Rheumatism Yields POTATOES FOR SWINE O n ly rheumatic sufferers know the agony of its darting pains, Culls and Unmarketable Tubers aching joints o r twisting cords. Can Be Fed to Advantage. But some few have not known that scorn EMULSION h.is been correcting this trouble w h e n o t h e r treatments have utterly failed. W aste Is U tilize d and V a luable Feed le Saved— Being Poor In Protein and Rich In C arbohydrates T h e y Make Fat. ready to leave, such ns old-process linseed-oil meal or the clerk said: ! fr«*sh meal. Where sweet potatoes are "W ell, did you havo a good ulght'a plentiful and cheap a combination with rest, madam?" gluten meal and skim milk mnkes n "No, 1 didn't,” rejoined tho lady, em­ phatically. "1 was afraid some one good ration. In one case o f experimental feeding would want to take a bath, and the only way to It w u h through my room." | shouts made one pound o f gain for — Exchange. each 3.13 pounds of grain when they were allowed to do their own harvest­ To keen clean and healthy take Dr. ing o f raw sweet potatoes. Sweet po- Fierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ tatoea nre said to be the best root late liver, bowels and stomach. crop for pigs for fall and winter graz­ ing In the cut-over pine lands o f the H e r S k ill. South. "Bo Mm. Tart has that flerce-tem- Th<* meat o f pofnto-fed hogs ts equal pered husband of hers Lamed, has In quality to pork from a grain rntlon, She?" "I should say aho had. Sho’s got him but the latter Is likely to enrry a that tarns that she takes money out of greater finish. A fter cooling there Is hia hand without him snapping at her." no appreciable difference In firmness of —- Italllmore American. tho curcass between a potato-fed and grain-fed nnltnn!. Jinks— H e’a a flno doctor for children. Illlnks— That so? ELECTRIC PROD FOR ANIMALS Jinks— Yes; he gives them such nasty medicine that they're glad to Handle Holds D ry Batteries, Coll, get well.— Ilrooklyn Citizen. W ire and Button— Shock Is Said to Be Effective. A b s o lu te ly F ir e p r o o f N e a r R oth D e p o t* 2 0 0 R o om s IOO H ath« Dry batteries mnke the use o f elec­ tricity possible In many novel appli­ ances, writes C. J . Lynde In Farmers' Mall und Itreeze. The following cut shows an animal prod which It Is said C o r n « » S ix th an d M o y t S i».. P o rtla n d , O re . | will not Injure tho flesh or hide. The LOU HIMES, Manager. RATES 76c to 12. SPECIAL W.wk or Month | first cut shows the prod ns It looks 1 when completed. The larger end Is I Hotel Hoyt M O N E Y F O R Y O U . Thonaamla of trained younir |N*o|ila need#*!. Itehnke-Walker lluatnaM Collefr*, Portland, |»lnc«*R ■tudenla in pociiLiona. Enroll any time. Kmt Catalogue. v \e Cow s Health- First SOME SILO SAYINGS. To think of the milk yield f.r»t and the cow’» bealtb^ftcrward i* putting the cart before the hone. Many "poor milker»" onljrRiced to have their systems working properly to become good producer». K O W -K U R E , the great cow medicine, make» cow» healthy and k ttp i them healthy. Working on the digestive and genital organa, it 1» a prompt, aure ' remedy for Abortion, Harrerne»», Retained Afterbirth, Scouring, host Appe­ tite and Hunches. T r y K O W -K U K E ; druggiat» and feed dealer» tell it — 66c and $1.10 packagea. "Save the grain" Is the motto now, Using silage to feed the cow. Stave off tho high costs of dairy feeds with a stave silo. Don't be satlsfle«! with the ab­ W rit* lo r " Tho Homo Cow D octor," Iroo. stract Idea o f having a silo; D A IR Y ASSO CIATIO N CO., Lyndon villa, V L make It concrete. It can’t rot out, blow down or burn up. You like canned fruits and vegetables during the winter. Silage, says the United Stutes lu ta li V department o f agriculture, Is the dairy row's canned stuff. I f you food only the «-urs you 0O - W r ite / o r C a t* * to e / a n r i / u t t i n f o r m a t io n lose nearly half fhe food value In the corn crop. Turn the ‘ÛANfi.OtC leaves and stalks Into sllugc and suve that 40 per cent. A fter all Is sabl, the fact re- in a Hurry. • mnlns that the two necessary A t a lecture a well known authority wur foo«]s are bread and milk. ! on economics mentioned the fact that For winter milk production in some parts of America the number nothing equals the sll«». of men was considerably larger than • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • that of women, and he added, humor­ ously: “ I can, therefore, recommend the la TILTIN G GATE QUITE SIMPLE dies to emigrate to that part.” A young woman seated In one of the ------------ Inexpensive Arrangem ent Operated last row of the auditorium got up and, full of Indignation, left the room rather Take tuklespoonful o f Salts if by W eights— Elim inates Shocks noisily whereupon the lecturer re- Back hurts or Bladder and W ear on Mechanism. marked, I did not mean that it should . ., „ be done In such a hurry."— Exchange. DOlnerS. Thc.Sc|«ntlflc American, In Illustrat­ ing and describing a gut«». Invented by W 1IILK AT WAR J. \V. I,on the various parts of Young Arthur waas wrestling with a glass of water before breakfast each the gate mechanism. lesson in grammar. "Father,” said he, morning and in a few days your kid­ thoughtfully, "what part of speech is neys w ill act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and LEGUMES FOR A DAIRY FARM woman?" "Woman, my boy, is not a part of lemon juice, combined with lithia, and speech; she is all of it,” returned has been used for generations to flush D a irym a n W ho Raises Abundance of and stimulate clogged ksdneys, to neu­ father.— Milwaukee Sentinel. Roughage Establishes Basis fo r tralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus end­ Econom ical Ration. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best fo r liver, ing urinary and bladder disorders. The dairyman who raises nn nbun- bowels and stomach. One little Pellet Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves­ «Innco of leguminous roughage estab­ for a laxative—three for a cathartic. cent lithia-water drink, and nobody lishes a bnsls for nn economical home­ M aybe He W as W in n in g Stake. can make a mistake by taking a little grown rntlon which mukes It unneces­ Beautiful Ernestine was sobbing as occasionally to keep the kidneys clean sary for him to purchnse proteln-rlch though her heart would break. and active.— Adv. feeds. Good, properly cured liny from | "W h at is It, dear?" asked her girl nny o f the common legumes has n 1 friend. Specifications. high percentage o f digestible protein. ; “ W-why,” she sobbed. " I t-told Jack, "Th at man is always running other An acre o f good alfalfa furnishes j after he proposed, to go up and see people down.” twice ns much protein ns n ton of! papa." "Scandal or auto?”— Exchange. "W hat of that?” bran, four times ns much ns n ton of "W h y they started playing erds, and corn meal, and nine times as much as Mutual Confidences. now he goes up to see papa every an acre of timothy. When the rntlon “ H ere I have an electric runabout on night.” consists of an ubundunce o f silage my hands.” and good legume hny, cows of mod­ “ I’m still worse off. I ’ve got a run­ “ My dear girl, don't lay so much erate production often require but lit­ stress on beauty. Modest worth is around on my finger.”— Baltimore American. tle gruln. Cows which give more than better far than millions." "Y'es, it doesn’t get anywhere near 25 or 30 pounds o f milk dnlly require Garfield Tea was your Grandmother’s the addition of concentrates if high beauty in catching a millionaire." Remedy for every stomach and intes­ production is to be maintained. In tinal ill. This good old-fashioned herb A Question of Conscience. view of the probable shortnge In home remedy for constipation, stomach “ Can doctors honestly take money grains ull dairymen should make every ills and other derangements of the sys­ effort to provide nn abundance of from their patients?” tem so prevalent these days is in even "W h y not?" leguminous bay by growing legumes “ Are they not all ill-gotten gains?” greater favor as a fam ily medicine suitable to their soils an«l sections. than in your grandmother’s day.— Adv. — Exchange. ^ P o r t l a n d S eed C o m p a n y * « : N othing Doing. A N atural O m ission. "Nature makes swans sing before * “ Say Clarence, how do you spell felicity?” Grasses and Live Stock Go H and In they die.” " I don’t spell i t ”— Brooklyn Citizen. " I wish nature would reverse the H a n d — P roper System of Rota­ process with some people and make tion Is Favored. Its C ontradiction. them die before they sing.”— Baltimore “ An engine is a paradoxical sort of a American. Grass and livestock should go hnnd proposition.” In hand. Th«»re Is no farm which, If “ How so?” properly managed and kept nt least “ It’s hottest when its coaled.”— Ex­ change. one-half of the time in grasses and clovers, and gradually brought under a proper system o f rotation, would not I produce more, In fact double the crops j which It now docs, and yet constantly Stamp ABORTION out of ; be growing better and better. your Herd and keep it out! GOOD COMBINATION ON FARM W e Pay the Highest Market Trices For RAW FURS Guarantee quick returns; charge no commission. Make trial shipment and get the most for your FURS. N. M. UNGAR CO.. 191 Broadway, Electric A nim al Prod. tlx» handle which contains tho hnt- t«Tles, coll, wires and button, ns shown In th«» second cut. The small end has two metal terminals n short distance apart. In use, tho terminals are placed against the horse and the but­ ton Is pressed. The horse then re­ ceives un electric shock which Is much more effective than an ordinary prod. PORTLAND, ORE. HER HAIR GET GRAY f, KEEP FOOD HOPPERS CLOSED SOME KNOWLEDGE IS NEEDED FRED DUNDEE MOTOR C AR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATIO N ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PR O M PT A TTE N TIO N T O ALL ORDERS Broad way at Flanders, Portland, Or. SHIP Vaal, Pork, BaW. Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce» to tho Old Roltoblo Evsrdlns bonoo with a record of 46 r u n of .Square Dealing», and ba aaaured of T O P M ARKET PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE $-47 Front 3troo4 P. N. U. Portland. Ora— N o . 1, 191ft. Enorm ous Am ount of G ra in Consum ed by Rats and Mice Can Be P ar­ tia lly Avoided at N ig h t ——" Tho amount of grain consumed by rats and mice Is enormous. This can j not bo avoided entirely, but there Is no reason why rats and mice should I have access to the food hoppers at night, and fill themselves up on mash. When the chickens have gone to roost, close the hoppers. I f there Is a leak, stop I t Keep deep litter on tho floor, and toss It up each night, so that tho hens w ill have no dliflculty In scratching In It. This kind o f exercise In tho morn­ ing will bo good for them. Vegetables fo r Storage. Boo that your gnrden produces d ry beans, cabbages, potatoes and root crops that cun be kept without can­ ning. Clear up Johnson grass, Bermuda grass and salt grass In order to de­ stroy the desert corn flea-beetle«’ w in ­ te r quarters. She Kept Her Locks D ark and Glossy, with Sage Tea Foolish to T h in k T h a t A n yo n e Can and Sulphur. Successfully Manage Farm Right From SAVE THE CALVES! Apply treatment yourself. Small expense. Write for free booklet on Abortion. " Q u e s t io n s and A n s w e r s .” State number of cattle in herd. Or. David Roberts' Vet. Co.. 100 Grand Ave.. Waukesha. Wis. S ta rt Granulated Eyelids, While It Is well to encourage the When you darken your hair with Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by S u n , D u o t and W ind quickly ] 1 “ Back-to-tbe-aoll" movement, especial­ Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, relieved by Murine. Try it in ly among young people, It Is foolish because it's done so naturally, so even your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. to think that anyone can manage a I ly. Preparing this mixture, though.1 N» Smart ¡if, J»»t Eye Comfort [ farm successfully from the first. It at home Is mussy and troublesome. marine Eye Remedy For 60 cents you can buy at any drug 1 requires careful study and patience, store the ready-to-use preparation, im Ey Satv«, in Tube* 26c. For Rook o f tht Eye — Frwm. year In and year out, but the person proved by the addition of other ingre­ Ask M o r in « E ye R em edy C o ., C U lc**o j who has Industry and common sense dients. called "W yeth's Sage and Sul w ill succeed In the end. TOC CAICT CUT OCT A phur Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw Bog Spavin or Tboroughpin P reparing Seedbed. this through your hair, taking one Proper ntnl timely plowing Is the small strand at a time. By morning but you can clean them off promptly with most efficient and practicable means o f all gray hair disappears, and, after an-: preparing a suitable seedbed for near­ other application or two, your hair be­ comes beautifully darkened, glossy “ “ t r a m MARI «G.US.PAT. OFF. ly all farm crops. and luxuriant. and you work the horse « m e time. Gray, faded hair, though no disgrace, An Important piece o f fall wprk Is Is a sign of old age, and as we all de­ D o e « n o t b lis te r or remove the to destroy dried wild bunch grasses sire a youthful and attractive appear­ hair. <2.60 per bottle, delivered. W ill tell you more if you write. and broom sedge, which furnish win­ ance, get busy at once with Wyeth's B o o k 4 M fre e . ABSORBINE, JR., ter quarters for the chinch bug. Sage and Sulphur Compound and look the antiseptic liniment for mankind, years younger. This ready-to-use pre­ reduce» Varicose Veins, Ruptured More sheep In every stnte In th « paration la a delightful toilet requisite Maaclcs of U iaaenu. tnl»n»4 «''••A*. W «M . Union Is the demand that the best ag­ and not a medicine. It Is not Intended - CytU. Allay« pain quickly. $1.2i and 12.67 tc «1 ¿niffilta or delivered. Made in the U. S. A. bp ricultural sentiment of the country for the cure, mitigation or prevention YOUNG, P.O.F., 40 1 T•**$!• S t, Springfield, Miss. of disease.— Adv. recommends. A B S O R B IN E