W H O HAPPENINGS OF H WEEK Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Events o f Noted People Government* and Pacific North «eat and Other Thine* Worth Knowing. The administration bill to increase the number o f cadets at the Annapolis Naval academy was passed late Mon­ day by the house without debate, and now goes to the senate. German naval forces have made a foray in t o t he North Sea and surprised a convoy o f merchant ships, sinking one British and five neutral vessels and4four mine sweepers. The period o f virtual inactivity con­ tinues in France and Belgium, except for reciprocal bombardments on var­ ious sectors and here and there smal­ ler operations by reconnoitering par­ ties. Mrs. Jean K ellet o f North Y'akima, Wash., has received a telegram from Halifax. N. S., saying that all mem­ bers o f the fam ily o f her sister, Mrs. J. B. Hillis, were killed in the recent disaster there. The second court-martial o f enlisted men of the 24th Infantry, negroes, growing out of the riot and mutiny of members o f that regiment at Houston, the night o f August 23 last, was begun Tuesday at Fort Sam Houston. No restrictions upon the price or distribution o f lead are deemed neces­ sary at this time by the war industries board. This was announced Tuesday after a conference between the board and the principal lead producers o f the country’. PROHIBITION WINNER llou w Adopt* Nation " id«- to 12* $ t*tn Mrtnun. Have S o « «« Year* to Ratify Measure. STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. l.uther J. Goldman, biological assist­ ant and predatory animal lns|>ector of Idaho, is to make’ Pendleton his head­ quarter*. Washington, P. G,— Nationwide pro­ hibition won in the bouse Monday, and only the adjustment o f a alight differ­ Dairy of Captain Exposes Trick Twenty-five recruits for the navy ence in resolutions between the house within 10 day* i* the record for the Played at Honolulu.^ and senate now stands in the wav o f Pendleton recruiting office. From early morning Thursday Recruiting submitting to state legislatures an Officer Schwart found hi* hands full, amendment to the Federal Constitution with men on the waiting list. The forbidding the manufacture, sale or men are hurrying to get ahead o f the importation o f intoxicating liquor for ' draft. beverage purposes in the United States W illiam Fraker, Pendleton’s oldest or its territories. pioneer, Tuesday celebrated his ninety- Revolutionary Propaganda I* I>i*s< ' first birthday. He crossed the plains The vote in the bouse, taken a fter a inated From Hawaii at Instiga­ by ox team in 1852 and lived nineteen day o f debate before crowded gal­ year* in the W illam ette valley before tion o f German Government. leries. was 282 to 128, with the parties moving to Pendleton. He brought the dividing almost evenly. The margin first organ and sewing machine to that for prohibition was just eight votes etty. more than the necessary two thirds of Honolulu— While her band was play­ 1-ane county's ^organization for the the'membership o f the house required ing lively tune* to drown out all tell­ Red Cross membership drive which for adoption and 26 more than two- tale sounds, the wireless apparatus of will be inaugurated Monday morning, the German unprotected cruiser Geier. has been completed. George (Juayle, thirds o f those voting. interned in this harbor, relayed mes­ county chairman, who will have per­ Both wets and drys had been pre­ sages between German agents in the sonal charge o f the canvass in Eugene, dicting victory all day, and it was not United States and Japan in further­ has announced chairmen for the vari­ until the last few names had been ance o f a plot to embroil the two coun­ ous cities and towns in I.ane county. tries in war, according to an article called that the anti-prohibition forces Only six men student* are left at A l­ appearing in the Star-Bulletin here. bany College, and four o f these are conceded their defeat. When Speaker The article, which is published with Clark announced the result the victor* the authority o f the United States Na­ planning to enlist. The war has made the school practically a g irls’ institu­ were joined by the galleries in such a val Intelligence Bureau, declares that tion. When war was declared last the seal placed on the G eier’s wireless demonstration as is rarely permitted in by the American government was bro­ spring a patriotic fervor swept the the house. Former Secretary Bryan, ken by the Germans in order that the student body and more than 70 per an interested spectator nearly all day, messages might be sent. | cent o f the boys of the arhool enlisted. appeared on the floor and joined in re­ The information regarding the Because o f the many enlistments at ceiving congratulations with Repre­ G eier’s activity in this supposed plot Merrill, ranchers are alarmed as to sentative Webb, o f North Carolina, was obtained from the dairy o f Cap­ how to handle their cro|ia in the fu­ who led the fight. tain Grashof, o f that vessel, the a rti­ ture. It is feared that many o f the The resolution adopted by the house cle asserts. j dairymen w ill be compelled to sell is identical with that passed by the “ Grashof’s dairy says, according to their henls. Residents in the Merrill senate last August, except that it the article, that in November, 1914, district declare more labor must be se­ gives the states seven years instead of and Mqfrruary, 1917, messages order­ cured i f they are to maintain their six in which to ratify the amendment. ing the Widespread promulgation o f re­ normal production. Senator Sheppard, author o f the reso­ ports that Japanese forces were to The Buenher Lumber company has lution, predicted that the senate would land in Mexico and German forces in accept the amendment. He said he Canada were handled by the G eier’s asked the North Bend city council to had assurances that the seven-year wireless, the operators working night vacate a strip o f the waterfront road period would be approved and that he and day in order that there would be 10 feet wide by 2183 feet long, to per­ did not believe a rollcall necessary. no delay in the transmission o f these mit the conqiany to install a sidetrack to the Southern Pacific system, con­ The President’s approval is not re­ radiograms.” quired, and the state legislatures may According to the diary Count von necting the main line with a new plan­ act as soon as they please after the Bemstorff, ex-German ambassador to ing mill, dry sheds and drying kilns. signatures o f the vice President and the United States, and Captains An electric crane ia also to be in­ Speaker Clark have been attached to Boy-Ed and Von Papen, his principal stalled. the resolution. aides, figured prominently in the plot. Reporting Thursday the result o f in­ Miss Hariet A. Varney, a nurse o f West Upton, Mass., was found not guilty o f the murder o f Mrs. Pauline W R E C K E X E C U T I V E MANSION Keyes, the 10-mor.ths bride of George H. Keyes, a Boston real estate man, California Governor Barely Missed by by a jury in the Norfolk county Super- ’ Assassin's Bomb. ior court. Sacramento, 'C al.— An abortive at­ Unidentified__bodies o f 200 victims tempt to assassinate Governor William o f the explosion at the Halifax, N. S., disaster were buried Monday after D. Stephens was’ made at 11:15 Mon­ public funeral services conducted by- day night, when the entire southwest Protestant and Catholic clergymen. wall o f the executive mansion was Nearly 100 o f the bodies were charred blown out by a blast o f high explosive. beyond recognition. N either the governor, Mrs. Ste­ The official text o f the armistice be­ phens, nor a servant, who was in the tween the Russians and the Teutonic allies confirms the unofficial reports house at'the time, was injured in any that it is to run from December 17 to manner. January 14. The compact embraces The detonation o f the explosion was all the fighting fronts where Russian heard all over the city and windows troops have been engaged and also ex­ tends to the naval forces o f the con­ were broken by the force o f it two or three blocks away. tracting parties. .Immediately following the blast two President Felix Galonder, in the first public speech he has delivered men were seen running away from the since his recer.t election, said at Gene­ vicinity, but at an early hour Tuesday va, Tuesday, that the Swiss people morning no arrests had been made, al­ were ready to pour out their blood though virtually the entire police force against anyone who might attempt to invade their country. Switzerland, was assigned to the case. Governor and Mrs. Stephens were declared the President, would defend her neutrality to the end. asleep in the wing o f the house adjoin­ ing the spot where the explosion oc­ A mob o f more than 100 men storm­ curred, hut, beyond a slight nervous ed the county jail at Billings, Mont., sho^k, were unharmed. Tuesday night, apparently in an effort The attempt occurred just as the to seize Juan Juarra, a Mexican sec­ guard at the mansion was being tion hand, who shot and killed Patrol­ changed. H. Claussen, one o f the man Enos Nelson. A fte r battering watchmen, was the first on the scene, down the front door o f the jail the mob having passed the spot but a few min­ was held by Sheriff Stone Matlock and utes before the explosion occurred. his deputies until police officers ar­ Claussen said he was certain there was rived and dispersed it. nothing unusual going on about the The residence of John D. Rockefel­ grounds where the explosive was ler in the suburbs of Cleveland was planted. totally destroyed by fire Tuesday. The He expressed the opinion the ex­ rapid spread o f the flames led to the plosive was thrown from an alley belief that the fire was of incendiary which runs along the rear o f the house. origin. Mr. Rockefeller is now living A hole several fe e t in depth and at his winter home in Tarrytown, N. about five feet wide was tom in the Y . , and the estate at Cleveland was in ground, underneath an overhanging charge o f a caretaker. The house con­ bay-window at the rear o f the struc­ tained many valuablejpaintings, tapes­ ture, and the entire wall up to the sec­ tries and bronzes. ond story was blown away. Another payment o f $25,000,000 to The entire neighborhood was alarmed Italy Thursday, the first for many and a great throng o f people flocked to weeks, brought the total actually paid the scene a few minutes after the ex- to that government from the $500,- plosion. There is scarcely a house in 000,000 credit allowed up to $320,000,- the block that is not damaged. 000 , Tax Extension Proposed. Western railroad lines were ordered Washington, D. C.- legislation spe­ by the Railroad War board Thursday to send 100 locomotives to aid in re­ cifically to subject all Federal officials except the President and members o f lievin g traffic congestion. the Supreme Court to the excess profits The Bolsheviki have dispersed the tax was agreed upon Monday by the senate, the highest Russian court, and house ways and means committee. all the other courts at Petrograd, in There has been widespread criticism keeping with the recent decree o f the because the “ occupational tax” o f the people’s commissaries, substituting war bill lays upon the income o f pro­ new revolutionary tribunals. The only fessional and salaried men, when they opposition met was at the congress of exceed $6000, a tax o f 8 per cent in county judges, who refused to be dis­ addition to the regular income tax, but persed, They were arrested. exempted members o f congress. » INTERNED SHIP IS WIRELESS STATION BAND DROWNS SOUND George Roedick and H. A. Schroeder, ex-German consuls at Honolulu and Manila, respectively, are also im pli­ cated. Both pleaded guilty in San Francia- I co recently to complicity in a plot to establish a revolutionary government in India. A German secret agent known as “ K-17” was said in the dairy to have aided in the transmission o f these mes­ sages, and also to have advised the German government o f the sailing times o f Danish vessels from here and elsewhere. S HA RK P U L L S A N G L E R TO S E A Woman Fighting from Boulder Drowns When Fish Takes Bait. San Francisco— A large fish, pre­ sumably a shark, pulled Mrs. Anna Conners to her death on the rocks of Moss Beach near here Sunday. Mrs. Connors was fishing from a large boul­ der. A companion, Emil Bedenbeck, heard her cry in alarm and turned to see her bracing herself against a strong pull upon her line. Before Bedenbeck could reach her she was dragged into the surf. Bedenbeck, after an hour’s battle, brought the woman’s unconscious body back to the ledge upon which she was fishing. He then scaled the adjoin­ ing cliff and summoned aid. When he returned he discovered the body had been swept out to the sea. It had not been recovered up to a late hour. "Garabed” to Be Tested. Washington, D. C.— The bill provid­ ing for tests o f a mysterious machine for utilizing free energy devised by Garabed T. K. Giragossian, an Armen­ ian inventor from Boston, was passed Saturday by the house after lengthy debate. The measure provides for securing the discoverer's rights i f the machine is demonstrated to be practi­ cable and that the government may use it without charge. A similar hill passed by the last ses­ sion o f congress was vetoed by Presi­ dent Wilson. The new measure was introduced to meet the President’s ob- jection to providing that there shall be no patent on the general principle involved. Teuton Republic Urged. Washington, D. C.— The committee on public information makes public an article written by Germans and circu­ lated in Germany urging the over­ throw o f the German war lords and the proclaiming o f a republic. The docu­ ment, which was distributed through German republicans in Switzerland, declares that peace w ill not come until Hohenzollernism i* overthrown and the German people take their stand for *” m*oit.v and civilization. vestigation o f food conditions in Bak- er, requested by the state food admin­ istration, Mayor C. L. Palmer de­ clared that the sale o f ham, bacon, wheat and sugar in Baker shows a de­ crease o f 25 to 50 per cent compared with sales a few months ago. He found that the supplies o f com and rye flour are running short and that some dealers are entirely out o f these Hub- sttutes for wheat flour and unable to get more. Beef prices showed a marked ad­ vance in the bids for the next six months’ supplies for state institutions as opened in Salem Thursday. The two low bids were from Steusolff Brothers, o f Salem, who bid $12.70 on half o f the beef to be used, and the Union Meat company, o f Portland, which bid $12.74 on all o f it. An effort will be made to arrange so that one-half is furnished by the Salem firm and the other half by the Portland firm. The low bid o f six months ago on beef was $10.20. General Crozier Lays Blame on Baker Before Committee. INVESTIGATION BEGUN Americana Abroad Fighting With Guna o f French Make Rifinì Scarce in Training Cantonments. Washington, I). C. Member* o f the senate military committee Friday sub­ jected Major General Crozier, chief o f ordnance, to three hour* o f sharp cross-examination, seeking explanation of delays in providing the war army with weapons. loiter they intend to press question* which the general objected to answering in the o|>en hearing. Throughout the examination General Crozier insisted that there had been and would be no delay in equipping soldiers sent abroad. He admitted that because o f a shortage o f machine guns the American troops in France were supplied with weapon* o f French make and that there was a lack o f both machine guns and rifles in the training cantonments, but declared that the training of troop« would not be seriously retarded. Responsibility for the machine gun situation was placed by the general squarely upon Secretary Baker, who, he said, had taken a |>craonal interest in the matter ami ordered an investi­ gation which resulted in the adoption in June o f a new gun known as the Browning ty[>e. This statement came when Chairman Chamberlain said he was not satisfied with the explanation that the delay had been cause«] by in­ vestigation. “ Neither -am I satisfiol,“ responde«! the witness, “ but I am not (wrsonally responsible. ’ ’ N'eary every member o f the commit­ tee joined in the examination and questions were fired across the table as rapidly as the general coultl answer. Chairman Chamberlain took excep­ tion to conclusions drawn from Gen­ eral Crosier’* testimony that rongrcaa, by failing to make prompt appropria­ tions, and labor troubles, were largely responsible for the delay. General Crozier said he had not ¿intended that such an interpretation be made and that millions o f dollars appropriate«! had not been expended. Delay in sup­ plying rifles, the general explained in great detail, was due to the factory changes incident to modification o f the British Enfield ty[»e, which large pri­ vate plants in thia country are e«|uip- l>e«i to make, to use American ammuni­ tion. Better rifles nre a result, he in­ sisted. He also said Craig and *other types are now being sent to National Army cantonments ami that other pro­ duction is increasing. Detailed state­ ments regarding prospective deliveries o f rifles he regarde«! as confidential and were postponed until a later session. Albany high school may soon have to close its manual training depart­ ment for lack o f instructors. Some of N E W K I T C H E N CARDS SOON the instructors have enlisted and other teachers in the school arc expected to Housewives to lt«‘ Ite«|Uested to Make do so later. Further Savings Sugar Short. Competing with several private pav­ Washington, D. C.— A [sugar ration ing and contracting firms, Clackamas j o f three pounds for «?ach person a county won the contract for the com­ month, a (xirkless day and one wheat­ pletion o f the roadbed from Coaleo to less and meatless meal a day w ill be Canemah by the State Highway com­ recommended to householders in a new mission Monday. kitchen card soon to be put out by the i Chairmen and campaign managers for the Red Cross drive in every town o f Umatilla county were announced at a meeting held in Pendleton Wednes­ day. PlanH were laid for a Christmas drive that w ill start next Monday and continue for a week. Umatilla county’s quota o f members is 7500. Hiram L. flam ed, o f Baker, charged with uttering seditious statements, was fined $100 and sentenced to 60 days in jail in Police court Wednesday, sentence being suspended. Hamed testified he meant no disloyalty, but referred to President Wilson hh a traitor in order to start an argument. Witnesses testified that two o f his sons had enlisted and he promised to refrain from future talk that might geChim into trouble. food administration. Observance o f wheatleHS and meatless meals w ill be asked in addition to the wheatless ami meatless days called for now. The normal consumption o f sugar in the Unite«! States has been more than seven pounds a month for each person. The cards w ill caution against hoar«l- ing foodstuffs in homes, pointing out that the practice not only is selfish but that it contributes to high prices and defeats the purposes o f the food ad­ ministration in seeking an equitable distribution. The reverse side o f the can! carries a message to householders. “ The food situation in Europe,” it says, “ Is far graver than when the preliminary sur­ vey o f the food supply o f the world o f last year was made.’ ’ IJannes Fritz, o f Huttulla, appeared Free-Seed Plan Profitable. before Deputy Collector o f Customs Tacoma, Wash.— Double the amount Haddix at Astoria Wednesday, and of seed potatoes which Pierce county asked to have his Russian passport vised so that he could return to Fin­ loaned farmers and others unable to buy them last spring, have been re­ land. The request was denied. turned as payment o f the loan. Thia H. A. Johnson, said to have been was true in every case except one the oldest white child born in Oregon, where the farmer did not have a crop. died at his home in Salem Monday. He So successful was the plan that the was born in Marion county, March 3, commissioners are considering their 1849. He lived in Salem for about free seed program to include many 28 years and for many years was Jus­ other vegetables. Potatoes valued at tice o f the Peace. $500 were given to the county.