The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 27, 1917, Image 3

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    Stye Ifxirptìi tôruu* Icxpreaa
feated and the time come that
we can discuss peace when the
German people have spokesmen
I’ u I i I ih I iim I dvrry ThurtwUy at Forent Grove, Oregon.
W. C. Benfer, Alitor ami I'ubliaher.
whose words we can believe and
Entered aa aecond-rlaaa mutter Jan. 12, 1010, at the poetufllce at Foreat Grove, when those spokesmen are ready
Oregon, under the Act of March a, 1H70
in the name of their people to ac­
cept the common judgment of the
Subscription Kates
nations as to what shall hence­
On ( ’redit
I’aid in advance
forth be the bases of law and of
One year
One year
Six montha
Six montha
covenant for the life of the world
Three montha
Three Montha
we shall be willing and glad
THURSDAY, UKC. 27, 1017
to pay the full price for peace
and pay it ungrudgingly.
” 1 am ;«>rry that you do not wear a flag every
know what that price will be. It
day and I can ordy aak you if you loae the physical
e m b le m to h e avro that you wear it IN YOUK
will be full, impartial ju stice -
h k a k t ; the heart o f America aiiall interpret the
justice done at every point and to
licarl of the world.” I’rcaident Wilaon.
every nation that the final settle­
N O T E S ANI) C O M M E N T 8
ment mu-t affect, our enemies a-
well as our friends.” From th--
If you’re (Joint; your hit, do an­
I're 1 efit's Message.
other l»it. That’s t w o hits, for respect, through tendeihearte I-
which you cun huy a war-Savings' n-ss, no doubt.
Thrift Stamp, and that’s still an­ country there are people who are
All over the country there are
well able to support the various now Hying faded, tattered flags.
other hit
patriotic movements- like the Red
If we do not respect The Flag
The editor has learned thaf in Cross, Y. M. C. A., Liberty ourselves whom shall we expect to
several sections of the county pat Bonds, etc., who will blandly tell respect it?
Mr». Santa Claus.
ones being created, making the
riotic citizens have handed them­ solicitors they are “ not able” to
F ray , w h o It la haa a reaaon
! total in the county 44. Garden
The Stars and Stripes are our
T o b e p o rtin g p re tty to y »
selves together in Liberty League*, help. If these people were really
T h a t w ill g o th is fentive at-aaon
Shall it appear that we
Home is divided and a new pre­
designed to discourage disloyalty too poor to help, no one would be consider dirt and tatters symbolic
T o g o o d little g irls and b o y s ?
called Metzger created. Ti­
among eitisam.
11 is further quicker to excuse them than ihe of our country? N'< ver! Our flag
T o th e point w h ere ah'- cries, " L a * l ,
learned, unofficially, that the man writer, but it i*n’t the really poor should be as white as the snows,
is divided into North and
I d e c la r e it h as m e w o r r ie d !”
W h y , it's M rs San ta C la u s!
who, with th<‘ aid of a pistol, made people who are slackers in this re­ as blue as the ski«**, as red as our
South Tigard
Territory from
She Is su ch a b u sy w o m a n !
another apologize to a woman in spect ; many of the poorest people blood and as whole as our hearts
M y. but s h e 's a b u sy w o m a n !
Banks and N o r t h Plains pre­
this city several weeks ago was a in this community have given l>-t. it be trply symbo ic and when
S u ch a v e ry buay w o m a n !
cincts is taken to form the new
member of one of these leagues. their last dime to patriotic pur­ a flag becomes bedragged take it
W h y , sh e h as to fix th e la b els
precinct of Roy. North Plains is
Mas Forest Grove such a league? pose*, while some of those who down. If you cannot put up an -1
O n the th in gs In S a n ta 's p a ck !
divided into East and West North
T o y s and bo< ks and m u ffs a n d sa b le «
The writer isn’ t allowed to say.
own property-and have money in other be happy in the conscious­
Boon h e'll c a r r y on his back.
Plains. Maps are being prepared
And. sin ce n e n a re s o fo rg e tfu l.
The Pacific Telephone & Tele­ the bank pretend poverty, to es­ ness that you honor it far more
and the exact boundary lines may
A ll his i i f f f i t she m ust prepare.
graph company has tiled with the cape doing their duty. And this by not flying it at all than by fly­
F o r w hen Then a re co ld th e y 'r e fr e tfu l. soon be known.— Hillsboro Inde­
A n d th en ch ild re n m ust b e w a re !
state puMie service commission a is where President Wilson and the ing it when it is faded, ragged and
S o s h e ’ s q u ite a b u sy w o m a n !
new schedule of rates to become
M y. b u t « h e 's a b u sy w o m a n !
Su ch a v e r y b u sy w o m a n !
effective next Tuesday, which in failed they hhould devise some
More than half of the 1,250
County Court Pickups
creases the price of messages be­ means of separating these tight­
colored men who completed the
F r o m th e pot th ere co m e s a s a v o r
Dr L. W. Hyde on Tuesday
tween this ci»y and Portland con­ wads from their coin, or send
T h a t be'.okei s best o f ch eer.
course at the reserve
She c o o k s thin-rs to c u rry fa v o r
siderably. Where the rate is now them where they belong Ger­ pre.sented h s re igination as cor­
W h ile h e 's cu rr> ln g the d^-er.
15c for one minute and 5c for many VV’e have no room for the oner to the county court, explain­
I h av e h e a r d —'tls m e re ly ru m o r—
Iowa, have been commissioned as
T h a t old Sanaa's te m p e r's bad.
each additional minute, the new pocket-book slacker in the United ing that professional duties pre­
S h e m ust k e e p him In good h u m or.
r a t e will he 20c and Us-.
Well, States at this time.
in the army. Nearly 100
O r th e ch ild re n w ou ld be sad
vented his performing the work.
- -
S o s h e 's q u ite a b u sy w o m a n !
long distance telephoning is not
physicians and surgeons
M y. b u t sh e's a b u sy w o m a n !
It was accepted and George J.
a necessity and if we don’ t like NO P E A C E
Such a v e rv b u sy « m a n !
have received commissions as o f­
the rates, we can give L’ pcle Sam
Limber was appointed. The new -O r lf A le x a n d e r In St. L o u is G lo b e -H e m -
in t h e Medical Reserve
the postage.
I^et there be no misunderstand incumbent is an undertaker. This
A full fighting force of
For Sale— Pure bred R. C R
According to a report sent out ing. Our present and immediate is the second time an appointment I. Red cockerel, a beautiful bird 30,000 colored soldiers, including
by County Superintendent Frost, ta*k is to win the war, and noth­ to the same office has been neces­ of good size. W. C. Benfer, at representatives in all branches of
out of a total of 4973 (estimated,/ ing shall turn us aside from it un sary w thin a year. Dr. E. I. Express office.
military service will constitute the
families in Washington county, til it is accomplished.
Every Barrett was elected, but resigned
The work of rearranging elec- Ninety-second Division, to be de­
4305 families signed the Hoover power and resource we possess, when he rem >ved from the city.
food conservation pledges and 278
ion precincts has been completed tailed for duty in France under
heads of families refused to sign. whether of men, of money, or of The office carries no salary, com­ by the county court, five new Gen. Pershing
If the figures are correct. Wash ; material, is being devoted and pensation b -ing by fees.
ington county h a s within its, will continue to be d voted to
The county cou^t has received
borders just 278 families who are that purpose until it is achieved. official notification that the state
too disloyal, too selfish or too * • *
tax to be paid in 1918 is $84,-
blamed ignorant to ever make
‘ ‘We shall regard the war as «77.80.
good Americans. They should be
only when the German peo­
The report of County Clerk
sent to Germany, where they
would have to ask the military ple say to us, through properly Kuratli filed shows fees of $398.12
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
authorities for permits to buy accredited representatives, that collected d u r i n g November.—
bread, meat, milk or sugar.
they are ready to agree to a set­ HilLboro Independent.
While the editor of the Express tlement based upon justice and
P H O NE 701
State Teachers’ Convention
believes President Wilson and his reparation of the wrongs their
The Oregon State Teachers’ as­
advisors have a ct«! with great
South Main Street
Forest Grove, Ore
“ When this intolerable Thing, sociation will be held in Portland,
wisdom in most things since the
war was forced upon America, he this German p >wer. is, indeed, de­
More than 2000 teachers will
be in attendance.
county teachers have such easy
access to this meeting that almost
every one can attend at lea*t a
part of the sessions. Those who
select one of the first sessions will
be wise because they will be al
most sure to stay for all. The
teacher* will be gainers persona'ly
and Washington county will be a
Thursday will be devoted to
the busines- of the Representative
Council in the Auditorium of the
Lincoln High School. These ses­
Attractions offered:
sions are open to the public. The
Sacred summits o f the Siskiyous, Mt.
J rt ports of the following com ­
mittee* will be of general Interest
Shasta, San Francisco, the cosmopolitan;
and will give an idea of the Edu­
the old Missions, Del Monte, Santa Bar­
cational association: 1—“ The Re­
bara. 100 miles along the seashore, Los
tardation Problems,” 2— A Re­
tirement Fund for Teachers.” 3—
Angeles, Sunny Southern California, the
“ Teachers’ Certification Prob­
December 22 to 25, inclusive, to all points on Oregon
Apache Trail and the border camps.
lems,” 4— "The Thrift Problem,” i
Electric Railway, and on the North Bank Road,
5 — ‘ Standardization o f Rural
Rainier to Spokane; also Central Oregon and points
Stopovers permitted at various
School,” fi - ‘‘Social Service.”
on other lines in Oregon, Washington and Idaho;
Fr day forenoon and Saturday
afternoon will be devoted to gen­
also December 29, 30 and 31. 1917, and Jan. 1, 1918,
eral sessions in the Auditorium of
to points on Oregon Electric Ry.
the Lincoln High School.
i The Main Street f j i
W e Buy
fo r Cash
and Sell
C -H -E -A -P
imber Yard !
Copeland & McCready
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Cost is Little More
to go East through
- - to - -
Pacific Northwest Points
of Round-Trip Tickets
The Convenient Way to Travel
is the Electric W ay
J. E. FARMER, Agent
Forest Grove, Ore.
4 Trains a Day from Portland
Remember, friends, you must
pay in advance to get the Express
at one dollar per year. The reg­
ular price is $1 50. W’e pay you
50c to collect for yourself.
Inquire o f any S. P. agency or address
John M. Scott,
General Passenger Agent,
Cook With Coal
The Forest Grove Planing Mill
has laid in a supply of good fuel
coal and is prepared to supply
consumers at a reasonable price,
Order by telephone No. 0232.
Southern Pacific Lines