M CHRISTMAS Wo can supply you-with Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chickens Cranberries Sweet Potatoes, Fruits, etc. Fresh Fish Every Tuesday and Friday THE PACIFIC MARKET Phone 0301 Red Cross Workers Make Enviable Record of the women of Cornelius, who have The splendid work being done sent donations through the Forest by the Forest Grove branch of the Grove large branch,consisting of 4 doz. hdkfs, 1 American Red Cross goe» steadily H suits of pajamas, ft shoulder wraps, pair thiimhlcH* mils, 4 mufflers, 1 on Under the able leadership of 2 helmet, 4 ambulance pillows, 7 pair Mrs. A. B. Todd, chairman of the pillow caa«-H, and numerous other arti­ Military Relief Committee, and cles, for all of they furnished the enthusiastic co-operation of both materials and which work. the patriotic women of Forest The Forest (¡rove branch is entirely furnishing all materials Grove, much has beep accom­ self-aupporting, receiving no financial support plished in this great work of al­ and from the Portland Chapter, leviating the sufferings of war. whatever in whose jurisdiction it ia. The money for carrying on this work has been The attendance at the Sewing raized contributions, teas, benefit*, branch Thursday afternoons in the etc., all by (tersons who assist in this work having given liberally of their time ab- Red Cr ons R o o m s shows a aolutely com|>ensation. markedly increased interest on Judge without W. H. Hollis, Chairman of the part of the community, as the local branch, that the recent many as eighty women having Red Cross drive, reports which was prosecuted been present at a meeting. so vigorously, securer! a total subscrip­ tion of $9,007.85, of which amount The local branch desires to make $H,.M>1.98 l>een collected; $8,.r>00.00 public mention of some of the has been has remitted to the War Relief kindnesses of citizens of Forest Fund. The total expense incurred in this amount was SM.HO, for Grove and to acknowledge its in- handling mailing statem ents, stationery, etc., debtedness therefor: leaving a balance in the hank on Dec­ To Mr. J o h n Anderson for the commodious him ! comfortable rooms in the Anderson Building, including light and heat; To Mr. (¡rant Hughes for telephone service in said room«; Mrs. J. A. Thornburgh for four chairs; To Mr. J. F. Forbis for about 100 prune sacks for dish towels; To Mrs. Sylvia Lenneville, Mrs. ('has. O. Roe and Mrs. John Anderson for the free use of sewing mschines and to Mrs. Coleman for the gift of a sewing machine; To Mrs. J. F. Sanders for a very serviceable and appropriate pin cushion for use in Red Cross rooms; To Mrs. Geo. I.ittlehales and Mrs. Parker for a very attractive comforter, made from sera;» too small for other purposes, which will be disposed of for the benefit of Red Cross; To Mrs. Decks, Mrs. Rasmusen, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. A. F. Rogers, and Mrs. Meresse for feathers for the making of ambulance pillows; To the Curtis Avenue Club for 39fi gunwipes, HO dozen mouth wipes, 1 doz. dish towels, 2 1-2 doz. handker­ chiefs; To Mrs. Knox and Misa Nora L. Smith of Hillahoro for donation of dish towels; And for all the other kindly assis­ tance which space forbids our itemiz­ ing at this time. We take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the splendid co-operation ember lllh , of $7.13. The subscriptions numttered 1234 in all, on which $44o.OO remains unpaid, and the officers of the local branch, W. H. Hollis, chairman; R. E. Dunlap, secretary, anil M. R. John­ son, treasurer, have labored tirelessly in making these collections and re­ mittances. Owing to the Forest Grove branch now being an independent branch, 25 i|[c3oi=3|fáoiZD|&oi=3|íSHcnoi=51|c=ioi=5]rc = ro S l[g