I HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Our C ifrlr rli The minute the dismissal bell rings at noon there is a grand rush for the cafeteria in the basement. Teacher* and ntudent* *tand in the "bread line" wi h a tray in one hand, and a knife, fork and spoon in the other. Almost ev­ ery one has hi* or her place at the table and it ¡ h a great. deal like a happy party. The cafeteria furni*he* the best of “ eat*” at cost, to about fifty pupils and teachers at noon Usually there is soup or some hot dish with a desert and somethin« to drink. The rules of Hoover are observed in the cafeteria, and there are wheatless days, and meatless days, the same as in any well regulated home. The menus never exceed fifteen cents and often run be­ low this price. Arrangements have been made for physical culture classes to be under the supervision of the high School teachers. The classes are to be held in the Pacific Univer­ sity gymnasium after school on four nights in the week. Miss Harman and Mi$s McDonald have charge of the girls’ classc** and Mr. Kleischman of the boys’ classes. Last Ft ¡Hay afternoon a “ Made in Oregon” program was held be­ fore the student body in the main assembly. Katherine Collier and Celia Bernard sang, and Mural IjaFollette gave a talk upon Ore­ gon. Mr. Kleischman read the' poem “ The Beautiful Willamette” to the accompaniment of colored slides showing some of the beauty spots of Oregon. The assembly was unquestionably the best one which has been held this year, and we hope to have another one soon. A number o f students a r e spending much of their time in practising f o r the play “ Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch,” j which is to be given by the Drama Club on the twenty-first of De­ cember at the Star Theater. The play was dramatized by members of the Drama Club and under the coaching of Mr. Kleischman gives promise of being a huge success. A spirit of secrecy is evidently stirring among the boys of this high school t h i s week. They stand about in corners and whis­ per dark secrets, and when any one approaches all conversation stops. It is said they are going to have a "H ard Times D ay.” Wouldn’t it be funny if they lost their courage at the last minute? Cook With Coal The Forest (¡rove Planing Mill has laid in a supply of good fuel coal and is prepared to supply consumers at a reasonable price. Order by telephone No 0232 The Best Gifts for the Man and Young Man are the most useful ones, the kind that bring the real joy. Tried Recipes for War Bread Following are the recipes for making the war breads which were served at the "Conserva­ tion” meeting of the Woman’s (Hub, held at Langley hall, Dec. 3d: liy Mrs. K. li. Brook bank 1 12 cups corn meal 1-4 cups whole wheat 1-4 cup flour 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1-2 cup molasses (Orleans) 1 cup raisins (more or less) Steam 1 hour By Mrs. F. W. Jones 1 cup corn meal 1 cup white or rye flour 1-2 cup molasses 1 1-2 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda A little salt 1 cup raisins (can use more or less) Steam 2 to 3 hours By Mrs. B. F. White 2 cups corn meal 2 cups rye flour 2 1-2 cups sour milk 1 teaspoon baking powder (rounding) 2 teaspoons soda 1-3 cup sugar (brown or white) 3 tablespoons molasses 1 teaspoon salt (scant) ftaisins if desired Sift dry ingredients and stir in the moist ingredients. Bake with slow fire 1 hour. Makes two ordinary sized loaves. By Miss Myers Oat Meal Bread 2 cups sweet milk 1-2 cup water Scald this and put in 2 Tablespoons brown sugar and 2 Tablespoons fat. (In this case Kaola was used) and 1 teaspoon salt. Take 1-2 yeast cake and dissolve it in 1-2 cup warm water. While the liquid is cooling, measure out 2 cups rolled oats and pour over this, boiling water to cover. I>et stand long efiough to soften the oats a little. When cool enough mix all ingredients together, using enough white flour to stiffen into a dough. Let rise and bake as other yeast breads. This amount of yeast was used for rising over night. More or less may be used depending on time one has for the making o f the bread. N ote—The bread made o f cornmeal and wheat flour (raised with yeast) which was to be sampled at this meet­ ing, did not g et done in time. The recipe and bread made from it will be brought at the next meeting. Also it is hoped to have some bread made from the new ground “ rolled oats” or oat flour which is now being placed on the market. Buy it at Home This Christmas ! Keep Prosperity in Forest Grove ! BUY FURNITURE For CHRISTMAS rp U R N IT U R E is the most sensible and acceptable A present anyone can make, and something every home needs. We have received some elegant sets and single pieces for the holiday trade and offer them to you at very close prices. Buy a Rug They are quite as important as the Furniture and will add 100 per cent to the Christmas cheer. Very handsome designs from which to select and all of the very latest patterns. They are rare bargains at the prices we ask. We also have tempting Bargains in Phono- graphs-best machine made for the price. Do you know we do Expert Picture Framing? Claude E. Smith Phone 653 Forest Grove Washington County, Oregon, and Sheriff’ s Sale which mortgage is by this suit fore­ In the Circuit Court o f the State o f closed) or which any o f the said de­ Oregon for Washington County. fendants have since that date had in Roy Hesseltine and Dora or to said property or any part there­ CAPS NECKTIES Hesseltine, plaintiffs, of, in order to satisfy said execution, vs. Notice o f Sheriff's Sale He will need one for many pur- , W e have a large assortment of judgment, decree, interest, costs and B. R. Crafts, Jane Doe (first name un­ By virtue o f an execution issued on accruing costa. poses 65c to $1.50 Xmas Ties — newest designs known) Crafts, his w ife; F. B. Dated December 11th, 1917. December Uth, 1917, based upon that Crafts and Jane Doe (first name un­ J. C. A P PL E G A TE , H A TS a,u* s^aPes 25°* 50° 75° certain judgment and decree, and or­ known) Crafts, h is w i f e ; John Sheriff o f Washington County, Or. der o f sale made and entered on De­ Swartz and Elsie Swartz, his wife, 49-t4 T t e m w . t a p . and c o lo r s - M E N S HOSIERY defendants. cember 1st, 1917, in the Circuit Court Brown, Coal, Slate, Olive and Fine quality, good weight; black, o f the State o f Oregon, for Washing­ Notice, is hereby given that by virtue Sheriff’s Sale Black $8 and $3,501 Kray and white 25c ton County, in cause No. 5234, wherein Notice is hereby given that by virtue o f an execution, decree and order o f Silk Hosiery, black, gray, palm B. A. Kliks was plaintiff and wherein o f an execution and decree issued out sale issued out o f the Circuit Court o f o f and under the seal o f the Circuit beach, white, russet 50c the following, were defendants: W. T. Court o f the state o f Oregon, for the the State o f Oregon, for Washington Simmons, George Mather and LaVerna County, dated the 27th day o f October, Mather, his wife; Harriet M. Levinger, county o f Washington, dated the 20th 1917, and entered on the fourth day M UFFLERS day o f November, 1917, in favor o f Sarah Williams, G. L. Lindsley, ad­ o f December, 1917, in favor o f Roy L. M. Graham, administrator o f the in fiber silk, silk and mercerized ministrator o f the estate o f Magnus | estate o f Adah H. Moore, deceased, , Hesseltine and Dora Hesseltine, plain­ I Block, deceased; said execution being tiffs, and against B. R. Crafts and cotton .. 50c to $2.25 issued in said cause 5234 and to the un- plaintiff, and against Enoch Moore and i Jane Doe ( f i r s t n a m e unknown) j dersigned s h eri If o f Washington ! Alexa Riene Moore, Leilia Agnes Moore, I Crafts, his w ife; F. B. Crafts and Jane STREET GLOVES | County, directed, and which judgment Edith May Moore and Grace Ramage ! Doe (first name unknown) Crafts, his ! and decree was in favor o f the said Moore, heirs at law o f Agnes Moore, de­ w ife, John Swartz, and Elsie Swartz, in tan, cape and gray mocha, ! plaintiff, and against the said defend­ ceased, defendants, for the sum o f $54.65 his wife, defendants, for the sum o f priced at $2 to $2.50 ants, and that the plaintiff recover o f costs and the further sum of $891.15, with Sixteen hundred and seventy-six dol­ ! and from the said defendant, W. T. interest thereon from the 30th day o f lars, and costs amounting to thirty- COLLAR BAGS | Simmons, the sum o f $1761.85 with in­ j October, 1917, at the rate o f 7 per cent seven dollars, with interest thereon at terest at eight per cent per annum, the per annum, and for the further sum of the rate o f eight per cent per annum Fancy lined, silk cord: priced further sum o f $130, as his reasonable $100.00 attorney fees, to me directed from the 27th day o f October, 1917, at . . .............. $1.50 and $1.75 [ attorney's fees, at six per cent per an- and delivered, commanding me to make and for the further sum o f One hun­ : num. and the further sum o f $43.25 as ' sale o f the real property hereinafter dred dollars. Attorneys fees; to me di­ costs and disbursements at six per cent described, I have levied upon and pur- rected and delivered, commanding me SUSPENDERS | nor annum, all to be computed from j suant to said execution and decree I to make sale o f the real property here­ in Xmas boxes and burnt wood December 1st, 1917, until paid, and will, on Monday, the 24th day o f De­ inafter described, I have levied upon, boxes .......... 50c, 65c and 75c the costs o f and upon this writ, and cember, 1917, at the south door o f the and pursuant to said execution, decree : commanding the undersigned sheriff to Courthouse, in Hillsboro, Washington' and order o f sale, I will on the 7th day ! make sale o f the following described county, Oregon, at the hour o f ten j o f January, 1918, at the south door of W OOL SHIRTS real property, to w it: Tracts 4 and 9, o’clock a. m. o f said day. sell at public the court house in Hillsboro, Washing­ Wool ard wool-mixed, coat style, and the East half o f Tract 3, o f Che- auction to the highest bidder for cash ton County, Oregon, at the hour of 10 in hand, all o f the following described military and flat collar; priced halem Mountain Orchards, as shown on real property, lying, being and situate o'clock in the forenoon o f said day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder the duly recorded map and plat there­ a t ______ .v $1.50 to $3.50 of, now on record in the office o f the in Washington County, Oregon, and for cash all the following described | recorder o f conveyances, o f Washing- more particularly described as follows, real property, lyin^, being and situate Linen Handkerchiefs SHIRTS in the County o f Washington and State ' ton County, Oregon, together with the to-wit:— Lots nine (9) and ten (10) in Block o f Oregon, and more particularly de­ All white hemstitched, 25c & 35c Coat Style,laundered and French tenements, hereditaments, and appur­ tenances thereunto belonging or in Seven, South Park Addition to the City scribed as follows, to-wit: all o f the cuffs, collar attached and with­ anywise ap|>ertaining; j o f Forest Grove, Washington County, | southwest quarter and the west half of Initial hdkf, 35c; 3 in box, $1.00 the northeast quarter, both in section out collars, in Percales, M a­ Therefore by virtue o f said execu­ Oregon, Fancy stitched edge, something dras, Basket weaves and Silk; tion, said judgment, decree and order to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums nine, township one South o f Range 4, and for the costs and expenses o f sale West o f the Willamette Meridian con­ new; 4 in box, 50c the box. cheap at .......... $1.00 to $4.00 o f sale, ana in compliance with the de­ and said writ. taining two hundred and forty acres, he mands o f said writ, I will on Saturday, Said sale will be made subject to re­ it more or less, according to the Gov­ All white, hemstitched edge, 4 in January 19th, 1918, at 9:30 a. m. at ernment survey. the front door o f the Washington demption as per statute o f Oregon. SW EATERS a I mix , 50c the l»ox. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, tnis 20th County Court house at Hillsboro, Ore­ Said sale will be made subject to re­ demption privileges as provided by the Other grades at 5c each and 3 All-wool, wool mixed; most all gon, sell at public auction (subject to day o f November, 1917. J. C. A PPLE G A TE . laws o f the state o f Oregon. colors.................$1.00 to $7.00 redemption) to the highest bidder for for 25c. cash in hand, all the right, title, and Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore- j Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 4th interest which any o f the within named gon. day o f December, 1917. By GEO. A L E X A N D E R . defendants had in or to said premises J. C. A PPLE G A TE . Deputy, j on July 27th, 1915, (the date o f the Sheriff o f Washington County, Ore­ mortgage executed by the defendant L. M. G R A H A M . gon. W. T. Simmons, to plaintiff B. A. Attorney for Plaintiff. Kliks, record«! July 29. 1915, in Vol. By GEO. A L E X A N D E R , Deputy. One Door East of Capíes Forest Grove ? 48-51 74 page 298, mortgage records o f i First pub. Nov. 22; last Dec. 20,1917. * 1 -A FEW SUGGESTIONS-- C. E. ROY & COMPANY