NOT ALL NARROW “ You must be blind. Alice Caratalre Whitaker: “ 1 don't know. Wish | has had him going for a year. Every­ did. At the saute lime. I've gut to da body thought she was only waiting for something get away somewhere." Abrupt Inspiration sparked the Imag­ Mm to make eouie big money—he aa ination of Peter Stark, and ho began much as anybody, I fancy." Skirts of Comfortablo Width Brentou added the last straw. to sputter with enthusiasm. " I ’ve got It I” lie cried. Jumping to "Thut'a tough," lie said soberly. "W hit­ Seen Dospitc Season's Edict aker's a white niau. and Alice Cnr- hla feet. ” A sea trip's Just the thing, j etalra didn't deserve him. But 1 Chances are, It'll turn the trick—bring j wouldn't blame any man for feeling you round all right-o. and prove what Women Learning to Express Individ­ cut-up to he thrown over for an out- uality In Dreaa Instead of Blindly aud out rotter like Percy Urltu- I Following “ The Style.“ himw. . Whltukor heard uo more. At the Women nr«' l«'nrnlng more and more first mention of the name of Alice Car to express Individuality In tlu'lr dress stairs lie had snatched her letter from und to select styles that lire Individual­ lila pocket and was rending. Nobody j ly becoming rutlicr than to seek and will ever know Just what Alice t'ar- accept wind Is bulletined as "tho stulra saw tit to write to Hugh Whit­ alylo." aker. The blood ebbed from Ills face and left It ghustly, and when he had Early lids season fashion announce- lorn the paper to shreds and let them incuts «lull'd that skirts were to ho flutter ubuut his feet, he swayed per­ longer uuil narrower. ceptibly — bo much so that ons of the This Is true. Skirts that are longer pages took alarm and Jumped to bis | and narrower than for scverul sea- side. s o u are shown, mid they have had FAMOUS neurologist said recently In a lecture: "W e don't give “ Beg pardon, Mr. Whitaker—did you | (lie formal npprovu! o f fashion. But our patients much medicine any more. We give them something call me?” | It also |s true that very short skirts to think about. If we can make a man put his thoughts^on something Whitaker steadied himself and lire worn, and that skirts of comfort­ constructive and shift the focus of his mind from his bodily Ills, we stnred until he recognized the boy. able width are seen ns often as uro can give him a good start on the road to health." And this Is the big I “ No," he suld thickly, "but 1 wnut you. the tight, scmlliobhle effects. All this Idea out of which the story of "Ths Destroying Angel” is woven. If Give me n bar order.” menus Inspiration for style designers. any of our readers need to get their minds entirely off themselves and The hoy produced the printed form If u uniform wldili or length Is accept- their troubles, they will find in this new serial an uncommonly strong ami Whltukor hastily scribbled his or­ magnet. For Louis Joseph Vance, you know, never wrote a tiresome der ou It. "Bring that up to the li­ yarn. He keeps your mind electrified and your Interest eager from brary," he said, “and ffW quick about start to finish It.” He stumbled Into the elevator, am) presently found himself In the library, at his desk and Ashing a box of rlgurs CHAPTER I j There was uo one else ubout, and from one o f the drawers. Whitaker was as glad of that ns It was “ Married?" Hartt Inquired. Doom. In him to he glad of anything Just "No. That's the only mitigating cir­ "Then I'm to understand there's no then. He dropped heavily into a big cumstance," said Greyerson, distribut­ hope for me?” armchair and waited, his brnln whirl­ ‘T m afraid n o t ..." Greyerson said ing glasses, “ lie's quite alone In the ing and seething Ids nerves on edge world, as far as I know— no near rel­ reluctantly, sympathy In his eyes. and screeching. In this state Peter “ None whatever.” The verdict was atives. at least. He's Juulor partner Stark found him. thus brusquely emphasized by Hnrtt, In a young law Arm down-town—senior Peter sunntered Into the room with a friend or classmate of his, I under­ one o f the two consulting specialists. u manner elnborately careless. Bo- Sc Whitaker. Moves stand: Drummond Having spoken, he glanced at his I death that mask he was nnythlug but “ You Look a» I I You'd 8»en a Qho»t." watch, then at the face of his col­ with the right sort of people. Young , Indifferent, Just as Ids appearance wus Stark— Peter Sturk—is his closet league. Bushneli, who contented him­ anything but fortuitous. Moreover, asses doctors are. I can bars tho Ad­ self with a tolerant waggle of his friend." Peter had already heard u ! h > u I Alice venturess put In commlxnlon within • • • • • • • three days. We'll fry that South Boas head, apparently meant to Imply that Cnrstnlrs and Percy Grlmshnw. Hugh Whitaker stood for a long the subject of their deliberations "H el-lo" he said, contriving by mere thing we've talked about so long. time— how long he never knew— bare­ really must be reasonable. accident to cutch sight of Whltukor, What d'you any?" A warm light glowed In Whitaker'» Whitaker looked quickly from one headed on a corner, Just us he had who was almost Invisible In the big to the other of his three Judges, left Greyerson's office: scowling ut chair with Its hack to the body of the ■unken eyes. 11a nodded slowly. acutely sensitive to the dread signi­ nothing, considering tlie enormity of room. "What you doing up here, Hugh? ficance to be detected In the expression the wrong that hud been put upon him. What's u p r Enter, realizing tiiut people were star­ o { each. Just euppoee now that In “ It's nil up." said Whitaker, trying Tailing to extract the least glimmer­ ing, be clapped on his hut to satisfy to pull himself together. “ Everything's Whitaker's battered mind the them and strode ulmlessly down Sixth up!" •eed thought of suicide has ing of hope from the attitude of any Avenue. one of them, he drew a long breath, started to swell and sprout—do "Don’t believe it," said Stark, coolly. He turned across town toward Fifth “ My feet are on the ground; hut you you believe that the anticipation unconsciously bracing himself In his Avenue, came to his club, and went In. look ns if you'd, seen u ghost.” of a sea trip will kill the eeed? chair. There'» ■ hint In thl* question. "I buve— my own,” said Whitaker. "It's funny,” he said with his nerv­ Passing through the office, force of hublt swung his gaze to the letter-rack. The puge now stood beside him with ous smile— “ hard to realize, I mean. There was a square white envelope In a tray. “ Open It." he told tho boy, You see, I feel so fit—” the W pigeonhole, und It proved to be indicating a half-bottle o f chumpngne; . T o UK C O N T IN U E D .) “ Between attacks,” Liartt interjected addressed to him. He knew the hand­ und then to Peter; "I'm huvlng a quickly. writing very well— too w e ll; his heart IF MASKS WERE TAKEN OFF “ Yes,” Whitaker had to admit, gave a great Jump as he recognized It, bath. Won't you Jump in?" Peter whistled, watching the wine dashed. and then sank like a stone; for not "Attacks,” said Bushneli, heavily, only must he die, but he must give cream over the brundy In the long Would Peopla Be Any Happier If They Should Say to One Another Ex­ “ recurrent at intervals constantly up the girl he loved, and had planned glass. "King's peg, eh?" pe said, with actly What They Thought? more brief, each a trifle more severe to marry. The first thing he meant to u lift of disapproving eyebrows. "Here, boy. bring me some Scotch and pluln than Its predecessor.” do was to write to her and explain and Do you suppose tho tlmo ever will water for common people.” Evidently Bushneli considered the release her from her promise. The j come when all men and women are The boy disappeared us Whltuker last word his prerogative. next thing... sincere und will say to one uuother ex­ lifted his glass. There was a brief uneasy silence in Skirt of Comfortable Width. He refused to let the Idea of the next t the gloomy consulting room. Then step form In his mind. But he knew 1 “ I’m not wulting.” he suld bluntly. actly what they think? And do you suppose the world renlly would he any ed flu- designers have little encourage­ Whitaker rose. very well what It would be. In the j ”1 need tills now.” happier In such a time? Would the ment to go uheud with new and d if­ “ I hope,” Peter said thoughtfully, “ Well, how long will yon give me?” backwards of his understanding It old man whose days are nearly spent ferent things, says the Washington lurked—n gray, grisly. shumeful “ that tile man who sturted that lie he asked in a strained voice. about drink making a fellow forget be uny happier If he knew precisely Star. “ Six months,” said Greyerson, mis­ shadow. wtiat the younger folk think about The clever little afti-rnoon frock erably avoiding his eye. The elevator kept him waiting a died the dt-atli of a dog. He deserved him? Would the young woman walk­ here shown, which may be made of to, anyway.” He stopped ut Whitaker's moment or two. Just round the corner “ Three," liartt corrected Jerkily. ing In pride on the str«-et or lolling In sutln or velvet combined with either "P erh a p s...” The proprietor of the from the grill-room door, whence came side and dropped a hand on his her limousine be happier If alia could chiffon, georgette nr net, corrects any shoulder. “ Hugh,” lie said, “ you're last word stroked his chin with a con­ a sound of voices talking and laughing. read the thoughts of those she meets? belief that ull skirts ar«- to be extreme­ Whitaker heard what was being said one of the best. Don’t. • templative air. Would the callers be liuppler If they ly narrow. This tins a comfortablo Whatever he hud meant to say. he “ Thanks,” said Whitake', without without, at first, comprehending— knew what wus said about them when width— two and a quarter to two and left unfinished because o f the return heard and afterwards remembered in irony. lie stood for an Instant with of the page with his Scotch; but he they left—If, Instead of u kiss aud a a half yards. The touch o f fur gives vivid detail. "Come again, d«-ur." there were a blow a pretty finishing touch, nud nlt«>g«dh- “ Seems to be the open season for had snld enough to let Whitaker under­ and "I hope you will never corue er It has an «-xcellent model for dressy stand that he knew about the Carstulrs runaways,” Hamilton was saying. “ It's ugulti?" Would the people themselves afternoon wear. only a few days since Thurlow Ladls- affair. who look an udmlratlon they do not “ Thut's ull right,” said Whitaker; In this fabric combination nn excel- las' daughter— what’s her name?— feel and speak compliments they do lent suggestion for making over a Mury— took the bit between her teeth “ I'm riot going to mnke a fool of my­ not mean bo any happier If nil were lust senson dress Is found. and bolted with the old man's chauf­ self, but I am In u pretty bad way. known?— From the Columbus Dis­ Boy—” feur.” patch. “ Hold on i” Peter Interrupted. Somebody asked: “ now far did EASY FOR HOME MILLINER they get before old Ladlslus caught "You're not going to order another? Sweet Girl Graduate. What you've hud la enough to gal­ up?" A very clever girl had one of the Wide Range In New Fashion» Brings “ He didn’t give chase. He’s not that vanize u corpse,” Joy to Heart of the Woman Who principal graduation prizes, and her “ Barring the negligible difference of kind. I f he was put to It, old Thor- Makea Her Own Hata. friends crowded urouud her at the low could pluy the unforgiving parent a few minutes or months, that’s me," close of the exercises to congrutulute returned Whltuker. in a melodrama without any make-up Even before tho wur Inspired sens­ “ I ’d like to know what you mean by her. whatever.” “ My, but you must hnve been awful­ ible economy In the mntter of dress that,” Peter remarked, obviously wor­ “ He's Just like that,” said Hamil­ ly afraid you wouldn’t get It, Grace,” ; many women hnd acquired tho habit ton. “ Remember his other daughter, ried. “ What's the matter with you?” said ono of her friends, “ when there i of making their own hats, and tho lint “ Ask Greyerson. I can’t remember Grace, eloping with young Pettit a few were so many contestants.” stylos shown this winter should cer- years ago? Old Ladislas had a down the name— It's too long— and I couldn’t “ Beared,” cheerily answered Grace, tnluly Inspire homo talent, snys a pronounce It If I did.” on Pettit— who’s a decent enough kid, Peter’s eyes narrowed. "What fool­ "not on your life. 1 knew I could put fashion authority. notwithstanding— so Grace was Generous leeway In stylo rulings ishness has Greyerson been putting It all over them on most of the sub­ promptly disowned, and they’ve no jects, und when It enmo to English hope of ever touching a penny of the Into your head?” he demanded. T v e grammar and composition I hud 'em makes “ becomlngni'Hs" practically the ono rule to be followed, and great In­ a good mind to go punch hln— " Ladislas coin.” skinned a mile.” dividuality muy thus he expressed In “ It Isn’t his fuult,” Whitaker as­ “ But what become of them—Mary one’s millinery without breaking ono serted. “ It's my own— or rather, It's and the stoker-person?” Excessive Neutrality. o f Dutne Fashion’s rules. "Nobody knows, except possibly something In the nature o f a posthu­ Borne are born neutrnl, others A hat must he becoming and It must mous gift from my progenitors; several themselves.” achieve neutrality, Hnd still others have be comfortable. With theso rules “ Whut’s she like, this Mary-qulte- of ’em died of It, and now It seems I It thrust upon them. The Englishman obeyed the home milliner tuny allow must. Greyerson says so, at least, and eontrary?” Inquired George Iirenton’s horn In Uoumunlu, who arrived In Now her fancy full sway. when I didn't believe him ho called In voice. York with n German wife on a Span­ All black lmts nro very good stylo liartt und Bushneli to hold my ante­ “ Oh, nothing but a kid,” said little ish ship and took out nuturullzntlon pa­ because they really go well with any­ mortem. They made It unanimous. If Flske. pers from Undo Bnm, declined to bs thing; but colors are not at ull taboo I’m uncommonly lucky I may live to "Not over eighteen.” Interviewed on the war on the ground — In fnct, quit© tho contrary. F«»w The elevator was waiting by this see next Thanksgiving.” of neutrality for all threo reusons. stiff-looking hats are shown, and this “ You can't make mo believe that," time, but Whitaker paused on Instant also Is a point In favor o f tho homo "W ell, How Long Will You Give Me?" before taking It, chiefly because the Peter Insisted. “ It Just can’t be so. Not a Thief. milliner. sound of his own name, uttered by A man like you, who’s always lived Man who broke Into tho house while his head bowed In thought “ What a Hamilton, had roused him out of the clean . . . Why, look at your athletic the owner was away and took nothing Empire Effect« for Small Tote. damned outrage,” he observed thought­ abstraction In which he had overheard record I I won’t believe It I” hut a shave could scarcely be called For tho little tots, empire effects fully. And suddenly he turned and the preceding conversation. Ills big, red, generous fist described a thief, because he went out with flung out of the room. continue to prevail for “ host” nnd “ Anyhow, I ’m sorry for Hugh Whlt- a large and Inconclusive gesture of than he came In with. everyday wear. In this range there nro Greyerson Jumped to follow him, but uker. He’s going to take this hard, violence. velvets nnd velv«?teens or lustrous paused as he heard the crash of the mighty hard." “ Well,” he growled finally,” grant all Harm In Nonsense. street door. He turned with a twitch­ Oeorge Brenton asked, as If sur­ thle—which I don’t, not for one tittle It usually takes a lot o f common broadcloths In suliduod wintry shades ing, apologetic smile. prised: “ What? I didn’t know be minute— what do j& a mean to do?" sense to get a man out of the trouble for the most part, though now and then a gleam o f brass, canary, fawn or “ Poo* devil r he said, sitting down was Interested I d that quarter.” “I don’t mind telling you. % little b o d m o m gets him into. military khaki divert one from the »eat. A