NOTES AND PERSONALS LODGE NOTES Keep up the Christmas spirit li.idi.». i u .» a c « « and buy your presents at A. G . Knights Elect Officers Hoffman '& Co. I*ast Thursday evening the Wanted— Fire-proof office safe, nM-‘*nbers of Delphos lodge No must be cheap, for cash. Inquire Knights ot Pythias, elected at Express office. tf officer», as follows: .. r«i j o » 1 . i « . A. A. Kirkwood, Chancellor Mrs. Claude Smith and daugh- r . ’ ter. Gertrude, re urned Monday B T. Whited, Vice Chancellor. evening from an over-Sunday visit Dudley Knapp, Prelate. with relatives in Portland. W. C Tucker, Master of Works. Joe A. Wiles would like to C. A. Brodersen, K . of R. & S. write your insurance. Will give H J Goff, Master of Finance you service that will be to your C. O. R o e , Master o f Ex- advantage. West side Main St„ north of Tucker’s garage. , chequer W. W. Wolff. Master at Arms The “ Estate” gas ranges and J. R. Giltner, Inside Guard. hot plates are famous the country A. J. Demorest, Outer Guard. over for their durability and ef­ ficiency. See them at Gordon’s Royal Neighbors Elect Hardware. . , , _ „ . File member* o f Rosewood Did you know that A. G. Hoff- camp No. 3835, elected officers LIO N S P E C IA L Suits - Overcoats - Raincoats Quality, Style, Fit and Lasting Satisfaction The long-standing dependability o f this concern is back o f everything you buy for men and boys wear Two Stores in l-ortland S & H STA M PS *Q cn i/ i/ A tn çC h . * T k r KupiM'iihrlmrr H f U i c in Po rtland." I y ^ »riven with all pur­ chases. T h e s e are KtHKl for CHtth (1ÌM- counU. (. I S K U H N . President. i-n-i: and costs; E. I. Kuratli vs. I). . Reghitto e t a I, judgment f o r $3337 05 and costs anti order of sale of 19,55(5 acres; Daisy Hart vs Frank Hart, divorce, referred to C. E Runyon; State vs. Carl Krunton, larceny of horse and buggy, pleads guilty, sentenced to o to 10 years* Star** vs Givi* \>- H. T. GILTNER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruit« and Vegetables in Season P H O N E ?O I ! ki„ 8, „on-suppor,. pi™ of not clothing, overcoats and macki- Dora Emerson, racle. guilty and allowed to return to South Main Street - Forest Grove, Ore naw>? j Mrs. Mary F. Lepschat, Nice American Lake on own recogni zance. subject to call. S. J. Deming, aged 34 and a Oracle Mrs. Winifred Aldrich, Re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Dem­ Probate— Will of the late Sarah and all committees are expected Scholls, and Laurel and one is be- ing of this city, enlisted in the corder. Jackson admitted to probate; es- to have encouraging reports for ing held at Hillsboro this after- Mrs. Carrie Graham, Receiver. tate valued at $4.000, Francis the membership navy as a firemen on Dec. 5th noon. A meeting will be held at Mrs. Alice Marshall. Marshal Johnson executor; h irs Angeline and left the following day for One hundnni members by Jan. D 11 ley tomorrow afternoon and Mrs. Rosetta Benfer, Chan­ Dorland $800, Ellen L. Johnson ’ Frisco. l*t is the desire of the officers. one in the Kansas City district cellor. $1800, Amanda Newell $1100, You can get the Portland O'c- Saturday afternoon. Meetings Commit This to Memory Mrs. Nellie Myers, Inner Sen- and grandchildren. Lucy M cM a­ gonian six days a week, by mail, , ... will also be arranged at other is the country of our birth. „ ; , . , . . and the Forest Grove Express, tinel. hon and Sarah Trahe, $10 each; . . I . his . , , J ,, . . ’ points and dates announced, for only $6.00 per year, if paid in Mrs. Rose. Sears, Outer Senti- Estate Calextife L*Beau filed and the fairest land on a the earth. ,, the ~ meetings u .n .u At held the county advanc#. For Oregonian seven ne| Here freedom is a ivtng thing, no .. , F.ora LeBeau named as admx., , . . ,. agricultural agent was present and days a week, add $2.00. . • Mr* Minnie Roswurm. Man- by a king. No gall- * , .. . . . . . e-tate valued at $13.000, heirs fake invented . , , discussed the problems that the Miss Maude Knight returned ager. mg yokes are on our backs bucks, we r>....... ,.. . ... , Counc| ,, G ,untv ARr|cullural , con. Eugenia Rutherford, David Le- ing the first of the week from Tan- c . * . r* . * * , Eastern M ar Appointive Officers Beau, M ary Hunkle. Flora and «man beneath no^unjust tax; the , W ew j :o bcofspecial importance gent, Ore., where she has been vis- r , . .. Mrs. M a r y Abbott, worthy Elsie LeBeau and widow; Estate M»'irnment is a " ur own and to this county. These were: Dairy iting her brother, Fred, and wife, < , . ^ _ w u . , , , not a uk-ise from •» thfon*. „ . • i f , ! u . matron of the Order of Eastern NY. H . Luster filed at value of j n a . UKas( . . *rom a tnrone . . . . , Cattle Feeding, Canada Thistle Fred being principal of the school _ , . . onn ... , . . . in that town Star, has aj/^o.iucu appointed the out., vuv following iwiiwwtug $o300.with *.................... heirs, .................... viz: ............... NV. ............... A ........... Lus .....— | V/OIIID)!, IOIC aWl »«>J IlMT V yOH* Control, IV Mole and \ Gopher Con- officers for Forest chapter: Miss ter Harriet Todd, Anna Robbins, haven of the worlds oppressed, trol, Variety Tests of Grains, Po- Ed Ahlgren, who works at the Mary Stalley, chaplain; Miss T . E. Luster, A. C. Luster, child- »he vital text of all who plan a u to improvement. Fertilizer Val- JJE. E i T u ju sr'a fp ro u ,!'o f M ^ h e 'L a n i y . 'm a ^ h 'a i ; M r7 r*n, and Lloyd HeWrlie and *°rld -m d e brotherhood of man |uw Animal | )iw m , her Universal gas, wood and coal Hazel Carmack, organist; Mrs. Wanda Jean Heberlie, grand- < n ’ Ous«in< ey< s are gazing Oontrol. range as any woman could be of Mary Miller, Adah; Miss Florence children, one-sixth going to each where her banner flies, and count- Much interest was shown in the any other brand Joe bought i t : Enchede, Mrs. Eva E. Ie« . ht‘arts fort‘v‘*r , make ' plan* to discussion ,li8(.ussion of the use of { lime ,jrm. caicneue, Ruth; rvutu, .vi:s. a Con woo of ■»» children or their heirs, T » . . t*. Ot the for a Christmas present. 1 ger, Esther; Mrs. Alice Hinman, Lu>ter, e x e c u t o r . ---- L ' ------ David C. »he freeman s shores. Be- any soils of the valley are acid Mrs. M. I. Conwell and daugh - Martha; Mrs. Coila NVe?t, Electa; Briggs estate (died in Michigan, »he Ganges sullen flow, and and a method of correcting is de- ter, Mrs J. E. Page, both of f Mrs. Priscilla Ridgley, warden; O. Oct. 15.) entered, will disposing of bs »he winding, storied Po, where- sin>(J The wholesale application - — - ~ viz: • Otto ' v - .1. ....................... tin*d and Portland, visited at the home of * S Higby. sentinel. f *— lOOO, B rin *. Hilb- ■ « « « « — .. hm,. w , . diKour. ged unlM their daughter and sister, Mrs. The names ot the elective of. _ ? « !» .Btteh lM »», * , » ! « « « * We * m i an.l gray, the K)mt. have been made to tie- Harry NVhitney, o v e r Sunday. ficers were published last week. W’ , 7 ” lhoulsands ,urn ,his waV- India, s h a r e a n d share alike. *An(j that their eyes may to us fermine the value of such a prac- Mrs Page recently returned from Henry Atlee. district deputy for P ™ " “ • « “ ’cutor.— Hills- lurn an,| that our beacon* still tic , *. Most soils will require 2 a visit with relatives in California. TOay burn, informing all upon th is 'tons pcr acru to bl' ol “ ny benefit- Have you tried the new Hazel the M. W. A . who is working up, b,' ro A « “ »• Potato marketing was consid­ nut Butter at Schultz’s? Made a hig c'ass to be initiated at Sa em Brotherhood Committees sphere that freedom’s still existing ered and the advantage of mar­ different and better, at the Forest next Thursday, pa-sed through The executive committee of the here, we take once more the keting potatoes of a standard Grove Creamery. ‘“Fresh every town Monday, er.route to Banks Forest Grove Brotherhood, organ-! »»word and brand to battle for our grade was pointed out. The ex­ roil tod ay— i Cs really better, now! f° r a ™ U. witfh h'S f^ ' ' y ’ .He ized on the evening of November | native land For freedom, in (he ample of the Potato Growers As­ In other words, your money back ; tbe c*ass ^or ne, * ^ ^ Uj 7 28th, has appointed the following Peoples sight, if we surrender sociation in the Deschutes valley will run close to 100 and the standing committe* s, the first man what is right, would be as dark if not was quoted. T h i s association Bill Elliott of the Elliott Con­ NNoodmen of Marion county are Gn each committee being the and foul a thing as though in- grades all potatoes and they have chairman: vented by a king - W a lt Mason. struction company, the outfit planning for a big celebration. been able to sell them at an ad­ Mrs. Fred Fox and two child- Preliminary Survey H .F . VNil- P A „ n f, , t which is suing the city of Forest vance of 25 to 50 cents above the Grove to collect pay for an al- ren of Moscow, Idaho, are visit- son’ H - L - Bates an(J Fred Gar(i- ' '(,U n t> A g d l t market price. leged sewer, had a bunch of en­ ing at the home of the former's ne[^ .......................... K 6 6 p S Q llltC B llS )7 Methods of crop improvement gineers out from Portland Satur- parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Membership C. A. Littler, W were discussed, as well as methods Meetings are being arranged day to inspect the thing he calls a Kelsey- i *!• t McCready and Orval Hutchens. j d u p i i w c i.L l i . detecting and controlling sewer. . Program -R. F . Clark, NV. C , throughout, the county by mem rj ;. The swellest l i n e of NVhite Fircuit and Probate Court Benfer and R L. Putnam. bers of the County Agricultural — — ____________________________ Ivory Goods ever brought to For- Circuit Court B . A . Kliks vs. F.ntertainment— A. E. Scott, J. Council for the purpose of dis- w est Grove is now on exhibition at NV. T . Simmons et al, judgment A. Parker and J. L. VanKirk. cussing the agricultural problems Littler’s Pharmacy. for $1891 85 with interest and or- President Inlow is an ex-officio of the various communities. Part ran be secured from un for Fall or Roy Mayea has concluded he der of sale of Chehalem Mt. Or- member of all committees. The of the schedule has been carried s*,rin,i l»l«nting. Large Prune Tree* t - i o l . , , , y, .. . . . . . . « ‘ '*0 1 are very scarce this year on account of can serve Lncle Sam better as a chards property; iiruere vs Van- next meeting of the Bro herhood out, meetings having been held at the late apring and dry summer there- shipbuilder than in selling socks NValters, et ux, judgment for $165 will be held on Christmas night Forest Grove, Betheny. Tigard I f" re 10 in*ure K/'tting the best trees j . , . . , i J * 1 money can buy do not fail to write us and suspenders, so he has resigned before buying s m a l l trees elsewhere. Buy early and have money. his job at the Anderson store and accepted work in a shipyard at OREGON NURSERY CO., Vancouver. Ralph Emerson is the c m . K U R A TOD Orenco, Ore. new clerk at Anderson’s. R eal CFm' Plug | " T h t J ? . ' itoys’ * and^Youlhs^ i In-S l,' ri<|i*v evening, as follows: j Large rrune Trees GRAVE I .VS H u d » s tric t li/ fo r t i t Ch*w