The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 03, 1918, Image 1

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(jLA A ~M 4 ,£ & m
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cTlu' Jijurat tfkmu' lExjuraa
Voi. 2
Citizens Eulogize
Departing Pastor
A Pretty Christmas Wedding
The marriage of Ida Heloise
Phillips of this city to lyster N el­
Hennett of Philomath took
The Method ml Epi-copal church
at the temporary home of
was crowded Iasi Friday evening
with citizens of Forest Grove and the bride’s mother, at Rockaway
vicinity, regardless of church af beach, on December twenty-fifth
filiation, who had gathered to at four o ’clock. Mrs. Gertrude
pay tribute by their voices and Fisher of Philomath beauti ully
presence to Rev. R. E. Dunlap rendered Haidelot’* appropriate
and family, who left today for sotig "A ll For You,' after which
their new home in New York the bridal party entered to the
city, after a residence of four strains of Mendelsohn’s Wedding
years in this city. A. G. Hoffman, I March. With t h e accompani­
a member of the board of trustees, ment of soft music the impressive
presided at the meeting, which ring ceiernony was performed by
was opened with a prayer by Rev. Rev. It. G
Sumerlin of Tilla­
Patten of t h e Congregational mook, under a bower of hemlock
church. Judge W. H Hollis, as a boughs, with a back ground of
lay citizen, then told how Rev white lattice work laced with hem
Dunlap would be mis -d from the lock twigs.
city; how valuable hart been his
The bride wore a gown of wh.le
work in the lied Cross and Y. M J charmeuse and georgette crepe,
C. A. money-raising campaigns trimmed with
a touch of gold,
The judge had never really gotten She carried a
hoquet of white
acquainted with Mr. Dunlap un-1 carnations and ferns and was at-
til called together in the interest
tended by her sister, Carol, of th-s
of patriotic service and he con­ city. The groom wore black and
sidered that a misfortune. He was attended by M r. Eber Kil-
was sorry to lose Mr Dunlap, but
patr ek of Philomath.
rejoiced that he was merely leav- j
ing one phase of church work to j ' I V room was decorated with
enter upon a greater work for the
After a charming reading by
Mrs. John Dopp, R. J. Simpson,! ness the ceremony, after which a
who had been thrown much in buffet luncheon was served. Dur­
company with t h e departing
ing the reception Mrs. Fisher and
clergyman in patriotic arid relig­
Mr. Kilpatrick entertained the
ious work, also told how Mr. Dun-|
company with a number of pleas­
lap wTHild be missed from the!
ing vocal selections and Mr. Kil-
ct.y. 'I homas Isaacs favored the . patrick impreMively r(,ad lhat ,,x
audience with a vocal solo and ( qui
* isite Christmas scene de
Rev. A. B. Patten a ded to what
Jin Ben Hur. entitled
The Angel
had already been said m eulogy jamJ th(, S h h d g ,,
Of the guests of honor.
M r. Hoffman then spoke as a
truntee, aaying he regretled very
No. 52
commander; Geo. C. Thomas,
quartermaster; W. A. Haines, ser­
geant; VV. J. R. Beach,chaplain;
A Joint Installation
Dan Daffron, officer of the day;
The members of Holbrook lodge .Solomon Deming, officer of the
Twenty representative citizens
N o 30, A. F. & A. M., and the guard; VV. H. Hay, adjutant
of Washington county, four of
members of Forest Chapter No.
The officers of James B. Mathew them from this city, met at the
42, O. E. S , held their installation
No. 11. W. R. C., were in Hillsboro city hall last Friday af­
ceremonies at Masonic hall last st a<d by Mrs; Emily Anderson, ternoon and organized the “ Pat­
senior vice president of the depart- riotic Council o f Washington
Thursday evening.
The “ blue ment of Oregon, assisted by Pris- County,” a voluntary organiza-
lodge” installation came first, with cilia Ridgley, and are as follows: the of citizens who pledge them-
D. D. Bump installing (he follow Mrs.Lilly Buxton, president; Mrs. '«“Ives to work from now until the
Electa Lyons, senior vice; Mrs. elose of the w artohelpthe Lnited
ing officers:
Clara LaMont, junior vice; Mrs. iStates and it allies in whatever
L. M. Graham, worshipful mas­
Sophia Smith, secretary; Mrs. capacity they may be needed, and
ter; E D. West, senior warden; Nettie Austin, treasurer; Mrs. especially in the making of finan-
C. L. Bump, junior warden; H. Dolly Tucker, chaplain; Mrs. cial drives to raise funds for the
E. Inlow, .-enior deacon; J. S. Priscilla R i d g l e y , conductor; various war activities and to re-
West, junior deacon; Rufus Chen­ Mrs. Nora McNamer assistant Port to the federal authorities any
ey, secretary ; J. A. Thornburgh, conductor; Mrs. Clara Adler, indication of disloyalty on the
treasurer; Samuel Ridgley, tyier’; guard; Mrs. Annie Crabtree, as- part of citizens or alien enemies.
A. E Scott, chaplain; J. G. Lon sistant guard; Mrs. Jenkins \\al-
Simpson of this city was
C. E. Wells of
neville, senior stewaid; O. S.
Anna Butler, musician; Mesdames Hillsboro vice president, and M.
Higby, junior steward.
Annie Crabtree, Pearl Ramsey, Mahon of Hillsboro is secretary
The Eastern Star officers were
installed by M:s. Elizabeth Wil- Phoebe Ward and Rosetta B en-, and treasurer.
_ ,
. .. .
fer. color bearers
executive committee of
Hams, past matron, and Miss
„ .
eleven members was elected as
Mackrodt, installing
th e
installation, • S » , . r i
inar-hal, and were aa follow»: whteh «
witnessed by a large!™ “
/ e
M2 T n t ’ Cornel
Mrs. Mary Abbott, worthy mat- j crowd of members, with visitors ■ ovJ ’ n H t d L B e a v e S n I
ron; W. H. Ho I is, worthy patron; from Portland and Hillsboro, i —
— ’ '
Patriotic Council
Organized Friday
Lenneville, secretary; Mrs. Dor­
othy Seymour, treasurer; Miss
Mary Stalley, chaplain; Miss
Manche I»ang!ey, mar.-hal; Mrs.
Hazel Carmack, organist; Mrs.
Mary Miller, Adah; Miss Florence
Enschede. Ruih; Mrs. Eva Con­
ger, E-ther; Mrs. Alice Hinman,
Martha; Mrs. Coila West, Electa;
Mrs Priscilla Ridgley, warder;
The bride is the daughter of D. S. Higby, sentinel,
A t 8:15 last evening, at th e( North Plains
home of the bride’s parents, in i The officers and members of
this city. Rev. R. L. Putnam of the executive board will get to­
the Christian church united in gether shortly and name a repre­
marriage Miss Edith Lamb and sentative in each school district
Mr. Kennard I. Dixon, two most of the county to have charge of
worthy young people of this city. the D work „ in his
, or
, her district.
any cases of
The beautiful ^
and _r impressive ting
versons who
v* no know
ceremrinv was
was naoH
used, wi*h
with tho
the disloyalty
u‘8,uJra,LJr in
111 this
¡¡"V* cr^ nty should
bridal couple standing under an r?porr to an^ ° tbe °fficers named
electric chandelier. Only a fe w jaBo' e- --------------------
PWMM * o ( F ?r w t L Alter, «he ¡nstallalion. Stewards
graduate of Phil- < lenneville and Higby, assisted by
much the departure of M r and | ^ a’lh (V o U ^ a n d “o f 'the O r^on
o7 ‘ Holbrt^k ''lodge, iwitnessed the ceremony
The groom
Mrs Dunlap from the c ity ; they NorniaJ School and ha, be* n u , served a v w y sl <stauLial banquet
------- is a
‘ son of Mrs.
had done good work for the uccessful teacher in various Ore-f and the members and their fam- 'Jennie Dixon and is an honest1
church and would always be re'
of 4, the members
and industrious young man, re- , About
, . thirty
, _ _ of
gon schools.
¡lies spent a p'easant evening
rnembered for their good deeds.
cently returned from Canada,
the Associate Alumni of Pacific
. .
ix ,
-j I The groom is a graduate of I
where he was employer! during, University gathered at the Hazel-
replying. Rev.
Dunlap said
sai , ,>hiIomath Collegeand is studying J
The Rebekahs
n replying.
Rev. Dunlap
past summer and fall. The wood> Portland, last Thursday
t ..
. . . . . .
|with the University of Oregon.
Following the initiation of a
is the daughter of Mr. and evening for an informal dinner,
feeling of a man who heard h'» He has for several years occupied candidate, the officers of Forest
own funeral sermon preached; he | the Chajr of Mathematics in tebekah lodge No. 44, I. O. O Mrs. E. W. Lamb and a most es-! followed by a “ talkfest.” A. J.
was g ad so many people were Phi|omath College
F , were installed last night by timable young woman, for the P f'deaux (1906), the president of
Association, was master of
sorry to see himself and family j . .
District Deputy President Sylvia past four years employed at the
Mr. • , and
L . . N. Bennett
leaving, for it showed they had
. . . Mrs.
, Bernard, assisted by Mrs Anna looaI telephone exchange and now ceremonies and he performed the
friends here. No matter where ! wf' U makLe their home in Philomath, Templeton, as grand marshal, the employed in the Schultz store.
¡¿ aties o f, hls
his work led him, he would always
a honey-moon at Rockaway officers being as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon will reside Flve members of the faculty were
remember the pleasant years he , beach.
„ Mrs.
4IB. Edna Ross, past uUUIt.
______ ______
noble , with
the „ groom's
mother for „„
the Present: D e a n Farnham, Miss
spent in Forest Grove. He called
Woman’s Club
grand; Miss Jeanette Little, noble ; time b ing. until the groom learns Bagsted, Miss \\ lllard, and Pro-
attention to the fact that the
The regular monthly meeting grand; Miss Marcia Thatcher, r e -! whether or not he is going “ over
Bat^s f ^ e ^ n t e d
local M. E. church had had but of the Woman’s club was held at cording
~e,m c e w w a s ^Presented by
secretary; Mrs. Maude there to help whip the Kaiser.
Glenn Morgan (1917), who was
three pastors in seventeen years, the Congregational church Mon- Buxton, financial secretary; Miss
|home for his vacatioi from the
which was pretty good for a day afternoon and the principal M a.V Cooper, treasurer; Miss
Hats, hats, hats! Buv your next hospital at G o a t Island. The
Methodist church.
number on th program was a ! Mary \\ oel. warden; Miss Dee
board ° I tr“ ?tee,s was represented
With a solo by Mrs. Inlow and talk by Miss Frances Myers, who Darling, conductor; Mrs. Anna hat from A. G. Hoffman & Co.
Mrs. Walter Roswurm returned j v y , ' .¿ noie,e er (1900). A. E.
the benediction by Rev. Putnam teaches a class of backward child- Templeton, right supporter to
of the Christian church, the pro­ ren in the Portland schools. Miss n°ble grand; Mrs. Bertha Ort Sunday from a four-day visit in Y o .der (19f02-) ’ sp° t e on , ^ e dee,?
and mysterious theme, “ Boxer .
gram came to a close.
Myers talk was along the line of man, right supporter to vice
lo m a n a -
W . B. Shively (1905), discussed
n |
her work and was very interesting 8rand: M rs- Julius Wehrly, left
County Clerk Kuratli now has
nid .< \ ndersonians ” and then
¡andpraetica! giving the members
u sV,ppIy ,o f- bIank ptrmits t0 described his work in connection
ust‘^ld bints on this most M *na Cojke, inside guardian ;M i*s handle explosives.
with advising registrants on the
important feature of public edu- Margaret Curtis,outside guardian
Buy your M en’s Underwear questionnaires.
( ip.,I»>n
cation. Other pleasing features M rs* Bla McGill, vice grand; here. We carry the largest assort­
(Continued on page Five)
ment. A. G. Hoffman & Co
Bring your prescriptions here to j
” one
“ ,s
have them correctly compounded.
James Edward Margeson, aged
Littler’s Pharmacy.
68 years, passed away at his home
telegram to the lodge
For anything in the line o f . Patton va,l?y- Thursday. Dec.
ation ceremony was very nicely
son, Colo., where Mr. BenKori is Walker.
Rubbers or Rubber Boots,
a” er an lhness of about one
The club went on record as be-,
employed in the schools:
ing opposed to th* proposed zone f ° r-
Forest Grove, Ore., Dec. 29.
Glenn Morgan and Herbert
A widow and three so m -C h es-
postage rate on magazines, as it is
There was a Hoover lunch of
ter A. and Floyd W. of Gaston
Secretary Gunnison lodge of Masons,
feared the new rate will either ¡bread and butter, pickles, cake
Gunnison, Colo
and James H. of Walla Walla,
’ Frisco to resume their work with
Reported here that Prof. A. Fen- ra'se the prices of eastern maga- and coffee after the installation.
„ . „ ----- T i -
! Uncle Sam, the former in Ihe ho,- j K
' a!f,?r J £ ? L * fate" a" d tW°
Kori has been arrested. Is it true? zineS to a prohibitive point for'
Member here. Send night letter, giv- many people or drive them out of !
G. A. R. and W. R. C.
j pital eorp ami the latter aS cox- X „ S . l
were held at
ing facts, at my expense.
(he west entirely. The c ub will
Following a scrumptious chicken wain on the tug \ igilante.
the Ruxton chapel at 10:30 last
L. M. G R A H A M , W. M.
petition Oregon’s representatives dinner, in which the members of
Oregon has secured more than Saturday Rev Putnam of thp
Next morning he received the in the senate and house to on- J the Grand Army of the Republic, her share of the 15,000,000 Red ' Christian’ church sinking and
following reply:
deavor to have the order rescinded. the members of the Women’s R e - ! Cross members secured in the na- preaching ' t h e funeral sermon,
Gunnison, Colo., Dec. 30. Owing to the heavy rain the a t­
lief Corps and their families par- ( tion. With several districts still after which the officers of the
L. M. Graham, VV. M. Masonic lodge, tendance was very light.
ticipated, the members of the o r-! to report, Western Washington Gaston I. O. O. F. lodge, assisted
Forest Grove, Ore.
ders mentioned, yesterday alter-1 county has better than 2,100 by R. C. Hill of this city, rendered
No truth whatever in report. Ben­
Rev. R. L. Putnam of the
Kori is O. K. Must be some other Christian church has applied for a noon witnessed the installation of members.
the ritualistic burial services of
officers for the ensuing year.
man. R. N. T R O C H O U T E , Secretary.
the Odd Fellows. Interment was
position in the Army Y . M. C. A.
The officers of the G. A . R., Silk Waists in crepe de chine and in Forest View cemetery.
So that rumor is laid and the and has been notified that he has
Express is pleased to give more been recommended to the western James B. Matthews Post No. 6, georgette crepe. A. G. Hoffman
Conservation Committee
publicity to the correction than it secretary for service and he is ex were installed by C A. Williams, & Co.
In nonor
honor ot
of tfietr
their ntteenth
fifteenth wed
gave to the rumor of the gentle­ oectinc to he called anv time now i
«» vmsuuiu aujuum*
The Woman’s club “ Conserva­
peenng r ne< alien any time now. general of the department of Ore- ding anniversary M r and Mrs tion Committee” will hold an
man’s arrest.
It is the wish of the Army “ Y
v van, „.m n
enter* open meeting at Langley hall next
that all receiving
receiving appointments
annnintment« I gon’
?Sslstf d, Vy ^ v ,Lvan,s; cJ?m: I ______
D. R. Cheney
There has been a great many
of Lincoln-Garfield Post tained at dinner M r. and Mrs. Monday, Jan. 7, at 3 p. m.
people greatly benefitted by the take a four weeks’ preparatory uf Portland, acting as officer of D. H. Cheney. M r. and Mrs. S. “ Household Management and Ac­
use of Vinol, the system tonic, course at Chicago.
the day, and are as follows:
g . Hughes and little daughter, count Keeping” will be the sub­
sold by Littler’s Pharmacy. Ex­
Just step in and see our line of
J. T. Butler, commander; John Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Todd, Miss ject for discu-sion.
clusive agents. Get a bottle to­ Suits before you buy. A. G. H off­ Beahen, senior vice commander; I Eloise Atkins and
Lynn and
Mrs. C. T. Richardson,
day, it will do you good.
man & Co.
Chas. VanNorthwick, junior vice J Grace Hughes.
Humor Was False;
BenKofi Not Arrested many
Graduates of Pacific
Enjoy a Banquet