The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 03, 1918, Image 2

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General Crozier S t a t t « C o mp l et o Sup­
plie» Will lie On Hand Within
Month lilame is Placed.
Washington, D. C. — Complete sup-
. plies o f rifles within a month for all
Briet Kesume Most Important American forces under arms were
Many People Killed in Disaster,
promised Wednesday by Major General
Crosier, chief of ordnance, testifying
Daily News Items.
in Homes and Streets.
before the senate military committee.
Springfield* for every regular ami Na­
tional guardsman will be ready before
Febreuary 1, he said, and the manu­
facture o f remodeled Enflelds for the
Frist National army will be finished in
a week.
As to machine guns, the General
Events of Noted People, Governments said, a full supply of American make
American Red ( ’roas Takes Steps to
should be ready by July 1, next. Rifles
and Pacific Northwest and Other
Relieve Distress $10,000 Will lie
Washington, D. C. — "H ow many for permanent improvements nor for
for the next draft, he declared, would
Things Worth Knowing.
Spent Many Are Hungry.
be on hand before the men were in farmers in the United States will pay
tractor or threshing machine may be
camp. In reply to assertions made re­ an income ta x ?"
, deducted but not the cost of operation
cently by other witnesses that the al­
This is a question not yet answered of the family automobile if used as a
lies had furnished heavy guns to the
British casualties reported in De­ American expeditionary forces only by government officials.
San Salvador Guatemala City, cap­
'< pleasure car.
cember reached a total o f 79,527.
There is one thing, however, of
Debts ascertained to be worthless ital of the republic o f Guatemala, has
because the Americans were worse olT
A dispatch to Reuter's Limited from than they, the General submitted offi­ which they are certain. The farmer and charged off within the year and la-en completely (Tea troy oil by an earth­
British headquarters says the Germans cial documents to prove that England class forms a large percentage of the | taxes paid, except income taxoM anil quake. Many persona were killed in
are experiencing difficulty in main­ and France voluntarily offered to pro- 6,000,000 persona assessed under the those assessed against local lienefits, the disaster, some in their homes and
taining efficiency in their air service vide cannon, their output having de­ War Revenue Act o f October 3, 1917, are deductible. These and other point* others in the street.
The Colon Theater, which was filled
veloped to the point where a surplus ! w^° neVt‘r before have paid an income j o f the income tax section o f the War
on the western front.
There were
revenue act will he fully explained by with people, collapsed.
was being produced.
I ***•
One of the forts in Kronstadt, the
General Crozier refused to shoulder
The year 191 1 was a prosperous one, revenue officers who will visit every many casualties among the audience.
naval base near Petrograd, has been responsibility for the failure to equip especially for the man whit makes his I county in the United States between Various hospitals and asylums and the
blown up by an extremely violent ex­ the army adequately with ordanance living from the land.
Crops were January 2 and March 1, to assist tax- prisons were badly damaged and many
plosion, according to a Petrograd dis­
patients and prisotiera were killed.
before the war. He said it ttelonged plentiful and good prices prevailed. | payers in making out their returns.
patch to the London Times.
The railroad de|M>t, sugar mills,
Notice of their arrival in each lo-
to the country and cited the refusal of Therefore, the farmer, like other good
Coal producers supplying army can- the Secretary o f War and congress in Americans, is called upon to pay his i cality will be given in advance through |N>Htoflicv, the American and British
legations. United States consulate and
tonments and
camps were notified the past to appropriate for
modest" proportionate share, in the way of an ' the press, hunks and postoffices.
income tax, of the cost o f the war.
They will be supplied with income all churches in the city have been lev­
Wednesday by the fuel administration ordnance programs.
that in no circumstances must they
The General vigorously defended his , The estimated revenue to be collect-1 ! tax forms, copies of which may be ob­ eled.
Deep fissures opened In the middle
allow the posts to become short o f fuel. course in regard to the Lewis machine J ed within the next twelve months un­ tained also from Collectors of Internal
of the city.
der the War Revenue act is $2,500,-! revenue.
H. R. Gladback, o f Fort Wayne,
000,000. Of this $660.000,000 ia in
The inhabitants, in panic, have fled
The Bureau of Internal revenue is
Ind., civilian aviation instructor, and ord of the various . tests to which the individual income taxes.
More than 80,000
The man seeking to impress upon persons sub- from the capital.
Cadet R. A. Saguin, of Rouse's Point, ! * un was P“ 1 and reP°fta o f th* army who thinks to evade this tax is making | ject to the tax that failure to see their persons are homelesa. The stock of
N. Y „ were killed when their machine exP*rtf to show it had been demon-
a serious error. Revenue officials will official in no way relieves them o f the provisions in the eity is scant and aid
fell 300 feet W ednesday afternoon a t . 1 strated to be a satisfactory weapon un­ be in every county to check returns. ! duty im|M>sed by law to file their re- is required promptly.
til April, 1916, after which orders for
San Antonio, Texas.
The Salvadorean government has
Failure to make a correct return with- turns within the time specified,
them were given by the department.
in the time specified involve heavy
The government is not required to suspended the official New Year cele­
In the Monte Tomba region on the
seek the taxpayer. The taxpayer is re- bration and entered into mourning in
Italian northern front the French have
Every unmarried person having a | qui red to seek the government. Per- sympathy with Guatemala.
captured many positions between Os- R E S O U R C E S E Q U A L D E M A N D S
net income of $1000 or more and every sons in doubt as to whether they are
terai di Monferena and Marankine, the
Washington, D. C. Another earth­
war office announces. They also cap­ Trade Balance Shows United States married person or head of a family subject to the tax or as to how to
having a net income o f $2000 or more make out their returns will under- quake at Guatelnma City Sunday vir­
tured about 1400 men and 60 machine
Has Plenty o f Sinews.
must file a return.
These returns stand, therefore, that a visit to this tuality destroyed the city. A Navy
guns and seven cannon.
the collector official may mean the avoidance of department report says everything was
Washington, D. C.— America’s ex­
Lighthouse service employes who
in ruins and that 125,000 people were
of internal revenue in the district'in later difficultés.
have been transferred to the service of ports were estimated Tuesday at the
; in the streets. American naval vessels
the War and Navy departments are to Department o f Commerce to have
principal places of business between return on time is a fine o f not less have been ordered to render assistance.
be regarded as part of the country’s passed the $6,000,000,000 mark in January 1 and March 1, 1918.
The series of earthquakes began on
The than $20 nor more than $1000 and in
defense forces during the war and so 1917, a new high record. Imports
day ami culminated Satur­
period of the return is for the calendar addition 50 per cent of the amount of
are entitled to war risk insurance, ac­ were less than $3,000,000,000 and the
day night in violent shocks completed
trade balance in favor o f the United
cording to a new ruling.
The average farmer does not keep fraudulent return the penalty is a fine the work o f destruction.
States probably will be more than $3,-
Following is the brief dispatch
books, but if he avails himself o f the not to exceed $2000 or not exceeding
Earl Rogers, editor of the Nome, 150,000,000.
brought the news o f the catas­
Alaska, Industrial Worker, and five
one year’s imprisonment or both in the
The country’ s gold supply showed 1
members of the editorial board of the less increase than last year because of will be sent to aid him it will not be discretion o f the court and in addition trophe :
“ Bad earthquake Sunday finished
publication, which is owned by the the substitution o f credits for cash in i difficult for him to ascertain the 100 per cent o f the tax evaded.
the work o f others.
Everything In
Miners’ unions, were arrested Tuesday handling allied purchases after the amount o f his net income.
ruins and beyond description as a re­
“ Net incom e" means gross income
for alleged seditious articles, which, it United States entered the war. Im-
One hundred and
is charged, appeared in the Worker.
ports of gold in March amounted to less certain deductions provided for by ••FIX-’ A M E R IC A N T O R P E D O E S sult o f the H hock.
twenty-five thousand people in the
the act. The law defines income as
The British now have four strong
l’arts o f the country are
The total for profit, gain, wages, salary, commis­ German Foreman in Munition Factory
positions interposed between the en­ less than $3,000,000.
very cold and windy. Tents are needed
sions, money or its equivalent from
Accused o f Treason.
emy and Jerusalem instead o f the one
Quite a number killed by
that existed before the recent serious 000, compared with $686,000,000 in
falling walla.”
trade, rents, sales and dealings in
Turkish attempt, with German assist­
In re»|M>nse to an appeal for assis­
Exports o f gold showed a heavy in­ property, real and personal, and inter­ ized German, who has been employed
ance, to retake the city, says Tues­
tance from Alfred Clarke, chairman of
est from investments except interest
day’ s London War office statement on
as a foreman in a Brooklyn factory en- i the Red Cross chapter at Guatemala
due chiefly to the large movement to from government bonds, or state, mu-
the Palestine operations.
in the making o f torpedoes for City, a preliminary appropriation of
Japan, Spain and South American j nicipal, township or county bonds. In­
Five German airplanes were de­ countries. The total was estimated at come from services as guardian, trus- the United States government, was $10,000 has been authorized for the
stroyed or put out of action Tuesday $374,000,000, compared with $155,- tee or executor; from dividends, pen- remanded to jail without bail in Fed­ purchase o f relief supplies.
Materials for temporary shelters are
by the British, who lost none o f theirs. 000,000 last year.
| sions, royalties, or patents, or oil and eral court here Saturday, charged
assembled, but mildness of the
"T w o hostile machines were brought
The trade balance o f more than $3,- Ka9 wells, coal land, etc., are taxable. with treason.
climate in the devastated region min­
down in our lin es," say9 an official 000,000,000 with the country at war
rhe normal rate o f tax is 2 per cent
Hennig, authorities say, superin- 1 imizes fears of suffering likely, to bo
" A third was brought was regarded by officials as the best on net incomes above the amount of
down in the enemy’9 lines. Two other evidence that this country has the : exemptions, which is $2000 in the case tended the assembling o f the gyro- caused by exposure.
At a Guatemala |>ort large quanti­
hostile machines were driven down out economic resources necessary' to defeat nf 9 married person or head o f a fam- sco|>es, which control the course o f the
ties of flour, potatoes, crackers and
o f control, None of our airplanes is Germany
ily, and $1000 in the case o f a single­
torpedoes. According to District At- 1 other Htaple foodstuffs, as well as dis­
A married person or head of
a family is allowed an additional ex­ torney France, some o f these g y r o -1 infectants and stores o f galvanized
Permission has been given by the W ILS O N AT S H IP P IN G BOARD emption of $200 for each dependent scopes have been found "m aliciously! iron for tem|K>rary buildings, already
Paris municipal council for the holding
child if under eighteen years o f age, or mutilated.’ ’ This was done in such a are being loaded aboard a vessel to
o f art exhibitions in the Petit Palais ! _ .
incapable of self-support because de­ way as to render useless the torpedoes sail for Puerto Barrios, on the east
in the Champs Elysses.
The Grands 1 ,ans for s P‘^ dln« Up Construction
roast o f Guatemala.
The taxpayer is considered
Palais, where the exhibitions usually
Work Please President.
to be the head o f a family if he is ac­ in which the gyroscopes were installed.
are held, is occupied at present as a
“ Not only would these torpedoes! F U E L W I L L SOON BE S C A R C E
Washintgon, D. C.— President Wil­ tually supporting one or more persons
hospital. Both the old and new salons son Monday paid a personal visit to closely connected with him by blood
have been worthless as weapons, but
are likely to be held this season for the offices of the Shipping Board and relationship or relationship by mar­
the first time since the beginning of conferred for half an hour with Chair­ riage, or if his duty to support such it is possible they would have proved Government Control o f Coal Mines is
Freely Predicted.
engines of destruction for their own I
the war.
man Hurley. He left apparently well person is based on some moral or legal
Washington, D. C. — Government
Traffic on American railroads passed pleased with the way affairs are going. obligation.
Mr. Hurley outlined to the President
Hennig came to the United States in ! control o f mines and conscription of
The farmer in making out his return
the $4,000,000,000 mark during the
past year for the first time in history, the board’s plans for speeding con- may deduct depreciation in the value 1908 and was naturalized in 1916. j labor were predicted by L. A. Snead,
according to figures compiled by the struction by putting into shipyards o f property and machinery used in the Naval inspectors, it was stated, have head of the fuel administration’s dis­
bureau o f railway news and statistics, double and triple labor shifts and other conduct of his farm, and loss by fire, had him under close observation for tributing agency, in testifying Monday
made public Wednesday.
The figures measures for hurrying the work. The storm or other casualty, or by theft if several weeks, imperfections in the before tho senate committee invuHtiga-
Expenses parts of the gyroscopes which were as­ ing the coal situation.
are based on official returns to the In­ board has just arranged for installing not covered by insurance.
Co-ordination o f effort is necessary
terstate Commerce commission for the electric lighting systems in all yards actually incurred in farm operation sembled in Hennig’s department hav­
meet present demands, Mr. Snead
first 10 months o f the year and on es­
The gyroscope, which
has been said, and he added that he could see no
about to start its campaign for obtain- living expenses.
Produce raised on
timates of the last two.
ing additional labor from other indus­ the farm and traded for groceries, termed "th e brain of the torpedo,” is [»ossibility o f the production of tho
Minneapolis mills have begun grind­ tries.
wearing apparel, etc., are counted as of such intricate construction, authori­ 50,000,000 tons the fuel administration
ing “ war flour,” under the new gov­
The board will use the services of living expenditures and cannot be de­ ties say, that a defect, which could be estimates the Nation is short this
detected only by an expert, would di­ year. Restricted use is the only solu­
ernment regulations designed to save the committee on information’s four- ducted.
In tion, he declared.
16,000,000 bushels o f wheat, in the minute men who, speaking in theaters
Salaries paid by the state or politi­ vert the missile from its course.
present crop year. Under these regu­ in all industrial centers, will urge men cal subdivision o f the state are ex ­ the indictment which was returned by
Priority orders for coal shipments
lations, which provjde for the use of to enter the shipyards to render patri­ empt. A farmer holding the job of the grand jury, it is charged that Hen­ might afford Rome temporary relief
74 per cent of the wheat berry instead otic service to the government.
county supervisor, for instance, does nig” maliciously and traitorously aided from shortages experienced in many
o f but 50 per cent, two grades of flour
A committee o f six experts will be not have to include his salary in his Germany in equipping torpedo gyro­ parts o f the country, Mr. Snead said,
scopes with inrqierfectly fitted bearings but the only solution o f the whole
will be eliminated and the output will sent by the board to the Pacific Coast income tax return.
be listed as war flour of first and sec­ yards to study means of speeding con­
and efficient
Deductions may be made for neces­ and wheels which were found to be problem iH adequate
ond grades.
sary repairs to farm buildings but not cracked.
n . # n
i l
Cadet A. Davidson, an American
Italians Laud Red Cross.
aviator, was killed at Hicks Field,
— Queen Helena Wednesday
Fort Worth, Texas, Thursday, when
to the Red Cross commit­
he fell 700 feet while making his first
tee at Genoa in the name of the king
attempt at a spiral descent.
as well as herself, an expression of
Shipyards in the San Francisco Bay appreciation of its work in opening a
region will construct a total of 600,000 canteen there.
tons o f wood and steel vessels in 1918,
The message says all classes of the
according to a report sent to Edward people are grateful to the Red Cross
N. Hurley, chairman of the United and that the desire has been expressed
States Shipping board, by Attorney by many to send greetings for the New
Gavin McNab, after a conference with Year to their benefactors from the
United States.
Officials Will Visit Every County in U.
Check Returns Which Must Be In By
March 1. Penalties are Prescribed
for Failure to Make Reports.
$50,0*0 Theft Disclosed.
New York— Louis Davidson, propri­
etor of a cloth shrinking and refinish­
ing works in this city, was locked up
in the Tombs prison Saturday night on
a charge o f embezzling government
The arrest was made in connection
with the disappearance o f 350 bolts of
olive drab uniform cloth valued at
$60,000, which for several months haa
puzsled the quartermaster’! depart­
ment of the army.
“ Baby Jim” Simons Dead.
Philadelphia — “ Baby Jim ” Sim­
mons, colored, said to be the heaviest
man in the world, died here Saturday.
He weighed 800 pounds and for years
had been one of the Bights o f circus
side-shows. He was 37 years old and
is survived by a widow and two small
The body will be taken to the former
home o f Simmons in Texas. For its
transportation it was necessary to
charter an entire freight car.
I-aws May He Set Aside.
Denver— Notice that it soon would
ask the governors o f this and other
states to set aside, for the duration of
the war, laws affecting the hours and
conditions of labor o f women and chil­
dren, was given in a letter from the
National Council of Defense received
Monday by Governor Julius C. Gunter,
The letter said this step would be made
to apply to war work only and that it
was Ito be taken because “ nothing
must,atand in the way o f the war.”