The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 27, 1917, Image 2

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Farm Loan Board Advocutes Change«
in *ltanking Act Attacks on
Amendment Expected.
Bureau Heads Spent Million« for Mili­
tary Equipment Before America
Made Open Declaration.
Governor Wihycombe has expressed
disapproval of a plan to provide an Washington, D. C. Clothing, shoes
Washington, D. C. — The federal executive
for the president of and food supplies for the American
Farm Loan board announced Monday the Oregon mansion
Ukraine, Odessa and Cossacks that it advocates amendments to the
army were investigated by the Senate Lessons in High Finance Are
cost of school m ilitary committee Saturday, turning
farm loan act under which many pri­
vate farm mortgage bankers may en­ apparatus and higher salaries for in­ its general inquiry into war prepara­
Unite to Ditch Radicals.
Proving Sensational.
ter the government system as joint structors, the CtH>s County court ad­ tions to the Quarter-M aster General’s
stock land banks. At the same time vanced the |>er capita tax from $S to departm ent. It was develofa'd that
the board also gave warning that it $10 for the 1918 school year.
millions of dollars were spent just be­
expects those seeking to break down State Highway Engineer Nunn has fore the United States entered the
MOBS BEGIN LOOTING the system to file a suit soon to test forwarded notice to the Warren Con­ war to provide for the great army F. J. HENEY AT HELM
the constitutioiutlity of the act.
struction company of the term ination since raised.
A m en d m en t to the existing law of
two force account road construction Major-General Sharpe was before
will be specifically recommended contracts,
and in notifying the com­ a committee. An hour was given to Chicago Stockyards Alleged to Have
Appearance of German and Austrian which
to congress in the board's forthcoming pany, charges
it with gross negligence confidential questions behind closed
doors. He was closely examined, es­ lieen Organized for Hole Purpose
Officer« Causes Heartburnings — annual reports are:
and carelessness.
To remove the present restriction
pecially regarding the admitted short­
Constitutionalists Accused.
of legalizing “ Pickings.”
perm itting a joint stock land bank to Librarian J. S. Richards, of the age of overcoats, which, he said, was
do business only in the state where it Carnegie Library at Marshfield, has principally due to late deliveries of
is situated and one contiguous state. issued an order that any books in the large orders.
perm it a bank to issue bonds to possession of families where scarletina Except for overcoats and a few Washington, D. C. From the se­
London — The Rada, the governing the To amount
of twenty time* its capital hud been noted must be burned and the other winter garm ents, of which, he
body of the Ukraine, apparently is stock, which must be $250,000 or borrowers would be held responsible stated, complete stocks wmAd be in clusion of corporate records, the Fed­
m aintaining its determined stand as more, instead of fifteen times, as un­ for their being replaced.
camp by December 31, the general de­ eral Trade Commission Friday drew
sensational disclosures of high finance,
to the Bolshevik government. It is der existing law; and.
Earl Withycombe, 26 years old, the clared there is no clothing shortage. dummy
officera and sham truateea in
reported that it has converted its sym­ To raise from 6 to 6J per cent the youngest son of Governor Withycombe, Shoes, also, General Sharpe said,
pathies with the movement of General maximum interest rate which joint has enlisted in the highway engineers have been provided in ample quantities I its efforts to determ ine the ownership
Kaledines, the Cossack leader, into a stock land banks may charge on loans. and been sent to Vancouver prepara­ per captia, but the average drafted | of tiie Chicago stockyarda and the
Joint stock land banks would still be tory to entering active service over­ man of the Naitonal Army has proved terminal railroad facilities at the big
definite alliance.
Advices received from Russia are to compelled to limit interest rates on seas. It required three attem pts on to be so much larger physically than packing plants there.
the effect that the Bolsheviki commis­ loans within 1 per cent more than the his part before he could finally join the the regulars and guardsmen with Establishment of ownership of the
sioners, after receiving the Rada’s re­ selling price of their bonds, even ranks as a private.
whom the departm ent has had to deal stockyards is only the first of the tasks
jection of the Bolsheviki ultimatum, though the maximum were raised to II. Lowdy, a deserter from the Cana­ in the past, that many of the «hoes and before the commission, which plans to
j continue its investigation into every
sent another one, giving the Ukraine 6i per cent. They also would have dian army, will be tuken from Marsh­ overcoats have proved useless.
a further 48 hours in which to recon­ to compete with the Federal land field to Victoria for trial. Captain Manufacture of the smaller sizes has ' brunch of the country’s meat supply
banks’ new rate of 5J per cent.
sider its refusal.
lieen stopped, but the situation re­ and the alleged control of the meat
Mooney, provost marshal of Halifax, sulted
Another report received here says In a statem ent explaining the finan­ where
in some hardships for the draft­ food of 100,000,000 |>eople by five
Lowdy deserted, has ordered his ed soldiers
that Odessa now has definitely gone cial condition of the Federal land detention
before it could be corrected. j principal groups of packers. The com­
in the local jail, where he Food, General
over to the side of the Ukraine. De­ banks, the farm loan board said:
stated, and mission’s refsirt will he made[the basis
was placed after being arrested, until the committeemen Sharpe
tails of the capture of Rostov-on-Don
We are advised that the next move an
had been 1 for recommendations that additional
escort could come from Victoria.
legislation l»e enacted to remedy the
printed in Petrograd show there were of those who are seeking to break
ample and of fine quality.
six days of fighting before the Cos­ down the system, will be to institute a The first fatal auto accident in Grant Committee members stated that the situation, if found necessary, and any
sacks entered the town last Saturday. suit contesting the constitutionality county occurred Friday when a car investigation of the Quartermaster- evidence of lawbreaking will he turned
The Red Guards lost 800 men killed of the farm loan act. The purpose of containing D. A. Yokom and his son, General’s office hud only been begun. over to the departm ent of Justice.
and 1000 wounded in the fighting. The I this suit will be to alarm investors A. C. Yokom, plunged over the grade Cantonment locations and contracts, it has been Htateil that auiqienaa will
Cossacks gave short shrift to the “ Red who have already bought bonds, and to on Canyon creek. The father was sanitation, the relation of the winter not I h ) issued for representatives of the
Guards,” whom they hate. The Bol­ dissuade others from buyng them.
driving and turned his head for an in­ clothing shortage to recent disease packers, a step which might give them
sheviki chiefs fled from the town on “ There is not the slightest reason to stant to hear a remark the son was epidemics and tramqiortution of the immunity in subsequent prosecutions.
board warships.
fear it, however. * The system is so making when the machine went over army by rail and w ater ure subjects to Organization of the Chicago Stock-
yarda company, under the laws of
There has been no im portant fight­ strong and its administration is of the narrow grade into Canyon creek. be taken up later.
ing at Nakhitchevan, province of the such paramount importance to the The I’ort of Toledo has just conclud­ General Sharpe told in detail of the Maine, alleged to have been for the
Don, where the Bolsheviki troops have agricultural development of the coun­ ed a sale of $75,000 worth of port vast task of supplying the expanded purpose of providing a legal method
fraternized with the Cossacks. A try that attacks on it are bound to bonds to Morris Bros., of Portland, at war army. He said he authorized 30- for the payment of millions in “ pick­
clash has taken place between the Bol­ fail. It is only proper, however, that 91J
service equipment for 1,000,000 ings,” or rebates, to the packing
at 5 per cent interest. Toledo and day
sheviki and Ukranians at Bolgard, this warning should be given in order Yaquina
men in February and March, and plantH by the Chicago junction rail­
ports have sold bonds aggre- | for another
that the farm ers and all friends of the gating $150,000,
Bessarabia. The town is on fire.
500,000 men in June. Or­ ways and Union Stockyards company,
sum will be | ders aggregating
It is said that a great quantity of system should grasp the sinister pur­ expended on the which
many millions of of New Jersey, occupied Francis J.
south jetty of the dollars were placed before
valuable property has been taken from pose that is behind these attacks.”
war and Honey, s|w‘cial counsel, and the w it­
Yaquina bar. Bids for lumber and without authorization of the
houses of the rich in Petrograd by the Recent charges that the Federal piling
by nesses called Friday at the first of a
| series of open hearings. Other w it­
mobs searching for liquor. Among land banks are not self-supporting, tised. for the work are being adver­ congress.
the buildings sacked is the palace of based on the board’s application to
By December 31, the General said, nesses will be asked to tell what they
Grand Duchess Marie Pavlovna widow congress for an appropriation of $100,- J. W. Brewer, farm help specialist complete supplies for 1,078,000 men know of J. Ogden Armour and F. 11.
Prince, of Boston, obtaining control of
000,000 a year for this and next year, for Oregon for the departm ent of Ag­ would be on hand.
of Grand Duke Vladimir.
l the Junction Railways company, which
While the peace delegates are as­ with which the treasury might absorb riculture, is in Salem working in con­
sembling the activity at Petrograd of any farm loan bonds not sold privately, junction with Labor Commissioner MANY IN GERMANY STARVING was organized by Prince, and turning
j it over to the stockyards company. F.
a number of German and Austrian offi­ were met by explanation that the av­ Hoff and his assistant, Lester B.
1 W. (’roll, confidential secretary to Mr.
cers apparently is causing heartburn­ erage impairment of the $750,000 cap­ Davis, in co-ordinating and combining
ings. Circulars have been spread al­ ital with which each bank started six the work for next year to be carried Berlin Paper Says Rich and Farmers Armour, is ex[>ected to testify.
Richard Olney and other citizens of
Live in Luxury, However.
leging that the council of soldiers’ and months ago, representing government on in furnishing the farm ers of the
workmen’s delegates is in negotiations stock subscriptions, amounts to 6 per state with a sufficient supply of help Ix>ndon—Accord'ng to a Reuter dis­ : New England HpjH-arcd in the testi­
mony as s[K>nHors for the plan of ab­
with these enemy officers. The Pravda cent, or $45,000 each. This is more when it is needed.
from Amsterdam Vorwaerts, of sorbing
money making Junction
the Bolsheviki organ prints an unqual­ than counter-balanced by farm loan as­ Neal Baily, who is a native son of patch
Berlin, in a plain spoken attack on the Railways the
the new corpor­
ified denial and makes a counter charge sociations’ subscriptions to additional Grant county, died at his home • n j system
of Herr von Waldow, the Ger­ ation. F. R. Hart, by vice
chairman of
against the Constitutional Democrats stock, amounting to more than $1,500,- Prairie City Friday, following a short man food
declares that the board of directors of the
alleging th at they are trying to under­ 000, or about $125,000 for each bank. illness with pneumonia. Mr. Baily great masses controller,
of German people not ony Trust company, of Boston, Old and Col­
mine Trotsky and Lenine.
Actual capital of all banks consequent- i ha(, 8erved a8 city mar3hal of Prairie only are hungry,
but are literally V. R. Thayer, president of the Chase
for 25 year». He is survived by starving. The pa|>er adds that agri­ National Bank, of New York, ¿»•stifled
more than their original ° capital,
fur- City
one sister, of Portland, and cultural producers and rich residents in their activities as members of the
by the government.
five brothers, Dan, Eugene, Jerry and towns are living in plenty, as hoarding of
late Mr. Olney ’a organization commit­
of Prairie City, and John D. is no longer prohibited.
which induced holders of 60,000
Michigan Coal Shortage Forces Fuel SHIP OF MYSTERY ARRIVES Patrick,
Baily, of Boise, Idaho.
“ Every war profiteer and million­ shares
of the New Jersey common
Administration to Act.
One hundred and sixty-five moles, aire,” says the paper, “ has his kitchen stock to surrender their stock and
Washington, D. C.—Fuel supplies in Queer Craft Ruled by Committee, Said whose skins were worth a total of $35, and cellar full of ham and bacon, the their right to more than $30,000,000
middle class ekes a precarious exist­ surplus and accept in return a guaran­
Michingan have reached such a low
were caught in traps by Glenn Bailey, ence,
to He Ilolsheviki.
spending all it possesses on food, teed 9 per cent from the new company.
ebb th at Adm inistrator W. K. Prudden
a 14-year-old boy, living east of Eu­
has asked manufacturers in that state A Pacific Port— Unhearlded and re­ gene. Only four traps were used and but 40,000,000 of the masses are starv­ “ The whole plan was an entirely
to suspend operations of industrial garded as a mystery ship along the the catch was made in a single season. ing and are unlikely to sit silent.
transparent proposition,” Mr. Heney
plants from midnight Saturday until w aterfront, the Russian freighter Some firmB are paying from 35 cents “ We might have within a month an told the commission, “ to hide the real
midnight December 29.
Shilka, Captain Boris Dogal, slipped in­ to 40 cents for male pelts now, it is absolute catastrophe in Germany and ownership and conceal the fact that
The only exceptions are factories to the’harbor here ju3t before mid­ declared. The demand for them is a collapse worse than Russia, resulting Armour and other packers had an in­
in German defeat and loss of the w ar.” terest in the yards.”
making war munitions needed for night Friday. The Shilka is direct greater than ever before.
from Vladivostok and is under Bolshe­ Out of 439 accidents reported to the
prompt shipment.
M r.'Prudden’s request was contained vik i control.
Industrial Accident commission for the MAY RESUME WAR ON KAISER 46 PERSONS DEAD IN CRASH
in telegram s sent after a conference The 'steam er left Vladivostok No­ week
December 13, four were
here with Fuel Adm inistrator Garfield. vember 24 as a “ Kerensky ship,” but fatal, ending
to the «report ju st is­ Ilolsheviki Declares if Peace Terms Are
when a few days out the crew m uti­ sued. The fatalities
It said:
Ixuiaville & Nashville Trains Collide
Offensive Struggle Will Go On.
L. H.
“ In order to conserve the small fuel nied and took control, declaring for Fletcher, Linnton; C. were
in Kentucky - Many Hurt.
supply now on hand at industrial plants the Bolsheviki regime. The wireless Wauna, and Sam Payne, W estport, all Petrograd —Leon Trotzky, the Bol­
foreign minister, in addressing Shepherdsvillc, Ky.—Forty-six per­
within the state of Michigan, I sug­ operator attem pted to send out word
employes, and Robert Foster, sheviki
arid workmen sons were killed and 39 injured when
gest and request that every plant en­ of the mutiny and the sailors prepared sawmill
Portland, engaged on construction declared that of if soldiers
the German emperor IiOuisville & Nashville passenger train
gaged in manufacturing, directly or to shoot him, but changed their minds. work.
offered “ offensive peace term s,” the No. 7, from Cincinnati to New Or­
indirectly, any operation from mid­ Before the real identity of the ship
night December 22 until midnight De­ was learned Saturday members of the Interest in plans for the standard­ Russians would fight against it.
leans, cashed into the rear of a Bards-
crew attended I. W. W. meetings, it ization of the potato crop in Lane “ We did not overthrow czarism to town, Louisville & Springfield accom­
cember 29.
county is to be promoted by the Eu- kneel before the kaiser,” he cried.
“ No exception should be made ex­ is said.
modation train Thrusday night.
cept plants engaged in the manufac­ The armed guards at the ship now gene-Springfield Potato association Continuing he said:
F irst reports, apparently authentic,
ture of war munitions imperatively have orders to allow no one to land formed at a m eeting held in Eugene “ But if through our exhaustion had placed the number of known dead
needed for prompt shipment. To con­ from her. The ¡¡immigration authori­ Saturday. The purpose of the associ­ we had to accept the kaiser’s termH at 67 and the numlier of injured at be­
serve the greatest amount possible of ties probably will take charge of the ation is to establish in the minds of we would do so to rise with the Ger­ tween 50 and 60, hut this was reduced
buyers from other sections of the man people against German m ilitar­ when an official check of figures was
fuel only such heating as is necessary craft.
to avoid great damage by freezing at No one in authority would venture country a confidence in the W illamette ism .”
plants should be allowed.
to predict what would be done with the Valley potato.
From other sources it was learned
3 British Aviators Killed.
“ A patriotic response and adoption ship. It is pointed out that she came Superintendent of Banks Sargent
that the accommodation train had left
of the within request may obviate is­ into port with the men [in command Saturday completed a statem ent show­ Fort Worth, Tex. — Three British the station after making a stop when
suing positive orders covering a longer claiming allegiance to the Bolsheviki ing the condition of all banks and trust aviators in training here were killed the fast train came in sight, running
government, which has not been rec­
a high rate of speed, and plunged
of the state at the close of Monday when two machines collided in at
“ Unless present conditions quickly ognized by the United States, and this companies
the rear end of the train ahead.
business November 20. The statem ent the air. Two of the men were in one The two
improve fuel on hand will be needed may cause the temporary internm ent shows
coarheB and the bag­
deposits aggregating $198,958,- machine. The collision took place at gage car wooden
for household use.”
of the vessel.
775.40, or an increase of $34,361,- a low altitude and less than half a
794.66 over November 17, 1916, an mile from the landing field. The dead
Last Alamo Fighter Dead.
$100,000 Left Barber.
Christmas Mail Arrives.
increase of $17,708,210.26 over Sep­ are: Arthur Eden Webster, 19, Kings­ A French
San Antonio, Tex.—Enrique Espar- Astoria, Or.—To be suddenly trans­ tember
A ship carrying 20,-
11, 1917.
ton, N. Y .; Lieutenant Russell Jenner, 000 sacks of Port
sa, the iast survivor of the Alamo, is formed from a barber, at 18 per week,
Christmas mail for the
dead. When on March 6, 1836, Santa to a man of wealth, was the experience Warden Murphy, of the penitentiary, 19,. Kingsville, O nt.; Clyde Albert American ¡troops ¡arrived Saturday
Ana stormed in the final and successful of A. S. Haddix, employed in a local will send seven prisoners and a fore­ Banker, 20, Kent, England.
from the United States. The army
assault the chapel where a handful of shop. News of his good fortune came man to Gold Hill, where preliminary
postoffice has 50 special freight cars
Brazil Curbs Dutch Consuls.
Americans fought to their death, sur­ in a telegram which said he was heir work will he started on opening the
and an extra heavy detail of men here
rounded by piles of Mexican dead, the to an estate of $100,000, left by an lime deposits in th at vicinity. The Rio de Janeiro—A decree has been to handle the mail, which will he de­
victors found a group of Mexican wo­ uncle who died Tuesday at Houston, work will be confined to getting the promulgated cancelling the exequa- livered on or before Christmas Day.
men in a barricaded section of the Tex. Haddix, who is a cousin of Dep­ new tram way installed and in opera­ teurs of firemans acting as consuls of Another steam er arrived on Monday
front of the building. Among them uty Collector Haddix, has been here tion. No actual labor will be done neutral countries in Brazil. The de­ with 4600 sacks of army mail, com­
was an 8-year-old lad, Enrique Espar but three weeks, and will leave for on the lime deposits until the prelimi­ cree is directed against the consuls of prising for the most part [Christmas
Austria and Holland.
sa, who died here Monday aged 89.
Texas to adm inister the estate.
nary work has been completed.