The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 10, 1918, Image 8

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Chris Peterson,
Vice President.
M. K. Johnson,
Everyone came back after the holi­
day« ready for work again. Some of
the faculty seemed to have had too y » y
a time and returned rather worn out.
The regular work was soon resumed,
however, and loat time is being made
up by an extru number o f long tnemes
and reports.
It has been decided not to rr|>e«t
the play "M rs. W iggs o f the Cabbage
which was presented hy the
A. J. Demorest
Cashier. *
The First National Bank
o f Forest (»rove, Oregon
stands for methods which make financial institutions of posi­
tive value. We recognize that strength, al*ove all else, is abso-
;o'.\ essential in the conduct o f every bank; that an intelli-
nt appreciation o f the individual requirements o f patrons is
",\ ysss > to make the l i n k ’s service to tTiem what it really
Rj steadfastly adhering to these principles. The
First National Itank has enjoyed a very substantial growth,
h, h v the : i.mtvr o f depositors ami in the volume o f its de-
;v— *s.
\ St rone Bank
in a Good Tow n
* vi at stava
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Kent
sun, Chris Peterson. Allan Hiee,
h i.-oorm- and A. J. Demorest.
\ \1S
memhera o M h e Urani« club under the
direction o f Karl
K. Fleisrhmann.
Many people h a w expressed regret
that it is not to he repeated, fo ra li
who were able to see it were so much
pleased by the performance.
A number o f inter-class basket ball
I t U V »I
lua .ilk
«.ta., ...I
. I l I •*! a I I»
games have
played during
past week. The first o f these con teat a
T O D O H E R P A R T IN T H E W A R !
To cach and ovory o f Western Washington County wc
tlcsirc to extend the »eusnii’s greetlng and to corti pi irnent thè peo-
p lp oli thè S p le n d iti »howitlg Ilia d e iti tbe la te R e d Cross Drive.
Frnm all rcports,
stands at the head o f tbe United State»
. .
,n percentage o f popnlRt Ion enrolled ; we have stood at the head o f
all that wo bave been asked to do ill the past, but now wc have to
look into tbe future, and we want every farmer to read the follow-
¡ „ ^ v o r y carefully no matter whether be buy» h i» goods from UH or
anv other dealer.
was b, tween the Seniors ami Sopho
The acreage of food crop* itl the United State» in 1918 will be
mores. The Sophomores have a num- , ,
, • ,i
i ; ,
t t\
m »•
b e r o f men on their team who have 1 h ‘ ‘
l,u * ' ' M
Hie history o f the Nation. I hi» fact, coupled with
had experience iti playing bsaket-hall the scarcity o f labor, will greatly mereuHe the demand for farm
before, as have tbs Seniors, and altho implements and labor saving lliurbiliery.
the battle waa hard fought the victory
, i t i. . i
, ,
We doubt tl Implement Manufacturer» will be able to furnish
finally fell to the Sophomore*. An
other game played waa lietween the all the implements required by the American farmers in 1918 and
Juniors and Senior* ami here the even if the supply »hmild be Hwflicicnt, it i» certain that all the
Seniors partly redeemed their ruined implement» required cannot be furnished in time to meet the
reputation. The Seniors and Sopho­ farmers' need.
mores play tin Tueattay night and both
classes are anxiously waiting to cheer
We wunt our customers to have all tin- implement» they re­
their valiant warriors.
quire to till the soil in 1918; therefore we are asking you to let us
On last Friday afternoon an assembly
know what implements you will need during tin* coming year, so
was hehl for the purpose o f awarding
the football monograms. Miss Mary that we can make provision in ordering our stock.
Olmsted, president o f the Students' as
Aside front the question o f profit to us from the sale o f im­
sociation, awarded thirteen letters to
the men who have participated in thi* plements, we are patriotic enough to desire that this community
activity anti played enough games to shall turnish the greatest amount possible o f food supplies during
earn them. A f t e r the gram* were tbe coming year and we know that more implements will In* re­
awarded the student body aang a num quired to raise these increased food crops.
l>er of — gs and w ers then di-m i- < d.
Furthermore, on account o f tin* movement o f troops arid war
The high schtad dehators are prac­
ticing their s|>ceches under the direc­ supplies and the condition of railroad equipment, the transporta-
tion o f the coach. Superintendent In- tion o f goods o f all kind», either by freight or express, will he
Paul Schultz had business in
Portland yesterday
John Templeton is able to be
out again, after a severe attack of
Mrs. J. S Buxton and daugh­
ter. Jessie Covert, left yesterday
for .* v£.ir at X. wport
A good >upp!y of khaki, med­
ium and dark grey and black ng yam . A. G. Hoffman \
For Sale T w o R o s e Comb
Rhoot i- an : Red c ckervls; two
Blue And- lU'ian cockt els. Price
51.50 each. J. I. W Durston.
m . fg a tiv e team, which is to hindered more and more as the war continue». Therefore wo want
Route 1.
remain at home this vear, is to debate
. .
, .
In a letter to the Express. Miss with Tillamook high ‘ achtml. and the eV î‘ ry 0 n e o f OUr C U t u m e « w h o h a * o ld m a c h in e s h e e x p e c t » t o r e -
B-. ;h Stx:on of Oxnard. Ca if., affirmative team is to go to Beaverton. I'a' r I***f°»*** they are used, to do this repair work during the winter
says she is homesick forO n gon , The tw debates will be held on Friday, months, instead o f waiting until spring or summer, when the nia-
as it ha-n't rained there for .tg-s Jar.uary l>th aiui it i- ho|>e<i that a chines are needed in the field.
and ages.
large number o f townspeople will at-
Are you looking for something tend, a d help the team along.
* ° u believe in preparedness and we are merely asking you to
to shed the rain? Buy a pair of
The s . phon- re cia-s sent some order the necessary repairs and fix those machine» now. This will
ra n Repel Inn t pan*- ar.d a Stag
ic r - t, ti e ir d a —mate. I.ucile W est, save expense and delay when you are ready to use the machines,
shirt and keep dry. A. G. Hoff­
imonia. Mi-s j *
man & Co.
West is reported to be rapidly im p r o v - 1
*n c ‘°»iug. we wish to thank the people o f this community for
More sensational than “ The ii g a i the high schiH i will soon see the patronage they have given us during the past year and we will
Stars and Stripes in France” is her return
Beth Fmerson was a .sent this week do our best to give you satisfactory service, as in the past. We
the t.',ghf-reel Italian war picture
will not sell “ shoddy” goods, so anything you get from us that is
at tfu. star Theater Jan. 19th; on account o f illness.
j US( ()ne
satisfactory you can either return or we will make it right.
Charter Day Exercises
1 Ns.'v*'i ■>
- son.
C • • • an. v • : : ,
S..r -
Crut- Fleming f Bakr~ C .ty
- m pk w.
t- visiting trif farni!
F. J Simpson
Brine yourpreac prior.- her* ro
have them correctly compounded.
Little: s Pha-macy.
The trains whirl 1 were : aken
r ' >v a: : it
off between Port lam
have all beer, put or. again
An execepnonal y good line of
sweaters tor men. w men an.
children at John Anders,>n s.
Miss Pearl Hall was operated
on at the local hospira Saturday
and was taken to he- h. m. yes­
terday, doing very nicely.
Those nifty cloth novelty hats
you see the ladies wearing came
from John Anderson’s, where you
can get the pick of a fine assort­
ment of colors.
. Saturday
. , evening
, of next
week (one night only) the great
Italian war picture of eight reels
wi ! be shown at the Star theater
This fi’m is now being shown at j
Miss Martha E. McIntyre, who|
Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous Year,
The annual Charter Day ex« r-
the Heileg, Portland, and is draw
Mrs. Hertzog, ha- conducted ci-es .f Pacific University w.ll be
ing big crowds.
a millinery .-tore in this citv for held in the College Chapel next
Miss Florence Enschede was! the past three years, wa ma ried Wed no day evening, January lfj,
hostess Tuesday evening to nine on New Year's day.
Th addn
of her teacher friends, Mis-es Colo., to Mr I) l
Brovn ot t * evening will be given by Rev.
Pechin, Rice, Gentle, Arnold, Pittsburg, Pa.
Mr and Mr.- \\arren M o r s e , of the Atkinson
Smith, Dawson, Weeks, Bowman Brown will reside in a suburb of
Rhone B81
Phone 2K1
and Norton. The evening was Pittsburg and Mr-. Hertzog will M* mortal ( ong egalional church,
Portland. There will he special
spent at various ganns, after continue the busir.e--
rnu-ic Ah friends of the College
which the hostess served a pal­
- are cordially im t-d.
Harold McFeeters, one of the an average is from 10 to 18 d -
Hoover lunch to her niver ary of the marri g - o f Mr.
-ail »is from here, who is attinti- gr es below zero. The hoys from
Congregational Church
and Mrs. F D ( iardn* r a few
the south attend ng the school
The ladies of the Red Cross are friends assembled in their home
"T h e Sweethearts and tbe W ife o f mg' tbe Radio School at Harvard are having a very hard time.
raffling off two quilts to raise in the evening for a good time, the f hoice Vour.g Man” will be Mr. University, wri'es that it is very
Job printing— phone 821.
funds f o r purchasing materials Social conversation game- arid Fatter. » i?rifj;. ■ ' heme Surtiia) even- cold there. The temperature on
and supplies. One of the-e quilt- light refreshment- ?
up th
was made by Mrs. A. Christen­ hoijr- and all pres it -pent an
Sur 'lay morr.r / he will preach a
New Year’i •»-rr.'.'.ri on "T h e Four­
sen, raffled off and the proceeds enjoyable evening
square L ife."
donated to the Red Cro-s. Mrs
Anna Dixon won the quilt and Brotherhood Member- Note
A. B FATTFN, Fast/ir.
donated it back to the Red Cross
Upon request of a sufficient
Methodist ( liurrh Services
and it is now being given as a number of member- a- provied by
S u re i t is a n d h ere e r e
ier. T. B. F«,r«i diatrict siJ|M-rinter»il-
prize in a bean-gue*-ing con'e-t, the Con-t ¡tution a special meeting
being conducted at the Smith fur- of the Brotherhood is h r<-by er.t i>f the Sal'-rn li-trict. Will b<- here
p u lp it mo r un , y hi i )
niture store. The other quilt wa- called for 7 :30 p m Monday ev-
made by Me-dames Geo. M Lit ening. Jan. 14'h, in theCongri- «v<r> i <>r <ml » supply. The other i
tlehales and W. D. Parke from g ition d church for the purpo e of o r g a n izatior will meet at the regular (
materials furnished by the Red discussing a temporary federation hours.
I he l.ii/lie- fi, HO'-iel.y will meet
Cross branch and is being dis- of the church congregations of
sharp. Order
posed of in similar manner at the Forest Grove. A full attendance next We<lfi<- via y » f terriooii in the Bed
Cross room*
Caples Store.
is desired.
Forest Grove
A Pine O p e n in g
Impuri ant Notice!
than U p. m. ANY FV F N IN O .
I hri' ban Churrii
The Pacific Market
UndeT the new management, this market has been
stocked up with a tempting line of
Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork
Mutton and Poultry. . .
Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Hamburger, Wieners, etc.
Also Bread, Cookies, Pickles, Spice ,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Deliveries
9 a. m. and 3 p. m.
Phone 03 01
We pay Cash for Veal,
Pork, Hides, Poultry
and Eggs
«srviee . r.«-xt. I.'. m I' h »lay fix follows
i!m|i ■» h»>ol !> 1, A M ., Hint sermon at
11 a. rn.
u h ji» t "T h * Magnanimity
( ' r, - * ri Fo'leavor meet
if,K at
V> p ri,
I inior, Interineiliate
• r.'l I'nioii y F.
<:. F.
•■‘iuy I r ill ,
r.'l -leri/ion 7
p. m.
I »1 i»» I
ixhment" eonxi<l«-re/|.
Fveryb'sly inviO-U,
»' I. FIJTNAM, MinUUr.
Moman’a ( ’lab
R e g u . ,r fn<ei,n,g <,f th e F o r e s t
f» r o v i W o m a n ’ c l u b M o n d a y ,
Jan. 14, 3 fi in i,t Langley ball.
i.X'' n iv 'ommittee will m eet al
r< lary.
I A h k n tt
ITI.» »J. C l U D U l l
A b b ie J
W b it e b o il '.e, S e c -
Buy a “Baby Bond’’ Milk and Cream Depot
lb Thrift Stamps and 12 cents
can be immediately exchanged
for a War Savings Certificate,
worth $5.00 in January, 1923.
Stamps for naV here ut cash­
ier's desk.
KREAM KRISP is wholesome ; not only is it a pure food, free
from all adulteration, lint it contains no hard fats such as
beef stearin. It is o f low melting point and easily assimilated
by the digestive organs.
Sold in tin» and bulk, 32c per pound,
i Oder Today.
Ahbolt building
Eoresl («rovo
Exclusive agency for
O. W A D D LE ’S
Phone 06 I