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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1917)
'LA. J ,^ 1 L luUU ¿formst dkmtp AN IN D E PEN D E N T W EEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 KOKEST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 27. 1917 High School Play Entirely Successful Dec 18th of heart disease, aged 75 years. Deceased has resided in Washington county for 46 years and was a most estimable woman. She leaves a hufetnd, a well as James McClaren Called The H i g h School Dramatic several children By a former mar Another of the pioneers of the riage. Funeral services were held club’s play, “ Mrs. Wiggs of the Washington, Dec. 26,— Govern husband and baby of Fields, O re.,! ment possession and operation of are visiting th»*ir parents, also Gales Creek district passed away J in the German Lutheran church Cabbage Patch,” produced at the Star Theater last Friday evening, the Nation’s railroads for the war Mrs. I/>ng of California, a niece at 2 o ’clock last Friday morning, at Cornelius Saturday and the re proved a pleasant surprise to an when death overtook James M c mains were interred in the Bloom period was proclaimed by Presi of Mrs. Luce, is visiting here. audience that taxed the capacity Claren, aged 82, the cause of dis ing cemetery. dent Wilson tonight, to Ixs-ome of the house solution being a general break Councilman McCready Resigns effective at noon next Friday, There was plenty of fun, some Mrs. C. F. Hu!ten, aged 48, of December 28. William G. Me- W'. J. McCready has handed to ing down of the system, due to the Spring Hill district, passed pathos and lots of really good act age. Adoo, retaining his place in the Mayor Paterson his resignation as Deceased came to Washingfon away at the local hospital Wed ing. Beth Emerson, as the good- Cabinet as Secretary of the Treas a member of the common council, county from Iowa in 1863 and has nesday of last week of peritonitis, hearted Widow Wiggs, proved the ury. is placed in charge as Direct to take effect Jan. 1st. This step resided in this county ever since. leaving a husband, but no child star among the girls of the cast, or-General of Railroads. with Fay Templeton and Mar Every railroad engaged in gen is taken, Mr. McCready explain*, | His wife passed away eight ren. The body was shipped to garet Martin backing her up Minneapolis, Minn., Friday for years ago and he is survived by eral trans|M)rtation, with its ap because his brother-in-law, Joseph nobly, while Fred Patton, Wilbur purtenances, including steamship Copeland, treasurer of the Cope-1 one son, John McClaren, ex burial. Lamb and M. C. Merrill divided lines, is taken over, and all sys land Lumber company, has e n -, county commissioner, of Balm! Charles Knox of Corvallis, a the honors in the male pa ts. Grove, and three daughters. Mrs terns will be ojH*rat< d as under the listed and M r. McCready has brother of Frank Knox, who died Between the acts Miss Aileen Director-General. been appointed treasurer. With Jane Hiatt of Raymond, Wash ,, in Montana two years ago last Hoffman played a flute solo, Miss In a statement accompanying the management of the local lum Mrs. M a r y Peterson of The i April and was buried in this city, Collier sang two songs and Miss his proclamation, the President her yard of Copeland & Mc Dalles and Mrs. Margaret Her of passed away at Portland Saturday Arlington Marsh and Oscar Hum- announced that as soon as Con Cready and an office with the Lexington, this state; also a proth- as the result of a paralytic stroke. berg played a violin duet, all the gress re-assembled he w o u l d | Portland company Mr. McCready er, Arias, and a sister. Mrs. Eliza numbers being worthy of the vig recommend legislation guarantee I feels he cannot do justice t o ' he Perry, both of Portland. orous applause they received. CONDENSED NEWS NOTES Funeral services were held at ing pre-war earnings ami mainte i city’s business, hence his resigna the home Sunday, at 1 p. m. and nance of railroad properties in I tion. Dance with the firemen next the remains were interred in the good repair. Monday night. Gales Creek cemetery. Government backing will be H.Lidyard, the shoe doctor, is! given to new issues of railroad se James A. Watrous sick with kidney trouble. curities that a ready market may After an illness of more than a be found. Miss Mildred Carlyle is hom e; The Methodist church w a s year. James Arthur Watrous The President’s move, although from Corvallis for the holiday v a -! comfortably f i l l e d Christmas At 8 o ’clock tomorrow evening, night w i t h me n , women and forecast for weeks, came at this .at the auditorium of the Metho passed away at the home of his cation. • children who had gathered to take son, Fred, in thi* city at 2 o ’clock ; time as a great surprise to nearly Harry Goff is back at the store part in the “ community sing” everybody in Washington, includ dist church, there will lie a pub last Friday morning of cancer of today, after a short, but severe, staged by the members of the lic farewell reception to Rev. R the stomach, aged 63 years. ing railroad officials. It had been Forest Grove Brotherhood. Presi Deceased was born at Gaines, j illnes.* with stomach trouble. generally believed he would wait E. Dunlap and family, who will Miss Edna Mills was down from dent H. E. Inlow called the the reassembling of Congress be leave in a few days for their future j Pa., on March 13th, 1854, and when nineteen years of age was McMinnville to eat Christmas meeting to order Rev. J. M. Bar fore taking any step He acted home in New York city. ber offered a prayer and Thos. E. Bishop Hughes of Portland has united in marriage w i t h Miss dinner with the home folks. through Secretary of War Baker Isaacs took charge of the singing. Anna L. Smith. In 1890 the I been invited to attend, but has under authority conferred in the Remember the firemen’s annual not yet replied to the invitation. family cam • to Forest Grove and, dance n e x t Monday evening. After singing a dozen patriotic Army appropriation act. songs and gospel hymns, Mr. In There will be talks by Rev. Pat after a period of nine years, moved Good music and a good time. low asked B. J. Simpson, Red ten, Judge W. H. Hollis and B. to New York City, where the wife Just received, the latest in silks, Cross membership campaign man J. Simpson, a response by Rev. and mother passed away in 1900 Dunlap, readings by Miss Esther Two years later Mr. Watrous and “ Satin Patria, ’ also new Crepe ager f o r Western Washington ¡Chalmers and Mrs. John Dopp two sons cam** back to Forest de Chine. A. G. Hoffman & Co. county, -to make a report of the Lieut. Ray T. Williams of Camp progress of the campaign. Mr. Although t h e district court and vocal solos by Mrs. H. E. In- Grove and ha\e resided in this low and Thos. E. Isaacs, followed vicinity ever since. He is sur L^wis visited his wife and parents Simpson said that up to the pre ro >m in the Washington county vived by two sons. Fred and in this city from Sunday to Tues vious evening. Forest Grove had by a social hour court house was filled to overflow enlisted 50 per cent of the popu This afternoon, at the A G. Frank, both of this city Jame* day evening. ing last Saturday afternoon by Hoffman home, there was a called A. Watrous was a faithful hus-; lation and lead all Willamette Clyde Giltner was home from valley towns of equal size. The band, a kind father and a good taxpayers who had gathered to 'meeting of the M. E Aid society Camp Lewis Saturday for a visit eastern half of the county was consider the budget of expense to present Rev. and M 's. Dunlap citizen and much genuine sorrow | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. not doing quite as well and the prepared by the county court, just , with slight tokens of the esteem in is felt in the community over his Frank Giltner. weather had interfered with the three minutes were required to | which they are held by the mem death. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd and drive to such an extent that the Funera! services were held at adopt the budget as published in bers. the Buxton chapel at 1 o ’clock children spent Christmas with time for closing had been indefi- the official county papers. This There was a happy reunion at; Saturday. Rev Putnam officiat their daughter and sister, Mrs. nately postponed. In Oregon, budget, calls for an ex|>enditure of the W. L. Cady home Christmas, ing, after which the remains were Turner, at G adstone. Washington and Idaho the drive $429 705.67, including $35,000 for ! their married daughters all being would continue until the full taken to Portland and cremated. road improvements. Of this sum M. T. Sherrett, who is buying quota had been secured. $5,000 is designated for the road 1 home for another good meal un i livestock in Douglas county, spent Susan Pullen Lee between Forest Grove and Gales 1 der the home roof tree. Mrs C . ! Mr Inlow then declared the Christmas with Mrs. Sherrett at Creek. $6,000 between this city H. Swaney, accompanied by h er1 Tuesday was a sad Christmas the Hotel Laughlin. meeting adjourned, asking all and Banks, $3,000 in District 8, husband and iwo children arrived in the John Lee home, on South . Mr. and Mrs. H. R Bernard members of the Brotherhood to $3,000 in District 22, $6,000 on from Washington and on Sunday Seventh street, for the wife and spent Christmas with their son- remain for the monthly business the Hillsboro-North Plains road I Mrs. J H. Hartley came from mother was called by the Angel of in-law7 and daughter, Mr. and meeting, which consisted of a and $6.000 on the Hillsboro Cedar Eldridge. Calif., and Mrs. Grace Death at 9 in the morning, leav Mrs. Norris Rogers, at M cM in n -1 resume of what had been done at J Wendt came from Cottage Grove. ing a p ill of gloom over th e' the last meeting and instructions Mills road. ville. With Mrs B. F. Whited of this household to the program committee to get After the budget meeting had city, another daughter, her family Susan Pulien w a s b o r n at I Vern Smith of Camp Lewis and ; up a debate for the next meeting been declared by Chairman L M. and their two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Kiethsburg. Ill , Oct. 30, 1843, Miss Leone Smith of Corvallis1 to be held January 29th. The Graham to be adjourned, after a Cady had quite a “ sizeable” fam and crossed the plains with her vi*ited their parents, Mr. and committee will meet with Chair decisive vote, M McDonald of ily for Christmas dinner. parents when seven years of age. Mrs. I M. Smith on Fern Hill man Clark at his residence at Orenco, president of the Wash 7:30 next Monday night to com In 1 8 ^ , at Vancouver. Wash., i this week. ington County Good Roads as Davis-Aydelott she was united in marriage with j sociation, called a meeting of that Mrs. S. G Morgan suffered a plete the plans. Miss Isa Aydelott, daughter of John Lee and came to this city dislocated right shoulder and in -; organization, stated that member Methodist Church Services ship was free and all present were Mr. and Mrs. George Aydelott of with her husband and children 24 juries to her left arm when she , The regular chureh services will be invited to join. Secretry H V. | the Thatcher district, was united years ago. She was a dutiful wife, fell down a flight of stairs at h er' held next Sunday beginning with the a kind mother and good neighbor Meade then read a resolution that in marriage at Hillsboro last Sat- home last evening. Sunday School at 9:45. The pastor and will be sadly missed by htr ' urday forenoon to Mr. Chester pledged the county court to op The Methodist choir gave a will preach both morning and evening pose the state road commission’s | Davis of Portland, Judge Reasoner family and neighbors. musical program at the church | selection of the Beaverton route officiating. Following the wed Deceased is survived by htr Sunday evening and Monday af and this will be his last Sunday here as for the state highway through the d in g there was a dinner at the aged husband and five daughters ternoon there was a nice Christ-| pastor. Junior League at 3 p. m. and county. A majority of those Washington hotel and at 6 o ’clock — Mis. Emma Lopez, Mrs Laura; mas entertainment by the primary 1 Intermediate amd Senior Leagues at present were bitterly opposed to in the evening there was a dinner Jones of Kalama, Wash., Mrs. I department of the Sunday school. 6;30, classmeeting at 7. The Ladies’ Aid society will meet disturbing the deci-ion of the in their honor at the home of the Tillie Henderson, o f Cottage! Wednesday afternoon in the Red Cross Herbert Dunlap, coxwain on j commis-ion that they were not groom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grove, Mrs. Ida May Carr of T a -1 rooms. the tug Vigilante, running be Davis will reside in Portland, | more than h a l f courteous to coma, Wash., and Miss Lottie; tween Goat Island and ’Frisco,1 The collection for the Armenian Re M r. DcDonald and his allies j where the groom has a position Lee of this city. lief fund taken at the Methodist Sun However, Dr. Erwin of Hillsboro ' with the North Bank railroad. Funeral services were held at arrived yesterday for a visit with day School l a s t S u n d a y morning finally secured order and scolded the Buxton chapel at 2 o ’clock his parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. j amounted to nearly $34, and to this Woman’s Club the noisy ones into some sem this afternoon and the remains Dunlap, and will remain until, was added the offering at the evening blance of order and M r. M cD on The regular meeting of the For were interred in Forest View cem next Thursday. He has been in service, about $9, the total being $43. ald got a hearing, but without est Grove Woman’s club will be etery, Rev. A B. Patten officiat - 1 his present position about seven months. avail, for many taxpayers feared if held at the Congregational church ing. Congregational Church a scrap was started over the on Monday, Dec. 31, at 3 p. m. Mr. Patten will preach at 11 a. m. Mrs. Walter Sargent of Gales Samuel Clark, aged 87, passed Creek, on Christmas m orning,! on “ The Conquest o f the Air; or the route, the highway commission Miss Frances Myers will speak away at the home of his daugh sent an auto for her parents, Mr. | Aerial Superman and the Coming In would not do any work in this on “ What the Public School Is ter, Mrs. Zach LaSalle, in the and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher, and they ternational W orld.” county the coming year. Doing for the Defective Child.” Hillside district, last Sunday, a f-1 spent the day at the Sargent home. The public is cordially invited. His evening theme will be “ The ter a protracted illness. Services Those present besides Mr. and Choice Young Man and Woman; Their H. B. Luce of Eddyville. Ore., Abbie J. Whitehouse, Sec’y. were held at the LaSalle home Mrs. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs Pastimes and Pleasures.” arrived in this city the first of the week and will spend some time Don’t forget we carry th e! yesterday. Rev. Barber officiat Sargent and family were John A. B. PATTEN, Pastor. here. Mrs. Luce came to their i Warner C o r s e t f o r particular | ing. and the remains were interred Williams, Thos. Williams, wife A rumor has reached this city former home on south A street 'women. A. G. Hoffman & Co. in the Hillside cemetery. and son, and Miss Clark of near _______ to the effect that A. BenKori, a some weeks ago because of ill Hillsboro. A daughter was born at the Mrs. W. R. Tucker, step-mother i health. T w o daughters, Mrs. — r—r r - -------------- , | former instructor at Pacific Uni local hospital Saturday to Mrs. Public sale bills printed at the versity, has been arrested as a William Tony of I^ke City, Calif., to W. C. Tucker of this city, passed Joseph Lazott of near Banks. spy against the United States. Express office. away at her home in Cornelius Mrs. Peter Egoscue, with her UNCLE SAM WILL RUN RAILROADS I No. 51 Public Reception for Dunlap Family No Changes Made in County Budget Community Sing Well Attended