The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, December 13, 1917, Image 4

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    tFItp Itfiirrst (Srmtp Sxprpaa
T ha »¡gnu begin to m ultiply
T h a t U hriatm aa w axeth nearer;
The price o f sm oking ja c k e ts soars,
And Romeos grow dearer.
The sto re ads count the days th a t now
Are haply le f t fo r shopping.
And little boys,
T h eir m inds on toys.
Broad h in ts a re d eftly dropping.
The gladsom e Yule o f o th e r years
W e ten d erly rem em ber;
W hen th o u g h ts o f g ifts and wholesome
ch eer
T ra n sfo rm « ! th e d re a r Decem ber.
The sullen skies w ere lig h t« ! up
By rosy faces shining,
Aik! every cloud
W'ith love endowed
A b u rn ish « ! silver lining.
Publish«! every T hursday at F o rest G rove, O regon.
W. C. B enfer, E d itor and P ublisher.
E n tered as second-class m a tte r Ja n . 12, 191b, at th e poatoffice a t F o rest Grove,
O regon, under th e A ct o f M arch a, 1879
Subscription Kates
Paid in advance
One y ear
Six m onths ............
T h ree M onths
On C redit
One y e a r
Six m onths .
T hree m onths
........ .50
. .40
T H U R S D A Y , DEC. 13. 1917
“ 1 am sorry th a t you do not w ear a flag every
day and 1 can only ask you if you lose the physical
emblem to be sure th a t you w ear it IN YOCR
h e a r t ; th e h e a rt o f A m erica shall in te rp re t the
h e a rt of th e w o rld .” —P resid en t W ilson.
Oregon’s food commissioners boosted prices and some of them
have induced the bakers of Port- have been fined, but what do they
land !o reduce the price of pound care for a thou-and-dollar fine
loaves of bread to 9c and one and when they have practically stolen
a half-pound loaves to 13c Bak- millions. Jail’s the thing, my
ers in other towns are expected to countrymen!
follow suit. Now if Messrs. Ayer | Among the numerous dreams
and Newell will induce , the
... hens
... which his kaisership entertained
am pu ets to go to wor_ * 1 e
about three years ago was one in
not be so g oomy to t o?e o u>
53 w a revision Qf an 0|d
This y ear, som ehow , i t ’s not the sam e;
More som ber are the faces.
And ev ery w h ere th ro u g h o u t the Ian»!
A re em p ty , v a c a n t places.
Blue s ta rs , s e t in a field of r« !
A re a b se n t ones proclaim ing;
On E u ro p e 's plains
O ur m anhood stra in s
For L ib e rty ’s reclaim ing.
We sadly fe a r th a t old St. Nick
M ust tra v e l in a biplane,
Or by som e o th e r m odern mode
T h a t know s no hoofs or checkrein;
We sh u dder w hen we stop to think
W hat evil m ig h t befall him,
I f he should stra y
To Belgium , say.
And H unnish pow er en th rall him.
H e’d need a m itrailleuse, a t least.
W ith g u n s a t ev ery angle
B efore h e ’d d a re to give his bells
A su rre p titio u s jan g le.
Or hand a rag g ed baby doll
To orphaned chickabiddies;
T h a t is no place
To send H is G race,
The P a tro n S a in t o f Kiddies.
O regon V oter.
* h° are i S '" 8 4C P" POU'>d f° r and we" ‘‘"O'»" *>“1! which would
chicken feed.__________
make it read, "All hell the power
If in each home in the U. S. of Wilhelm’s name, let freemen
there is saved 1 oz. of meat each prostrate fall; Bring forth the
day, in a year w e|save 465,000,- Prussian diedem, and crown him
000 pounds. One slice of bread Lord of all.” Had this dream
saved daily saves 365,000,000 come true, instead of proving
loaves annually. One pat of but- only a nightmare, h» no doubt
ter less a day means 114,000,000 would have been ready to dissolve
pounds a year saved. A half cup partnership with the Almighty to
of milk less a day saves 912,000,- go it alone. Any person who be-
000 quarts of milk, or the product fieves that the vorld is dealing
of 400,000 cows. These figures with any other kind of a mon-
prove that it behooves us to strous egotist had better scan the
record again.
To show her appreciation for PL E A SE
America’s aid during her troubled
Corvallis,Ore., Dec. 12. Adult­
days, Belgium has turned over to
People who h a v e telephonic erated formaldehyde is being sold
General lershing 600 railroad business with either the Great
locomotives, to be used as the Northern or Wells Fargo express in Oregon markets
general sees fit. Some of these companies should call by number, hyde, or formalin, is universally
employed as a disenfictani, is the
days Mr. Hindenberg will turn ¡'„;te7 d''; 7 " k i ^ " 'c 7 n t r a i :: 'iur
over to General Pershing one ,.the a
offlce... About half most effective agent for destroy­
ing smut pores in grain, and is a
badly bent
, . and utterly
A . useless
, of those who ask for “the Express general gaseous fumigant. The
"impregnable line to be used a . office>.> get [he Forest Grove Ex.
Pershing thinks best. The Ex­ press (newspaper) office, to th e ! adulteration endangers its effect­
press suggests the line be used to annoyance of themselves, the tele- iveness unless its real strength is
hang Bill Hohenzollern to a sour phone girls and the printers. The known and u^ed as the basis of
apple tree.
numbers were placed in the tele­
For practical purposes formalde­
Did you ever hear about the phone directory to be used. Here hyde may be obtained from local
two wealthy Iowa farmers who they are: Forest Grove Express druggists in a 35 to 40 percent
went broke over the ownership of (new.-paper;, 82 1; Wells Fargo water solution. This solution is
a calf worth about six dollars? Express fS. P. depot) 842; Great then diluted with water to the
Well, that story is brought to the Northern Express (Oregon Electric strength best adapted to the in­
writer’s mind by the report th a t! depot), 921. Why not write these tended use. Until so diluted and
the sewer lawsuit is costing better numbers on a card and stick used it should be k- pt in tightly
than $200 a day; that it will la st, them on your phone?
stopped bottles or j u g s in a cool
four to six weeks and that the
Mrs M. A. Armentrout, who Is place.
sewer could have been made ser- asking for a divorce from her hus-
Recently several samples have
vceable for less than $1,500.; b u ,d> wh0r she My des(.rt«i her been sent to ihe department of
Somebody—either the taxpayers t m a n f)a hulf years ago, thinks Agricultural Chemestry at the O.
of Forest Grove or the Elliot, | "
s ^ i,h poor grace for a A. C. Experiment Station to have
Construction company—is going certain newspaper to say she the strength determined. Analy­
to pay dearly for this lawsuit— wants a divorce “from her aged sis by Professor R. H. Robinson
and the lawyers will get the calf. husband.” She says he wasn’t so showed that the samples contained
The combination of sharks who “aged” but he was able to get up from 17 to 24 percent formalde­
make big fortunes by malyng very and leave her to earn her own hyde, although branded as 40
percent strength. They are not
poor news print paper have ad- living. ________
up to the standard, and are either
mitted that they have unlawfully
Job printing—phone 821
of inferior manufacture or else
In order to protect the farmer
and get a line on the material be­
ing sold, the department will test
samples sent in by citizens of Ore­
gon provided they are taken as
directed and accompanied by the
following data;
Name and address of the firm
from which the formaldehyde was
obtained, and date of purchase;
C t l i y i 0*1
send in tightly stoppered four
ounce bottle that has been washed
and thoroughly dried; samples
not left for any length of time ex­
posed to open air; send by pre­
paid e x p r e s s to Agricultural
Chemistry Department Station,
Science Hall, Corvallis, Oregon.
A fine line of Xmas ties for
men and boys and an excellent
line of handkerchiefs for men,
women and children, at John An­
Inferior Formaldehyde
Found on Market
Santa Claus
has designated our store as his
headquarters for Forest Grove.
Many of his most beautiful Toys,
Dolls, gift Books, Leather and Ivory
Novelties and other appropriate
gift articles here await your in­
spection. Never before have we
carried so large and beautiful a line
of American-made Holiday goods.
We are Especially proud of our immense
line of fine Stationery.
The Book Store
Main Street
Forest Grove
Help in the Fight
Against Tuberculosis
Tearher’s Examination
Under the leadership of Mrs.
examination will be
C. E. Walker, Washington coun
ty secretary for the Oregon As­ held in HIHsbOfO, Dec 19. 20, 21
sociation for the Prevention of and 22, 1917.
W «lnrnday A. M U. S. Hm tory, W rit
ing, Muair, D raw ing.
W ednesday I*. M. Phyiiiology. Rend­
ing, M anual T raining, Com poaition,
D om estic S c i e n c e , Methoda in
Reading, C ourse of S tudy for
Drawring. M ethods in A rith m etic.
T hursday A. M. A rith m etic. H istory
of Education. Psychology, M ethods
in G eography. Mechanical D raw ­
ing, D om estic A rt, Course of Study
for D om estic A rt.
T hursday P. M. G ram m ar, G eography,
S ten o g rap h y , A m erican L ite ra tu re ,
Physics, T y pew riting, M ethods in
L anguage, T hesis for P rim ary C er­
Tuberculosis, dozens of the good
women of this county are selling Friday A. M. Theory and P ractice,
O rthography. Physical Geography,*
Red Cross Christmas Seals to
E nglish
L ite ra tu re ,
C hem istry,
raise funds to combat the “ white
Physical C ulture.
plague.’’ While the seals cost but Friday P. M. School Law, Geology,
A lgebra, Civil G overnm ent.
one cent each, the women of
A. M. G eom etry, B otany.
Oregon hope to sell $10,000.00
P. M .- G e n e r a l H iatory,
worth, the proceeds to be used in
Book K eeping.
N. A. FR O ST.
Don’t send away a letter or a
package without affixing one or
The Express prints butter wrap­
more of these seals. If the can­ pers with nun-poisonous ink.
Holiday Fares
to California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho points
will enable you to go home for Christmas and New Years.
! Cement
i üiiingies
: The Main Street
We Buy
for Cash
and Sell
Lumber Yard 1
Copeland & McCready
vassers fail to find you, call at
the Express office, where you
can buy from 1 to 100.
Sale dates to California points
December 21st to 23d and 25th to
28th, inclusive. Return limit
January 15th.
Sale dates between all stations in
Oregon and from all stations in
Oregon to stations on other lines
in Oregon, Washington and Ida­
ho December 22d to 25th, inclus­
ive. Return limit January 3d.
In addition, tickets will be sol I
from Forest Grove Dec. 21st; re­
turn limit Jan. 3d.
Ask nearest S. P. Agent for particulars
John M. Scott,
General Passenger Agent,
Southern Pacific Lines