will never go back Into ilorm-Mtlc serv- Ico. llcro I n the formulu for tho mobili­ zation of national innn power and na­ tional llnanelal reeourcee: Discharge your servant* and see Unit they get enllMted In national eervlre. Have the money that you would have paid them In wagea and buy war bond«. Tho government will pay thnt money to your former servant* aa wagea for making munitions. The rent of tho money that you auvc by reuaon of clr- eumacrlblng your dorneatle eatabllab- menta will bo deftly taken away from you by the government through Ita In- atruulentalltlea of tazntlon and uae<| to maintain the armies In F rune« and In alinoat ull the other quarters of the world. Another energy thnt la being tupped Is the great clnx* of women who havu never Imagined that It wna part of their life to engage In gainful occupation. There are fewer of them In Knglund by u good many hundreds of thousands than there were before the war. Hut there are still tnnuy of them, and the effort Is to enlist them for useful service. PISTOL CAMERA FOR AERONAUTICAL ORSERVERS Tho difficulties experienced by airplane cameramen In making photo- graph* of enemy movements below bu s brought about the luventlon of u new device, the pistol-camera, which greatly facilitates their work. Tho German airmen originated the pistol-camera, and the one shown In this British official photograph was captures] by a British uvlntor. Gold Nuggets Worth $1,195. Coffee Creek, Cal.—Three gold nug­ gets, with a total valuation of $1.153, were portions of a cleanup made re­ cently by I’atrlrk Holland In his placer mine near here. One of the nuggets was valued at $<100, another $-100 and the third $155. These are the largest nuggets found In the county for sev- [ eral years. The remainder of the ¡cleanup, which amounted to $000, was I In small gold, several pieces of which i were valued at $5 each. ALL BRITONS TO "DO THEIR BIT" Government Begins Final “ Comb Out” for Men to Swell Military Ranks. WOMEN MUST DO SHARE Those Unable to Fight Are Called for Other Necessary Service— Econ­ omy of Effort, Expense and Material Demanded. London.— With 5,000.000 men In uni­ form, and with other millions, both men nnd women, engaged In occupa­ tions hardly leas directly concerned with the war’s prosecution, England Is organizing one more “ comb out” to And men for military service, and both men and women for other essential employments. The appeal for men to don uniforms and for workers Is ac­ companied by a renewed Insistence upon the utmost economy of every ef­ fort, expense and material. Economy Is the watchword of tin* new national service campaign under tho direction of Sir Auckland Gcddes, minister of national service. "Woman's clothes are the grave of an enormous uniount of human ener­ gy," he said. "New hats ulone absorb the work of millions of fingers, nnd whatever effect they may have that effect certainly lines not Include help­ ing to bent the enemy. “ If we are to make the grent of- fort that wo should make, If we really arc going to make the greatest effort In our history, our Imnglnntlnn must be quickened to understand the effect of our smallest actions. Everywhere, In practically every home, we ure wast­ ing something. I ntn sorry to say that we have great organizations which ex­ ist to encourage waste." Sir Auckland Insists, the govern­ ment Is beginning to Insist, the people lire beginning to understand, that con­ sumption to a grent extent has got to stop. The producing capacity of the country has got to he saved to turn out the absoluto necessurles of life nnd of war. FOR UNIVERSAL DRILL National Army at Camp Grant Favors Measure. Vote 4,001 to 130 for tho Military Training of All Boys of Nineteen. Rockford, 111.—The Eighty-sixth di­ vision of the National army emphat­ ically ndvocutes universal military training for young men. By the “ di­ vision" Is meant not its officers but Its enlisted men—Its privates, ser­ geants, and corporals—men taken from civil life In tho Inst three months un­ der the selective service act. The first sergeants of 38 companies nnd batteries have polled their men on the question and have reported the results. * Tbe question asked was: “ Do you think all young men should have at least six montha’ military training when they reach nineteen years of age?" HUMAN DOLL COSTUME The rase Is being Inld before the British people now In the very sim­ plest terms. Not only Is everybody urged to eat the least possible amount ■ of food necessary to muintaln good physical condition hut everybody 1* told that he must wear Ids clothes longer, must he satisfied with putehed boots, must cut down his expenditures for every kind of luxury, for amuse­ ment. But thnt la only the beginning. The hands thnt would have been occupied In making the new dress that my lady Is not going to tiny and that therefore will not be made; the fingers thut would have employed themselves pre­ paring the confection of a hat thnt Is going to he forsworn; the skill and handicraft that would hnve fi und oc­ cupation producing suits o f clothes ' that nre not going to he boughc or worn; all these must find employment of nnother kind; employment at pro­ ducing the things necessary, and ab­ solutely necessary, to nntlonul life and national war. Domestic Service a Probl m. Particular attention Is being given to the problems of domestic service, which represent Immense wastes of human energy. Nowadays n woman Is ; likely to lose her soclul standing If she advertises for a servant, especial­ ly If she mentions In the advertise­ ment, ns many English housewives do, thnt lier establishment I based in the hut 1er and three maids model, o the butler, houseman nnd four maids model, or something of that sort. For 1 her advertisement Is likely to become the basts of derisive comment by folks who wonder why the butler is not In uniform nnd some of the maids at This great big human doll Is most least In n munitions factory. successful ns an agency of gathering While the authorities who nre hunt­ funds for relief organizations. The ing for man power nnd woman power costume is most unique nnd attractive Insist that altogether too much of It and will prove to be of the same good Is wasted In domestic service, house- I purpose everywhere if young ladles in holders declare that It Is becoming the many cities will tnke to wearing It practically Impossible to got service at the many bazaars throughout the at nil. Moreover, It Is likely to con­ United States to raise funds for the tinue so for a long period, because ! soldiers nnd for many other worthy women, young and old, who have purposes. tasted the satisfaction o f that more The costume Is mnile on full lines Independent existence that Is vouch­ nnd Is something on the style of n rid­ safed to other workers arc almost ing habit, except for tho curiously without exception determined thnt they shaped hat. The return cards show these totals: Number of men favorable, 4,601. Number of men opposed, 136. One side of the curd was left blnnk for "further Information or remnrks.” Whnt was written there showed the rensons for the vote. Tho emphasis wns about equally divided between the benefits to tho men receiving tho train­ ing nnd the protection of the nation. The geographical sour<^» of the unit— whether It carootfrom the congested areas of Chicago or the open hills of Wisconsin—seemed to make no dif­ ference. The question wns put before the men on Its own merits nnd without argument. Old People Elope. Minneapolis, Minn.—To escape whnt they characterized ns "the small town gossip,” Charles F. Mayo, seventy years old, and Mrs. Louise Young, fifty-eight years old, eloped from Ne­ vada, la., and were married here. The Alabama output of graphite dur­ ing the present year will double that of the previous record. ASKS STATUES FOR LONDON Harvard Professor Would Makg Brit­ ons Familiar With Great Americans. London,—A plea for the erection at more stntues of great Americans In I/union wns made here recently by Professor Suinlsbhrast of Harvard, apeuklng before the American Lunch­ eon club. “ We who hnve the chnnee," he said, "must do all In our power to make England better known to Amerlcnns nnd America and Its people better known In England. Any misunder­ standing that may exist between the two countries Is purely the result of Ignorance of one nnother. I would have statues of every great American set up In London, so that every Englishman as he walks through these streets may learn to know the features nnd story of Benjamin Franklin, George Wash­ ington, Abraham Lincoln and many others who stood up for liberty and made It possible for Great Britain, France and the United States to stand together today In the battls for h u m s» ity.” MUST STIMULATE ALL CROPS State College to Work Out Program • for Bigger Yields. r A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A * A A A A ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ P STATE NEW S IN J Washington’s contribution to the war cause will be intensive stimulation of A large delegation o f residents of crop production. At a conference in the Elmira district arrived in Eugene Spokane last week of E. O. Holland, Saturday to urge the building o f the Eugene-to-Florence link of the Central president o f Washington State Col- j Oregon Highway by the most direct lege; E. F. Benson, o f the state de- 1 route, regardless o f the communities partment o f agriculture, and Charles served. Hebberd, chairman o f the food supply ^ Coquille sawmill concerns whose and conservation committee o f the men joined the Loyal Legion of Log­ State Council o f Defense, it was de­ gers and Lumberworkers hare gone cided that the state college work out a the government one better and have program at once for greater food pro­ instituted local branches of the order, which are to hold regular meetings and duction. “ Winter wheat sowing in the state discuss the requirements and current was only 15 to 25 per cent of normal,” topics connected with their work. said Mr. Hebberd. “ We must depend The Linn county budget for this upon spring sowing to increase the year was adopted by the County court wheat crop. The situation as it ex­ without a protest. The total amount ists now is grave.” to be raised is $337,242.90. The tax Definite plans will be formulated at levy will be 11.2 mills. This levy is a meeting in Spokane January 25. three-tenths o f a mill less than that o f last year. Included in the budget is Stops Sale o f Bread in Quantity Lots. an item of $4500 as a war emergency The sale o f bread in quantity lots by fund. bakers and retail merchants has been The Coos County court has issued an forbidden by Charles Hebberd, food order to uniform a reasonable number administrator for Washington. The of Home Guard companies at a cost of ruling is effective at once and applies approximately $800 per company. The to bread dealers whether licensed or first to apply for equipment were the not. Elks and Sons of Veterans companies “ The food administration for Wash­ of Marshfield. Each has about 75 ington rules that the sale of bread in men and it is estimated the uniforms quantity lots—three loaves for 25 cents — is a wasteful practice an encourages will cost the county $10 each. Hair-pulling rather than a suit in over-consumption and the leaving of stale bread on hand in fam ilies,” says court settled an alleged case of aliena­ the instructions sent to bakers and re­ tion o f affections at Albany Friday. tailers by Mr, Hebberd. “ You are The affair got into the Police court, notified that effective at once, quantity however, as an assault case. When prices are to be discontinued. In fu- j Mrs. Charles Simpson met Mrs. W. O. Wimmer on the street the former ac­ ture you will make loaf price only.” The distributors have been notified cused the latter of alienating her hus­ that they may make the price either band’s affections. The charge was de­ eight or nine cents each, but must not nied and a fistic encounter ensued. make the price dependent upon the The Lincoln County court has cre­ number o f loaves sold. ated the office o f county agricultural NORTHWEST MARKET REPORT j agent for Lincoln county. The amount o f $1600 was appropriated for the current year. 0 . M. Plummer, of Portland, appeared before the board and made a plea for the appropriation, from the standpoint o f food conserva­ tion and as a special representative of the department of Agriculture, at Washington. Wheat— Bulk basis for No. 1 grade: Hard white — Bluestem, Early Bart, Allen, Galgalus, Martin Amber, $2.05. Soft white— Palouse bluestem, forty­ fold, White Valley, Gold Coin, White State Labor Commissioner Hoff has Russian, $2.03. White club— Little inaugurated the campaign for obtain­ club, Jenkins club, white hybrids, ing exact data on farm help and crop Sonor, $2.01. Red Walla Walla— Red conditions for 1918 throughout the Russian, red hybrids, Jones fife, Cop- state, by sending out letters to all pei, $1.98. No. 2 grade, 3c less. No. granges and farmers’ unions in Oregon 3 grade, 6c less; other grades handled outlining the plan to be adopted. He by sample. also designated the first week in Feb­ Flour— Patents, $10. ruary as the period for concentrated Millfeed— Spot mill prices: Bran, effort to get information from the $33 per ton; shorts, $36; middlings, fariners to be sent to the Labor de­ $46; rolled barley, $60@62; rolled partment for compilation. oats, $62. Money supposed to belong to E. J. Corn— Whole, $84 per ton; cracked, Frasier, who left Eugene recently $85. after being convicted on a charge o f Hay— Buying prices: Eastern Ore­ forgery, was found on Gearhart Beach gon timothy, $25