The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 03, 1918, Image 6

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    not know that there wnH such a thin* Into her voice, and she pointed to a ftu-e. Her blue ey«*a, filled with th*
as eiWtenc«. Ami In that world, small white tinger of sand running out Into glory of lb»' stars, l<><»k»»d up luto hls.
In hls understanding of thing», was the stream. “l>o you remember years
“Karan and sb»> you and I—ami
Gray Wolf. Ue could not mix» her. and years ago, It seeids— that Kasan the buby I Are you sorry- that we
That world. In his comprehension of left us here? She was on the sand came hack?'’ she usked.
It. run from the McFarlnne lu a nar­ over there, calling to him. I>o you
So close he draw her ngnlust Ills Basis for All Work in Schools.
row trail through the forests and over rotnemborT" There was a little trem­ breast that she did not hour (he words
Declare Experts.
the plains to the little valley. If tlray ble about her mouth, und she added, "I he whispered In the soft warmth of
The Story of a Dog
Wolf was not here—she was there, wonder—where they have gone.”
her hair. Amt after that, for many
and tirelessly he resumed Ills Quest of
The cabin was as they had left tt. hours, they sat In the starlight In Jncle Sam’s Agencies Ara Working to
That Turned Wolf
Only the crimson lmkneesh had grown front <>f the «•abln »loor. Hut they did
■ stand Sanitary Regulations of
Not until the stars were fading out up about It. and shrubs and (nil gras» not hear again that lonely cry from
Cities of Rural Communities.
of the sky again, and gray day was had sprung up near Its walla. One«» the Sun Hock. Joan anil her husband
giving place to night, did exhaustion more It took on life, and day hy day understood.
The moat linpnrtuiit element In th«i
James Oliver Curwood
and hunger stop him. He killed a rab­ the odor came do«*per Into Joan's
“lie'll visit us again tomorrow," the
bit, and for hours after he hud feasted cheeks, and her voice was filled with man said at last. “Come, Joan, let us education of children Is the csluhllsh-
Copyright Bobbe-M em ll Co.
lug of gotal health anil right living
he lay close to his kill, and slept. Its »»Id wild sweetness of song. Joan's go to h«'d."
habit», according to IhoNe cxp«-rt» of
husband cleared the trails over hls old
Together they enterod the caldn.
Then he went on.
CHAPTER X V III— Continued.
And that night, shit* hy able, Kasan U iic U* Ham's bureau of ««ducutlon who
The fourth night he cume to the trap-lines, and Joan and the little Joan
— 18—
little valley between the two ridges, transformed the cubiti Into home. One and tlray Wolf hunted again lu the make till» their life problem. Half n
century ago the utteutlon of those r«»-
Silently, swiftly—the wolf now In and under the stars, more brilliant night the man returne»! to the cabin moonlit pluln.
j sponsible for (h<< cure of chllilreti 111
every movement, Karan came to hls I now
the chUj cleurnesa of the early !at»\ and when he came In there was a
city achoolM was drawn to the»»« Im­
feet. He forgot the chain that held ,|utunm nights, he followed the creek glow of excitement In Joan's blue eyes,
portant feutures of school unit life un»i
him. Ton feet away stood the enemy j dow„ into their old swamp home. It and a tremble In her voice when she
iiiii I m uch has been »lone, say th»»
he hated above all others he had ever was Proud duy when he reached what greeted him.
known. Every ounce of strength In „a,j once been hls home and tlray
“Did you hear It?" she asked. “Did Athletic Young Suffragette Clvee Im­ ; »’Xperts, In the lust two (lecttdes for
tho Improvement of the sniiHury fea­
his splendid body gathered Itself for Wolf's, and for many mluutes Katun you hear—the call?”
pudent Storekeeper the Sur­
tures of school houses mui grouml» und
the spring. And then he leaped. This stlKHj silent and motionless snlrtlng the
He nodded, stroking her soft hnlr.
prise of Hie Life.
time the chain did not pull him hack, a|r> u „ y i now' hls spirit had remained
| for school regimen In lilies.
“I wus n mile hack In th»» creek
almost neckbroken. Age and the ele- „„broken. Footsore, with thinned sides swamp,” he wild. “I beard It 1"
»Inly recently, however, It I» im > 1 itt<■<t
An athletic young suffragette stroll­
m enu had weakened the leather col- am, Kuunt hcud. he circled slowly
Joan's hands clutched hls arms.
>ut, has much attention been given to
lar he had worn since the days of hls through the swamp. All that day he
“It wasn't Kazan," sh»1 said. “I
tK'iilth conditions In country siiiools,
slavery In the traces, and It gave way searched. And hls crest lay flat now, woultl recognize hls v»>lc»>. Hut It ; the other day guv»* the surprise of hls j out rural school sanitation is now re-
with a snap. Sandy turned, und tn a and there wus u hunted look ln the B«»emed to me It was like the other— I
•»ivlng the ntti'iilloii of several govern­
second leap Katun's fangs sank Into droop of hls shoulders and lu the shift­ the call that enme that morning from shop. The man was In (he t>a»'k of the mental mui stale ugciiiii's. An Inter­
the flesh of hls arru.
ing look of hls eyes, tlray Wolf was the sund-bur, hls mate?"
wumlerlng about lu tho front <>f It esting study of rural school sutilliitloii
With a startled cry the man fell, gone.
The man wus thinking. Joan's An­
al moments before he bt-cume lias recently been completed hy tho
and as they rolled over on the ground
Slowly nature was Impinging that gers tightened. She was breathing a aware thut she was there. Then he Unite«! States public to’iilth iwrvl»'»« In
the big Dane’s deep voice rolled ^out | faC{ Up,,„ him. She had passed out little quickly.
cume forward storming an»! »leclare«1 a certain part of the state of ludluiin.
In thunderous alarm as he tugged at [ of his world and out of hls life, und
“Will you promise rue this?" she
It Is thought that the conditions
his leash. In the fall Kazan’s hold was I be was tilled with a loneliness und a asked, “Will you promise me that you she follili not leave the store without
j r.iun.l In that locality lira, ut least lu
broken. In an Instant he was on hls grief so great that the forest st-erm-d will never hunt or trap for wolves?’1
“You »'«une sneaking In hen» to tnke the tlinltl, those that exist to u more or
feet, ready for another attack. And strange, and the stillness of the wild
“I had thought of that," ho replle»!.
of my things while my buck Is less degree lu iiiuny of the rural schools
then the change came. He was free. j a thing thut now oppressed und fright- “I thought of It—-after I hear»! the call.
he cried, seizing her by the In lb»' country. For one thing It was
The collar was gone from hls neck. t,ne<] blm. Once more the tl»»g In him Yes. I will promise.”
found tlidt tlicr»* Is an tiiulu«* number
The forest, the stars, the whispering WQS mastering the wolf. With (Iray
J»»an's arms stole up about hls u**ck. | linJt.
•f one-room rural schools. Among
\»ind were all about him. Here were j Wolf he had possessed the world of
“We love»l Knzay,” she whlsperad.
•tlicr things It was thought hy the of­
men, and off there was Gray \\ o lf. | freedom. Without her, that world wus “And you might kill him—«»r her.”
imiklng the survey that tin un­
Ills ears dropped, and he turned swift so big and strange and empty that It
Suddenly she stopped. Hoth listened.
of <>!<1 buildings ura being
ly. and slipped like a shadow back Into
! The floor was n little a jsr. and to
huve largely piissed tho
the glorious freedom of hls world.
Lnte i „ the afternoon he came n p o n f (Lem there came again the walling he£ ng, . ,1°
"" ^
,u' r '
A hundred yards away something u m tle plle of crughed clam shells on 1 mate-call of the wolf. Joan ran to the
,,y ‘ m!* 1
r,‘n. chod the limit» of usefulness for «'«luentinna!
little flight of steps lending down Into purposes. Many of tiles»*. It Is kii I i L
stopped him for an Instant. It was the shore of the stream. He sniffed door. Her husband followed. Togeth-
not the big Dane’s voice, but the sharp at them__turned away—went back. ‘*r Uu*y Bto°d silent, and with teuso th»‘ shop, th»* man Mill eliiti'hliiK at w»*r«* without ill»* prop«*r sanitary fn-
crack—crack—crack, of the little pro- | :ln(1 gnlffed aga|n j{ ut the scent she br‘*ath Joan pointed over the starlit the girl's elbow. She lo<>k»'»l around. illttes and some were even without
There was no policeman In sight. So my water supply. Many had faulty II-
fessor s automatic. And above that had
behlud was not strong enough Pbl*n-
settle»! matters herself. With one iumlnatlon of the clussrisiui» and still
sound there rose the voice of Sandy , t0 tell KazaQ> un(, f„r u 8econd time i
! L u ,,'n !”
McTrlggar In a weird and terrible he turned uway *nlat nIght he slunk 1 “It'* her i;.ry* aml “ cun“! fro,u tfl® vigorous push she sent the propletor ■thera w«-r»« without ufl*-quat» duss-
of the nntl»|Ue shop sprawling down room equipment; some were Improper­
! under a log, and cried himself to i S u n ltocl1!
the steps, then continued her culm ly heated and po»irly ventilated an»l
sleep. Deep ln the night he grieve»! In
M,e ran out ,uto ,h® nlBht' forW*
«till others presented evidence# of In-
up the avenue,
his uneusy slumber, like a child. And
r-flliient Janitor's servlc«*.
j day after day. and night after night. nlone In her bed. And to them, from
The large number of rhlldran pre-
An Empty World.
Kazan remained a slinking crouture of
From tho train windows I watched «•ntlng physlc*nl ilef»*<ix of such gravity
Mile after mile Kazan went on. For ( the big swamp, mourning for the one
the airplanes coining up fur night duty is to demand npe»iiillzi‘<l nmllcnl mid
a time he was oppressed by the shiv- creature that hn»l brought him out of came a walling cry in answer—a »-ry
that seemed a part of the wind, and outside Hurls, writes Louise ClosHcr »urglcitl attention, nay the exp»»rtx, Is
erlng note of death that had come to _________________________
We 111 t*vblelice of the ! 1 <*»*»| of iii »<»1I cm I
that thrilleil Joan until her breath Hule In Harper's Magazine.
him ln Sandy McTrlgger’s cry, an»l
slacken«»»! speed at last, und the guard­ itipirvlslon of th»* school liilhlrcn of
broke In a strange sob.
he slipped through the bansklans like
» : I»?«*
Further out on the plain she went ians of our welfare passed on. our th»* counties In th»* Interests of th<*
a shadow, his ears flattened, hls tall
. ) I , ' T 1;;
and then stopped, with the gulden carriage at th»» »'ini looked out upon iilld'x i-ducullotial iidvnni'cincnt uiiil
trailing, hls hindquarters betraying
glow of the autumn moon and the stars 11 •(renin "Ith » path nliingsld«« »if If. for the protection of (he community
that curious slinking quality of the
shimmering In h»>r hair and «»yen. It A young soldier marche»! hy. He waa ticnith.
wolf and do g stealing away from dan­
It Is pleasant to write
wus many minutes before the cry came ! whistling.
The undue number of mentally <1»>-
ger. Then he cuine out upon a plain,
- , . Hut the air was fectlvp and retar»!» »1 school children
and the stillness, the billion stars in
Joan put her hamls to her rnoulh, and "Tipperary." Ah, th«- earn with which •»•veiile»! hy the study made emphasizes
the clear vault of the sky, and the
cry rang out over th<* plain as ln we all sung It two years—anil mon— tin* ne»*»*sslty. say tin* »'Xperts, of th*»
keen air that carried with it a breath
i ago! The xurenesN of a quick return ix-iitnl classification of tin* chllilraii for
the days of old.
of the Arctic barrens made him alert
to Tipperary ! The conflilence of so 'he purpose of revealing those who nr««
and questioning. He faced the direc­
At the top of the Sun Hock, Gray many singera quiet now forever! It ii n»*e»l of Institutional or Indlvldunl-
tion of the wind. Somewhere off there,
Wolf—gaunt and thinned hy starva­ I came to me that night <>n the train like zed (rantmont
far to the south and west, was Gray
tion—heard th«« woman’s cry, and the ; an echo ucross deep waters— waters
call that was ln her throat »lied away on which a host are still struggling
For the first time ln many weeks
in a whine. And to the north a swiftly toward the far, sa»! shore of victory.
he sat back on his haunches and gave
shallow stoppe»! for u moment. " 'Tls a long, long way—"
the deep and vibrant call that echoed
like a thing of rock unde? 1
weirdly for miles about him. Hack ln
th»« starlight. It was Kazan. A strange
Submarine Diseases Studied,
the bansklans the big Dane tmunl It,
fir.; leaped through hls body. Every
l ’asse«l Assistant Hurgeon It. W. Me-
and whined. From over the still body
liber of hls brute understanding was Cowell hu* «•»implied some Interesting
of Sandy McTrigger the little profes­
uflre with the knowledge that here wus j fnct" 1,1 «’»•nnertlon with dts«'iise Inch
sor looked up with a white tense face,
home. It was here, long Hgo, that he
submarine »luty. The most fr»*-
and listened for a second cry. Hut
observed ln th»« suh-
Instinct told Kazan that to that first
till at once the drautns that had grown murine service Include effects of gaso­
call there would be no answer, and
faded ami Indistinct In hls memory line fum<*s Inhaled, gnstro-lntestlnal IJrinjî Hack its Color and Lustre
now he struck out swiftly, galloping
with (irandm a’H Sage
rnme buck to him ns real living things. disturbane«**, ear troubles. Infections
mile after mile, as a dog follows the
of the respiratory tract, conjuctlvltls,
Tea Recipe.
trail of Its master home. He did
rheumatism, or myiilgln, burns mid In-
not turn back to the lake, nor wus hls A Strange Fire Leaped Through HI» plain, he heard Joan 's voice!
In the starlight Joan stood, tense ! Juries und nervous complaints. Of ap»*-
direction toward Red Gold City. As
nnd white, when from out of the pale , ''Ini Interest Is gnsollii« poisoning, the
straight as he might huve followed a chaos Into light, who had filled hls
mists of the moon-glow he came to <*ffect of Inhaling gasoline fumes pro-
Common garden sago brewed Into a
road blazed by the hand of man he world for him, and who, ln going from
her, cringing on Ids belly, panting and during whnt Is kuown ns "gasoline heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol
cut across the
, .
. him, had tuken from this world even wind-run, nnd with a strange whining Jug.” The D class of submarines have
added, will turn gray, streaked and
swamp and forest and rocky ridge the thln{,3 that Gray Wolf hud lost in
note In hls throat. And as Joan went ¡gasoline »uigluos, nn»l Hurgeon MeDow- fa»l«Ml hair beautifully dark anil luxuri­
that lay between him and the McFar­ her blindness.
to him, her arms reaching out, her lips ell has s«*en a large number of cases of
lane. All that night he did not call
ant. Mixing the Sage T ea and Sulphur
sobbing hls name over and <»ver again, ; poisoning due to the Inhalation of the
again for Gray Wolf. With him rea­
recipe at home, though, la troublesome.
the man sto»«l and looked down upon fumes of raw <«r burned gasoline,
soning was a process brought ubout
An easier way Is to get the roady-to-
by habit—by precedent—and as Gray
The Call of Sun Rock.
ubo preparation Improved by tho adill-
A New Creation.
Wolf had waited for him many times
In the golden glow of the autumn hail no fear of th»? wolf-dog now. An»I
Margaret, aged eleven, had Just re­ tion of other Ingredients, costing about
before he knew that she would be
(JO cents a lurge bottle, at drug stores,
sun there came up the stream over­ ns Joan ’s arms hugged Kazan’s greHt turned from her visit to the aoo.
waiting for him now near the sand­
known as "W yeth'a Sage and Sulphur
looked by the Sun Hock one day a shnggy head up to her he h«*ard tho
man, a woman and a child In a canoe. whining gasping Joy of the beast nnd j "did you seo the elephants and the Compound,” thuB avoiding a lot of
By dawn he had reached the river, Civilization ha»l done for lovely Joan the sobbing whispering voice of the giraffe and the kangaroos?'’
While gray, faded hair Is not sinful,
within three miles of the sand-bar. what It hud done for many nn»»ther girl, and with tensely gripped bunds
Margaret looked thoughtful.
wo all desiro to retain our youthful
Scarcely was the sun up when he stood wild flower transplanted from the he face«l the Hun Hock.
"W e saw the elephant nnd the giraffe appearance nn»l attrac: vencss.
on the white strip of sand where he depths of the wilderness. Her cheeks
"Good heavens!” he breathed “I be­ and the dung-ger-rooo.”
darkening your hair with Wyeth's
and Gray Wolf had come down to were thin. Her blue eyes had lost lieve—It’s so—”
“W hat?" said Mrs. Blank.
Sage ami Sulphur Compound, no ono
drink. Expectantly and confidently he their luster. She coughed, and when
"Tho dung-ger-r«x>s. It snld 'these can toll, heca'ise It does It so naturally,
As If In response to the thought In
looked about him for Gray Wolf, whin­ she coughed the man looked at her hls mind, th»*re »ame once more across animals are d-a-n-g-e-r-«j-u-a.’ ’’
so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge
ing softly, and wagging hls tall. He with love and fear In hls eyes. Hut the plain Gray Wolf’s mate-seeking
or soft brush with It and draw this
through your hair, taking on«» small
began to search for her scent, but now, slowly, the man ha»l begun to cry o f grief and of loneliness. Swiftly
Wine for French Fighters.
strand at a tim e; hy morning all gray
rains had washed even her footprints see th»» transformation, nnd on the day as though struck hy a lash Kazan was
In the year 1015 the French gov­ hairs have disappeared. Aft««r another
from the clean sand. All that day he their canoe pointed up tho stream and on hls f»*et—oblivious of Joan ’s touch,
ernment dlstrlhut»*»! 618,000,000 bottles application or two your hair becomes
searched for her along the river and Into tho wonderful valley thnt had of her voice, of the presence of the
of wine among the armies, each tnun beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux­
out on the plain, lie went to where been their home before the call of the man. In another Instant he was o»>ne,
nnd officer racelvlng half a liter a day. uriant and you appear years younger.
they had killed their last rabbit. He distant city came to them, he noted nnd J«mn flung herself against her
Ijis t y«*ar there was a considerable W yeth’s Sag»« an»l Sulphur Compouml
sniffed at the bushes where the poison the flush gathering once more In her husband's breast, and almost fiercely Increns«», the total amount reqtilsl- Is a delightful toilet requisite. It la
baits had hung. Again and again he cheeks, the fuller redness r»f her lips, took hls face between her two hand.*.
not intended for the cure, mitigation
tlou»'»l reaching 700,1X10,000 bottles.
or prevention of disease.— Ailv.
sat back on hls haunches and sent nnd the gathering glow of happiness
“Now do you believe?” she «trte»l
out hls mating cry to her. And slow­ and content In her eyes. He laughed pantlngly. “Now do you believe In the
Where Coast Gains Upon Sea.
ly, as he did these things, nature was softly as ho saw th*»»e things, and he God of my world—the God I have lived
The Ho, In North Italy, Is 800 miles
working ln him that miracle of the blessed the forests. In the ennoo she with, the God that gives souls to tho In length. The deposits ut Its mouth
I.o w - p r lr r « | ,
wild which the Crees hare named the had lean»«»! back, with h»»r head al­ wild things, the God that—that bus hnve caused the const to guln upon
fresh. fp|UMc;(
“spirit call.” As It had worked ln most ngnlnst hls shoulder, nnd ho brought—us all—together—once more the sen so rapidly that a point which
V r r f r r r r «1 l.y ’
w ratem r ?« k k-
Gray Wolf, so now It stirred the blood stopped paddling to draw her to him, — home I"
rn" ti,
I*-* ■ i >• th liy I
In the time of Augustus was a seaport
p ro tect w h e re o th e r
of Kazan.
nnd run hls fingers through tho soft
Ills arms closed gently about her.
»R celn ee fu ll.
town Is now 18 miles from tho Adri­
W rff» |n r booklet Rn»l
With the going of the sun, and the golden masses of her hnlr.
"I believe, my Joan,” he whlsjierefl, atic.
1 0 - d o p h f. B lt c k l.ip illi, X I 00
sweeping about him of shudowy night,
SO do«» pkg. Blteblot Pill«, ¡4 00
“And you understari»)—now—what
“You are happy ngaln, Joan,” he
»ny In)#« tor, hut f lit t e r '* simplest anrl etronfeet.
he turned more and more to the south laughed Joyously. “The doctors were It means, 'Thou «halt not kill?*”
Real Qlass Cutter.
T h e Bupertority o f C u tle t pro»lu<t* 1 « due to over 15
y ear« o l tp#« iallzln y In V A rr IN K S A N I) SR R iiW JI
nnd e a s t Hls whole world was made right You are a part of tho forests.”
“Except that It brings us life—yea,
It Is only the natural point of ■ dia­
o n ly .
I n s i s t UN C U T IK K
I I unolitaiibsM e.
up of the trails over which he had
or«le t direct.
“Yes, I am happy,” she whispered, I understand,” he replied.
mond which will cut gloss J that ob­
CallforsJa .
'bunted. Beyond those places he did nnd suddenly there came a little thrill
Her warm, soft huuda stroked hla tained by polishing will
ladies T secret " 1