New Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett S U . I'orlUml, Or«. Knur Murk* frcm Untoti Ilapot. Two block* from Naw I'aalofftra. Modarn ami flr*i>r»>f, Ovar lull ou tanta rumi*. Hata* Vte to tX.'/t). CHAH. C. IIOt'KINS. Mauagi r. RABBITS FOR MEAT Belgian Hare Is One of the Best for Table Use. Hotel Rowland QUALITY OF FLESH SUPERIOR O n « tiuRMlr««j mim I nUty ftv« Itimmn. all Mu*«\ 2 blorkw from Fire l*ruof. M. I* sn. V animal. They should he well shaped, strong at the base, and almost trans­ parent at tho middle. They must not Colds are contracted when strength is lowered and the he pendulous, hut should, when the animal Is quiet, he Inclined backward, inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while resting straight over the shoulders. A narrow black edging ut the tip and ns grippe and pneumonia frequently follow and any cold should far down the front and hack u* pos­ have immediate treatment with sible murks the best stock. B o d y ,- The body of the Belgian I* longer In proportion lo the whole hulk than thut of any other breed of the *ame size. Buck* and the younger fe­ males should never have the appendage known as "dewlap.” This sometimes develops In the older ones, hut Is re­ garded as a blemish In animals Intend which first builds up the forces by carrying rich nourishment ed for show purpose*. The hack to the blood streams and creates real body warmth. should he only slightly arched, arid the Its c o d liv e r o il is the fa v o rite o f physicians fo r co rre ctin g forelegs and feet should he perfectly straight and free from white. bron ch ia l d isord ers an d chest troubles. The tmr»irtrtl Norwegian cod liver oil alway* tjwd In S cott'a Emnlmion N now Age of Breeding Stock.—The begin­ refined in our own American laboratorie* which guaranteea it free from impuritie*. ner should always select mature nnl-, Scott Sc Bowne. Iiloomfield, N. J. 17-19 mills ubout u year old for breeding stock. These may be known by the! brisk, alert look, the small white teeth, and the small claws, almost hidden In the fur. Coarse, long claws are a sure I Indication of age. Listless-looking, T H E O R IG I N A L THE LIGHTEST. THE rough-coated, or pot-bellied animals STRON GEST H AS M A N Y IMITAT ORS. B U T NO EQUALS. W rit« for Information. (except pregnant does) should be re­ jected. especially those having the Vaughan Motor Works, main whites o f the eye* s ta in ed with yel-J P O R T L A N D . OREGON. low. A hutch rabbit in good health Is | gentle, neither savage nor overtlmld., N othing Left. and does not scream when lifted by the enrs. "Yes, we used to sit out in the old The Sexes.— The does selected fo r' summer house in the beautiful moon- breeding may be o f the same strain1 light. Strange to say, Jack never be­ and even o f the same litter, but the lieved he kissed me as often as I ac­ buck should he o f different stock, and cused him of doing.” when i>osslhlc obtained from another “ Ah, and how did you convince breeder. Hardy young animals with him?” tho host characteristics of the breed “ Why. the next night I told him to may be bought ut from ?1 to $2 each. cut a notch in the summer house each Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens Often they mny be bad o f neurby time he took a kiss." "H ow did the scheme work?” breeders, thus saving the expense o f] So Naturally that No­ “ Very well for a while, but— er— by carriage on long Journeys by express. body can tell. the end of the week there was no sum­ Hutches and Pen*. mer house left.” — Exchange. The Belgian hure does not do well when kept wild In open warrens. The j CUTICURA HEALS ECZEMA Hair that loses Its color and lustre, a * when it fades, turns gray, dull and common English rabbit Is better for this purpose. A g o o d many Belgians A n d Rashes T h a t Itch and B u rn — lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made Free to A n yo n e A n yw h e re . have been turned out In various parts up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur of the United States, and In the vicin­ to keep her lockB dark and beautiful, In the treatment of skin and scalp ity of the city o f New York and on troubles bathe freely with Cuticura and thousands of women and men who the western coast this has resulted In Soap and hot water, dry and apply value that even color, that beautiful some cotnpluints o f damage to crops. Cuticura Ointment. If there is a nat dark shade of hair which is so at­ As a rule, however, und fortunately for ural tendency to rashes, pimples, etc., tractive, use only this olu time recipe. the farmers, these animals, when prevent their recurrence by making Nowadays we get this famous mix­ obliged to shift for themselves, fall an Cuticura your daily toilet preparation. ture improved by the addition of other Free sample each by mail with i ingredients by asking at any drug easy prey to their enemies and disap­ Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, store for a 50-cent bottle o f "W yeth ’s pear within a few months. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Sage and Sulphur Compound,” which Belgian hares mny be managed suc­ — Adv. darkens the hair so naturally, so even­ cessfully In two ways: (1) Entirely ly, that nobody can possibly tell it In hutches, or (2) In outdoor fenced has been applied. You Just dampen A s B r’e r W illia m Sees it. runs, or courts, with hutches for does a sponge or soft brush with it and You never know when you is happy when having young, and sleeping till you is d ar out er happy land, an’ diaw this through your hair, taking hutches for other stock. The hutch den you ain't got time nuff left’ ter one small strand at a time. By morn­ system with various modifications Is kick yo’se’f not knowin’ it at de right ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with W yeth’s the more common and Is the only time. Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair To keep clean and healthy take Dr. after a few applications, it also brings Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu­ back the gloss and lustre and gives it late liver, bowels and stomach. an appearance of abundance. Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Com- U n u s u a l. “ See anything unusual on your peund is a delightful toilet requisite to impart color and a youthful appear­ trip?” "Yes. A t one of the places where I ance to the hair. It is not intended stopped I found a ticket agent who for the cure, mitigation or prevention « didn’t seem annoyed when I asked for o f disease.— Adv. a ticket.”— Detroit Free Press. VALLE OF IRRIGATED LANDS W h at A lfa lfa W ill Accom plish In Mat­ te r of Forage Crops— Feed fo r Cattle and Sheep. To give one an approximate Idea of tho value of Irrigated land In the mat­ ter o f forage for cattle, the following figures will show what alfalfa will do on Irrigated ns compared with common hay on noulrrlgnted land: One ncro sown to nlfulfn nnd Irri­ gated will produce 10,000 pounds of liny. Ono acre In Inclosed pasture, B00 pounds. Ono acre of range averages 250 pounds. Or again: One acre of irrigated alfalfa will feed oue riser 400 days. One acre o f Inclosed pasture will feed ono steer 20 days. One acre o f range will feed one steer ten days. Or putting It In sheep, It will show: One hundred and sixty acres o f Irri­ gated alfalfa will maintain 1,000 abeep one yaar. HAVE YOU A SWEETHEART Son or Brother in camp or training fo r defense? T h e D ifference I f so, mail him a package o f A llen 's Foot Ease, “ What’s the difference between a the antiseptic Powder for Tired. Aching. S w ol­ len Feet, and prevent* blisters and sore spot*. drama and a melodrama?” "W ell, in a drama the heroine mere­ Makes w alking easy. Sold everyw here. 25c. Movable Outdoor Hutch. ly throws the villain over. In a melo­ He Had Forgotten. method adopted by rabbit fanciers who drama she throws him over a cliff.’ — One morning a good tramp called at raise for show. The use o f small runs Judge. a house for something to eat. A fter or rabbit courts to give the nnlmnls I a sandwich and some cake had been healthful exercise in fine weather Is of given to him, he said: “ But this is a advantage. wheatless d a y !” “ Oh, I am so sorry,” Outdoor hutches should have sloping the lady replied, “ I forgot; here is a roofs and overhanging eaves to protect 1 paper napkin; perhaps you would like them from rain. The screened door to wrap it up and save it for tomor­ r o w !” “ Thank you, lady, a fine idea.” should have a sliding cover o f wood or But when she later found some crumbs be fitted with a removable cloth cover. on the garden steps she said to her­ Small holes bored near the top of the self, “ I’m afraid he has forgotten.” hutch will afford all necessary ventila­ tion. Between T w o Fires. Movable hutches have some ndvnn- \ E at less m e a t i f y o u fe e l B ack - “ I educated one of my boys to be a tnges. They may he carried outdoors a c h y o r h a ve B la d d e r doctor and the other to be a lawyer,” In fine weather nnd taken back under said Farmer Corntossel. trou ble. shelter at night or during storms, j “ You should be very proud of them,” announced the visitor. "Th at Long, narrow cleats projecting at both ends o f the hutch are nil thnt are | No man or woman who eats meat seems like an excellent arrangement.” “ I don't know about that,” replied needed to convert the ordinary hutch regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says the aged agriculturist. " I t looks as Into n movable one. a well-known authority. Meat forms though it was a going to break up the uric acid which excites the kidneys, family. I got run into by a locomotive One hundred nnd sixty acres of In­ they become overworked from the and one of ’em wants to cure me and closed pasture will maintain SO sheep strain, get sluggish and fail to filter the other wants me to go lame so he the waste and poisons from the blood, can sue for damages.”— Leslie’s Home one year. then we get sick. Nearly all rheuma­ Journal. One hundred and sixty acres of tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous­ range will maintain 40 sheep one year. ness, dizziness, sleeplessness and ur­ Revised. inary disorders come from sluggish "Eat. drink and be merry.” Move Forward. kidneys. "That used to go, but nowadays we The moment you feel a dull ache in say it differently.” The renlly progressive farmer Is thinking of concrete buildings, nnd the kidneys or your back hurts or if “ What is it now?” “ Be merry, tho you cannot afford things o f that sort. That silo which the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of has long been contemplated may still sediment, irregular of passage or at­ either to eat or drink.”— Exchange. tended by a sensation o f scalding, be put up this season. stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar­ Granulated Eyelids, H arvesting Onions. macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by Onions should not be illowed to be­ of water before breakfast and In a 5un, O u tt and Win«? quickly i j e ” relieved by Murine. Try it in come wet during hnrvest. It roughens few days your kidneys w ill act fine. e your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. their skin, making them unsightly. This famous salts is made from the L j N * S m * r t i n f , Just Eye Comfort Store on shallow shelves nnd bins in a acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com­ I U U R bined with llthla, and has been used Marine Eye Remedy m - h - dry, well aired room. fiv «— F r»». for generations to flush and stimulate C y » S « t v » ( in Tube« 25c. For Hook o f Ask M arine Eye Remedy C o.. Chicago j the kidneys, also to neutralize the Keep Onlona D ry. acids in urine so It no longer causes Onions should not be allowed to irritation, thus ending bladder weak­ I* no more nicMorr than S m a llp o x . Army become wet during harvest It ness. experience has demonstrated roughens their skin, making them un­ the xlainet miraculous effi­ Jad Salts is inexpensive and can­ and hannlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. sightly. Store on shallow shelves and not injure; makes a delightful effer­ cacy, Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and vescent lithia-water drink which bins In a dry, well-nlred room. your family. It Is more vital than house Insurance. Ark yeur physician, drug girt, oe rend foe ‘Hava everyone should take now and then you had Typhoid?” telling of T y p h o id Vaccina, to keep the kidneys clean and active results from ua , aad danger f r o « Typhoid Carriers., Good Roads F irst and the blood pure, thereby avoiding the a r r m laboratocy , srtnnrv, cal Until wc hnve good roads we will P N M O M UCUMU • I I IU M H M I W. S. * • » . UC*«9# serious kidney complications.— Adv. Dot have better markets. i HEAVYMEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS TYPHOID