I GREETINGS To FRIENDS and PATRO N S H> wish you all a Merry Xmas. A. (ì. Hoffman & Co. Kllll , % With no tinancial advantage to the hank, we can supply you with U. S. Thrift Stamps-Sensible gifts for the Boys and Girls. Ask us. The First National Bank of Forest Grove, Oregon A Strong Bank in a Good Town Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent P r.y .r. to tt|'n ililili' 011 »» him rninn ’ inm I’0** ’I’li». Forest drove Planing Mill »■«- •»>*' in « -u,„>ly "1 «0.-1 fu.l coal ami is prrpoitd to supply consumers ut u reasonahle price. Order hy telephone No. 0232. ----------------------- - » - 1 — - » - "ll*," Have you tried the new Ilnxel- nut Mutter at Schultz’s? Made > I h p J * ‘ V\c t T . i n di«» «-«»ur»«* o f li«*r illvt*«tlixnti«>n uh«* diiretent und .lutter, at the Finest Jus«' received---laulies' Angora < 111111 ' u | h < ii n brand new «bile iniilT (¡rove Creamery. "Fresh every Sweater Coats, ’ and the * price is unit u **" tk* n I h > kni'K thill Simla <1 1 Inni 1 lilef sun rise.” Phone 061 order a riKnt, too / | J\ N L Y A FEW WORDS from us this 0 1 / Christmas, but these words are straight from the heart. We want you to know that we are grateful to you for your generous support of this Bank during the year now draw ing to a dose. Your fidelity to this home institution has not gone unappreciated by us and it will be our very great pleasure to let our efforts in your behalf demonstrate in the future our profound gratitude to you for your unswerving loyalty in the past. To all of you we extend the greetings of the season, trusting that the new year may bring you the fullest measure of success and happi­ ness. M.r A luti* «il i «>r » M k ••.«ii'rn i tty «m Mr. unti Mrs. St,ph..„ M,.riI.n S * ' « . * ' J ^ ' r ' . S l ' K t departed yesterday for a visit in gun i « i i |>«*. u I mi .. <»n «imi sunm t’lnu. «ni *° t<> '"I"*» tirili« her ber »1 ut Clirlitmu» i in Munii timi*. time, 'California «ai ioni, hi rlillilri'ti p«|n« lully «Irli «ill 1S4 i Rotters silver at prices lie- ,j,, »|lrh tii«>y . 1 » hi tin* buine <>f mi in low the usual Portland price 1 'toitreni friend. »b* t*«g«u 10 nimmnuu Il I H I * »IIV Kill IT I Hill r-H I. I » IH II’ I Hill • I • I I » • A. (1 Hotrnmn At t o. pun-iiMMing «¿no gniiMltuu limi oí» roll today ■ II' 'll» U M II I ¡ ¡ i ' h really better, now. Mrs. J. SBuxton and daugV “ ("r >"'r , . In other word», your money buck .. . , . . i T a x e d « l i b It. g r a n d m a h < I 1 11 <• I th e ; 1 11H ter, * Mrs. Jessie (overt, i overt, visit'd visum tru, friends in Port land Saturday, Mrs -iiui ibi* nulli, “you um «I forget nil Mdliixli.st Church Services ah.ait I i until I'tirliiiiiHi iluy." Covert's health having improved The Sunday School will obaerve . Timi 11 Itelit ni nlu< « n i tadiig put hi t<> .III » e A x I te U n I V t w here she I t.lkes II,,. « « l 11 i l 111 III) liy ruing priver *•“* r'"»t"t Il 1 I interest in things outside a hos adding uni s* her pital or sick room ! •*'< What Became of Him? t hrintinni next Sunday by making an offering for the Am i.ninn Orphan Iti 111! f Fund I.’.I.wl m Udii ill I. have u ai.. .. u .|H-<'in .. I l ner­ liuf ik I Uf «ill vier in connection with the offering. The pan lor will give n Chriitmai «er- rnon ul 11 o’clock nod at 7;.'«l the choir will give its annual Chriatmna concert. f tk i r * 3 ¡á f « On Monday afternoon. Dec. 21th. the Heginneri. Primary and Junior depart ment» of the Sunday School will inn-t Ut ... . .,A . In th* parlor» of Uw dwrth and givo a 1 Gw iiU C llC n Cbriilma- program to which the par I enta are invited. The Community Sing will lie held in - V U 1 ÁfeÁ j, \*& . '« i . ni thin church Chriitmai night at 7;00, led hy T. E. Imucn. by lilis lu abou t f i l e t ilth ' « ti lle 11111IT S a n i l i I ' l a m In t<> h l ' i i i « . “ N v « V ork 'I In n ', There came n e a r being a tragedy enacted in front of Copies’ store one day last week and per­ sons who saw it are wondering what became of two *>f the par­ ticipants. A woman living near this city made some remat k in the store about the Kai t r being vAní 11 a brute, and as she stepp'd out lit 1 isti»«»* litui ln»i nu fur f tint i» the door, a stranger asked In r if alivi do) Iti b t, she meant what she sai l Receiv­ T h r l r !•• » »« »• In liquor that « happy th ey'll »Up. ing an affirmative reply, he called rhouln o,^ «rr .... . ,, U lt i# her a "damned fool” Just then | Fluey „ » till arc» em ploy«-'! f tu »Irr»* u». another man also a stranger, in i*n*r. stepped up and askid ihe other .mi t.-,r fellow to apologize. On his re­ A lt h o u K h th« c*»Id »« M t h p r d*»th hun«**r pro vo le«, fusal, the second comer poked a j big pistol under th'* n< se of Wil­ T t» d o r H o in in o f o k r r t to nr«» how thw c h i m i ) « ) 4 a I«* an ! helm’s friend and asked if he P r o v lu * io inn n I» fun kln »; fo r would apologize He did Then I HV*r nil th.it nr«* r«- nlv or v . MII uk to Dur T h e n h t a l c to th# kltc hr; f i.“ < th the man with the gun to'd ihe' ....... . î ht i n i n r ’d other fellow to follow him and '’■‘O'1 ru i.. i are If \ Itrd II» »UV, h rin 1 thwlr Im m e« to them. Who were they? T,‘* ‘ 1 * Yuletide ^ r 1 . ítm . k ., nil » ' h i iinln -i il »h ttU i I'« * t l i hy .1 «tul i\ Min» «* that he muni b# old The firemen of Forest Grove will give their annual hall on New Years eve, with Walker’» Novelty orchestra furnishing the music. Open evenings after today. Get y<>ur Xmas -hopping and t n- graving done early. Abbott, the Jeweler. SE T RING S OF tfl'Al.lTY <*hr¡»fmtt»' For Sal*—Pure bred R. C R 1. Red cocke-el, a beautiful bird v"v ¿'„'„p"’ * *"■ " n n t WH’"• ,,u* h*v- fo' j of good size. \\ ( . Benfer, at ^ t-iue» ¡-vi 11 - j. n.n. pi«. III.I rannt Express office. tf Join the Red Cross today; do 1 ■ r 11 NOTES AND PERSONALS your Dollar Duty—Now. The Expr. ss prints butter wrap­ Job printing ph<>n ABBOTT Pac’fii* A m The best stock of good wrist Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon pers with non poisonous ink. made a pleasure trip to Portland watches for Xmas at Abbott’s. □oc IOC 31| cz ~ to ^ '[Ç non □oc ô Saturday Buy "him” a pair of gloves for John Anderson has all kinds of Christmas Anderson has ’em. oiled clothing for wet weather. When in doubt what to give for Ask him. Xmas ask A. G Hoffman & Co. Fresh ii-h for Tuesdays meat­ Mrs. M. Armentrout visit» d less day; and Friday-. The P. - friends in Portland Saturday and cific Market; phone 0301. Sunday. George G. Hancock, real es­ tate, farm loans and fire insur­ Just the article to give "Him,” ance, new Anderson block. 50 Scarfs with Ties to match. A. G. Mis. F. D Gardner and little Hoffman & Co. daughter, Roma, visited friends o o o Millard Morley, who is work­ in Port’and the first of the week ing in Portland, visited home folks W. F. Johnson had busine-s a f over Sunday. Mrs. J o h n Templeton an d Goldendale, Wash., an d The daughter, Faye, were Portland Dalles, Oregon, four days last week. visitors Saturday. including the largest collection of QUEENS WARE ever shown in Forest Gus Reddner, who is working Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Stout ard Grove, either in sets or the piece. Come in and let us show you our new in Forest Grove, visited friends up Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz mot­ Dishes and Glassware display room. Scoggins valley Sunday. ored to Portland Sunday in the If your Xmas watch is a Walt­ Stout sedan. ham, you are lucky. Abbott, the Notice of Final Settlement Jeweler has a goods’oek of stand­ In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County, Ore­ ard grades. gon. Floyd Schiffer, who has been the matter of the estate of John working in Washington, is visiting In W. Sherwood, deceased. Martha his mother and sister in Forest Sherwood, Administratrix. Grove this week. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ Donald Misz, who is attending dersigned administratrix of the above Hill Military Academy in Port­ estate, has filed in the above entitled and cause her final account and land, spent the week end at his Court report as such administratrix, and the home in Forest Grove. said Court has fixed and appointed Mrs. Sarah Chadderdon of Cur­ Monday, the 21st day of January, 1918, tis, Xeb., who has been visiting at the hour of 10 o'clock forenoon of said day, and the County Court room at the Graham home for the past of the County Court, in Hillslxm, ten days, leaves tomorrow for Washington County, Oregon, as the Baker City. time and place for the hearing of ob­ We now have in stock PYREX, the Transparent Ovenware about which Remember, friends, you must jections to said final account if any, you have been reading. No need to go to Portland, as our prices are right. pay in advance to get the Express and for the final settlement of said es­ tate and the discharge of said admin­ Coffee Percolators and all kinds of “ Wcar-Ever” Aluminum Come and at one dollar per year. The reg­ istratrix and the exhonoration and dis- ular price is $1 50. We pay you , charge of her bondsmen. pick out what you w ant and we will deliver it any time you say. Ten per cent 50c to collect for yourself. Order of Publication dated the 17th discount on all Aluminum ware until Christmas. Those o f o u r citizens who day of December, 1917. MARTHA SHERWOOD, I,et Us Help You Make Your Christmas Selections had the foresight to attend the Anministratrix. organ recital given at the Chris­ J. N. Hoffman, attorney for Admin­ tian Science church Sunday after istratrix; office. Forest Grove, Ore. noon by Miss Waggener were (First publication of this notice Dec. 1917; last publication Jan. 17th, well paid for their pains, as the 20th, 1918. concert was one of th e best of the kind ever heard in the city. rIhe Join the Red Cross today; the church was crowded to capacity. Boys Overseas need your Help. □oc □oc 3 (2 IOC m ’vrip«- C .. |«rl|al| It -Mill ..II at. - - DO YOUR - - Christmas Shopping - ° o EARLY We have a nice assortment of Christmas Presents, Telephone 6 8 3 Goff Bros. Forest Grove Oregon