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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1918)
(J a - s c ^ -£ < (Tlu' Ifnmit Qkmte Sxprrsa AN IN D E PEN D E N T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 3 A. G. Hoffman Is New Councilman No. 1 FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 10. 1918 LODGE NOTES LE T H IM L IV E Patriotic Council Spreading Out Odd Fellows Install Assisted by Past Grands M c From "The Silent Partner” At Tuesday night’» meeting of There was a meeting of the Gill, Morgan, Walker, Shearer, the city council, with all members “ Patriotic Council of Washington present except Hawke, the re»ig-1 Gurtis, Graham and Benfer, Die- A h long at flowers their perfume give, County” at Hillsboro last Friday nation of Councilman McCready, j trict Deputy Grand Master R. C. So long I’d let the Knitter live - afternoon to provide branch com (who quits because of too much Hill.Mf>nday evening installed the Live and live for a million years, mittees for Hillsboro and Forest private business) was accepted officers of Washington lodge No With nothing to drink but Belgian tears, Grove, it being conceded that and the place was offered to John 48, I. (). (). F., as follows: With nothing to quench his awful thirst these two towns were too large for A . Thornburgh, who refused to Dan S. Pierce, past grand; Carl But the salted brine o f a Scotchman's curse. one committee to look after. serve. A. G Hoffman was then (;. Curtis, noble grand; George B. On motion B. J. Simpson and I would let him live on a dinner each day appointed and, after a mild de- Onrnan, vice grand; H. R. Ber- C. E. Wells were authorized to Served from silver on a golden tray - rnurrer, accepted and was sworn nard, recording secretary; R. C. appoint ten men each for Forest Served with things both dainty and sweet - *n- Hill, treasurer; ( ’has. VanDoren, Grove and Hillsboro. Served with everything but things to eat. The monthly ami annual re- R S. to N. G ; W. H. Cole, L. S. Mr. Simpson has appointed for And I would make him a bed o f silken sheen, |M>rts of the city treasurer were to N G .; Ivan R. Curtis, warden; the Forest Grove auxiliary com With costly linens to lie between. accepted, bills amounting to $1,- S. G. Morgan, conductor; W. K. mittee Messrs. W. H. Hollis, W With covers of down and fillets of lace, 164.47 were allowed, A. G. Hoff- Curtis, chaplain; J. Wehrly, in C. Benfer, H. L. Bates, A. E And downy pillows piled in place; man was granted permission to side guardian; W. C. Benfer, out- Scott, M. R. Johnson, W. J Me Yet when to ita comforts he would yield. install a public drinking fountain sid»* guardian; J. H. Shearer, R Cready, A. B. Patten, R. L. Put It would stink with the rot o f the battlefield, in front of his new store, to be ac- S. to V. G .; Clarence Ortman, L. nam, R. F. Clark and H. E. Inlow And blood and bones and brains o f men ceptable to the water commit tee S. to V. G ; E. B. Catching and Should cover h:m, smother him—and then The Hillsboro committee is com and a light pole at the rear of the S. A. Walker, scene supporters His pillows should cling with the rotten cloy— posed of John M . Wall, J. E same building was ordered moved. I \ resolution was introduced to Cloy from the grave o f the soldier boy. Reeves, S. C. Killen, C. B. Buch Sam Ridgley was appointed en- provide for a financial sec re ary And while God’s stars their vigils keep. anan, Dr. R . M. Erwin, N. A gineer at the light plant, in place and this officer will lie elected And while the waves the white sands sweep. Frost, E J McAlear. M. H. Stev of Walter Watkins, who resigned next Monday. He should never, never, never sleep. enson, R. M. Easter and O. B to en'ist in the navy, and pur Gates. tAnd thru all the days, thru all the years, chasing committee was author I. 0. 0. F. Encampment There should be an anthem in his ears It was reported that the county ized to advertise for cord and slab Ringing and singing and never done Assisted by Deputy Grand Jun conrt had, on request, made an wood. From the edge of light to the set o f sun, appropriation of $100 to defray Fire Chief Lenneville’s annual ior Warden J. F. McGill, District Moaning and moaning and moaning wild— some necessary expenses of the report showed eight fires during Deputy Grand Patriarch Chas. A ravaged French girl’s bastard child. , council, such as stenographic work the year, with a property loss of VanDoren last night installed the and postage and stationery, the And I would build him a castle by the sea, officers of Washington Encamo- $967.16. court recognizing t h e a id the As lovely a castle as ever could be; ment N o.48, I. O. O F., as fol Mayor Paterson reported hav council might be to the county Then I’d show him a ship from over the sea, ing paid out $849.10 to witnesses, ows: officials. As fine a ship as ever could be. Bernard Ortman, Past Chief in the sewer lawsuit and council The State Council of Defense Laden with water cold and sweet. allowed his bill. He reported that Patriarch; James Devlin,* Chief having written that Major F. B. Laden with everything good to eat; the trial was continued from last Patriarch; R C Hill, Senior War- J Edwards, Captain E. J. Cook and Yet does she scarce touch the silvered sands, Friday to today and that the El den; Julius Wehrly, Junior War Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Mac Then a hot and hellish molten shell liott company still had two wit den; Wm. VanAntwerp, High millan, of the Canadian army, re Should change his heaven into hell, Priest; S. A. Walker, Scribe; J H. nesses to testify. cently invalided home from the And though he’d watch on the wave swept shore, Shearer, Treasurer; J. F. McGill, Seventeen former firemen in trenches, were available as speak Our Lusitania would rise no more. formed the council, by letter, that first watch; Dan Pierce, second ers at public patriotic meetings, In "N o Man’s Land’ ’ where the Irish fell. they were ready and willing to watch; W. C. Benfer, t h i r d 1 Secretary Mahon was authorized I’d start the Kaiser a private hell; serve the city if Chief Lenneville watch; W H. Cole, fourth watch; to secure these speakers for dates I’d jah him, stab him, give him gas. would resign fr >m the depart George Ortman, inside guard- in Washing“x>n county. Since Uie In evwry wound I ’d pour ground glaaa; >•»; L. G. M or ley, outside guard- ■ ment. The chief was n a i t P f i ' hou; 'meeting, it has been arranged to n ow |an. B ernard 0 rtm a n an(, o p I*d march him out where the brave boys died — many men he now had and stated have these men at Hillsboro on Out past the lads they crucified. he had sixteen and could get Kels y, guards of tent. Owing to Friday evening, Jan. 18th, at In the fearful gloom o f his living tomb, thirty if he wanted them. Coun the lateness of the hou*', the in the Liberty Theatre. Local citi There is one thing I’d do before I was thru; cil then tabled the communica stallation lunch was postponed zens are planning to attend in I’d make him sing, in a stirring manner. tion. Chief reported that four until Jan. 23d. large numbers, accompanied by The wonderful words of "The Star Spangled former firemen had refused to the High School Glee club. Banner.” Grangdrs Install hand in their uniforms and Mayor If you want to go to hear these Paterson stated that he under- Gale Grange met last Saturday talks, notify B. J. Simpson in or- food they would do so soon. for the first time in 1918 Besides ! der that seats may be reserved A communication from the regular routine work, considerable j for the Forest Grove contingent. county assessor stated that . a levy ' new business was transacted and N. A. Frost, county superin of 13.2 mills would be required t o , a t.|ass of three were received into tendent of schools, was present raise the $10,603.00 asked for in fu|| membership. Deputy A. Mil- . , ! and offered to assist the council The open meeting of the Con The recent drive for members through the schools of the county, the city’s budget and this was lie- ier of Albany, in a very creditable servation Committee o f t h e of the Red Cross in this county The offer was gladly accepted. yond the legal limit. Recorder manner, installed the following Woman’s club, held at Langley was instructed to notify the hoard officers1 hall last Monday afternoon was has resulted in adding more han 1 of equ itation to m ote the levy Maslc j E u ,wl ^ one of the most interesting yet 4 000 members in Washington: 9.4 mills ami the council wouldl ^ ^ Minnie Lewi,; Steward, county, the west end of the county j Writing t o h i s father from curtail its expenditures and 8ft Mrs Mary Newton; Asst. Stew- held by that committee. Mrs. C. T. Richardson, chair bringing in more than 2200 mem- somewhere in France” Chas. G. along with this levy, which will ard, F. J. Lewis; Lecturer, S. T . , r Staley of the 18th man of the committee, gave a produce about $9,000.00 t a x Walker; Treasurer, H . T. Buxton; bers, with Forest Grove rolling up the streets and* sidewalks talk on “ Food Values,” illustrat more than 1,000 members. With money. Secretary, Mrs. E v a Adams; ing her points by sample menus of the towns he has visited. He Council then adjourned. Ceres, Miss M. A. Lewton; Flora, and Mrs. Anna Pogue, who re 85 new members, Gales Creek says the streets are just wide Mrs. Eva Thompson; I,ady Asst. turned Thursday from Corvallis, produed what is called a hundred enough for two carts to pass and Steward, Mrs. Maud Buxton. where she attended a state meet per cent membership (the equal of the sidewalks are rough and nar Brother Miller also gave a talk on ing of the Woman’s Committee of two for each family); Cornelius row, but this doesn’t bother him, did the same with 250 members as he lived in Forest Grove before “ Co-operation,” a subject the INauonai National \^ouncii Council oi of i-/eitii»ef Defense, ^ J . which 11 me Thafrher is in thp plaaa i . , 1 1 . 1 , . u The K a n S sld£ waIks came into fashion The stockholders of both the ” commanding the attention of made an interesting report of the ^ t h 82 mlmber ^ P „ he ,n «opdhealth, as local banks met Tuesday and Granges all over t he United States, I SeSSions at Corvallis. Miss Anna £ ! v district is also in that elected officers, as follows; for we can do our share in help- Barrows of Washington, D. C., ^ £ 67 members ^DUley h a d 106 are Cec'- Hughes and Eme,T Mont, also from this section. He First National- M R. Johnson, ing the Government by Pr° S ' ” atntthe ^sfite^ meeting“ and a m b e r s at last report and Cherry “ „ ¡J ^ write* aTong* inter" of food. Chris Peterson, Allan Rice, J. E. duction and conservation tHe Brother W. A. Williams of Port forcibly emphasized the need of !eating tetter, but is afraid of the Loomis and A J. Demerest, Gaston were not all in, but the censor s eraser. (The letter the directors, with M. R. Johnson, land gave an inspiring talk on more and more conservation in workers did well there. president; Chris Peterson, vice “ Patriotism.” food, fuel and textiles^ Miss Bar- j n pores( Grove the team citp- editor of the Express saw has a line SECRETARY. president and A. J. Demorest as rows impressed her hearers with (ained b Mrs Brady Chowning h iiin erased) J ’SSfen He also mentions the priz* having taken out $10,000 life in the idea that America 1 has not yet wouId ¿ ve carried cashier. The Artisans learned the great need for con for the most members had there surance, which costs him $7 per Forest Grove National— E F. servation and many of them came been a prize. Mrs Merle Reder month. He says this comes pretty Burlingham, John E. Bailey, W. The newly elected officers of from the meeting determined to has given very faithful and ef- high for a private, but he has lit W. McEldowney, S. G. Hughes Diamond Assembly No. 27,United tle use for money, as Uncle Sam to really John A. Thornburgh, directors, Artisans, were installed Tuesday begin begin to really save save in the h.°.m e! ficient service as secretary, keep - 1 f„ d a d _i th_ hi so|dier vp v with J. A. Thornburgh, president; evening as follows: for the benefit of the nation. Mrs. ¡ng the records straight and neat, feeds - cIothei> h,s s0,- ers very well. The climate of France he John E Bailey, vice president E. G. Webb, M. A .; Della Pogue is asked by the Council to in spite of manv difficulties. finds about the same as that of -------- -------------- and W. W. McEldowney cashier. Baldwin, Supt.; Marie A. Patton, make talks before the various! Inspector; C. L. Perry, Secretary; lodges and societies of the city: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughes Oregon, two or three days rain, Income Tax Man Coming Geo. G. Hancock, Treas.; Clara and will be heard from on this big, are in Portland today to see their then a little sunshine and then daughter, Hazel., who is very ill in more rain. R H. Wisecarver, a representa Sage, Sr. Con.; Alma Sage, M. C .; vital subject. tive of Milton A. Miller, collector Clara Fowler, Jr. Con.; W. K. "Household Management and a hospital, following an operation Billy Ives has been offered a of internal revenue, will be at the Curtis, Warden; Hazelteen Stock- Account Keeping” was to have two weeks ago._________ good position at Vancouver and First National bank in this city man, Instructor; Chas. Hines, been the subject for last Monday s l . A. Copeland, superintendent if he can dispose of his hotel prop tomorrow (Friday) to assist all Medical Examiner. meeting, but Miss Edna Mills, the C opland Lumber corn- erty to advantage will move to subject to an income tax in mak After the installation the mem federal and county Home Demon- pany’g yards at Bozeman, Mont., the Washington town in the near ing out their reports. On Friday bers enjoyed a program of music, stration agent, has let it be known accornpanied by his wife, is visit- future. This news will be heard of next week, Mr. Wisecarver will recitations, etc. Diamond As that she would like to talk on that j ing at the W. J. McCready home with regret by many of the peo be at the Forest Grove National sembly is growing steadily by the subject at the first meeting in pie of the city, who have a high this week. bank for the same purpose. If addition of new members. February and it has been so ar regard for the members of the you are a single man or woman, More sensational than “ The Ives family. ranged. Every woman in Forest See the eight-reel Italian-Ger Grove should attend this meeting. Stars and Stripes in France” is with a net income of $1,000 or A new serial story, “ The De over, if married, with an income man war picture at the Star the eight-reel Italian war picture Warranty deed and mortgage at the Star Theater Jan. 19th; stroying Angel” begins in this is of $2,000 or more, better see this Theater on Jan. 19; just one night. blanks for sale at this office. sue of the Express. man. ' just one night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i| Interesting Session of • ¡Many Have Joined Conservation Committee the Red Cross He’s Used to Bad Sidewalks Bank Stockholders Elect Officers