The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 27, 1917, Image 8

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Star Theater ★
Wednesday, Jan. 2
Official French W ar Picture
The German R etreat
at the B attle o f A rras
Seventy-five per cent of the Earnings of this Film goes
for W ar Relief Work
Special and Appropriate Music
A Seven-Reel Program
Don’t Miss this Pathe Triumph !
A Startling War Picture !
Admission, 10c and 20c,
Plus War Tax
i; HE Spirit of the Season
'■ prompts us to express
to you our thanks for
the business you have entrusted to
us and we wish you a Happy New
Year, with prosperity and all good
And this year, especially, we think that all
possible Thrift plans should be inaugurated
and strengthened as war measures. What­
ever your plans are, we will be glad to co­
operate and be of service.
Liberty Bonds
Thrift Stamps
Interest Paid on Savings
The First National Bank
of Forest Grove, Oregon
A Strong Bank
in a Good Town
Safe Deposit
Boxes for Kent
Ear N E W YE A R S
Carl Johnson spent Christmas
with friends in Portland.
i r t l S H I N G all our Friends and Patrons a
Humphry No. 4 hand hone
HAPPY NEW YEAR, we desire to
mill, good as new, for $8. Pacific
sincerely thank them for the very liberal pa­
We wish you all a Happy and
tronage given us during the few months we
Prosperous N ew Year. A. G.
have been in business in Forest Grove. Thru
Hoffman & Co.
the medium o f honest merchandise, reasonable
1847 Rogers silver at prices be­
low the usual Portland price.
prices and personal courtesy we hope to merit
Abbott, the Jeweler.
and receive your patronage in the future.
Mr and Mrs. J. S. West left
Friday for a visit at their child­
hood home in Nebraska.
Fresh fish for Tuesdays (meat­
less day) and Fridays. The Pa
Men’s Furnishings
Forest Grove
cific Market; phone 0301.
Leland Corl of eastern Oregon
visited his sister. Miss Mary Corl,
in this city la-t Sunday.
Miss Mnry Cori .spent Christ-
The “ Estate” gas ranges and
We carry the Hardman hat for 1 m a s with her parents, Mr. and
plates are famous the country
men. Come in and let us fit you. Mrs. L. J. Cori, in Corvallis.
fur their durability and ef­
A. G. Hoffman & Co.
The Express> prints butter wrap- ficiency. See them at Gordon’s
Will Dun-more of Portland,
pers with non poisonous ink.
brother to Mrs. It. C. Hill, ate
Christmas dinner at the Hill homi .
The swellest l i n e of White
Ivory Goods ever hi ought to For­
est Grove is now on exhibition at
Littler’s Pharmacy.
Miss Leone Graham, who is
teaching in the high school at
D ain, Ore., is spending t he holi-
d >y vacation with her parents in
wishes all its Patrons, Friends, Employes ami Everyliody
this city.
Everywhere a Happier, Brighter New Year.
Miss Lefa Egli, the trained
The Store will be closed New Year’s Day, but will remain
nurse who made her home in this
open until 8 o ’clock New Year’ s Eve.
city for several years, was married j
C. E. ROY & CO.
JJurr Jfmtii &tnrr
in Portland Monday to Archie L.
We can supply you with
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens
Sweet Potatoes, Fruits, etc.
We will have Turkey and other Poultry for those who will
order Today, or at latest, a day in advance. Phone Ofil
Cranberries (Special) 2 lbs for 35c: fine fruit.
Mixed Nuts, extra fine, 1917 crop, 2 lbs for 49c.
In tendering you the Season’ s Greetings with every expres­
sion o f appreciation o f your many courtesies, we are mindful
o f the distress and sorrow throughout the world, but we
trust in the end the sacrifices made will ennoble all mankind.
Fresh Fish Every Tuesday and Friday
Very Truly Yours,
W. if. 8>rlfultz
Phone 0.301
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