The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 20, 1917, Image 6

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in every limb and muscle, wurrlors of she crouched In the bush back from sand-bar, and she wandered buck Into
a hundred lights, and feat less to the the river, waiting for him to come to (lie plain. A dozen times she scented
polut of death, the two half-wolf vic­ her. She had faith that he would gauu>, and each time It evaded her.
tims of uiuu stood facing each other. wine, ns ho had come a thousand Even u ground-uiouso that sha cor­
None could see the questioning look in times before, and she lay close on her nered under u root, and dug out with
their brute eyes. None knew that tu belly, snltllug the air, and whining tier paws, escaped her fiuigs.
tills thrilling moment the unseen hand when It brought no scent of her mate.
Thirty-six hours before tills Kazan
o f the wonderful Spirit God of the w il­
Day and night were alike an endless and Gray W olf had left a half of their
derness hovered between them, and chaos of darkness to Iter now, but she last kill u mile or two farther Imek
that one of its miracles was descending knew when the sun went down. She on tlie plain. The kill was one of tlie
upon them.
It was understanding. sensed the first deepening shadows of big barren rabbits, mid Gray W olf
Meeting in the open rivals in the evening, and she knew that the stars turned In Its direction. Situ did not
traces— they would have been rolling were out, und that the river lay In requlro sight to find It. In her was
in the throes of terrific battle. But here moonlight. It was a night to roam, developed to its finest point Unit Sixth ;
came that mute appeal of brotherhood. and after a time site moved restless­ sense of tlie animal kingdom, tlie sense
In the filial moment, when only a step ly about in a small circle on the plain, o f orientation, and us straight us n
separated them, and when men ex­ and sent out her first Inquiring call pigeon might have winged Its flight
pected to see the first mad lunge, the for Kazan. I ’ p from the river came slio cut through llio bush to tlie spot
splendid Dane slowly raised bis head the pungent odor of smoke, and In­ where they liad cached the rabbit.
and looked over Kazan’s back through stinctively she knew that it was this A white fox liad been there nhcitd of 1
the glare of the lights. Darker trem­ smoke, nnd the nearness of man, that her, and site found only scattered tills
Copyright by the Bobbs-MerrilJ Company.
bled, and under his breath he cursed. was keeping Kazan from her.
But of htilr and fur. What I tie fox had
C H A P T E R X V I.
The Dane's throat was open to Kazan. st>e went no nearer than that first cir­ left tlie moose birds and liusli Jays |
— 16 —
But between the beasts had passed the cle made hy her padded feet. Blind­ hud carried away. Hungrily Gray W olf
Professor McGill.
voiceless pledge o f peace. Kazan did ness had taught her to wait. Since turned hack to tlie river.
lied Gold City was ripe for a night not leap. De turned. And shoulder to the day of the battle on the Situ ltoek,
o f relaxation. There had been some shoulder— splendid in their contempt of when the lynx hud destroyed her eyes,
gambling, a few tights and enough man— they stood and looked through Kazan had never failed her. Three
liquor to create excitement now and the bars of their prison into the one of time she called for him In the early
then, but the presence o f the mounted human faces.
night. Then site made herself a nest Omaha Man Bought Washington Me­
police had served to keep things un­
A roar burst from the crowd—a roar under a buuskiuu shrub, und waited
morial Dollar From Texas Owner
usually tame compared with events a of anger, of demand, of threat. In his until dawn.
— Few Were Minted.
few hundred miles farther north, in the rage Darker drew a revolver and
Just how she knew when night blot­
Dawson country. The entertainment leveled It at the Dane. Above the tu­ ted out the last glow of the sun, so
By the display o f a silver dollar J.
proposed by Sandy MeTrigger and Jan mult o f the crowd a single voice without seeing site knew when day
A. McShunc, millionaire oil man of
Darker met with excited favor. The stopped him.
came. Not until sin* felt the warmth
news spread for twenty miles ubout
“ H old !" it demanded. "H old— In the of tlie sun on her hack did Iter anxiety ; Omaha, I... ame tlie central figure In a
Los Angeles hotel recently, tin* Ex­
lied Gold City and there had never name of the law !”
overcome her caution.
Slowly she j press o f Unit city stall's. Of course,
been greater excitement in the town
For a moment there was stlence. moved toward the river, sniffing the
than on the afternoon and night of the Every face turned in the direction of air and whining. There was uo longer ! there was nothing remarkable about
This lii'sli satin dance frock |, luck­
big tight. This was largely because the voice. Two men stood on chairs the smelt of smoke in the air, and she Mr. MoShntie’a displaying a dollar, nor
ing In trimming*, but tImt is made up
Kazan and the huge Dane had b»-H’n | h.‘hind the last row. One was Sergeant could not catch the scent o f man.
for In a diversity of draperies and by
placed on exhibition, each dog ln n Rrokaw of the Royul Northwest She followed her own trail back to type o f men to whom tlie coin Is rare. Inside panniers und tin* zouave bot­
specially made cage of his own, and a Mounted. It was he who had spoken. the sand-bar, and In the fringe of
tom. The bodice Is of crepe georgette
fever of betting began. Three hundred De was holding up a hand, command­ thick hush overhanging the white the Interest wns that the coin In ques­
with ruffles falling from the shoulder*.
men, each o f whom was paying live ing silence and attention. On the chair shore o f the stream she stopped and
A crushed salltl girdle encircles the
dollars to see the battle, viewed the beside him stood another man. De was | listened. A fter a little she scrambled one o f tin' very few minted Just after waist aiut comes to a point at tlie right
gladiators through the bars of their l thin, with drooping shoulders, and a down and went straight to the spot j
side. The debutante tills winter will
cages. Harker's dog was a combina­ pale smooth fact*— n little man. whose ‘ where she amt Kazan were drinking | The dollar Is about the snriie size enjoy her military dances In simple
tion of Great Dane and mastiff, born in physique ami hollow cheeks told noth- j when the shot came. And there her j
frocks and have as much fun ami look
the north, and bred to the traces. Bet­ lng of the years lie had spent close up nose struck the sand still wet und j pound or so o f potatoes, and on each
even more lovely thiiu I mt elder sister
ting favored him by the odds of two to 1 along the raw edge of the Arctic. It thick with Kazan’s blood.
did last winter in a mure elaborate
one. Occasionally it ran three to one. I was he who spoke now, while the ser- | She knew it was the blood o f her i one side Is the date o f Ids Dirtti, Feb- gown.
At these odds there was plenty of Ka­ geant held up his hand. Dis voico*wus mate, for the scent o f him was nil
o f Ids death, December 14, 17i*i). Thera
zan money. Those who were risking ; low and quiet:
about her in the sand, mingled with are lid stars on each side of the coin.
their money on him were the older
"I'll give the owners five hundred the man-smell of Sandy MeTrigger.
Mr. McSImne obtained the dollar
wilderness men— men who had spent dollars for those dogs." he said.
She sniffed the trail of Ills body to from a negro In Texas. Tlie negro
their lives among dogs, and who knew
Correct Thing at P-esent Is a Bed­
Every man In the room heard the of- i the edge o f the stream, where Sandy ;
what the red light in Kazan’s eyes | fer. Darker looked at Sandy. For an had dragged him to the canoe. She I said thut lie hud curried It for 2<> years
spread and Bolster Cover
meant. An old Kootenay miner spoke , instant their heads were close together. found the fallen tree to which lie had ! and that It liad been given him by Ills
to Match It.
De was loath to part
low in another’s ear:
“ They won’t tight, and they’ll make been tied. And then she came upon with It nnd did su only after Mr. Me.
I f you nre rc equipping your bed*
“ I ’d bet on Tm even. I'd give odds good team-mates," the little man went one o f the two clubs that Sandy bad
Shane bad crossed ids palm with con­
if I had to. lie'll fight all around the |
j on. “ I ’ll give the owners five hundred used to bent wounded Kazan Into sub- j siderably more than the face value of you will discover that tlie correct thing
now Is a bedspread and bolster cover
Dane. The Dane won’t have no i dollars.”
mlsslveness. It was covered with blood
the Washington dollar.
to match. The bedspread Is ample
and hair, nnd all at once Gray W olf
Darker raised a hand.
Mr. MeSliane said that he Intended
“ But he's got the weight, ” said the
“ Make it six," he said. “ Make it six lay back on her haunches nnd turned to (dace the coin In the museum of enough to permit o f being tucked well
In at the base, either tucked In at tin»
other dubiously. “ Look ut his Jaws, and they're yours.”
her blind face to the sky. nnd there
Omaha, sides or allowed to Imng over the edge.
an’ his shoulders— "
The little man hesitated. Then he rose from her throat a cry for Kazan which was endowed with ¿lí.UUU.OOO
And tlie spread comes well up to tho
that drifted for miles on the wings
“ An’ his big feet, an’ his soft throat, nodded.
by tlie McShunc family.
head of the bed at the top. The bol­
an’ the clumsy thickness of his belly,”
“ I’ll give you six hundred.” he of the south wind. Never bad Gray
ster cover Is about a yard wide nnd
W olf given quite thut cry before. It
interrupted the Kootenay man. “ For ngreed.
A Legend.
Its length Is tlie same as the width o f
heaven’s sake, man .take my word for
Murmurs of discontent rose through­
Once upon it time the python did
In the shops It Is
it, an’ don’t put your money on the out the crowd. Darker climbed to the the moonlit nights, ami neither was riot have to depend upon Its strength the bedspread.
holster case, but
Dane l”
edge of the platform.
to kill Its enemies. The story says In practical use It m.iy he spread over
It carried
Others thrust themselves between
“ We ain’t to blame because they yenrnlng for matehood.
that lids huge serpent wns the only
them. At first Kazan had snarled at wouldn’t fight." he shouted, “ but if with it the lament of death. And after one of the big snake family tfint was tlie bolster or pillows at night. Tho
that one cry Gray W olf slunk hnck to j poisonous, and he was so terrible tlint old task o f keeping the so-called pil­
all these faces about him. But now
low shams In shnpe or the bother o f
the fringe of bush over the river, nnd
he lay back against the boarded side
lie could kill a man hy lilting Ills foot-j having an ornamental bolster to use
lay with her face turned to the strnnm. prints In the earth.
o f the cage and eyed them sullenly
by day Is eliminated In this way.
A strange terror fell upon her. She
from between his forepaws.
The crow was Ju«t ns mischievous
The only exception to Mils method o f
The fight was to be pulled off in B ar­
a bird then ns now.
One dny he
but never before hnd she been alone watched for the python, and when he bed covering Is In having n single, ex-
ker's place, a combination of saloon
in that darkness. Always there bad wns under the tree where Die bird was tra long bedspread which extends over
and cafe. The benches and tables had
been tlie guardianship of Kazan's pres­ perrhed, Mr, Crow tool a brilliant Iden. > Mm pillows ns well as the bed. Some
been cleared out and in the center of
ence. She heard the clucking sound So he told the python that the last of the very expensive embroidered
the one big room a cage ten feet square
of n spruce hen in the bush a few man whose footprints be had bitten linen covers are made in one piece in
rested on a platform three and a half
away, and now that sound came had not died. De was alive nnd per­ tills way. Attractive and Inexpensive
feet from the floor. Seats for the three
to her us if from out of another world. fectly well. This was too much fo r' bedspreads and holster covers are to
hundred spectators were drawn closely
A ground-mouse rustled through the the python's pride. lie spnt out all of b<* had In printed madrases, showing
around this. Suspended Just above the
grass dose to her forepaws, und she I the poison and the other snakes swal­ a neatly stitched braid applied to tho
open top of the cage were two big oil
at It, nnd closed her teeth lowed It, so that they became the poi­ large Scalloped edges.
lamps with glass reflectors.
If one can afford to be lavish In re­
on n rock. The muscles of her shoul­ sonous ones and the python was left
It was eight o'clock when Darker,
ders twitched tremulously ami she with only bis enormous strength as Ids gard to bed furnishings, there are the
MeTrigger and two other men bore K a­
shivered as if stricken by Intense cold. ! weapon. From this time on he bail to new basket-weave homespun blankets
zan to the arena by means of the wood­
• but are light in weight, but warm
She was terrified hy tlie darkness that crush the life out o f Ids victims.
en bars that projected from the bottom
enough for the first chilly nights. They
shut out tli«> world from her, nnd she j
— ------------— .--------------------------------------
of his cage. The big Dane was already
found In wide cheeks of unbleached
Ship and Its Gender.
in the fighting cage. He stood blinking
wool color und green or blue or pink
his eyes in the brilliant light of the
Early In tlie afternoon she wnndered French, Italian. Spanish and I'ortu- or yellow.
reflecting lamps. De pricked up his
back on the plain. It was different, j guese and possesses no sex In Teutonic j
ears when he saw Kazan. Kazan did
It frightened her, und soon she re- and Scandinavian, remarks the Marine
not show bis fangs. Neither revealed
turned to the beach, and snuggled Journal.
the expected animosity. It was the first
down under the tree where Kazan had i I’erliaps It would not be an error to Idea of Veiled Decollete and Arms,
they had seen of each other, and a mur­
lain. She wns not so frightened here. trace the custom o f feminizing ships j
mur of disappointment swept the runks
Which Came From France, in
The smell of Kazan was strong about btfi'k to the Greeks, who called them by ,
of the three hundred men. The Dane
Keeping With the Times.
her. For an hour she luy motionless, feminine names, probably out o f defer­
remained as motionless as a rock when
with her head resting on the club clot­ ence to Athene, goddess o f the sea.
One o f the Interesting phases o f tho
Kazan was prodded from his own cage
But the English speaking sailor, ns- war time modes Is the new type o f eve­
ted with his hair and blood. Night
into the fighting cage. De did not leap
found her still there. And when tlie signs no such reasons. The ship to ning dress, with Its veiled decollete anil
or snarl. De regarded Kazan with a
j there’s any of you small enough to moon and tlie stars came out she tdin Is always a Indy, even though she arms.
dubious questioning poise to ills splen­
want your money back you can git it crawled back Into the pit in the white he a man o’-war. She possesses a waist, ! There Is bound to be a certain so­
did head, and then looked again to the
as you go out. The dogs ’ aid down on sand that Kuzan's body had made un­ collars, stays, luces, bonnets, ties, rib-1 cial life, even In wnr time. It hns
expectant and excited faces of the wait­
us, that's all. We uin’t to blame.”
bons, chains, watches and dozens of been found best for the morale o f tho
der the tree.
ing men. For a few moments Kazan
The little man was edging his way
distinctly feminine attributes.
people to have some distraction from
stood stiff-legged, facing the Dane.
! between the chairs, accompanied by
the sadness o f war.
edge of tlie stream to drink.
Then his shoulders dropped, and he,
| the sergeant of police. With his pale
At tho satin* time no one feels like
could not see that tlie day was nlrnost
too, coolly faced the crowd that had ex­
face close to the sapling bars o f the
What Is, perhaps, the oddest o f nil decking out In full evening garb, such
pected a fight to the death. A laugh of
as dark as night, and that the gray-
. . .
i cage he looked ut Kazan and the big
black sky was a chaos of slumbering ways to select a name for n city or as bits b<s*n worn the last few Hensons
derision swept through the closely seat- p,anf.
ed rows. Catcalls, jeering, taunts flung
storm. But she could smell the pres­ street is to name It for a cerlnin — sleeveless arid decollete to an amaz­
“ I guess we’ll be good friends,” he
ut MeTrigger and llurker, and angry
ence of it in the thick air, und could date, nnd yet tills lias been done In ing degree, says a fashion letter In
said, and he spoke so low that only the
voices demanding their money back
feel tlie forked flashes o f lightning Brazil for hundreds o f years. It wns tho New York Herald.
dogs heard his voice. “ It’s a big price,
Franco hns solved the problem for
mingled with a tumult o f growing dis­
that rolled up with the dense pall on January 1, ir»31, that a Portuguese
but we’ll charge it to the Smithsonian,
content. Sandy's face was red with
from tlie south and west. The distant captain, Alphonso de Souza hy name, us in sending us evening drosses that
lads. I’rn going to need a couple of
mortification and rage. The blue veins
rumbling of thunder grew louder, ami entered tlie mouth of that marvelously have n dignity and charm quite ns at­
four-footed friends of your moral cali­
in Barker's forehead had swollen twice
huddled herself again under the beautiful bay, on the shores o f which tractive and more in keeping with
now stands the capital o f the vast re­ theso times. One o f flu* peculiarities
their normal size. De shook his fist in
And no one knew why Kozan and the tree. For hours the storm crashed public o f Brazil. Thinking thut he wus o f these dresses Is that the decollete
the face of the crowd, and shouted:
Dane drew nearer to the little scien­
“ W alt 1 Give ’em u chance, yizu tist's side of the cage as he pulled out When it had finished she slunk out salting Into a great river, he named Is higher In the back than usual, nnd
tlie stream Bio de Janlero, or Jnnuary the front hns more o f the dinner gown
fools 1”
a big roll o f bills and counted out six from lu>r shelter like a thing beaten. river, and nil through the centuries
effect than the usual opera or bnll
At his words every voice was stilled. hundred dollars for Darker and Sandy Vainly she sought for one last scent
the name bus remained.
Tho sleeves nre sometime*
Kazan had turned. He was facing the MeTrigger.
simply elbow sleeves o f tulle or net,
Again the sand was white where
Dane. The Dane had turned his eyes
The Wise Man.
sometimes long sl»*eves, such ns were
Kazan’s blood had reddened It. Even
to Kazan. Cautiously, prepared for a
“ De is a wise man who does not first seen Inst season, with slashes for
under the tree there was no sign of
lunge or a sidestep. Kazan advanced
grieve for the thing he has not, but tho hand! nt about wnlst depth. Homo
him left.
a little. The Dane's shoulders bristled.
Alone In Darkness.
rejoices for those which he hns.” — o f theso are so long they full to tho
Until now only the terror o f being Epictetus.
Ue, too, advanced upon Kuzuu. Four
Never had the terror and loneliness
feet apart they stood rigid. One could of blindness fallen upon Gray W olf alone in the pit of darkness that en­
Many o f theso evening gowns have
have heard a whisper in the room now. M in the days that followed the shoot­ veloped her had oppressed Gray Wolf.
When Adam nnd Kve put on flg no train*, hut thoae for tho opera
Sandy and Darker, standing close to ing of Kazan and his capture by Sandy With afternoon came hunger. It was leaves they orgnnlzed the first styls and like occasions have sometimes
¿he cage, scarcely breathed. Spleadld MeTrigger. For hours after the shot this hunger that drew her from the show.— Cincinnati Tlmes-Htar.
panel train*.