The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 20, 1917, Image 5

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    ®lfp JÎnrent (ßrxittp SxjirfHfl
1 have come to the end of * rinati«’
I' u I i I íh I hm ] «ve ry ThurmUy at Forent Grove, O r e g o n .
I»enler, Kilitor mui l'ijhlínher.
Enter«*«! un Hceond «lux* mutter J h ii . 12, 11*1*!, ut the |xmU>fHcc ut Forent fîrove,
Oregon, under the Act o f March
., ,
. ,.
S u b n crip tio n K atex
I’uid m advance
On Credit
One year
One year
Six mon D im
.Six nionthH
Three Months
Three months
THURSDAY, DKC. 20, 11*17
“ I urn sorry that you do not wear u Hag every
day and I cun only usk you if you lose tin- phyaicai
emblem to he sure that you wear it in yotiK
IIKART; the heart of America shall interpret the
heart of the world.” I’r c ident Wilson.
A N I) C O M M K N T S
Only I lin t* more shopping day« I Grove, to In- at the meeting. DH-
bcfore Christmas.
egations fr «in North Plains and
.Since April, incendiary fires Lain el appeared before the Hills­
have destroyed enough foodstuffs boro Huh last week and were
And |>eacefully lying in bed.
My thought* revert in u miming way
¡ To the fowl which trxUy I’veiieen fed.
When I think of the cheese and the
bean* * nd the fish
And oysters I’ve had to cut,
I've no regret* for the ‘‘good old
I really didn’t miss the meat!
I have come to the end of a wheatless
I have eaten no cookies or pie,
I have had no bread that was marie
with wheat;
It was made out of corn or rye;
And 1 liked it so well, that when war
¡ h past
And a glorious victory won.
I’ll keep on observing “ wheatless”
Arid I’ll eat “ corn” for fun!
Ocanto (Wis.) Enterprise.
7000 Gun Wi|»eH
to ration an army of 300,000 men ‘i,^'l,,' d fL*it the mcmbeis of the
34 Dozen Mouth Wi|>eH
for a year.
7 Dozen Arm Slings
North Plains ami Laurel delega-
Cover* for Hot Water Bottles
It doesn t take lory to get used Kations in th, ir t./r,)rts to k„.t ap.
7 Dozen Cup Covers
to cofre«* without sugar,
sugar, but
oat- i propriations for their districts.
hut oat
04 Dozen Handkerchiefs
meal, we foresee is going to be a ^|1(j that is all right, so far as it
2H Dozen Substitutes for Handker­
different proposition-
goes, hut t h e P’xpress h e a r s
2X Hospital Shirts
Because a man cannot do a rumors that an effort may he
i 9 Dozen Bed Sox
thing he should not conclude that made to put off improvem nt of | 20 Pillows
it can’t be dime. The chances are the roads 1« ailing to For«*st drove
27 Dozen Napkins
that a woman can do it with u until some other y«*ar not yet
Shipments are going forward
hair pin.
named. And this will be all right, every week or two and lists of
he people interested a r e , these w.II be published from time
The President's address may too,
to°» if
^ l <he
lose something of its force and too
t°o s'eepy
to look after their in- to time showing the splendid re-
tore Is.
.suits of the Red Cross work here
finish in translation, but Austria
Will the people of Fore st Grove,
The past week the Forest Grove
probably wiil be able to get its
received $54 55 from T.
meaning in its main essentials.
. while oth«*r districts are plucking P. Hines, trea urer
of the Red
It is claim..*«! that Germany is (he p|ums? \>xt Saturday will Cro s Workers of Gales Ci'y Dis­
able to put fourteen men >n the ; an8Wer thU quC;tlion.
• triet, of which amount $51.55 r« p-
field for what .t costs the United j
Remember, l h e meeting i s resents the proceeds of a Pie
States to put one. And it is b e -! called for 10 o’clock in the FORH- « Social given at Gales City and
lieved Ux y are worth fully that NOON.
$¡1.00 for memberships for the fis-
Here is a war story that is go- l'a *r ^,a r JUsl t*n'*,,ig
The Express office w i 11 be .
. .
The women of th** Kansas City
, . .
mg tne rounds: A young lady who
lockeil up all day Christmas, a* . . .
. .
. ,
. .
i .. i ....
... • • . hail b«“en mdustriusly doing her District have organized a Unit
the editor and "devil will insist . . . . .
, ,
. . . .
oil knitting socks for the soldiers, and i he pa<t week made a splen-
on celebrating j u s t like other ,
. .
, ,
n , . ..
forwarded a sample of her work <1 id contribution of supplies to be
Christians. Do your shopping be- . . .
. . . . .
, ,
to 1* ranee. Although intended as shipped through the local Branch.
fore luesday.
. ,
We aUo acknowledge receipt of
mates, one was very large and the
of dish towels, hand-
It is rumored that Dr. W. I). ¡other quite small. On a slip of
from the Curtis
Worxl of Hillsboro may he a can- pa|»er in the toe of one of them
didate for the republican nomina* was her name and address. She Avenue club.
lion for state treasurer at the received the followingacknowledg-) Mrs. Abbie J. Whitehouse acted
primaries next spring
Dr. Wood m,.rit: ‘*| Rot y«»ur letter and I got
Chairman of »he Sewing Unit
has so far refused to affirm or ' yOUr knit; I’m in the trenches and ! Thursday afternoon in the ab-
deny the rumor.
doing my bit, wear one for a hel- ■8ence sf M rs’ A’ l i - Todd> due t0
illness. The Forest Grove Branch
A Nebraska paper suggests : met and one for a mit
would like at this time to extend
that, in addition to having th e ; thunder did you learn to knit?”
to the women of Forest Grove
convicts taken out and put to i
| and community a most cordial in­
building public roads, many of
vitation to be present at the Sew-
th«* contractors who have been
P I _
1 II 7
ing Unit Thursday afternoons in
building these roads in the past
the Ande^on Building, and lend
should be put in the cells vacated i
their »services in this, a most corrt-
by the convicts. And th«*re are I The total amounts of all sup- mendable work. Some have ex-
. . , ,
. .
! pressed a thought that they must
other states in Nebraska’s fix. I f ! ..
I n’t i hi»; U
whic*h have been shipped to f be invited personally by am ent-
. .
’ *'
' ' < date from the Forest Grove Red j ber of the Red Cross. This is not
Spence, master of t he state grange. ^ r()SS Hranch are as fo||ows:
1 necessary. The rooms are open
from 1:30 to 5:30. Bring thimble
and ne« die.
33 8we**«"
Official Reporter.
GO Scarf»
I he m eeting to lake a« lion on j 99 Pairs ..f Thumble** Mits
Join the Red Cross today:
the county budget for the year
35 Helmets
, Brace the Boys who Brave the
1918 opens at the court house.
Hun lor you.
Hillsboro, next Saturday, Dec.
225 Eye or Bandages
22d, at 10 a. m. The budget! IX Wash Mits
carries an appropriation of $8,0001 27G Surgeons’ Sponges
for road improvement between I 1(14 Wash Cloths
this city and Banks and $5,000
( Continued from Page One)
Dish Towels
for same purpose on the Gales
5 Dozen ,, Dish Cloths ,
The real antichrist will be one of
Creek road. There are so many
51 Shoulder Wraps of outing flannel ..
, . • . ■
T ..
monarehs of his time, a Luth-
places to spend the road money for Convalescents
eran Urot« slant
He will invoke
57 Suits of Pajamas
that an effort may be made to cut
23 T- Bandages
God and give himself out as his
off one or both appropriations
5 Many-tailed Bandages
messenger, or apostle^
and it behooves every taxpayer of
5X Rolls of Bandages
This prince of lies will swear by
Forest Grove and of Gales Creek,
12 Split Pillows
the Bible. He will represent him­
as well as those of the Banks sec­
20 1-2 Dozen Tray Cloths
as the arm of the most high,
tion who care to come to Forest
sent to chastise corrupt peoples.
He will have only one arm, but
his innumerable armies, who wiil
take for their devise the words
j "God is with us” and will resemble
the infernal regions.
For a long time he will act by
Fruits and Vegetables in Season
craft and strategy. His spies will
overrun the earth.
A war will afford him the op­
portunity of throwing off the
mask. It will not be in the first
South Main Street
Forest Grove, Ore
instance a w a r he wi l l wage a French monarch, but it
01 Local Workers
Prophecy of German
Monk Coming True
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Holiday Fares
to California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho points
will enable you to go home for Christmas and New Years.
Sale dates to California points
December 21st to 23«! and 25th to
28th, inclusive.
Return limit
January 15th.
Sale dates between ail stations in
Oregon and from all stations in
Oregon to stations on other lines
in Oregon, Washington and Ida­
ho December 22d to 25th, inclus­
ive. Return limit January 3d.
In addition, tickets will be sold
from Forest Grove Dec. 21st; re­
turn limit Jan. 3d.
Between points in Oregon only,
additional sale dates Dec. 29th to
31st and Jan. 1st. Return limit,
January 3d.
Ask nearest S. P. Agent for particulars
John M. Scott,
General Passenger Agent,
Southern Pacific Lines
will be on of such nature that r once.
after two weeks one will realize its
The B ’ack Eagle will hurl itself
universal character.
upon the Cock, which will lose
Armies will be involved from many feathers. It will soon be
the four quarters of the earth. exhausted, but for the Leopard.
By the third week the angels will
The Black Eagle will come from
perceive that the man is anti­ the land of Luther, will make a
christ and that all wiil become his surprise attack upon the Cock.
slaves, if they do not overthrow
The White Eagle will come
this conqueror.
from the north.
Antichrist will be recognized by
The black Eagle will find itself
various tokens—in special he will forced to let go of the Cock in
massacre the priests, the monks, j order to fight the White Eagle,
the women, the children and the whereupon the Cock will have to
aged. He will show no mercy.
pursue the B!dck Eagle into the
He will have an eagle in his land of the antichrist to aid the
arms, there wi'd also be an eagle White Eagle.
in the arms of his confederate.
The battles fought up to that
But the latter will be a Christian time will be nothing compared to
and will die from the malediction that which will take place m the
of Pope Benedict, who will b e’ Lutheran country.
elected at the beginning of the
When the beast finds himself
reign of antichrist.
lost he will become furious.
In order toconquor antichrist it 1
Men will be able to cross the
will be neces-ary to kill more
over the bodies of the dead.
men than Rome ever contained,
will sue for peace
ft will need the energies of all the
the seven angels
kingdoms because the Cock, the
Leopard and the White Eagle will who will march before three ani­
not be able to make an end of the mals of the land, will have pro­
Black Eagle, without the aid of claimed that victory will not be
the prayers a n d vows of the given except on condition that
antichrist will be crushed like
human race.
Never will humanity be faced straw upon the threshing floor.
with such a peril, because the
The three animals will not be
triumph of antichrist would be permitted to cease fighting as
that of demon, who will have' long as antichrist has soldiers.
taken possession of his personality.' It will be made manifest that
For it has been said that 20 the combat which will be fought
centuries after the incarnation of out in that part of the country in
the word the beast will be in car-. which the antichrist forges his
nated in his turn and will m enace, arms, is no human conflict. The
the world with as many evils as animal defenders of the lamb will
the divine incarnation has brought exterminate the last army of anti­
it graces.
Toward the year 2000 antichrist
.Antichrist will lose his crown
will be made manifest. His armies and will die in solitude and mad­
will surpass in numbers anything ness. His empire will be divided
that can be imagined.
There into 22 states, but none will have
willbeChristians among hiscohorts any longer fortifications, armies or
and there w i 11 be Mohammedans ships of war.
among the defenders among the
The White Eagles, by order of
lamb as well a# some of the Michael, will drive the Crescent
heathen soldiers.
out of Europe, where there will be
F'or the first time the lamb will no longer any but Christians. He
be red, for blood will flow in the will install himself at Constanti­
domains of the four elephants at nople.
We can supply you with
Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens
Sweet Potatoes, Fruits, etc.
Fresh Fish Every Tuesday and Friday
Phone 0301