MEN OF THE NAVIES LIKE BIG FAMILY American and British Sailors Best of Friends, Says Writer. line the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. JACKIE LIKED IN ENGLAND Gray hair, however handsome, de­ notes uilvunclng uk «. Wo all know the advantage of a youthful appear­ ance. Your hair la .y ou r charm. It maki-a or nmra the face. When it fad<-a, turna Krny and looka atroakod, Juat a few uppllcatlona of H hko Ton and Hulphur onhuncoa Ita appearance a hundred fold. Don’t atay grayl Ix>ok young! Either prepare the recipe ut home or Kct from any druK atore a COcent bottle of "W yeth's Hake and Hulphur Compound," which la merely the old- tlnio recipe linprovud by tho addition of other liiKredlenta. T'louaunda of folka recommend thla ready-to-uae preparation, hecauae It darkena the hulr beautifully, bealdea, no one can poaalblo tell, aa It durkuna m natur­ ally aud evenly. You molalen a apotiKo or aoft bruah with It, draw- I iik thla throukh the hair, taklnk one aumll atrand at a time. Ily morning tho kray hair dlauppiaia; after an­ other application or two, Ita natural color la rcatored and It becomes thick, Kloaay and luatroua, end you appear yeara younger. Wyeth'a Hag'1 and Hulphur Com­ pound la a delightful toilet requisite. It la not Intereled for the cure, mitiga­ tion or prevention of dlaeaae.— Adv. SKIN-TORTURED HARIES Sleep, Mothers Reat After Treatment With Cutlcura— Trial Free. Bend today for free aamplca of Cutlcura Heap and Ointment aud learn how quickly they relievo Itching, burn­ ing akin trouble«, and point to apeedy healment of baby raahea, eczema and Itching*. Having cleared baby's akin keep It clear by ualng Cutlcura ex- clualvely. Free aamplo each by mall with Hook. Addreaa poatcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Hoaton. Hold everywhere. — Adv. ’fifNF* Granulated Eyelids, # __ 0 « . Sore Kye*. Eye* InfUirx d by Sun. P u i l i n J W in d quickly relieved by Murine. Try It In you, Lyes and m Uahy’ » Fyc». LY t O N o S m « l i n f , Joit EyeCoadort . ____ TUUR C Marine Eye Remedy t y e S a l v e , If» Tul>ml t f c . P „ r Unuk o f t * o h w * - fro m , Aik M a rin e E ye H o n t d r C o., C h icago j M ONEY FOR YOU. Thouit«ii»>d Americans do aa Borne does. In tills particular Bonn* liohls Its tongue an»l looks wise. Not the least o f American services to England Is her readiness to become dumb arnl anonymous, because that Is the Immemorial way with the British navy. "And yet It would cot 1J 0 t0 pui>p°.HC that our cousins nave not contributed very sensibly to the reduction of the peril which uwults us on the water round the must. Sir Eric Geddes paid banilaome tribute to them In his maiden speech iih first lord In the com­ mons. The United Stutes 'Jackie' Is a fine fellow, and one of Ids finest at­ tributes Is Ids speedy adaptation to the n»>w conditions o f service In European wafers. He has become our own Juok Ta r’s firm frlcrnl. The Family Feeling. "Gratifying examples o f co-operation between the two services are fur- nlsbe»! every day. Officers nnd crews of the two fl»*ets like each other so well that they 'get mad' at each other, as the Am»*rlcanH say - Just ns If they were members of the same family. "In courts o f Inquiry both services participate when both nr»* Involved. Perhaps the senior officer will be Itrlt- Is'i an»! the two juniors American, or the senior will be American nn»l the others British. The unify Is such that British ami American destroyers swing at the same buoy and follow cnch oth»*r In their sen practices. At sea they exchange signals; on shore they use the sume eltibs and huts. At one bnse a converted cinema ball Is now a rend»,zvotts for the bluejackets o f the two nations. There they fraternize In tho most cordial manner. Between scenery painted by sailors nnd In front o f tin orchestra of destroyer musicians English ami Amerlenn artists sing their songs nnd deliver their monologues to tln-lr brothers o f the sen. "Tho Incessant work o f the destroy­ ers nnd patrol honts In convoying troopships or merchant ships, or In chasing fhe submarine, bus not blunted the edge of the sallorman's keenness. I f you speak to him about his present to tho OIverHvllle makes it pure and palatable. inny assert, the number o f 'tin fish’ dis­ j near here. Is believed to have earn«-»! Scott tk Itowne. Bloomfield, N.J. 17-43 posed o f by our ally steadily grows the highest wage during the last month greater, an»l the sysfem o f convoys—a ' of any coal miner In the history of th» SIGNS OF DANGER number o f ships ‘In a bunch,' surround­ Itnlustry In Pennsylvania. Flnzel, It ed by destroyer*— has at least this ad­ was announced, received $348 last vantage, that It brings the enemy to month. With a 100 per cent car sup­ Women Should Prepare Them­ the defense force nnd thus obviates a ply it Is said he would have earned selves search for him. And In ‘tuklng care' even more. AMERICAN TO REBUILD TOWN — Dun-Sur Meuse In France Is Promised Restoration by Man of Same Name. This nation will require a great deal from Its heroic women. They will assist the wounded in the hospitals or in many cases they will suffer at home in doing their duty by the nation. Thousands of women who are now blessed with robust health cannot under­ stand why thousands of other women con­ tinue to worry and suffer from ailments peculiar to women when they can obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery an.l restore the womanly functions to perfect health. This old prescription of Dr. Pierce's Is extracted from roots and herbs by means of pure glycerine and Is a temperance remedy of 50 years' good standing. Send 10c for trial pkg of tablets to Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. W rite Dr. Pierce for free 136-page book on woman's diseases. You may also have confidential medical advice without cost. —Adv. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic. Cynical. "Miss Cynthia is such a sensible girl.” "Everybody knows she is. That is why the men keep away from her."— Exchange. Nothing Doing There. The seedy looking man took his seat at the table and scanned the menu. “ W aiter, I ’ve only 30 cents on me. Now, what would you recommend?” The waiter gently removed the card from his would-be patron's grasp. "Another restaurant,” he said.— Ex­ change. GLASS OF SALTS IF :T Eal less meal if you feel Back- achy or have Bladder Lrouble. Meat forms uric aci l which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. Y'ou must re­ lieve them like you relieve your bow­ els; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feei & dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. T o neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces o f Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table­ spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys w ill then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salt* is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts is inexpensive; harmless and makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and wo­ men take now and then, thuz avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases.— Adr. Paris.— Tho Inhabitants of the little town of Dun-sur-Meuse are convinced that, after all, there Is a lot In a name. For, thanks to the fact (bat its pat­ ronymic happens to he the same as thnt o f a wealthy nnd generous Ameri­ can, the ravages caused by war will soon be made good. The municipal council o f Dun-snr- Meuse has met In Paris to be present­ that make a horse W heeze, ed to its “ godfather” who has under­ Roar, have T h ic k W in d or C hoke-dow n, can be taken to rebuild the town. reduced with Sees Belled Buzzard. Martinton, W. Vn.— The belled bos- znrd wns actually seen near here by Winchester, Ind.— Mrs. Sarah J. Sea- Jnsper D. Dtlley while at work on his graves o f this city, who has Just cele­ farm. Dllley heard the tinkle o f a brated her ninety-third blrthdny, has bell, the sound apparently coming from lived In Winchester since 1850, and overhead, and In looking up he saw a since 1807 tins not been In the business large buzzard sailing over, with the district of the town until the other day, bell tied around his neck. The bell when her grandson took her In an au­ tinkled at every movement of the bird's tomobile for a ride about the city. body. THICK, SWOLLEN GLINDS ^ B S O R B in e also other Bunches or Swellings. Noblister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco­ nomical—only a few drops required at an ap­ plication. $2 per bottle delivered. Book 3 M (ret. ABSORBING, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealer* or delivered. Book “ Evidence” free, f . F. Y0UN6, P.B.F., 403 T*mpl. St., S*ri«ffi»ld, Has*.