I iff ju r a t O k m w X p V tB B AN IN D E PEN D E N T WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 FOREST DROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 20. 1917 RED CROSS DRIVE IS HUGE SUCCESS THK ( KOKH OK HKD Hy Anthony Kuwrr (Dedicated to the Oregon Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis.) No. 50 REMARKABLE PROPHECY OF SEVENTEENTH CENTURY A most remarkable prophecy, Ana'in lias the industry and mil tee, the editor of the Express Know you the seal that’s goin’ 'round — of Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers, w. s said to have been made by A cross of red on ermine ground? born and reared on the faim patriotism of the men and women desires to say t hat the ladies serv- _ . _ . . | , i • . • , . . . » A cross of red upon a tree - where she was married and is a the German monk, Frate Johan­ of Forest («rove been tried and ing the supper have the thanks of T>1). 0f humanity. nes, in the year 1600, seems most charming young woman, one found not wantintt. They mad« the committee for their excellent You cannot 'scape that cross o f red, who will be a real help mate to to be nearing fulfilment. As a ttood I wire when called on by food and ervice. T h e y were asked | It waves you to a million dead, the man she h a s accepted in key to this prophecy, one has only their government for funds to to provide for 7 5 people and Who wasting, wasting, day by day, to realize the following: Forlorn o f hope, passed on their way. marriage. finance the Army Y. M. C A. served 80 without “ skimping” The Kaiser is a German Luth­ The groom is a young farmer, work; they make more than good anyone. And they gave up their living near Oregon City, and is eran—he has a withered arm in (he big Red Cro-s drive for own work to serve this supper in Germany is the Black Eagle. said to be a most worthy citizen. funds; they raised their quota of order that the workers might be Austria, her ally, also has an He has enlisted in the army and the $1,000,000 fund to buy bibles brought together fora conference. eagle. expects to be sent to a training Tuesday morning, in spite of for soldiers and this week they Russia is the white eagle. camp in a few weeks. are making good in the drive for the rain, the solicitors got busy France is the cock. Quite a number of Forest Grove .’1,000 R e d Cross members in and before 6 o’clock at night they England is the Leopard. friends of the Chalmers family western Washington county, as had secured 050 members in For- The prophecy was discover d in attended the nuptials. Mr. and well as in the purchase of Red est Grove alone. By last night s an old parchment in the convent Mrs. Hiatt received many pres Cross seals for the financing of this number had been increased t o 1 of the Holy Ghost at Wismar, in ents from their friends. the war against tuberculosis. 900 and by the end of the week I Germany, and is kept under glass The Red Cross membership every family in the city will have in the town hall in that city. It drive was officially started Mon- been interviewed. Solicitors have j , is as follows: j It points you to a million gone, day night, when eighty six loyal been asked to keep a list of people! And horde» who »till are tramping on, (Continued on page Three) men and women broke bread (as who refuse to join, Who follow ever, one and all, well as meat*, vegetables, salads j Christmas night, at 7 o ’clock i The grinning piper’ « hollow call. Good Woman Called and other substantial foods, in- there will be a jollification in the Hi« face i« cowled while dread disease 'T*T la certain that very early In the Mrs. Thomas R. Turnbull died Christian eru Christinas was cele­ eluding deliciou« pumpkin pie) a t 1 Methodist church, w h e r e the I.urks in those fold» that flaunt the brated in Hritaiu, mingling In its at the home of her daughter, Mrs. breeze. festivities some of the winter festival a lunch served in the basement of Broth rhood, assisted by the gen* S. G. Hughes, in this city last | On swings the piper, piping free, custom* of the ancient liritous and the the Christian church by the loyal eral public, will state a “ Corn- Wan souls into eternity. Roman invaders, for traces of those Monday afternoon, aged 73 years. ladies of the congregation. B. J. munity Sing,” under the leader­ O you who have that which would stay celebrations are »till seen in some of She is survived by her two sons, the Christinas customs of modem s’! m peon, campaign manager for ship of Thomas Isaacs. Every- The piper on his ruthless way, Richard and Arch Turnbull of times. | Come, buy our seals that we may give this end of the county, presided one who can make a noise like Nancy Turnbull was a The ancient Goths and Saxons called Portland. A stricken brother chance to live. at the meeting and, after the sup singing is ask< d to come The their festival Yule. Throughout the pioneer of Oregon, and came here Oh, wait no longer see the throng, middle ages and down to the reforma, per, introduced Mr. Caldwell o f , following songs will be sung. If . Way-weary souls who march along, with her father, Judge William tlon the festival of Christmas engraft­ Portland, who came with a mes­ you U V 6 any of the -‘ rig-, you | Who may not tarry down that track ed on the pagan rites of Yule continued Ginder, in 1852 from Iowa. She sage to the friends of the Red might bring them with you. es- Then speed your gifts and bring them throughout Christendom to be univer­ was born in Iowa November 9, back. sally celebrated with every mark of Cross in this city. The speaker pecially the three last named: 1844, and spent nearly all her life I Hut you who have given o f your store rejoicing. On the adoption of a new briefly outlined the wars in which Hark, the Herald Angel» Sing in Portland and Vancouver. Un­ Right gen’ rously? Well, then--give system of fuith by most of the north­ America has been engaged in the! All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name ern nations of Europe In the sixteenth til three weeks ago, when she more. Joy to the World past and showed by concrete evi The wars, you say, they’ ve burrowed century the Lutheran and Anglican came to Forest Grove, she resided Silent Night, Holy Night churches retained the celebration of dence that never has this or any I My Country, ’Tis of Thee deep, Christmas and other festivals, which at 1441 East S;xth street north, ; These charities at home will keep. other country taken up arms in a Hattie Hymn of the Republic Calvinists rejected absolutely, denounc- Portland. Mrs. Turnbull’s hus- Then hark again and hear him tramp— ing the observance o f all such days, ex. ka n f] T h n m a c R Oh, Come, all Ye Faithful more righteous cause or against a Turnbull, for a The piper through each crowded camp, j eept Sunday, us sui>erstiti<.us and nn- ’ 1 more unscrupulous o r blood­ On Christ, the Solid Rock quarter of a century was one of And see them falling into line. , scriptural. What a Friend W e Have in Jesus thirsty enemy. ( Jerman’s agents j Hattie Cry of Freedom Look closer there—your boy and mine. During tbe reign of Alfred the Great the best known residents of East From camp to camp a-piping, he * *a'v wa8 passed In relation to boli- to this country, even while Pr si- Auld I.ang Syne Portland. Mr. Turnbull died in Pipes on with death-like minstrelsy, ! <‘a ' s- *’-v ''Irtue o f which the twelve ( Mil Oaken Hucket dent Wilson was imploring the 1900. Mrs. Turnbull’s funeral duys ufter the Nativity of our Saviour people to maintain an attitude of I A Red Cross service flag is be And with his piping he will fare were set apart for the celebration of was held in Vancouver Wednes­ Across the fields of Flanders there. strict neutrality, were engaged in ing placed in every home where And through the chill and through the the Christmas festival. Some writers day afternoon. are of tbe opinion that but for Alfred's undermining the nation in every (here is a member and it is re damp strict observance of tbe ••full twelve Harmon W . Miller conceivable manner. The Hun’s ; quest« d that these flags be placi d They’ ll fall in line with tramp, tramp, holy days" he would not have been de­ feated by the Danes In STS, for it is ruthless slaughter and maiming of | in uncurtained windows, facing the tramp. After fourteen years of suffering innocent children, the destruction street, and at 7 o ’clock Chrismas Oh, you who chance to read this rhyme charged that his enjoyment of the fes from a spinal disease, Harmon W. tlvlties of Christmas hindered him of property o t h e r than that ¡eve, (Monday e v e n i n g ) every , A,,out a <’ro8S at 1 hn9tmas time’ Miller passed to his reward at his from preparation for the battle. W e find that in f*61 King Edgar cel­ home in this city last Monday af­ classed as war materials and his , householder is requested to place The w a n in g of that little seal; ebrated the Christmas festival with ternoon aged 61 years. Deceased invasion of neutral teiritory were a cand e or other light be hind the vv’ith mute appeal may it awake great splendor ut York, and in 1013 was born in Indiana on Oct. !5. branded as the acts of a harhuiian service flag, so it may be seen 1 Man’s big, enobling heart to make Ethelred kept his Christmas, with the brave citizens of London who had de­ 1856, and came to Oregon in the race, blind to everything except from the street. Some human gift that in His eyes fended the capital, with a siege and a desire to slay and plunder. Returns from state headquarters May Prove “ worthy sacrifice. early eighties. He was united in stoutly resisted Swegen, the tyrant marriage with Miss Laura Looney The speaker predicted that one this morning state that Western . king of the Danes. Edward the Confessor, it is noted, at Stockton, M o , in 1880 and of these days the working people Washington county stands thir- Martin-Goodrich of Russia would tire of the polit- j teenth in the >late in members William Martin, Jr., of Haynes celebrated tbe first Christmas festival eight children came to bless the union. Six of these, as well as the ical trickery of their leaders, hang signed up, having a standing c i t a t i o n and Miss Portia Goodrich I t a few of them and get back in the 30 per cent. The eastern half of °f this city were united in marriage the Conqueror was crowned king of widow, survive, the children be­ fight against the Huns. There the county, assigned to Hillsboro, at the Congregational parsonage Kngiand at Westminster. The Nor ing Nora Worthington, Los An­ man kings and nobles who now be- | on December 10th by Rev. A B. came geles, Cal.; Mrs. Elma White of was plenty of work for the allies ( lias 5 per cent, rulers of England displayed their Booths where transients aie so- Patten, only a few relatives and taste for magnificence In the most re- Gales Creek; Earl, now in U. S. to do, but they would do it and when they were through the whole licitod have been placed in both intimate friends witnessing the markable manner at their coronation*, Navy; Elmer of North Plains; Os­ ' k “s ^ r \ V h i t »mlude °f car of Shadybrook and Bernice of world would be fit for decent peo­ ¡local depots, in the postoflioe and !ceremony. The same evening Mr. Schullz’ store. These booths are and Mrs. Martin departed fora At the Chrt sMmis feast minstrels Forest Grove. Also two brothers ple to live in. s Rev. Dunlap was called on and looked after by a committee of wedding tour through California. P,a.vwl "" various musical instruments and one sister: J. C. Miller of made an impassioned speech for j women, under Mrs. George Jack- ! The bride is a daughter of M r.1 v.,*',"1 ¡ ' i:', tbe iniiiHaiid ^ u / h e North Plains; David D. Miller of the Red Cross and made the a s-, son. The job at the post office is and Mrs. J Goodrich of this city chamber to which t’ \> 1 :ng and his no- Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. J. btes retired retired for sertion that our boys in Europe anything but agreeable, b e c a u s e ' and is a mo.-t estimable young We* f r aur'.sonicnt. ... i ement. Thus it C. Raffety of Mountaindale. Is written i>r a minstrel: were fighting as much for the of the low temperature of the lady, while the groom is a son of Deceased was a devout Chris­ Ref re t'.e king I:« s t him down And too * hi* harp c f merry sound; freedom of the common people of lobby. Mr. and Mrs. \\ illiam Martin of tian and was affiliated with the An,l. us ! e full Will can. ¡United Brethren church. Funeral Many merry ti des he beK-vn- Germany as for the freedom of , The memb rs of the M. E. Aid Haynes station, and bears an ex­ cellent reputation for honesty and In IOC,? the I’oiiqueror kept a grand services were held at the Christian America, England, I* ranee, Bel- gociety were hostesses at a supper Christmas in I.o having invited church at 11 o ’clock yesterday, gium and other allied nations. He a£ church last evening to their industry. a number o;' the Saxon chiefs to par­ ticipate. and ul o caused a proclama­ Rev. Putnam officiating, and the also realized the allies had a big f;tmi|je^ an(j a few invited friends, Hiatt-Chalmers tion to l-e read in all the churches de remains were interred in the Ar­ job, but stated that Germany s ^ e affair being in honor of Rev, In the presence of members of clnriug it to I e his w ill that "all the armies were on the down grade,1 Dunlap and family, who expect to their families and sixty-five in­ citizens of London should enjoy their cade cemetery, northwest of North- __________ while America was not yet started leave soon for New York. On vited guests, M i s s Elizabeth nntlon.il lav.s hs in the days of King Plains. Edward." Miss Marcella Richards left to light. He wanted (he Red Tuesday evening fifteen members I Chalmers and Mr. John K. Hiatt In the hall the serf and vassal Cross equipped to take care of ev- ofth e .-Workers” Sunday school were united in marriage at the H e ld l l u . t n t i ; c'h r s t m a a w a s s a il: Saturday for St. Helens, where Many a enrol, eld mid saintly. she will work as a stenographer. ery American soldier and sailor c |ass called on the pastor and home of the bride’s parents, Mr Sang the minstrels and th • waits. Ivy Conger succeeds Miss Rich­ who might need ministration. family and left with them a and Mrs Francis Chalmers, liv ' Vtadrlphla ITess. Chairman Simpson gave some nickli-silver nut bowl, with crack ards at the Wiles & Sohler office. ing north of Centerville, at 2:30, Mr. and Mrs. John Templeton further instructions to Ihe work- and picks. As the time draws last Saturday afternoon, Rev have received word that their son-1 A large stock of set and signet ers and the meeting adjourned [u'ar fo.r, I!hi's,_ ‘,s,i1ma,),e ,fami|y.to leave, their friends are beginning j Garrick of Portland performing in-law, V. R. Abraham, has been rings in solid gold. At Abbott’s with a prayer by Rev. Patten. to realize how they will miss the ceremony. promoted to a captaincy at Fort there has been no raise of prices As chairman of.the supper corn- them. | The bride is the eldest daughter Riley. Kas. Ion the goods. Look them over. Some Very Old Yu!e tuJe Cetera ¿ions i \ \ ' I