The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 27, 1917, Image 9

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    Supplement to Forest Grove Express
Vol 2
F oroat Grove, Ore., Thursday, Dec. 27, 1917.
Job printing -phone 821.
N o. 51
Sargeant Frank Smith of Camp
The little daughter of Mr. and
Lewis, Wash., spent Christmas Mrs. James Ritchey has been
with his family in this city.
quite ill for several days.
John Williams, a former resi­
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McGill and
Money to loan Valley Really
Co., Forest G rove, Oregon. l'.i-tf dent, now living in Alberta, Can­ son, Howard, ate their Christmas
ada, arrived last week to spend dinner with their son and brother,
Mr. and Mrs. H . '1'. Buxton
the winter in this section.
Clinton, and wife in Portland.
spent their Christmas at M cM inn­
A large stock of set and signet
M r. and Mrs. L. L. Langley
and little son of Portland took
For Rent Six room house in
Christmas dinner at the home of
Stririgtown, at $4.00 per month. there has been no raise of prices Mr. Langley’s mother and sister
on the goods. Look them over. , in this city.
J I. W. Durston.
50 If
J. J. Stangel, late of Woodburn,
Mrs. C. W. M ertz and Miss
been placer! in charge of the
Keen visiter! at the Eliza Smith
cannery, with Jay Hunting,
home in Hillsboro Sunday.
¡also of Woodburn, a« his assistant.
Fresh fish for Tuesdays ‘ meat­
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rrymer
less day) and Fridays. Pacific
and (laughters of Yamhill, spent
Market; phone 0301.
Christmas with Mrs. Rrymer’s
John Anderson has all kinds of sister, Mrs. J. L. VanKirk, and
oiled clothing for wet weather.
_ 3
Ask him.
Rev and Mrs. John Taylor of
Eugene Dopp. who is a sailor St. Helens, Ore., are visiting at
at Mare Island, is enjoying his
the home of the former’s parents,
Christmas at home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Sr., in
J. H. Me Fee ter», who his been this city.
in Aberdeen, Wash., spent Christ­
M r. and Mrs Howard Drew of
mas at his home in this city.
I Ea tern Oregon a r e spending
Miss June Creel, who is attend­
Christmas week with the latter’s
ing (). A. C., is spending Christ­
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S.
mas vacation in this city.
Whitehou e.
Sunday afternoon a number of
Relief Corps members went about
this city and Hillsboro singing to
and visiting members who were
not able to attend church services.
Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Wood and
two children of Eugene visited at
the home of Mrs Wood’s parents,
Mr. and M rs. J. H. Shearer, since
Christmas morning.
They will
return home tomorrow.
Carl Hoffman, who is running a
donkey engine in the timber near
Wash., arrived on
Dec. 19lh to take his wife and
babies to Ostrander with him, the
wife and kiddies having visited
relatives in this section for the
past two months. They left for
their new home yesterday.
(Jordon Rrown, wife and son of
Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Fatten en
Hood River are visiting the Oscar
tertained a few friends Monday
Rrown and Liltlehales families.
evening in honor of their sons,
George G. Hancock, real es­ who are spending their Christmas
tate, farm loans and fire insur­ vacation at home.
ance, new Anderson block.
Roland Knight, who enlisted
A committee of Hillsboro citi­
Mrs. Stribich and children, Em­ several weeks ago in the quarter-
zens, composed of Mayor John
mett and V e r a Schifrer, were master’s department and is now Wall, J. E. Reeves. S C Killen,
guests of Ranks friends Tuesday. | stationed at Vancouver, spent M Mahon and Chas. E. Wells,
Iiester Ireland, wife and two Christmas with relatives in this met with W. H. Hollis, L M.
children spent Christmas withi®1* ^
I Graham. B. J. Simpson, W . J.
the former’s parents in this city.' Andrew Dickson, who is em- McCready and W. C. Benfer in
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Misz and ployed in the printing department this city last Thursday evening,
son, Donald, are spending the hoi-1°‘
Honey man Hardware com- by appointment, and the two
visited Ills mother committees talked over plans for
¡days with Mrs. Misz’ parents, in
this city Christ­ a closer co operation in Red Cross
(Janby, Ore.
mas day.
and other drives, as well as plans
Frank Rurlingham, who isa '-
promoting the patriotism of the
tending U. of W., is spending the
the county. It was decided that
holiday vacation with his fo ks in last week w i t h h e r uncle and a meeting should be held at Hills­
aunts, J. G. Sage and Misses
this city.
Clara and Alma Sage in this city, boro tomorrow (Friday) afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meresse of on }ler way
her home at Wauna, at 2:30 o ’clock, with the five For­
M cMinnville visited at the home ( ) re.t after having visited her est Grove men mentioned as dele­
gates from this city, to meet dele­
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Meresse parents at Summit, Ore.
gates from Hillsboro, Sherwood,
Christmas day.
Mr and Mrs. Harry Whitney Orenco, Beaverton, Banks, Cor­
Glenn Morgan, who is a chem­
entertained relatives at a large nelius, Cedar Mills, Ga-ton, North
ist in the hospital corps at Mare Christmas dinner, the guests be­
Plains, Tigardville and Tualatin.
Island, ¡3 spending the Christmas ing Mrs. M I. Conwell, Mr. and
A t this meeting a permanent
vacation at his home in this city. m V " Arthur Mullen. Mr. and central committee, composed of
The F. W. Emerson family were i Mrs. James Page, Mr. and Mrs. one delegate from each of the dis­
invited down to Hillsboro on John T. Conwell and little daugh- tricts named, will be chosen and
Christmas where they ate dinner ! ter, Wilma, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. other steps taken to build up a
with the Prickett family. M rs .1 Whitney, Miss Gertrude Whitney more efficient organization to back
Pricket is a sister of Mrs. Emer- j and M r. Geo. VanDyke, all of up Uncle Sam in his fight against
i Portland.
Patriotic Workers
Will Organize