WORLD HAPPENINGS Of CURRENT WEEK KAISER USES PRESS Make« It Weapon Through Censorship and 'Publishes "N ew s” Made Strictly to Order. legatlon who, when A m bassador Elk us re tu rn e d to America, becam e a tta c h e s of ne u tra l legations th a t they m ight ca rry on the work which they knew must bo done to Have these children. All sum s of money a r e being dls patched to th e w orkers with the least possible delay. T h e funds go direct to Sw itzerland, from w hence the bunk ers tr a n sm it the sum s to the A rmenian com m ittee on th e ground. Supplies a re purchased In th e m a rk e ts there. T he c o m m itte e w herever possible e s­ tablishes the homeless and dependent In such a way th a t they m ay e arn th e • i r j ,| j j i m - - I few ce n ts ne c e ssa ry for existence and Huge rund Needed to Check [help oth e rs in tho «amo labor. T hey 1 work on relief supplies and hospital Sufferings of Women and m a te ria ls so th a t the work can 1 be » ex ° tended through th e ir own labors. Chilrirpn whn Havp Bpen T h e ca m pa ign Is a most w orthy one G i m u i e i i w n u nave d cc h ind ono whlch doman«i doubled RECENT WOOL SCARE W ashington. D. C.—Evidences of the care the Greman governm ent is Witness Says Profiteers Scented Brief Resume Most Important taking to direct public opinion and so to deceive not only its enemies, but its Wealth in Shoddy. Daily News Items. own people is contained in a series of secret instructions issued to the Ger­ man press by the censorship, which have fallen into the hands of the S tate departm ent. These instructions cover a period of less than three months of last year, Drii/pn Thpir HUI’I,ort HH b‘, to e ve as Fat C ontracts Said to Have llu n g on Events of Noted People, Governments the Teutonic w ar lords control public a r e the sad sto rie s of Belgium ami opinion. ------------- j lands a fqw thousand miles n e a re r our rerm ission to Use Inferior Cloth and Pacific N orthwest and Other Owners of newspapers and publish­ own sh o res. T h e com m ittee Is helped in Making Army Uniforms. ers generally not only are lim ited as to In a few days every m an and wo­ by th e A m erican Red Cross, w hich Things W orth Knowing. the character of the articles printed, m an In Oregon will be approached by gives $:100,000 p er m onth to th e work, but in many cases are told what they a m e m b e r of th e A rm enian Relief but must rely on the spirit of « ve r y Committee. T h a t w orker probably I man. woman and child In this and should publish and in what term s. Washington, 1 >. <’. Ktf 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 the Oregon troops had been sunk. All of which may unfavorably atfect the yards of cloth, many looms l»eing idle the Oregon troops, he was told, had opinion of the German people, yet the for two or three months. S trik es of landed safely. garm ent mnkera also have caused some fact m ust not be overlooked, on the delay, he said. Heavy artillery fire took place dur- other hand, th a t the U nited S tates, Bianchi said the wool shortage ing Tuesday night near Bezonvaux and w'th the support of its capacity for “ sc a re ,” as he term ed it, was in the C ham brettes, N ortheast of Verdun, the m aterial and industrial m anagem ent, in tere st of m anufacturers of shoddy Paris w ar office announces. A German ' 9 arm ing itself for w ar w ith g re at garm ents. Many Am erican cloth raid on French trenches north of Hill energy and tenacity. m akers, he testified, do not havo fac­ 304 and the opposite bank of the i “ The war preparations in Am erica tories eq u ip p 'd to make all-wool g a r­ Meuse was repulsed. are therefore, as was intim ated in the m ents, and therefore could not have | reichstag a t the tim e, not at all to be shared in the w ar contracts if shoddy Senator Smith, of South Carolina, made little of, but must be taken seri- had not been approved for army colth- has been chosen by the senate steering ously w ithout on th at account being ing. European arm ies, he asserted, com m ittee to be chairm an of the in- made a source of w orry.” are b e tte r clothed than Am erican sol­ te rsta te commerce com m ittee, succeed- Serious economic conditions are dis­ diers and he severely criticised tho ing the late Senator Newlands. He closed by the censorship orders. One use of shoddy, declaring it wholly un­ will have charge of the adm inistration . forbids the publication of advertise­ necessary. railroad legislation in the senate. m ents of dog m eat for sale. “ It is desired th at it should be A t a m eeting of the official board of clearly and distinctly put in the fore­ ta r y ago w ere sla u g h te re d by thou since the beginning of the war and is the parish school of the T rinity G er­ ground th at the enemy offensive has sands. Women who w ere beautiful giving American governm ent officials SOLDIERS TAKE INSURANCE . th re w them selves Into rivers by the deep concern. Official re|s>rts picture man Lutheran church called Tuesday u tterly failed on all fronts, th a t the j thousands and thoso who w ere too old a t Sterling, Colo., to consider abolish­ entente has no alternative extrem e food shortages in England, American (.and and Sea F ighters Buy but to a t­ ing the teaching of German, it was de­ tem pt a new offensive, as the eneftiy’s or too young died along the roads to France and Italy. $3.(MM),000,000 W o r t h . th e N orth untitl th e ir bleaching bones cided to go a step fu rth e r and suspend statesm en are still against peace.” The fact th a t conditions in Germany a r e more num erous th a n th e rem ains W ashington, D . C.— More than $3,- school for the duration of the war. “ Recent R euter dispatches which of th o buffalo on ou r W e s te r n plains and A ustria are far worse offers the 000,000,000 worth of governm ent in­ only grounds for optimism in viewing e v e r were. We of A m erica who oven B utter is selling in Berlin at $2.25 have entirely English reports fro m ! look a t the re q u e sts of the Food Ad­ the situation. surance has been bought by American per pound, sugar at 56 cents a pound, Russia, concerning the commencing! m inistration w ith a second glance, be­ soldiers ami sailors, S ecretary McAdoo In England and France the situation ham and bacon a t $2.11 per pound, and dissolution of chaos, etc., and strikes c a u se we know not even th e slig h te st is described as critical in a cablegram announced in a statem en t urging ujton Am erican soap at five bars for $1.12. are worthy of notice. It is requested: want, can h a rd ly picture m en and to the food adm inistration Monday ; the men necessity for filing applica­ This inform ation, received by the food always to make such news as English w om en —human beings form ed as we from Lord Rhondda, the B ritish food tions for policies before tho expiration adm inistration, comes through a reli­ reports and to assume an a ttitu d e of are> wjth affections and feelings as wo controller, which concluded with these of the tim e lim it set l»y law. Men able source. The prices are from four reserve toward them and occasionally have th e m - eating grass and the flesh words : who joined the colors before last Octo­ of dead anim als th a t they may find to five tim es as high as those prevail­ to add thereto a critical w ord.” “ I view the situation with grave- ber 15 m ust apply for insurance before “ Concerning the most recent bomb along the roads. And yet they con- ing in the U nited States. February 12, 1918, and those joining anxiety. ” attack by a German flying m achine on j sider them selves m ore fortunate than In Italy conditions are not as good a fte r O ctober 15 m ust make applica­ those who are still under tho clawed Two m illion ripe bananas were London nothing may be published.” perhaps as in eith er England or tion for insurance w ithin 120 days a f­ “ The publication and discussion of hand of tho lu rk w here atrocity fol- offered by the United S tates F ru it te r entering the service. lows atrocity u nde r th e now historic France, company of Boston, Wednesday, to the the resolutions adpoted in a strik e excuse of the Gorman director, name- Soldiers and sailors who are depend­ Compulsory rationing will be started Food adm inistration of Maryland for m eeting of the Leipzig Unions and of ly: “ Military nec e ssity .’’ Since w a r ing on the autom atic insurance provid­ in England im m ediately w ith m eats distribution among the poor. Owing a telegram sent to the Im perial chan­ was declared a t le a st 2,000,000 of the first commodity to be put under ed by the governm ent until February to the fact th a t the vessel carrying the cellor are not perm issible.” th e se people ha v e been sla u g h te re d control. D istrbution of b u tter and 12, 1918, are warned th at th is is only “ The publication is to be avoided of or have sta rv e d — m erely because they fru it was held up a week by ice in m argarine will be taken in hand next partial and lim ited protection. Chesepeake Bay, the bananas had be­ anything concerning the state of the wore Christians, because th e y believed and other foods will be added as they come unsaleable through regular chan­ clothing m aterial business and con­ in th e broa de r m a nkind and chose our become scarcer. All of the principal GERMAN REVOLT REPORTED faith instead of th a t of th e T urk. cerning the purchase of clothing m a­ nels. T h e y prospered and m ade It possible foodstuffs will be rationed by April. terial in the occupied districts as well for th e T urk to live In his own land. Reorganization of the W ar depart­ as in S w itzerland.” 25.000 Unwilling to Be Drawn to Big m ent, begun w ith the creation last A dvertisem ents of undertaking es­ But, when w a r came, it b rought th e B attle on W estern Front. orders from th e G erm an m a s te r of PRO-GERMANISM FLAUNTED month of the war council of high gen­ tablishm ents which seek the removal h o r r o r and his m e n w ho do w h a t the eral officers, advanced a step further of the bodies of fallen soldiers are not b e a s t of the wilds would n e v e r do, London—A dispatch received here Tuesday w ith the appointm ent by Sec- ! to be accepted.” began driving the A rm enian from the “ Deutschland L’ber Allies” W ritten from the Russian wireless service says re ta ry Baker of M ajor General George “ It is not desired to discuss or even land of tho T urk. th a t 25,000 German soldiers in the re­ Across Law yer’s Q uestionnaire. W. Goethala, acting q uarterm aster to mention the German im portations gion east of Kovno have revolted. T h e order com m anded them to leave general to serve also as director of from abroad, especially from Holland. ” before night of th e sa m e day, ab a n ­ New Haven, C o n n .- M aximilian von German deserters stated in conse­ W ar departm ent transportation a n d 1 “ In the in tere st of a victorious car- doning all th a t th e ir lives had built. Hoegen, a young lawyer of this city, quence of tho governm ent’s d ra ftin g storage. j rying through of the war, which is en- T h e m en of robust age w e re ta k e n to who has a ttra cted notice by German all soldiers below the age [of 35 for . dangered by every stoppage of work, th e T urkish a rm y and th e n c a to the utterances, returned his d ra ft ques­ dispatch to the w estern front, the P rem ier Clemenceau, a dispatch expressions of the press which recom­ deserts, w here th e y dug th e ir own tionnaire to the d ra ft board here, it aforem entioned num ber of men re ­ from France says, has sent this mes­ mend a strik e or express them selves graves. T urkish soldiers bragged th a t was learned Monday, w ith “ Deutsch­ belled and marched out of the battlo sage to P rem ier Lloyd George: “ With otherw ise in favor of a strik e are for­ they had used a xes to m u r d e r them land uber alles” w ritten across it, and line. my most hearty congratulations, I bidden. U tterances which are directed with, as It saved th e valuable shot. statin g th a t he has “ an overwhelming They then entrenched them selves In this land of desolation th e com ­ desire to see Germany victorious in hasten to send you those of the French against strik es are indeed not subject w ith rifles and machine gunB ag ain st m itte e for the relief of A rm enia Is nation, those at the front and in the ’ to the censorship, but it is supposed now working, doing th e noble things the w a r.” A t one tim e he claimed to the of other German units. The G er­ interior, for the adm irable speech in ! thereby th a t they are kept free from th a t will save a t le a s t th e c hildren | ',e an agent of the German govern­ man m ilitary au th o rities have been which you so happily stated the truth j im m oderate sharpness which could and babes of those who ha v e been m ent and a rep resentative of the form ­ powerless Qngainst the revolters and th a t one m ust never become weary’of offer m aterial for irrita tin g the m assacred o r burned. T h e w orkers er German am bassador to W ashington, are try in g to cut off th eir food sup­ opposing the G erm ans.” a r e form er a tta c h e s of th e A m erican Count von Bernstorff. people.” plies. COMPILED FOR YOU The central powers, w ithin lO^days, Teachers M ust Own Up. will m ake new declarations regarding Honolulu, T. H .—Steps will shortly G erm any’s peace conditions, a dispatch be taken to stam p out pro-Germanism from Geneva to the London Daily E x­ press quotes the Munich N achrichten. and lukewarm Americanism among the 900 odd school teachers in Hawaii. A heavy demand in London for cop­ H enry W. Kinney, superintendent of ies of the American blacklist has de­ education, is preparing to send out veloped the fact th a t the names of a question cards which m ust be filled in num ber of representatives of B ritish by every school teacher. These cards firms in South America are on the list. will contain certain questions which nce the American Consul General m ust be answered w ith “ yes” or “ no” I pther Am erican officials have been and which, it is believed, will bring red for details. out the pro-German sentim ents. * Earl Reading Acceptable. London—The Sunday Observer says, in regard to the appointm ent of a B rit­ ish ambassador to th e U nited S tates: “ I t is assumed th a t Earl Reading, Lord Chief Ju stice of England, accept­ ing the office in the public in terest and a t considerable sacrifice, will be the new ambassador to the United States. It is known th a t his appoint-j ment will be particularly acceptable to President Wilson and the American people.” T rading Rules to Stand. Chicago— Board of Trade directors decided Monday to make no change in trading conditions in corn for future delivery. This action was taken, it was intim ated, a t the suggestion of the National Food A dm inistation. The present legal maximum prices of com for fu tu re delivery is $1.28, al­ though cash sales touched $1.50. F a r­ m ers are said to have protested th a t present conditions discrim inate against them in favor of consumers. RANK SCHEME BARED Italy Increases Army. Washington, D. C.— Italy has adopt­ ed a drastic new policy to increase her fighting forces. Physical require­ m ents have been modified, and all men between the ages of 18 and 44 years previously exem pted for defects are ordered to present them selves for fu rth er exam ination. Those accepted will be m ustered into the arm y Jan u ary 16. It ia e sti­ m ated the decree will bring more than 600.000 men to th e colora.