implement to Vol 2 Forest Grove Express Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 3, 1918. N o. 52 OTES ANI) PERSONALS Miss l.ucile West is quite ill Mrs. Hertzog of McMinnville with pneumonia. was in Forest Grove a few hours Fresh fish for Tuesdays (meat- on Sunday. i Manager Watrous announces s d;»yi and Fridays. Pacific Miss Gertrude Allen was a that “ T fre German Retreat at the arket; phone 0301. Battle W ^ M ^ I ^ h w ^ j f t i t n i g h t , Jennette Straub of Portland we ek end visitor in Portland, re­ will be repeated tm^ewmTng at the Star Theater. Prices, 10c ited with Waneta Hortrampf turning Monday. and 20c, plus war tax. Mrs. S a m u e l Marshall and this city Sunday. R. N. Stanfield of Stanfield, George G. Hancock, real cs- mother are visiting Mrs. Marshall’s ; Umatilla county, who has an­ .te, farm loans and fire insur- sister in Yamhill. nounced that he is a candidate ace, new Anderson block. 50 Miss Florence Webley, employe the republican nomination for Little Margaret Hines, who ha4 in one of the large department governor, is to be one of the •eii (|uite ill for s veral days, is stores in Portland, was the guest speakers at the farmers’ short course, which opens at Corvallis . .»proving nicely at present of her parents over Sunday. next Monday. Arthur Jones, who has been Mamie and Joe I/»omis, who Cards have been received in orking in San Francisco, visited have been spending their holiday this city announcing the wedding, ;is home in Forest drove the first vacation with the home folks, left on Christmas, of Omar Moure f the week. yesterday for Washington Univer­ and Miss Nellie Paulsen, both of Miss l.ucile Connet, a former sity. Forest (¡rove girl, visited friends Will Haskell, who is foreman of Portland, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. lere Sunday, corning out from a foundry in St. Johns, came out C. Paulsen, in Newberg. Mr Portland to do so. Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. Moore is a carpenter and lived in A large stock of set and signet and Mrs. Charles Haskell, and Forest Grove a number of years, and has many friends here. Mrs. rings in solid gold. At Abbott’s sisters. Miss Vera SchifTer, who has Moore is a teacher in the Portland there has been no raise of prices public schools. They will make on the goods. Ix>ok them over. been spending her Christmas va­ their home in Portland. Misses Florence Littler and cation here, left for her school at A regular meeting of Gale Millie Famme, students of O. A. Middleton Monday. Grange No. 282, will be held at Donald Clodfelter of Moro was the I. O. O. F. Hall, Saturday, C., who spent their vacation in this city, have returned to Cor- here for a brief visit with the S. Jan. 4th. A class of seven will be given the third and fourth degrees, vallis to r sume their work in the G. Morgan family, leaving Wed­ after which the first and second nesday for his home. college. degrees will be conferred on a Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and large class. Social hour at noon. Mr. and M rs. M. S. Allen and Mi s Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Rose, of Portland spent At 1:30 the newly elected officers will b • in-tailed and a program McAllister were out to attend Sunday and Monday with Mrs follows. In order to get the fore­ Miss Mattha Allen’s school en­ Rose Olmsted and family of this noon work completed by noon. city. tertainment Dec. 21st Grange will begin promptly at Miss Leone Graham, who has 10:30. Candidates be present at Andrew Dickson of Portland 11 o’clock. Secretary. visited his mother in this city been spending her Christmas va­ New Year’s day and his b ’ other, cation at home in this city, re­ Charley, spent the day in Port­ turned to her school at Drain land, taking in some of the mus­ Tuesday. Miss Una Emerson, one of the ical attractions. popular clerks in the Fuqua store, The program committee of the l^ist week’s called meeting of left Tuesday for Sheridan, where Forest Grove Brotherhood met at the M. E. Aid society was held at she wi l l t a k e charge of Mr. the home of its chairman, R. F. the M. S. Allen home, instead of Fuqua’s branch store. , Clark, Monday evening and de- the A G. HolFman home, as There was a nice family re­ ,tided to have a lunch and debate stated hy the Express. At this union at the J. S. Thompson home for the January meeting, to be meeting the ladies [»resented Mrs. Tuesday, with all the children and held at one of the churches on Dunlap with a s >t of Community some of the grandchildren gath­ Jan. 29th. The subject decided ered around the festal board at on was, “ Resolved, That the silver spoons. the dinner hour. J. M came from The annual New Year’s dance DesMoines, Wash., Elmer came Farmers’ Non-Partisan Program ; Should Be Adopted in Oregon,” of the Forest Grove fire depart­ from Shelton, Wash., and Mr. with B. J. Simpson and R. L. ment was given at the I. (). O. F. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger came Putnam upholding the affirmative building Monday night and proved from Vancouver and William and L. M Graham and W. J. one of the most successful dances Weitzel and family of this city McCready arguing against the filled out the quota. J. M. had proposition. Since this question ever given hy the department. just sold in Portland several car­ is going to come before the voters The attendance was very large loads of fine apples from nis very soon, it should draw out ev­ and everybody had a good time Wapato, Wash., orchards. ery member of the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood to Stage Debate