te * t o o Bath. k* N ear B~ Puna. PREVENT INJURY BY INSECTS F irep ro of I H o tel H o y t | Angoumola Qrsln Moth and Weevil Do Much Harm Each Year— Prevent Loaa by Cleaning. Cornar S i . Ih and K a rC S U . Portland. O re. t.OU H IN KM, Nanaaar. ICiich year there la a large annual Inaa of stored wheat due to the work of grain InffNtlnx Insect*, chiefly Hie angoutnola gruln moth and grain weevil*. ||ut. W « imy «*ah ami rumi fluffs V n tl.ru , In the ordinary farm grain bln a — ('h lr k tiii, Turk «ya, C*— l>ueka. flutter. l'4n»lur* of thn fam i U h «w k MMl can be prevented by carefully clean­ m uim «iatjr ahlprnarita arrivi*. Top mnrkiri prie«*« *t ■il llniM Manti tur Uffa. ing the bln before the new grain la S T A N D A R D P R O D U C E CO. placed In It. Hweep out uli refua# F ro a l and A ld a r Slraata Portland, Or< gruln from crack* und crevlcee to the lloor and aid«** of tho bln. Tlten up ray Bigger Pay for You. with kerosene emul»lon, using one part Ilahnka W alker liualnaaN ColUfft*. rortland. of the stock solution to ubout five Ora., lariraat In Northwaat. train* you In all liual* (•arts o f wuter. lie sure to drive tbe naaa aouraaa. Enroll any tin»#. Praa (2aUloff spray material Into tbe cracks and crevices where the Insects or their eggs d o in g o u r Allow the bln to aontf. U lti H IT , aung In vaminvllln throughout might bo hidden. thaaouiitry. 20« (mi stampa). Srml $1 ami I will dry for u week or longer before plac­ aiail you M o f tha I.A T K H T aong hita. Inclmllng ' D ninf Our H U ." HUr.Muair Mupply Co.. Hum- ing tbe gruln In It. fard .li him. Kerosene emulsion Is prepare«] as follow s: Shave up und dissolve one- 'R I N E Granulated Eyelid«, half |Muiod (if common laundry soup In Kota Ijf r t , K »*e InlU m rd by Remove Sun. O u s t and W in d gim kly ono gallon of boiling water. rrln-vxl by Murine. T ry It In j this water from tbe fire and udd two your E ye» and In U aby'» Eva*. gallons of kerosene oil. I lls tbe NoSaurtiag, Ja»t EytCtaUrl whole thoroughly cither with u hand Marine Eye B o M dy (•limp or by pouring from pall to pall I r . » O n , m Tubna ter K.., / in i . . f (../■>• Proa several times. When properly made Aik M a r i s e E r e B i a a iB y C a . . C b l a a f o tbe mixture Is u creamy muss from which the kerosene will not sepornte. This Is the stock solution, which • n ila n ir n iM . R a llr fla prompt from Plan's should be diluted us previously di­ Kernedy fur Cou,ha ami Cold*. KfOxtlre ami rected. w fr f..r yean, and old. No opiates iu K A T »» ite te li. H I-U riA l, %V**fc nr Nontb Produce W anted! T h e Q u a lity G o e 5 C l e a r T h ro u g h S S S n a S a You will like your Dort for its eager­ ness to do things your way— for its power— flexibility— simplicity. Five-Passon&er T o u rin g Car You will like it for its reasonable first and a f te r c o s t— &ood appearance, thorough comfort and reliable perform­ ance— for the full value it delivers. Three-Passenfeer Fleu r de lys Roadster PERSISTENT COUGHS PISO’S CLOVER CROP PLOWED UNDER Sedan, $1095 NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Sedunet, $045 Humus May Be Largely Saved by Plowing Under In Fall— Nitrogen Also Is Conserved. A Boy W ith a Future. Own a Dort and cut down unproductive time—keep healthy—bright— lively— efficient — the times demand your best. F A C T O R Y DISTRIBUTORS F. W. VOGLER, President. C. M. MENZIES, Manager Kills i'errot mister, tbe fly fishing expert of I'lko county, said at a ban­ quet at the Delaware Water Gap: "T h e prime virtue of a good angler Is patience. No man or boy ever de­ veloped Into a successful fisherman who hadn't at least twlco the patience uf Job. "There's a boy In Bhawnee who Is going to make a champion one of these days. I saw him fishing the other afternoon on the bank of a creek and I said to him: “ 'What are you fishing for, son?’ " ‘SnlgB,’ said he. “ ‘ What are snlga?' said I. " 'I dunno,’ said the boy, ‘ I ain't never caught none yet.' ” — Philadel­ phia Bulletin. Clover cut and allowed to remain on the surface of the ground for seven months from full to spring loses about the sumo amount of organic matter as when fed to live stock, according to recent experiments at the Ohio experi­ ment station. This amount of humus may bo largely saved by plowing the crop under In tbe full. G. K. Boltz, assistant chemist. In a discussion In the station's monthly bulletin, says thut ouly ubout one- third of tbe clover remained In the spring when the crop wus left on the] surface. When It wus plowed under, ubout three-fourths of the original weight was fouud In the spring. From analyses of the drainage wa­ ter It was found that four times as Silencing Him . much nitrogen was lost from the plot Typew riter Girl— W ill you kindly with clover lying on the surface ns hand me the gum? from thut huvtng clover Incorporated Gushing Bookkeeper — Certainly; In the soli. with all my heart. Typew riter Girl— No. thanks; only tho gum. please.— Exchange. BRACE FOR IRON PIPE POST HIDES, PELTS. CASCARA IAJML WIQL AN» MSHAIR. we nit Nl yn km Write ftr »nett *•« tigs TNI H. F. N M T Ii Cl. Ore.. Seattle, We SHERIDAN BECKLEY COMPT, Inc. Produce Brokers. Curved Post Set In Concrete to Make Solid Support for Stretching Pence W ire Tightly. Tho Illustration Rhows how a fence, the posts of which were ordinary Iron pipe, was braced with n bent piece of the same sized pipe so us to stand a severe pull when the wire fencing was C jwih buyer» In local and oar M *. HOGS J W rit* for Shipping Taff* i APPLES VEAL „ g t L 'Z - P o t.to e . EGGS j * * W * Cwnmuaiooi 1 ONIONS 126 Front Street, PORTLAND. OREGON R «l«rfln c»: SHIP Hlbarnia Savin** Rank. V m I, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggi and Farm Produce. to the 014 ft.11.bl« Rvnrdlna h o n e with a c o o rd « f 46 year* of Suu.n* DwJInrm, and be w u i r d of T O P M A R K E T PRICES. F. M. CRONKHITE 5-47 Front Street Portland. O rrroe WE W A N T YOUR P o u lt r y ,V e a l and H ogs Farmers Should Take Necessary Pro- caution to Save All Food Pro­ duced Th is Year. NO COMMISSION PR O M IT RETURNS HENNINQSEN PRODUCE CO. Portland, Ore. BUY DIRECT * » w as * ; (.Do Your Own Plum bing) By burin? direct from n* at wholesale price* and nave the plumber'« proflta. W rits ua to­ day your na«da. W o will g iv e you our roek- hottnm "dlreet-to-you” price*, f. a. b. rail or boat. W e actually aav* you from 10 to 86 per cent. A ll rood* guaranteed. Northweat headquarter* fo» le a d e r W ater Systems and Fullar A Johnson Kngtnea. STARK-DAVIS CO. >12 Third itn at Part la od. Or«roa ■T — P. N. U. No. 4 » , 1»17. J stretched on It. The brace and the ! posts were filled with cement, and the | ring wns Inserted In It. The ring was shaped from it piece o f heavy, flat wrought Iron, which had enough shank to fit solidly Into the pipe. The bases for tho posts were built first und the remainder of the concrete work was left until later on, so thut should any cracks develop along tho edge of the (lost base they could be easily located and remedied.—James M. kune. In Popular Science Monthly. V1AKE ALL HOUSES RATPROOF HIGHEST MARKET PRICE 18-20 Front SI. Iron Pip« Post Brace. R W. Lehmann o f tho University of Missouri College of Agriculture sug­ gests that since farmers are doing :h«*lr utmost to produco maximum •rops they should also take necessary precautions to save th«> food produced. Jno n\fthod o f conservation Is to elim­ inate this loss caused by rat« and nice. Concreto may be usod to keep them out o f the basement. Concrete loors tuny be built fo r now com cribs ind granaries and small mesh wire letting cau t>e placed In tbe walls. i)ld cribs and granaries, chicken poops ind poultry houses should also be nnde rntproof. Ksep Best Breeding Bvws% Always keep tho very best «was In .he flock for breeding. I f you pr seist a soiling the beet, you will scop sail :ho flock tight out from under jwtx " - 1 OUT time Is too valuable to « ■ » * bod Northwest Auto Co., Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen P lea »« »end me Oort »peciAcation* and descriptive literature Name..................................... . Address » I F KIDNEYS E A Hard Knock During the cross-examination of a young physician in a lawsuit, tbe Every winter H ealth Boards plaintiff's lawyer made disagreeable about the witness' youth and warn against this weakening remarks Inexperience. “ You claim to be acquainted with disease w h ich o fte n s tr ik e s the various symptoms attending con­ those who are least prepared cussion of the brain?” asked the law­ to resist it You should strengthen yer. " I do.” Harmless to flush Kidneys and yourself against grippe by taking “ W e w ill take a concrete case,” con­ neutralize irritating tinued the lawyer. " I f my learned friend, counsel for the defense, and acids. myself were to bang our heads togeth­ er, would he get concussion of the brain?” Kidney and Bladder weakness result The young physician smiled. "The from uric acid, says a noted authority. probabilities are,” he replied, "that the i counsel for the defense would.”— Bos­ The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, which is the cream of cod liver oil, ton Transcript. where It often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding refined, purified and so skilfully CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION sensation, or setting up an irritation prepared that it enriches the blood at the neck of the bladder, obliging streams, creates reserve strength W hile You Sleep W ith Cuticura Soap you to seek relief two or three times and Ointm ent— T ria l Free. during the night. The sufferer is in and fortifies the lungs and throat constant dread, the water passes On retiring, gently smear the face sometimes with a scalding sensation Don’t delay—It may mean much. with Cuticura Ointment, wash o ff in and is very profuse; again, there is five minutes with Cuticura Soap and difficulty in avoiding it. hot water, and continue bathing a Bladder weakness, most folks call few minutes with the Soap. The in­ it, because they can't control urina­ fluence of this treatment on the pores tion. W hile it is extrem ely annoying extends through the night and sometimes very painful, this is Free sample each by mail with really one of the most simple ailments Scott a Bow nr. Bloomfield. N. J. 17-U Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, to overcome. Get about four ounces Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere, i of Jad Salts from your pharmacist — Adv. and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this Th e Bird Being an Ostrich. for two or three days. This w ill neu­ “ Out of mere curiosity,” says an ex­ tralize the acids in the urine so it no change, "w e would like to read Mr. longer is a source of irritation to the Hoover's own daily menu.” bladder and urinary organs which Judging from Herbert's lantern jaws j then act noftnally again. and emaciated physique, he doesn’t Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, eat any more than a bird.— Boston and is made from the acid of grapes Transcript. and lemon juice, combined with lithia, Try Grandmother’s Old Favorite and is used by thousands of folks who Dr. Tierce’s Pellets are best for liver, are subject to urinary disorders caus­ Recipe of Sage Tea and bowels and stomach. One little Pellet ed by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splendid for kidneys and causes no Sulphur. for a laxative—three for a cathartic. bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, efferves­ Masculine Form. cent lithia water drink, which quiekly "W hat is a hunch?” Almost everyone knows that Sage relieves bladder trouble. "A hunch is the masculine equiva­ Tea and Sulphur, properly compound­ ed, brings back the natural color and lent of feminine intuition.”— Exchange. A WOMAN’S W AR-TIM E lustre to the hair when faded, streak­ Exception. ed or gray. Years ago the only way DUTY “ Blessings brighten as they take to get this mixture was to make it at Every woman In this state should help home, which is mussy and trouble­ their flight.” “ I don't know. Our last cook didn't with bandages, socks or "kits” for the some. soldiers who are our defense on the firing Nowadays we simply ask at any stop to polish the stove.”— Exchange. tine. But many women are not strong drug store for “ Wyeth's Sage and Sul­ enough to carry on their ordinary house­ phur Compound.” You w ill get a large hold duties. You get strong. If you’ re a bottle of this old time recipe improved tired-out or "run-down” woman, with Dr. by the addition of other ingredients for Pierce's Favorite Prescription. And, If K * TRADE MARK M6.US.RAT. Off. about 60 cents. Everybody uses this you suffer from any womanly complaint preparation now, because no one can or disorder, you get well. For these two W ill reduce Inflamed, Strained, things—to build up women's strength, and possibly tell that you darkened your S w ollen Tendons, Ligaments, to cure women's ailments— this is the best hair, as It does it so naturally and or Muscles. Stops the lamenessand medicine to benefit or cure. evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft pain from a Splint, Side Bone or The "Prescription" regulates and pro­ brush with It and draw this through Bone Spavin. No blister, no hair motes the natural functions, never con­ your hair, taking one small strand at gone and horse can be used. «2 a flicts with them, and is perfectly harm­ a time; by morning the gray hair dis bottle at dmggittt or delivered. De­ less In any condition of the female sys­ appears, and after another application scribe your case for special instruc­ tem. It brings refreshing sleep, and re­ or two, your hair becomes beautifully stores health and vigor. This “ Prescrip­ dark, thick and glossy and you look tions and interesting horse B ook J M Free. tion” In liquid or tablets. Send 10c for trial pkg to Dr. Pierce, Pres. Invalids' ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for years younger. Wyeth's Sage and mankind, reduces Strained, T orn Liga­ Hotel and Surgtoal Inst., Buffalo, N. Y. Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toil­ ments. The poisons In your system can be Sw ollen Gland*. V eins et M uscle*: et requisite. It is not Intended for the H eal* Cute, Sores, Ulcers. A llays p e la Fric* thrown out by taking Dr. Pierce’s Pleas­ Pellets, composed of May-apple, aloes, cure, mitigation or prevention o f dle- ||.0# • Soft I f at ienkra or dellreroi. Book "Evidence” free. ant V. F. TOURS, P D F., 4 M Twnpl* St, Springfield, Mass root of jalap, sugar-coated, and sold by A Grippe Epidemic ** a s c o rn OEMUtSiOHO Use Scon’S Refuse Substitutes I A B S O R B IN E