly de-' “ f(h-
II over the land,
about the feasibility of the plan, j committee, reported to the club ments.)
\\ omen s clubs observe Jan. -8th
but was willing to refer it to the that she had some very compli | Seats are provided on the stage
Then came the cutting of the ^ . Kea tetter
usually by
mentary letters regarding t h e for all officers a n d committee huge birthday cake, surmounted
*ng some entertainment to add
Rev. Daniel Slaver would rath­ work the local branch was doing chairmen of the Red Cross, Honor by 64 candles, one for each year mo.n?y to a ( und maintained to
er set* three medium-sized congre­ for the United States hospital ser-j Guard and Boy Scouts. Tickets since the charter wyas granted. | ?sslst ^ 0 f(ny ynung women (by
gations working in harmony than vice and asked that all members i for these seats may be secured College songs were sung during “ ^an.s' m securing an education.
the cutting of the cake, which was During one year thirty, women
to see one big one waiting for some "h o had clean tags bring them to from Mr. Simpson
e n HevnnrpH
v thp
« m a l l crowd a n d girls W
thus assisted in
devoured h
the small
one else to do the work. H e was ,ht> work room (Anderson block)
The speakers will arrive in th
6:40 and wiil
afraid of too big a church, and D r . l ^
rut llP for P«How filling H ills b o o ro at
_____ take in attendance. Very few outside ; ^
For the coming entertainment
Hawke said he feared some of the There is a heavy demand for these ¡dinner at the Washington Hotel the faculty and student body at-
the ladies are trying to secure the
members of the federated church P'Hows and they are gladly re-' with the central committee of the tended these exercises, which were
films of some well-known book,
would not feel at home and would I ceived b y t h e American Red I patriotic Council, under whose °Pen to the public,
one that would appeal to lovers
lose interest in the work. Rev. Dross. Work has been somewhat auspices the meeting is held. You
_. ~
of good literature and good pic­
Barber was of the same opinion hampered by a lack of cloth for ¡should attend this meeting if you
Dlir Uolors Ne>er nun
tures. In addition, there will be
___ x n..
- i _ - ____ * j _____ “ cninninorc ft
L a
.««. ii
FV ik I n Gardner
wanted some shippings.
are interested in i the
war, u but
Exchange: Five men, all of dif- a fine mnsical program, vocal and
one to define just what extent of
Mrs. Todd spoke in flattering I notify Mr. Simpson, so your seat ferent nationalities, at a restaurant. instrumental, by the best local
f* deration was contemplated. He terms of the good work being will be reserved, free of cost,
table proposed toasts to the flag talent obtainable. Prices will be
was told that this must be left to done for her committee by the
of each. The best toaster was to moderate, considering the excel-
women of Dilley and other out-:
Food Demonstration
(^ e entertainment.
lying towns.
All of next week, beginning have a free dinner. Said the ^ence
Mrs. Ottice Shearer
The “Conservat ion” meeting to j Monday morning, a domestic
bars of Russia, which has never and Mrs J. H. Shearer were in
be held on the first Monday in scjtnce jnstructor from Portland' beenThrown^ down ” ,th*e"Turlc— i Portland frvdav1
rru iu M jf.iU M
ue , „ will
to t h e ? L o n of^Turkey, | — - ° d
p iiK
n s irjf
le y ..»n,
hall, wm
m he
hv at
a, our
our store
More toshow
to show patri-
patri- “ S Here’s
h J ,“ ™”
a. very .^ p o rta n t one, as Miss | otic people how to conserve on whose wings have never been
Mills brings a message from the wheat and improve their health 1 clipped " the I
federal government.
All ladles ilW
AM la,.i,es by the use of Roman meal. Ev- to ' the cwk^^oT^France whosei
¡should attend this open meeting, jerybody welcome. Schultz Food feathers have never been plucked;” !
To the Ladies
^he American — “ Here s to the
~ ~
' I
I l , /l
. L . I • V.
I t . #■ 4 1
a . . L . A t
A A «A
__ _ ___
t 1
. t- *
for Worthy Cause
Stith & Jones is the name of
After winning a big majoriiy of J'“ [j,J iniSi;s trldpf^'th’>
the new millinery tirm, who pur- the football games, the Forest .. \
. 1 ,*
. ,
chased the old stand of Miss Me- G rovj high school boys have made
h l- iw tt^ hlonmi^ !
Intyre, and are now open for bus- a Lad start at basketball, losing a . 5 k ,
. 1 r* -. :’
. • .
iness. We solicit the patronage «ame to Franklin high at Port- and °J C,reat Britain
ul ' 1 1 1 *
UKa land Vridav hv
n «nnr« nf
threw down the stars and bars of
of 32
of .hv poopu. of Fores, Grove und , j and y Friday
^ - by - a j score
- £
— to Russia clipped the « t e . off the
vicinity, and assure them the best
urke>, pulled the tail
up-to-date g o o d s , t h e most to this citv Saturday night and do !?100.n 0
reasonable prices and excellent it again— 34 to 30. Franklin high f athers from the cock of Prance,
has probably the strongest high an< ,an, 1 .
,,azes from the
We are now offering trimmed
hats, children’s caps, etc., below j (here is still time for the locals to
The debate being put on by the \
to .—
close - them
out 1 . ! f(r'l>e
a winning stride. Here'
11 “
- - - - in
- order
----- —
----- -—
„ .
j Forest Grove Brotherhood on Jan. |
I before our new spring line arrives,
noping. ._,9th wj,| be at the christian :
( ome in and st>cure some of the t John Ba,dwin> j T HutIer an(j church and debaters are getting in ,
A. L . Purcell, members of the G. j Vf,m (or a fuTCe and ^ ,ndy battle- i
The accommodate our patrons, A. R. fife and drum cor;«, took Member8 remember the date.
j we will resume the custom of dinner with President Grant of
Wouldn’t a heavy sweater g o !
R. N. S T A N F IE L D
o f Oregon City,
1 keeping our store open Saturday the corps at Meldrum last Satur- mighty fine these wet days?
o f Stanfield, Oregon
who is a candidate for the Republican , even ing8 until 9 o ’clock. Schultz day. There were twelve members W e’ve s o m e dandies $2.00 to avowed candidate for the Republican
nomination for State Treasurer.
i Food C om pany.
present at the dinner.
I $7.00. C. E. Roy & Co.
¡nomination for United States Senator.