OF ERS WEEK JERUSALEM IS TAKEN Turks Surrender Holy City to British Moslem Stronghold for 1200 Year« Again Possessed bv Christians. LOIERS FOR RIOT ITALIANS GET HELP Allies Arrive at Front With Men and 0. S. DESTROYER IS Munitiona in Time to Save Any Further Invasion by Teutons, London— Andrew Bonar Law, Chan­ Italian Headquarters in Northern cellor o f the exchequer, announced in Italy The battle o f Asiago has been Brief Resume Most Important the house o f commons Monday that Troopers Pay Penalty at Fort virtually nus|>onded, with the enemy Jacob Jones Torpedoed in War Jerusalem, after being surrounded on cheeked, i f not defeated, in his main Daily News Items. Zone Last Thursday. Sam Houston, Texas. all sides by British troops, had sur­ design o f breaking through to the rendered. Hrcnta valley and tho plain a few The Chancellor said British, French and Mohammedan representative were miles below, although^lie succeeded in on the way to Jerusalem to safeguard advancing his lines a short distance the holy places. when tho Italians fell back to new | m >- General Allenby reported that on sitions, guarding the Freni a and Ga- Saturday he attacked the enemy's | h >- Eventa o f Noted People, Government« sitions south and west o f Jerusalem, Sixty-Three Men Tried by Court mar­ dena passes, have successfully resisted First American Warship Sunk by Diver the Chancellor said. Welsh and home all enemy efforts, and the Italians on and Pacific Northwest and Other Commanded by Hrother-in-l.aw tial, 41 o f Whom Arc Sentenced county troops advancing from the di­ the steep heights on each side o f the rection o f Bethlehem, drove back the Things Worth Knowing. o f Secretary Daniels. for L ife Others Get Lesa. passes rain down artillery and ritle enemy and, passing Jerusalem on the fire and release huge boulders every east, established themselves on the Jerusalem-Jericho road. A t the same time the enemy forces try to get Thomas’ B. Love, o f Dallas. Tex., time London infantry and dismounted Washington, l>. ('. Three officers SHn Antonio, Tex. — Thirteen ne­ through. has been nominated to be assistant sec­ yoemanry attacked the strong enemy groes were hanged at Fort Sam Hous­ This has continued until the Italians and 73 men were believed Saturday retary o f the Treasury to fill one of positions west and northwest o f Jeru­ ton at 7:17 a. m. Tueaday for com­ seem reasonably assured o f holding salem and placet! themselves astride plicity in the riot at Houston August the passes and compelling the enemy night to have gone down with the the new offices created for the war. | American destroyer Jacob Jones, tor­ the Jerusalem-Shechem road. The | 23. The announcement o f action on to look for another line o f approach. Petrograd newspapers report that holy city, being thus isolated, surren­ i the court martial's verdict was made It w ill be cheering news to the nllicd pedoed and sunk in tho war zone by a Chinese troops have arrived at Harbin, dered to General Allenby. | at Southern department headquarters world that allied reinforcements have German submarine at H o ’clock Thurs­ Manchuria, to protect Chinese inter­ The chancellor said General Allenby at 9 o ’elock by the ehief o f staff, who taken their place on the Italian front day night. ests, according to the Berlingske entered Jerusalem officially Tuesday, Vice Admiral Sims up to a lute hour also gave out a formal statement in and are now occupying trenches in the Tidende. accompanied by the commanders o f the whieh the names o f the men sentenced battered fiositions held by the Italian ! had been able to supply only meager Interruption o f interstate railway French and Italian contingents and the to death were given. troo|>8, now relieved for a] needed details in reply to urgent messages from Secretary Danels, whose brother- service by labor disputes has been al­ heads o f the French political mission. Only army officers and Sheriff John respite. British fxditical officers, together with most negligible since the Federal The British jaisition is around the in-law, Lieutenant-t oHimnnnder David Tobin, o f Baxter county, were present Board o f Mediation and Conciliation the British governor, were in the when the sentence was carried out by heights o f Montello, on the Upper W. Bag ley, commanded the lost vessel was organized four years ago, says a party that had gone ahead on the safe- soKiier» from the |s>st. No newspaper- i'iave, where the batteries on the anti was reported among the missing. mission, the chancellor men or civilian spectators were al­ heights are all ready in action, and! Commander Bagley was a brother o f report o f the board presented to the guarding stated. President. ________ lowed, the time and place o f execution ritle fire answers the steady sniping Ensign Bagley, the first man killed in The capture o f Jerusalem had been having been kept a secret. from across the river. The French the Spanish-American war. By unanimous consent the house delayed to some degree, added the | O f the 63 men tried, by the same position cannot as yet be indicated, ! Three officers and 34 men were agreed to consider on Monday the con­ chancellor, in consequence o f the great courtmartial, 41 were sentenced to but it is in an equally important : picktsl up by other vessels from life stitutional amendment for nation-wide care that had been taken to avoid dam -1 { rafts to which they clung, hut the dishonorable discharge from the army, sector. prohibition, which already has been age to the sacred places in and around ! names o f only 10 o f these had been The formalities o f transfer have forfeiture o f all pay and allowances passed by the senate. The judiciary the city. been in progress for the past week, transmitted to Washington. and to be confined at hard labor for 2 committee favorably reported the The capture o f Jerusalem by the years. Three were sentenced to be and now are definitely accomplished, I The Jacob Jones, one o f the largest amendment. Briti8h_fomes marks the end, with two dfshJnonffify discharged from the when the Italians saluted the British and neweat American submarine chas­ The marriage in Berlin Monday of brief interludes, o f more than 1200 army, fo rfeit all pay and allowances flag and the Tommies cheered the men ers of the type operating in the A t­ Count Christian Gunther von bern- years’ possession o f the seat o f the and be confined at hard labor for two in gray as they went for their well- lantic, was the first American warship to fall a victim to a German subma­ storff, son o f the former ambassador to Christian religion by the Mohammed­ years. Five were acquitted. earned rest. the United States, and Mrs. Margante ans. For 673 years the Holy City has This transfer is significant. First, rine, but was the second American de­ Following the hanging o f the 13 men Vivian Burton Thomason, o f Burl­ been in undisputed ownership o f the the chief o f staff o f the Southern de- it is visible evidence o f alllied unity, stroyer to be lost in foreign waters. The Chauncey sunk with her com­ ington, N. J., is reported by the Ber­ Turks, the last ( hristian ruler of Jeru- partment gave out a written state- not alone in conferences, but on the salem being the German Emperor, ment, at the same time refusing to fighting lines. Second, it is the in­ mander, Lieutenant Walter E. Reno, lin newspapers. Frederick 11, whose short-lived domi­ answer any question. fusion o f new blood, new life, new two other officers and 1H enlisted men, Regulations regulating display ad­ nation lasted from 1229 to 1244. after being cut in two by the trans- The rioting in Houston occurred spirit at a timely moment. vertising have failed to conserve the Apart from its connection with the while the third battalion o f the '24th jn port Rose early on the morning o f Ns- The Italians have done wonders amount o f fuel hoped for by the fuel campaign being waged against Turkey i vember 20. adnimistration and a plan is under con­ by the British in Mesopotamia, the infantry was guarding new buildings resistance in the* last month, but The name o f Boyd Mnrtell Hamp, of there is a lim it to human endurance, being erected at Camp Logan. Dur­ sideration to stop all outdoor lighting, fall o f Jerusalem was the definite col­ Cashmere, Wash., appears in the list and the arrival o f new men, materials, save street lights, at least three lapse o f long-protracted efforts o f the ing the afternoon o f August 23 a re­ of enlisted men on the destroyer. suppiles and guns brings reassurance, port was circulated in the negro camp nights a week. Turks to capture the Suez canal and that Corporal Baltimore, fo f the bat­ as well as needed relief. ilHrnp enlisted as an electrician. The Rev. Dr. E. P. Ryland, a dis­ invade Egypt. Almost the first move talion, had been shot and killed by a Sims’ terse message re|Kirting the trict superintendent o f the Methodist made by Turkey after entrance into Houston police officer. This was said loss o f the Jacob Jones did not state EpiscopaPchurch at Los Angeles, w ill the war was a campaign against Egypt to have been directly resjionsible for R E B E L AGAI NST B 0 L S H E V I K I how the attack was made. It is be removed from his post next Monday across the great desert o f the Sinai the trouble. i known, however, that tho Jones was . and assigned to some other duty be- peninsula. In November, 1914, a According to the testimony o f one o f Kaledines and Korniloff Revolt Gains on patrol duty bet ween 400 and 500 cause o f his unwillingness to support Turkish army variously estimated at the participants the negroes obtained miles off shore. What vessels accom­ Power in Russia. the church’s patriotic attitude. from 75,000 to 250,000 men marched their rifles and a quantity "o f ammuni­ panied her was not revealed, but Ad­ r> . , — , c on the Suez canal and succeeded in tion after retreat the same evening, miral Sims’ re|M>rt showed that one Ixmdon— A proclamation to the Rus­ Rome dispatches Tuesday, confirm­ reaching within striking distance of and after dark started toward Hous­ sian nation has been issued by the Rus­ vessel rescued 30 men and another ing earlier reports o f a lull after the the great artificial waterway at sev­ ton. There were about 125 o f these sian government announcing that Kal­ 1 seven. They sent this information by fierce fighting in whieh the Teutons eral points. For several months bitter negroes, according to the statement, edines and Korniloff, assisted by the radio ami it was immediately Iruns- failed to break through the Italian fighting took place, the canal being and they opened fire on an automobile Imiterialists and constitutional demo- j mitted to Washington, lines, says the Austro-German com­ defended by an Anglo-Egyptian army, in which an American was riding. He crats, have raised a revolt and de- l mander sacrificed hundreds o f thou- aided by Australians and New Zealand­ was said to have been the first one dared war in the Don region against R E L I E F O F 20.000 U N D E R WAY sanJs o f his best men without improv­ ers and French and British forces. the people and the revolution. | _________ killed. ing his position. The proclamation adds that “ the With below zero weather prevailing, constitutional democrats and bour- Halifax Survivors Set to Work Aiding TO ASK F OR U N I F I E D ROADS Destitute Inhabitants. the coal shortage was so acute in Ohio •OPEN S H O P ' ’ IS H E L D L E G A L geoise are supplying the revolting Tuesday that Governor James M. Cox generals with Hcores o f millions. Halifax, N. S.— H alifax has ceased telegraphed Dr. Harry Garfield, fed­ Wilson to Appear Before Congress for “ The workmen’s and soldiers’ dele­ to number its dead and is directing its United States Supreme Court Issues Better Railroad Service. eral fuel administrator, at W ashing-, gates have ordered the neceBsary energies to the aid o f the living. Important Labor Ruling. ton, that unless Ohio people get imme­ movements o f troops against the coun­ Washington, D. C.— President W il­ The total lives hmt as a consequence diate relief, they w ill “ lose confidence Washington, I). C.— Decisions defin­ ter-revolution and issued decrees au­ of the explosion on the French ammu­ son w ill go to congress for special leg­ in the government.” islation to bring about unification of ing in general terms the rights o f thorizing the local revolutionary garri­ nition ship Mont Blanc Thursday may both organized labor and the employer sons to attack the enemies o f the peo- never be known, but for the moment A general inquiry into the opera­ the railroads during the war. tions o f the war department in arming The fact that the President has de­ were rendered Tuesday by the Su- pie without awaiting orders from the the number is o f secondary inqiortanre. and equipping the American forces cided definitely on such a move be­ preme court. W hile the right o f work- j supreme authorities, and forbidding Four thousand persons were killed was decided upon Tuesday by the sen­ came known Tuesday night after he men to organize for lawful purposes any attempts at mediation.” : according to estimates by officials. General Kaledines, the Cossack ate m ilitary affairs committee. Sec­ had gone over the whole transporta­ was re-affirmed, the court held that This estimate, higFicr than any here- retary Baker and other department tion system with Senator Newlands, employers legally may operate their leader, is at Novo Tcherkask, where, i tofore, was made after a survey o f the heads w ill be called to explain various chairman o f the senate interstate com- plants as open shops” and prevent apparently, he is awaiting events, ac­ devasted district o f Richmond, where conspiracies to bring their non-union cording to dispatches published by the acres of debris probably will not be features o f war activities. merce committee. Petrograd newspapers Denuj, says a , cleared for a month. employes into labor organizations. He probably will ask for the legisla J. A. McHugh a rancher o f Auburn, tion in an address to be delivered b e -! The opinions were rendered in the semi-official Russian news agency dis­ But the outstanding fact that has Wash., and his son, John E. McHugh, fore the Christmas holidays. I cases o f the Hitchman Coal & Coke patch from Petrograd, dated Saturday. been faced by the local authorities, convicted in the federal court o f con­ Indications are that the President1 company and the Eagle Glass Manufac- In all the other Don districts, aecord- with a courage that challenges the ad­ spiracy to violate the selective draft had confided to none o f his associates turing company o f West Virginia, the >nK to this information, the power is miration o f their kinsmen from tho law by making false affidavits sup­ court deciding that both were entitled >n the hands o f the soldiers and work- south o f the border, is that 20,000 per­ porting the son’ s claim for exemption, his full intention, and officials were doubtful as to just what he may ask. to operate their plants as “ open mcn and the Ukraniari authorities, sons are destitute and o f the number were sentenced late Tuesday. The shops” and upholdng injunctions issued j ‘ ‘ I " soldiers’ and workmen’s cir­ perhaps one out o f seven is suffering father was given six months in the Some were o f the opinion that he might request action in line with the 1 Fjy Judge A. G. Dayton, restraining cles,” continues the dispatch, “ the from injuries which in many eases are county ja il and fined $500. The son, suggestion o f the Interstate commerce j union officials from attempting to or- opinion is held that General Kaledines bound to prove fatal. now at Camp Lewis cantonment, wa3 j commission that anti-trust laws might j ganize their employes. Lower court has prepared for an armed demonstra­ The work o f organizing the various fined $50. be suspended during the war. Others decrees holding that the United Mine tion. The government is taking the relief units into a workable whole, “ East A frica has been comL’,etely 1 pointed out that the Interstate corn- Workers of America, and the Am eri­ most vigorous measures to repel him.” with a [general direction that would cleared o f the enemy. This announce- merce commission’s report also carried can Flint Glass W orkers’ Union, were avoid duplication o f effort and tend to ment was made by England Wednes­ the suggestion that additional legisla­ illegal organizations and that under Reforms Arc Demanded. greatest efficiency was well underway. day. tion might be needed, were the gov­ the Sherman law they were secret con­ Amsterdam— In a debate on the Federal, provincial and Red Cross To prevent bootleggers from operat­ ernment to decide to take over opera­ spiracies in restraint o f trade were ig ­ franchise last Thursday in the Prus­ aid, supplemented by volunteer units nored by the Supreme court opinion. ing among the soldiers stationed at tion o f the roads. sian lower house, Herr Lohmann, na­ from other cities and the United In the Hitchman case the majority tional liberal, acknowledged the neces­ States, were being utilized to the best Houston, Texas, the city council has The President’s advisers are divided passed an ordinance putting out of in their views as to what is necessary o f the court held that the officails of sity o f a reform, especially in the na­ advantage. business about 225 beer saloons and to be done. Most o f them, however, the miners’ union “ deliberately and ture o f a direct, secret franchise. The Massachusetts relief train, between 50 and 60 saloons where whis­ have come out for government opera­ advisedly selected that method o f en­ Herr Stroebel, independent Socialist, whieh had been stalled in snow drifts key and other liquors were sold. The tion, and some o f the strongest sup­ larging the union membership, which demanded an equal franchise for wo­ near the Nova Scotian border, arrived new ordinance becomes effective Janu­ porters o f this proposal declare that would inflflict injury” upon the com­ men, Vice President Friedhurgh said: Sunday, bringing the first contingent ary 1 and applies to all places where the executive under the army appro­ pany and its loyal employes, and de­ “ It is a question o f the K in g’s o f physicians, nurses and supplies. It intoxicating liquors are sold, except in priation act has power to take over clared that the “ conduct in so doing pledge which must be redeemed and was the first o f several trains en route the business district. the roads for operation under an ad­ Was unlawful and malicious.” not trifled with. ” from the American side. ministrator. Nearly 9,500,000 acres of winter Phone Workers Get Lift. . Cuba May Declare War. Parking Plant Men <{uit. wheat was sown in Kansas this fall ac­ Ten Women Are Carriers. N ew York- General salary increases Havana— The belief was expressed Tacoma, Wash.— A ll union employes cording to an estimate made public New York— Ten women letter car­ to meet the increased cost o f living by several congressmen Sunday that except the engineers walked out at tho Wednesday by the State Board of A g ­ ries were Monday added to the list of will be granted to its employes by the President Menocal would send a mes­ Carstens Packing company plant Sat­ riculture. women who entered various lines of New York Telephone company, instead sage to congress Hsking that a declara­ urday in sympathy with the striking Vladim ir Schneur, one of the repre­ public service in New York City. bf the yearly bonus which the company tion be made that a state o f war exists meat-cutters. sentatives o f the Bolsheviki in the It is understood here that i f the ex­ has heretofore given, it was announced between Cuba and Austria-Hungary. The engineers remained on duty as peace negotiations at Brest-Litovsk, periment proves a success Washington Tuesday. The increase in the aggre­ Cuba was the first o f the Latin-Ameri- a patriotic service, so that freshly was arrested at Petrograd a fortnight authorities w ill authorize the regular gate will amount virtually to double can countries to follow the United killed meat in the cooling rooms would before the revolution o f last March, as employment of women in many divis­ the bonus granted last year, it was States in declaring war against Ger­ not spoil. They will also walk out a German spy, according to informa­ ions o f the postal service so as to re­ stated, and will in no way affect ad­ many and the expectation is that she when the meat supply on hand is ex­ tion obtained by the Associated Press lease men for war service or other vances awarded “ from time^to time in will duplicate this action in the case hausted or i f nonunion meat-cutters from a well-informed source. recognition o f efficiency.” lines o f employment. are employed, it is said. o f Austria-Hungary. COMPILED FOR YOU AFFAIR KEPT SECRET 76 LIVES ARE LOST